AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 1-10 de 87

Urban runoff impacts on particulate metal concentrations in river Seine


Estèbe, Alexandrine | Mouchel, Jean-Marie | Thevenot, Daniel, R. | Laboratoire de Bioélectrochimie et Analyse du Milieu (LABAM) ; Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12) | CERGRENE (CERGRENE) ; Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF)-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)

AgroParisTech - France

Household herbicide use as a source of simazine contamination in urban surface waters


Myers, Jackie H. | Rose, Gavin | Odell, Erica | Zhang, Pei | Bui, AnhDuyen | Pettigrove, Vincent

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Occurrence, spatial-temporal distribution and ecological risks of pharmaceuticals and personal care products response to water diversion across the rivers in Nanjing, China


Yang, Haohan | Lü, Guanghua | Yan, Zhenhua | Liu, Jianchao | Dong, Huike | Jiang, Runren | Zhou, Ranran | Zhang, Peng | Sun, Yu | Nkoom, Matthew

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Quantification of azaarenes, hydroxylated azaarene derivatives, and other polar compounds released in urban runoff from two commercial sealcoat products


Witter, Amy E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Retention of microplastics in sediments of urban and highway stormwater retention ponds


Liu, Fan | Vianello, Alvise | Vollertsen, Jes

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Interspecies variation in the susceptibility of adult Pacific salmon to toxic urban stormwater runoff


McIntyre, Jenifer K. | Lundin, Jessica I. | Cameron, James R. | Chow, Michelle I. | Davis, Jay W. | Incardona, John P. | Scholz, Nathaniel L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The influence of land use on source apportionment and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in road-deposited sediment


Zhang, Jin | Wu, Junwei | Hua, Pei | Zhao, Zhonghua | Wu, Lei | Fan, Gongduan | Bai, Yun | Kaeseberg, Thomas | Krebs, Peter

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Weathering steel as a potential source for metal contamination: Metal dissolution during 3-year of field exposure in a urban coastal site


Raffo, Simona | Vassura, Ivano | Chiavari, Cristina | Martini, Carla | Bignozzi, Maria C. | Passarini, Fabrizio | Bernardi, Elena

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and azaarenes in runoff from coal-tar- and asphalt-sealcoated pavement


Mahler, Barbara J. | Van Metre, Peter C. | Foreman, William T.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Quantitative analysis on the urban flood mitigation effect by the extensive green roof system


Lee, J.Y. | Moon, H.J. | Kim, T.I. | Kim, H.W. | Han, M.Y.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America