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Adsorptive removal of propranolol under fixed-bed column using magnetic tyre char: Effects of wastewater effluent organic matter and ball milling
Feizi, Farzaneh | Sarmah, Ajit K. | Rangsivek, Ropru | Gobindlal, Kapish
We investigated the competitive effects of different fractions of wastewater treatment plant effluent organic matter (EfOM) on adsorption of an organic micro pollutant (OMP), propranolol (PRO), in a fixed bed column packed with magnetic tyre char (MTC). The results showed that the presence of EfOM inhibited PRO adsorption in wastewater leading to decreased PRO adsorption capacity from 5.86 to 2.03 mg/g due to competitive effects and pore blockage by smaller EfOM fractions. Characterization of EfOM using size exclusion chromatography (LC-OCD) showed that the principal factor controlling EfOM adsorption was pore size distribution. Low molecular weight neutrals had the highest adsorption onto MTC while humic substances were the least interfering fraction. Effect of important parameters such as contact time, linear velocity and bed height/diameter ratio on MTC performance was studied in large-lab scale columns. Linear velocity and contact time were found to be effective in increasing adsorption capacity of PRO on MTC and delaying breakthrough time. Increase in linear velocity from 0.64 cm/min to 1.29 cm/min increased mass transfer and dispersion, resulting in considerable rise of adsorbed amount (5.86 mg/g to 22.58 mg/g) and increase in breakthrough time (15.8–62.7 h). Efficiency of non-equilibrium Hydrus model considering dispersion and mass transfer mechanism was demonstrated for real wastewater and scale up purposes. Ball milling for degradation of adsorbed PRO and regeneration of MTC resulted in 79% degradation of PRO was achieved after 5 h milling (550 rpm), while the addition of quartz sand increased the efficiency to 92%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Chemometrics analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons sources in the street dust, runoff and sediment of urban rivers in Anzali port - South of Caspian Sea
Azimi, Ali | Bakhtiari, Alireza Riahi | Tauler, Roma
Major sources of petroleum hydrocarbons in the south of Caspian Sea (Anzali city) have been investigated through an approach which combines Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares chemometric methods. Terpane, catagenetic hopane and sterane hydrocarbons were analyzed in the street dust, filtered sediments of runoff, soluble runoff water and river sediment samples as well as in automobiles exhaust, tires, asphalt, engine oil, gasoline and diesel samples, as possible sources of these hydrocarbons. PCA and MCR-ALS results showed that a large part of the analyzed hydrocarbons in street dust, runoffs and in some of the river sediment samples can be explained by the proposed known sources, while the observed variation of hydrocarbon concentrations in many of the river sediment samples was not much affected by the proposed known sources, and they were most probably receiving other pollution sources not included in our study. This study also has shown that results obtained from hydrocarbon marker molecular ratios, to identify petroleum pollution sources in the environments, are in agreement with those obtained from pollution sources resolved by MCR-ALS simultaneous analysis of all samples and variables.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sources of hydrocarbons in urban road dust: Identification, quantification and prediction
Mummullage, Sandya | Egodawatta, Prasanna | Ayoko, G. A. (Godwin A.) | Goonetilleke, Ashantha
Among urban stormwater pollutants, hydrocarbons are a significant environmental concern due to their toxicity and relatively stable chemical structure. This study focused on the identification of hydrocarbon contributing sources to urban road dust and approaches for the quantification of pollutant loads to enhance the design of source control measures. The study confirmed the validity of the use of mathematical techniques of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) for source identification and principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores (PCA/APCS) receptor model for pollutant load quantification. Study outcomes identified non-combusted lubrication oils, non-combusted diesel fuels and tyre and asphalt wear as the three most critical urban hydrocarbon sources. The site specific variabilities of contributions from sources were replicated using three mathematical models. The models employed predictor variables of daily traffic volume (DTV), road surface texture depth (TD), slope of the road section (SLP), effective population (EPOP) and effective impervious fraction (EIF), which can be considered as the five governing parameters of pollutant generation, deposition and redistribution. Models were developed such that they can be applicable in determining hydrocarbon contributions from urban sites enabling effective design of source control measures.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Interplay of metals and bromine with dioxin-related compounds concentrated in e-waste open burning soil from Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana
Fujimori, Takashi | Itai, Takaaki | Goto, Akitoshi | Asante, Kwadwo A. | Otsuka, Masanari | Takahashi, Shin | Tanabe, Shinsuke
Open burning of electronic waste (e-waste) releases various metals and organohalogen compounds in the environment. Here we investigated the interplay of metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Co, and Sr) and bromine (Br) in the formation of dioxin-related compounds (DRCs), including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs), as well as non-regulated DRCs such as polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PBDD/Fs) and their monobrominated PCDD/Fs in soils sampled from open burning e-waste sites at Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana. The predominant DRCs were PBDFs, PCDFs, PCDDs, and DL-PCBs. Statistical analyzes, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and the PCDF/PCDD ratio suggested possible formation paths of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs by catalytic behaviors of copper chlorides (CuCl, CuCl2, and Cu2(OH)3Cl) and thermal breakdown of polyvinyl chloride. Predominant formation of brominated furans may be derived from electron transfer from intermediates of PBDE to copper, Cu(II) → Cu(I). Lead chloride also contributed to generate DRCs and may become highly bioaccessible through the open burning of e-waste. The main zinc species (ZnCl2 and ZnS) suggested a possible relationship to generate DRCs and specific zinc source such as tire burning. Cu, Pb, Zn, and Br contained in various e-wastes, wires/cables, plastics, and tires strongly influenced generation of many DRCs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sorption of apolar and polar organic contaminants by waste tire rubber and its chars in single- and bi-solute systems
Lian, Fei | Huang, Fang | Chen, Wei | Xing, Baoshan | Zhu, Lingyan
Single- and bi-solute sorption of organic compounds [1,3-dichlorbenzene (DCB), 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP)] on ground tire rubber and its chars was studied. The chars were prepared by pyrolyzing tire rubber at different temperatures (200–800 °C). Their surface area, aromaticity and hydrophobicity increase greatly with pyrolytic temperature, and the polymeric phase is partly converted into a condensed phase. The sorption of DNB and DCP increases with pyrolytic temperature and is characterized by a transition from a partition dominant to an adsorption dominant process. However, the sorption of DCB linearly decreases with the pyrolytic temperature. The enhanced adsorption of DNB and DCP on carbonized phase is primarily attributed to nonhydrophobic interactions such as π–π electron-donor–acceptor interactions and/or H bonding. The higher partition of DCB to polymeric phase is attributed to its high hydrophobicity. Competitive sorption between DCB and DCP on the tire chars is highly dependent on dissociation of the latter.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Identification of magnetic particulates in road dust accumulated on roadside snow using magnetic, geochemical and micro-morphological analyses
Bućko, Michał S. | Magiera, Tadeusz | Johanson, Bo | Petrovský, Eduard | Pesonen, Lauri J.
The aim of this study is to test the applicability of snow surveying in the collection and detailed characterization of vehicle-derived magnetic particles. Road dust extracted from snow, collected near a busy urban highway and a low traffic road in a rural environment (southern Finland), was studied using magnetic, geochemical and micro-morphological analyses. Significant differences in horizontal distribution of mass specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) were noticed for both roads. Multi-domain (MD) magnetite was identified as the primary magnetic mineral. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of road dust from both roads revealed: (1) angular-shaped particles (diameter ∼1–300 μm) mostly composed of Fe, Cr and Ni, derived from circulation of motor vehicles and (2) iron-rich spherules (d ∼ 2–70 μm). Tungsten-rich particles (d < 2 μm), derived from tyre stud abrasion were also identified. Additionally, a decreasing trend in χ and selected trace elements was observed with increasing distance from the road edge.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Relevance of tyre wear particles to the total content of microplastics transported by runoff in a high-imperviousness and intense vehicle traffic urban area
Goehler, Luiza Ostini | Moruzzi, Rodrigo Braga | Tomazini da Conceição, Fabiano | Júnior, Antônio Aparecido Couto | Speranza, Lais Galileu | Busquets, Rosa | Campos, Luiza Cintra
Microplastics (MPs) are an emerging pollutant and a worldwide issue. A wide variety of MPs and tyre wear particles (TWPs) are entering and spreading in the environment. TWPs can reach waterbodies through runoff, where main contributing particulate matter comes from impervious areas. In this paper, TWPs and other types of MPs that were transported with the runoff of a high populated-impervious urban area were characterised. Briefly, MPs were sampled from sediments in a stormwater detention reservoir (SDR) used for flood control of a catchment area of ∼36 km², of which 73% was impervious. The sampled SDR is located in São Paulo, the most populated city in South America. TWPs were the most common type of MPs in this SDR, accounting for 53% of the total MPs; followed by fragments (30%), fibres (9%), films (4%) and pellets (4%). In particular, MPs in the size range 0.1 mm–0.5 mm were mostly TWPs. Such a profile of MPs in the SDR is unlike what is reported in environmental compartments elsewhere. TWPs were found at levels of 2160 units/(kg sediment·km² of impervious area) and 87.8 units/(kg sediment·km street length); MP and TWP loadings are introduced here for the first time. The annual flux of MPs and TWPs were 7.8 × 10¹¹ and 4.1 × 10¹¹ units/(km²·year), respectively, and TWP emissions varied from 43.3 to 205.5 kg/day. SDRs can be sites to intercept MP pollution in urban areas. This study suggests that future research on MP monitoring in urban areas and design should consider both imperviousness and street length as important factors to normalize TWP contribution to urban pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Static modelling of the material flows of micro- and nanoplastic particles caused by the use of vehicle tyres
Prenner, Stefanie | Allesch, Astrid | Staudner, Margarethe | Rexeis, Martin | Schwingshackl, Michael | Huber-Humer, Marion | Part, Florian
The emissions of tyre wear particles (TWPs) into the environment are increasing and have negative impacts on the environment and human health. The aim of this study was therefore to establish a mass balance for vehicle tyres und TWP emissions in Austria using static material flow analysis, which enabled a quantification of mass flows of rubber including carbon black as the most mass-relevant tyre filler. Vehicle-specific and mileage-dependent emission factors were used to calculate the TWP emissions. The results for the year 2018 indicate that 80% of the tyre rubber remained in use, while 14% was re-treaded, recycled, incinerated or exported as end-of-life tyres and 6% was emitted as TWPs to air, soil or surface water. Of these 21,200 t/y released and dissipative lost TWPs, 6% were microscale, with a possible size between 0.1 and 10 μm, and 0.3% were nanoscale below 0.1 μm. The mass balance on the substance level shows that the TWPs contained 5,500 t/y of carbon black emitted in the form of airborne TWPs (6%) or entering in the soil or surface waters (47% each). Regarding air pollution from road vehicles, about 3,600 t/y were non-exhaust emissions, including tyre, brake and road-surface wear, which contributed to 9% of total dust emissions across Austria. Scenario analysis for 2050 with regard to e-mobility and the European Green Deal reveals that non-exhaust emissions can only be significantly reduced by a general reduction of the mileage or an environmentally friendly tyre design. This modelling approach provides a solid basis for decision makers in traffic planning as well as for chemical risk assessment. However, dynamic models with higher temporal and spatial resolution are needed to predict future mass flows of TWPs and their environmental fate, including their degradation products and possible accumulation effects.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anthropogenic litter cleanups in Iowa riparian areas reveal the importance of near-stream and watershed scale land use
Cowger, Win | Gray, Andrew B. | Schultz, Richard C.
Volunteer cleanup operations collect large datasets on anthropogenic litter that are seldom analyzed. Here we assess the influence of land use in both near-stream and watershed scale source domains on anthropogenic litter concentration (standing stock, kg km−1) in riparian zones of Iowa, USA. We utilized riparian litter concentration data on four classes of anthropogenic litter (metal, recyclable, garbage, and tires) from volunteer cleanup operations. Anthropogenic litter data were tested for correlation with near-stream and watershed scale land uses (developed, road density, agricultural, and open lands). Road density (road length/area) and developed land use (% area) were significantly correlated to anthropogenic litter, but agricultural (% area) and open lands (% area) were not. Metal objects correlated to near-stream road density (r = 0.79, p = 0.02), while garbage and recyclable materials correlated to watershed scale road density (r = 0.69, p = 0.06 and r = 0.71, p = 0.05 respectively). These differences in the important spatial scales of land use may be related to differences in transport characteristics of anthropogenic litter. Larger, denser metal objects may be transported more slowly through the watershed/channelized system and thus, dependent on more proximal sources, whereas smaller, less dense garbage and recyclable material are likely transported more rapidly, resulting in concentrations that depend more on watershed scale supply. We developed a linear regression model that used near-stream road density and the total amount of observed litter to predict an average anthropogenic litter density of 188 kg km−1 and a standing stock of 946 t in all Iowa streams (>4th Strahler order). The techniques employed in this study can be applied to other professional and volunteer litter datasets to develop prevention and cleanup efforts, inform investigations of process, and assess management actions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Road dust contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their methylated derivatives in northern Vietnam: Concentrations, profiles, emission sources, and risk assessment
Anh, Hoang Quoc | Minh, Tu Binh | Tran, Tri Manh | Takahashi, Shin
Concentrations of unsubstituted and methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs and Me-PAHs) were examined in road dusts from some representative areas with different land-use types in northern Vietnam, providing updated information about the occurrence, sources, and risks of these pollutants in Southeast Asian region. The Vietnamese road dusts were contaminated with low to moderate levels of PAHs and Me-PAHs as compared to those from other countries in the world. Concentrations of PAHs and Me-PAHs (Σ34PAHs) decreased in the order: urban (median 1800; range 1100–5500) ≈ industrial (1300; 550–10,000) > suburban (450; 310–1300) ≈ rural road dust (330; 210–2300 ng g⁻¹), suggesting an urban-rural declining trend and effects of urbanization-industrialization processes in PAH emission extent in Vietnam. The profiles and diagnostic ratios of PAHs and Me-PAHs in our samples revealed that these compounds were mainly derived from pyrogenic sources rather than petrogenic sources. Traffic emissions (e.g., vehicle exhaust, tire debris, and possible leaks of fuels, oils, and lubricants) were estimated as principal sources of PAHs and Me-PAHs, especially in the urban and industrial areas. Other pyrogenic sources (e.g., coal, wood, and biomass combustion) were also existed in the industrial, suburban, and rural areas, reflecting PAH origins from thermal industrial processes, open burning of agricultural by-products, and domestic energy utilization. Persons working outdoors and children in the urban and industrial areas were estimated to receive higher intake doses of PAHs and Me-PAHs, which were one to two orders of magnitude higher than those estimated for other groups. Except for potential cancer risk estimated for the occupational groups in the industrial area under the worst exposure scenarios, the non-cancer and cancer risk levels were generally acceptable; however, more comprehensive risk assessment considering other exposure pathways (e.g., inhalation and diet) is needed.
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