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Non-destructive techniques for biomonitoring of spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns of mercury bioaccumulation and maternal transfer in turtles
Hopkins, Brittney C. | Hepner, Mark J. | Hopkins, William A.
Mercury (Hg) is a globally ubiquitous pollutant that has received much attention due to its toxicity to humans and wildlife. The development of non-destructive sampling techniques is a critical step for sustainable monitoring of Hg accumulation. We evaluated the efficacy of non-destructive sampling techniques and assessed spatial, temporal, and demographic factors that influence Hg bioaccumulation in turtles. We collected muscle, blood, nail, and eggs from snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) inhabiting an Hg contaminated river. As predicted, all Hg tissue concentrations strongly and positively correlated with each other. Additionally, we validated our mathematical models against two additional Hg contaminated locations and found that tissue relationships developed from the validation sites did not significantly differ from those generated from the original sampling site. The models provided herein will be useful for a wide array of systems where biomonitoring of Hg in turtles needs to be accomplished in a conservation-minded fashion.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Microplastics in seafood: Benchmark protocol for their extraction and characterization
Dehaut, Alexandre | Cassone, Anne-laure | Frere, Laura | Hermabessiere, Ludovic | Himber, Charlotte | Rinnert, Emmanuel | Riviere, Gilles | Lambert, Christophe | Soudant, Philippe | Huvet, Arnaud | Duflos, Guillaume | Paul-pont, Ika
Pollution of the oceans by microplastics (<5 mm) represents a major environmental problem. To date, a limited number of studies have investigated the level of contamination of marine organisms collected in situ. For extraction and characterization of microplastics in biological samples, the crucial step is the identification of solvent(s) or chemical(s) that efficiently dissolve organic matter without degrading plastic polymers for their identification in a time and cost effective way. Most published papers, as well as OSPAR recommendations for the development of a common monitoring protocol for plastic particles in fish and shellfish at the European level, use protocols containing nitric acid to digest the biological tissues, despite reports of polyamide degradation with this chemical. In the present study, six existing approaches were tested and their effects were compared on up to 15 different plastic polymers, as well as their efficiency in digesting biological matrices. Plastic integrity was evaluated through microscopic inspection, weighing, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and Raman spectrometry before and after digestion. Tissues from mussels, crabs and fish were digested before being filtered on glass fibre filters. Digestion efficiency was evaluated through microscopical inspection of the filters and determination of the relative removal of organic matter content after digestion. Five out of the six tested protocols led to significant degradation of plastic particles and/or insufficient tissue digestion. The protocol using a KOH 10% solution and incubation at 60 °C during a 24 h period led to an efficient digestion of biological tissues with no significant degradation on all tested polymers, except for cellulose acetate. This protocol appeared to be the best compromise for extraction and later identification of microplastics in biological samples and should be implemented in further monitoring studies to ensure relevance and comparison of environmental and seafood product quality studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury concentrations in muscles and liver tissues of Cape monkfish (Lophius vomerinus) from the Northern Benguela, Namibia
Erasmus, Victoria Ndinelago | Hamutenya, Stephanus | Iitembu, Johannes Angala | Gamatham, Johnny Charles
Cape monkfish (Lophius vomerinus) is one of the long-lived species and top predators in the northern Benguela region. Studies on bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in cape monkfish are limited. This study compared the total Hg concentration between monkfish muscle and liver tissue; and related the monkfish total Hg concentrations to fish body size and capture locations (depth and latitude). Monkfish specimens (n = 529) were collected from 2016 to 2018. The mean total Hg concentration was 0.126 ± 0.005 mg/kg in muscle tissues and 0.106 ± 0.005 mg/kg in liver tissues. No significant differences were observed between total Hg concentrations of muscles and liver tissues. Differences in Hg concentrations between monkfish length classes were observed. No significant correlation was found between total Hg concentrations and latitude. A significant increase of total Hg concentration with the depth was observed. The concentrations of Hg were below the World Health Organization (WHO limits for fish (0.5 mg/kg).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) signatures and enantiomer fractions across different tissue types in Guillemots
Megson, David | Brown, Thomas A. | O'Sullivan, Gwen | Robson, Matthew | Ortiz, Xavier | Worsfold, Paul J. | Comber, Sean | Lohan, Maeve C. | Reiner, Eric J.
Two Guillemot carcases were dissected, each providing 12 discrete tissue samples and 3 samples of partially digested food. One hundred and five PCBs from the 209 PCBs determined by GCxGC-ToFMS were detected. The relative proportions of individual PCBs did not vary greatly within tissue types, although the PCB profile from undigested food could be distinguished. Enantiomer fractions (EFs) were determined for CB-95, CB-136 and CB-149 by GC-HRqToFMS. EFs in the partially digested food were near racemic, with high levels of enrichment for E1 CB-95 in the kidneys and liver (EF of 0.80 and 0.84 respectively). This provides some of the clearest evidence to date that fractionation takes place in the organs where metabolic biotransformation and elimination of PCBs occurs. Our findings also confirm the ability of non-lethal sampling techniques, such as collection of small (<1 g) blood samples, to provide PCB signatures that are representative of an individual organism.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Nitrogen extraction potential of wild and cultured bivalves harvested from nearshore waters of Cape Cod, USA
Reitsma, Joshua | Murphy, Diane C. | Archer, Abigail F. | York, Richard H.
As nitrogen entering coastal waters continues to be an issue, much attention has been generated to identify potential options that may help alleviate this stressor to estuaries, including the propagation of bivalves to remove excess nitrogen. Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and quahogs (Mercenaria mercenaria) from numerous Cape Cod, MA, (USA) sources were analyzed for nitrogen content stored in tissues that would represent a net removal of nitrogen from a water body if harvested. Results showed local oysters average 0.69% nitrogen by total dry weight (mean 0.28gN/animal) and quahogs average 0.67% nitrogen by total dry weight (mean 0.22gN/animal); however, these values did vary by season and to a lesser extent by location or grow-out method. The differences in nitrogen content were largely related to the mass of shell or soft tissue. Nitrogen isotope data indicate shellfish from certain water bodies in the region are incorporating significant amounts of nitrogen from anthropogenic sources.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An assessment of mercury in estuarine sediment and tissue in Southern New Jersey using public domain data
Ng, Kara | Szabó, Zoltán | Reilly, Pamela A. | Barringer, Julia L. | Smalling, Kelly L.
Mercury (Hg) is considered a contaminant of global concern for coastal environments due to its toxicity, widespread occurrence in sediment, and bioaccumulation in tissue. Coastal New Jersey, USA, is characterized by shallow bays and wetlands that provide critical habitat for wildlife but share space with expanding urban landscapes. This study was designed as an assessment of the magnitude and distribution of Hg in coastal New Jersey sediments and critical species using publicly available data to highlight potential data gaps. Mercury concentrations in estuary sediments can exceed 2μg/g and correlate with concentrations of other metals. Based on existing data, the concentrations of Hg in mussels in southern New Jersey are comparable to those observed in other urbanized Atlantic Coast estuaries. Lack of methylmercury data for sediments, other media, and tissues are data gaps needing to be filled for a clearer understanding of the impacts of Hg inputs to the ecosystem.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bioaccumulation and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediments and mullet Liza klunzingeri in the northern part of the Persian Gulf
Bastami, Kazem Darvish | Afkhami, Majid | Mohammadizadeh, Maria | Ehsanpour, Maryam | Chambari, Shahrokh | Aghaei, Sina | Esmaeilzadeh, Marjan | Neyestani, Mahmoud Reza | Lagzaee, Farahnaz | Baniamam, Mehrnaz
The concentrations of some heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) were investigated in the sediments and in the mullet Liza klunzingeri from the northern part of the Persian Gulf. The levels of Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediment varied significantly among the sampling sites (P<0.05). Sediments from the northern part of the Persian Gulf had serious ecological risk when considering PER. The ranges of the average concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the tissue of L. klunzingeri were 10.00–16.66mg/kg, 18.75–32.50mg/kg, 3.25–14.16mg/kg and 0.37–3.33mg/kg, respectively. The health risk analysis of individual heavy metals in the fish tissue indicated dangerous levels of Pb and Cd for the general population at some sampling sites.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The discrepancy in concentration of metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) in oyster tissue (Saccostrea glomerata) and ambient bottom sediment (Sydney estuary, Australia)
Birch, G.F. | Melwani, A. | Lee, J. H. | Apostolatos, C.
The current study aimed to examine the relationship between metals in sediments and metal bioaccumulation in oyster tissue in a highly-modified estuary (Sydney estuary, Australia). While extensive metal contamination was observed in surficial sediments, suspended particulate matter and oyster tissue, a significant relationship between these media could not be established. No relationship was determined between sediment quality guidelines and oyster size or weight, nor with human consumption levels for metals in oyster tissue. Moreover, oyster tissue metal concentrations varied greatly at a single locality over temporal scales of years. Oyster tissue at all 19 study sites exceeded consumptions levels for Cu. Bioaccumulation of metals in oyster tissue is a useful dynamic indicator of anthropogenic influence within estuaries, however oysters cannot be used in Sydney estuary as a valid biomonitor due to overriding internal regulation (homoestasis) by the animal, or by external natural (sediment resuspension) and anthropogenic (sewer/stormwater discharges) pressures, or both.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Accumulation of microplastics in fugu (Takifugu bimaculatus): A comparative study between fishing grounds and aquafarms
Song, Kexin | Du, Wengang | Ma, Xiaona | Chen, Yangjun | Sun, Yixin | Zhang, Tao | Huang, Wei | Feng, Zhihua
Microplastics (MPs) in fish have attracted attention recently, for their ecological and food safety risks. However, knowledge gaps still exist regarding MPs in fugu, a special poisonous but precious seafood, especially that accumulated in its tissues. Accordingly, this study investigated the characteristics of MPs in cultured Takifugu bimaculatus which raised on three aquafarms and in wild individuals from three fishing grounds. More than 98.85 % of T. bimaculatus were contaminated by MPs and the average MPs abundance in wild fugu (4.25 ± 2.63 items/individual) was lower than that of cultured fugu (7.91 ± 2.16 items/individual). The abundance of MPs in fugu's tissues under different life patterns shows significant differences. There were marked differences in size of MPs presented in various tissues. This study adds to the knowledge on MPs accumulation in the tissues of wild and cultured fugu, providing warnings about its transmission and ecological risks in the food chain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental fate of fungicides and other current-use pesticides in a central California estuary
Smalling, Kelly L. | Kuivila, Kathryn M. | Orlando, James L. | Phillips, Bryn M. | Anderson, Brian S. | Siegler, Katie | Hunt, John W. | Hamilton, Mary
The current study documents the fate of current-use pesticides in an agriculturally-dominated central California coastal estuary by focusing on the occurrence in water, sediment and tissue of resident aquatic organisms. Three fungicides (azoxystrobin, boscalid, and pyraclostrobin), one herbicide (propyzamide) and two organophosphate insecticides (chlorpyrifos and diazinon) were detected frequently. Dissolved pesticide concentrations in the estuary corresponded to the timing of application while bed sediment pesticide concentrations correlated with the distance from potential sources. Fungicides and insecticides were detected frequently in fish and invertebrates collected near the mouth of the estuary and the contaminant profiles differed from the sediment and water collected. This is the first study to document the occurrence of many current-use pesticides, including fungicides, in tissue. Limited information is available on the uptake, accumulation and effects of current-use pesticides on non-target organisms. Additional data are needed to understand the impacts of pesticides, especially in small agriculturally-dominated estuaries.
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