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Effects of liming on water quality of two streams in West Virginia
Ivahnenko, T.I. | Renton, J.J. | Rauch, H.W.
Differentiation of physical from chemical toxicity in solid waste fish bioassays
Chapman, P.M. (EVS Consultants, North Vancouver, BC (Canada)) | Popham, J.D. | Griffin, J. | Leslie, D. | Michaelson, J.
Acid deposition and effects in Nordic Europe; damage to fish populations in Scandinavia continue to apace
Rosseland, B.O. (Directorate for Nature and Management, Trondheim (Norway). Fish Research Div.) | Skogheim, O.K. | Sevaldrud, I.H.
Evaluation of three experimental low-technology approaches to acid mitigation in headwater streams
Arnold, D.E. | Skinner, W.D. | Spotts, D.E.
Experimental study of trophic contamination of Salmo gairdneri by two mercury compounds - HgCl2 and CH3HgCl - analysis at the organism and organ levels
Boudou, A. (Bordeaux Univ., Talence (France). Lab. d'Ecologie fondamentale et Ecotoxicologie) | Ribeyre, F.
Joint effects of copper sulphate and methidathion on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) EROD [ethoxy-resofurine-O-deethylase] and AChE [acetylcholinesterase] activities
Flammarion, P. (Centre National du Machinisme Agricole du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forets, Lyon (France). Laboratoire d'Ecotoxicologie) | Migeon, B. | Garric, J.