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Urban runoff impacts on particulate metal concentrations in river Seine
Estèbe, Alexandrine | Mouchel, Jean-Marie | Thevenot, Daniel, R. | Laboratoire de Bioélectrochimie et Analyse du Milieu (LABAM) ; Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12) | CERGRENE (CERGRENE) ; Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF)-École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)
International audience | Metallic contents (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) of suspended solids (SS) were measured in two sites (Suresnes and Chatou) in the river Seine, downstream Paris, during three summer periods. These two sites, which are respectively located downstream and upstream two of the most important combined sewer overflows (CSO's) of the Parisian sewer system (Clichy and La Briche), allow us to assess these CSO immediate impacts. Samples were collected using sediment traps, weekly during dry weather and daily during the week following the major CSO's events. The heavy metal concentrations, relatively large but stable during summer periods, were shown to further increase downstream Paris after main rain discharges occurred. Metal concentrations measured within the Seine SS during rain events, allowed us to establish that the observable immediate impact of Clichy overflows is only 5% of what it could be. The general principle demonstrated through this work is that most SS originating from CSO's rapidly settle once they reach the river. These polluted particles greatly contribute to the SS chronic pollution downstream Paris during dry weather, through a slow resuspension mechanism of the deposited sediments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Household herbicide use as a source of simazine contamination in urban surface waters
Myers, Jackie H. | Rose, Gavin | Odell, Erica | Zhang, Pei | Bui, AnhDuyen | Pettigrove, Vincent
Contamination of urban surface waters by herbicides is an increasing concern; however, sources of contamination are poorly understood, hindering the development of mitigation and regulatory strategies. Impervious surfaces, such as concrete in driveways and paths are considered an important facilitator for herbicide runoff to urban surface waters following applications by residential homeowners. This study assessed the transferability of a herbicide from concrete pavers treated with an off-the-shelf product, containing simazine as the active herbicide, marketed for residential homeowner application to impervious surfaces. Commercially available pavers were treated according to label directions and the effects of exposure time prior to irrigation, repeated irrigations, and dry time between irrigations on transferability of simazine to runoff were assessed. Simazine transferability was greatest when receiving an initial irrigation 1 h after application, with concentrations in runoff reduced by half when exposure times prior to the first irrigation were >2 days. Concentrations remained stable for repeated irrigations up to 320 days and exposures to outdoor conditions of 180 days prior to a first irrigation. Dry time between irrigations significantly influenced simazine transfer to runoff. Dry periods of 140 days resulted in approximately a 4-times increase in simazine transferability to runoff. These results suggest that herbicides used by homeowners, or any other users, on impervious surfaces are available to contaminate runoff for prolonged time periods following application at concentrations that may pose risks to aquatic life and for reuse of harvested runoff on parks and gardens. Regulators should consider the potential of hard surfaces to act as reservoirs for herbicides when developing policies and labelling products.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Occurrence, spatial-temporal distribution and ecological risks of pharmaceuticals and personal care products response to water diversion across the rivers in Nanjing, China
Yang, Haohan | Lü, Guanghua | Yan, Zhenhua | Liu, Jianchao | Dong, Huike | Jiang, Runren | Zhou, Ranran | Zhang, Peng | Sun, Yu | Nkoom, Matthew
Water diversion projects have been continuously used to alleviate water quality issues that arise during urbanization. However, studies about whether it has possible effects on the status of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) are limited. In this study, the occurrence trends and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of 50 PPCPs were investigated in surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments in Nanjing urban rivers under the background of the water diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Qinhuai River. In the four field campaigns that were embarked on April to July 2018, a total of 40, 38 and 24 PPCPs were detected in surface water, SPM and sediments, respectively, with overall concentrations of 138–1990 ng/L, 3214–33701 ng/g and 12.1–109 ng/g dry weight (dw) among nine sampling sites. The excessive concentration of caffeine (20.6–905 ng/L) may be evidence of the direct discharge of untreated sewage and an obvious indicator of the overall concentrations of PPCPs. The PPCPs contamination levels in surface water were increased along with the direction of the water diversion in urban runoff, and decreased by 8–31% due to the increase in volume attributable to the water diversion. The distribution coefficients (Kd) of pollutants in the SPM-water phases (3.0–5.6 L/kg) were two orders of magnitude higher than those in the sediment-water phases (0.3–3.3 L/kg). And the positive correlations between their log Kow and SPM-water log Kd values indicated SPM was the important carrier determining the fate of organic UV filters. Furthermore, the results of ecological risk assessment demonstrated that although the increase in the volume of water caused by the water diversion reduced the overall ecological risks of PPCPs in urban rivers, the current contamination level still represents high risks to algae and fish.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantification of azaarenes, hydroxylated azaarene derivatives, and other polar compounds released in urban runoff from two commercial sealcoat products
Witter, Amy E.
Sealcoat is an emulsified coating product applied to asphalt to protect against surface weathering. Sealcoat products contain coal-tar (CT) or petroleum-derived residues and are a recognized source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban areas. Although the toxicity of urban runoff from CT-sealed asphalt is established, chemical characterization has focused more on PAHs and alkylated derivatives and less on polar transformation products. In this study, solid-phase extraction (SPE) was used to concentrate dissolved (<0.2 μm) species in runoff collected from asphalt surfaces sealed with CT pitch or steam-cracked petroleum (SCP) residues. CT-sealed surfaces released a 20-fold greater concentration of SPE-extractable compounds in runoff compared to SCP-sealed surfaces. Representative compounds were sorted into four groups: nitrogen heterocycles (azaarenes) and other oxygen- and sulfur-containing species (N HET); hydroxylated N heterocycles (hydroxylated N HET); the nonionic surfactant 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD); and styrene-acrylonitrile polymer byproducts (SAN Trimer). Species concentrations and weathering-related disappearance behavior differed among the four subgroups. While hydroxylated N HET concentrations decreased by 94% in runoff from CT-sealed surfaces 60 h after sealcoat application, SAN Trimer concentrations in CT and SCP runoff increased over time as polymerization progressed, illustrating the complex changes the chemicals in sealcoat undergo as it cures under environmentally-relevant conditions. Overall, this study shows that urban runoff collected from CT-sealed and SCP-sealed asphalt surfaces is a potential source of water-soluble contaminants with unknown long-term ecotoxicological effects to aquatic systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Retention of microplastics in sediments of urban and highway stormwater retention ponds
Liu, Fan | Vianello, Alvise | Vollertsen, Jes
Urban and highway surfaces discharge polluted runoff during storm events. To mitigate environmental risks, stormwater retention ponds are commonly constructed to treat the runoff water. This study is the first to quantify the retention of microplastics in the sediments of such ponds. It applied state-of-art FTIR-methods to analyse the composition, size, shape, and mass of microplastics in the range 10–2000 μm. Seven ponds serving four land uses were investigated, and the results are related to catchment characteristics, sediment organic matter content, and hydraulic loading. We have not found a correlation between the microplastics abundance, polymer composition, size distribution and the land use in the catchment, as well as the sediment organic matter content. Both the highest (127,986 items kg⁻¹; 28,732 μg kg⁻¹) and the lowest (1511 items kg⁻¹; 115 μg kg⁻¹) accumulation of microplastics were found in the sediments of ponds serving industrial areas. There was, however, a correlation to the hydraulic loading of the ponds, where the sediments of the highest-loaded ponds held the most microplastics. This study shows that sediments in stormwater retention ponds can trap some of the microplastics and prevent them from being transported downstream. These systems need to be considered when assessing the fate of microplastics from urban and highway areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Interspecies variation in the susceptibility of adult Pacific salmon to toxic urban stormwater runoff
McIntyre, Jenifer K. | Lundin, Jessica I. | Cameron, James R. | Chow, Michelle I. | Davis, Jay W. | Incardona, John P. | Scholz, Nathaniel L.
Adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) prematurely die when they return from the ocean to spawn in urban watersheds throughout northwestern North America. The available evidence suggests the annual mortality events are caused by toxic stormwater runoff. The underlying pathophysiology of the urban spawner mortality syndrome is not known, and it is unclear whether closely related species of Pacific salmon are similarly at risk. The present study co-exposed adult coho and chum (O. keta) salmon to runoff from a high traffic volume urban arterial roadway. The spawners were monitored for the familiar symptoms of the mortality syndrome, including surface swimming, loss of orientation, and loss of equilibrium. Moreover, the hematology of both species was profiled by measuring arterial pH, blood gases, lactate, plasma electrolytes, hematocrit, and glucose. Adult coho developed behavioral symptoms within a few hours of exposure to stormwater. Various measured hematological parameters were significantly altered compared to coho controls, indicating a blood acidosis and ionoregulatory disturbance. By contrast, runoff-exposed chum spawners showed essentially no indications of the mortality syndrome, and measured blood hematological parameters were similar to unexposed chum controls. We conclude that contaminant(s) in urban runoff are the likely cause of the disruption of ion balance and pH in coho but not chum salmon. Among the thousands of chemicals in stormwater, future forensic analyses should focus on the gill or cardiovascular system of coho salmon. Because of their distinctive sensitivity to urban runoff, adult coho remain an important vertebrate indicator species for degraded water quality in freshwater habitats under pressure from human population growth and urbanization.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The influence of land use on source apportionment and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in road-deposited sediment
Zhang, Jin | Wu, Junwei | Hua, Pei | Zhao, Zhonghua | Wu, Lei | Fan, Gongduan | Bai, Yun | Kaeseberg, Thomas | Krebs, Peter
The pollution load of urban runoff is boosted due to the washing away of road-deposited sediment (RDS). Therefore, a source-oriented mitigation strategy is essential to integrated stormwater management. This study showcases the influence of land use dependent source apportionment and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in RDS. Samples were collected from areas of different land uses, including commercial city centre, highway, residential rural and campus areas. According to the positive matrix factorisation (PMF) receptor model, different primary sources were identified at different land use areas. Generally, potential sources of gasoline- and diesel-powered engine emissions and other pyrogenic sources of biomass, coal, and wood combustions were identified as main sources of PAH content in RDS. The source specific risks posed by PAHs at different land uses were further estimated by the incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR). This shows that the mean ILCRs of the total cancer risk for children and adults at the given land uses were lower than the baseline value of an acceptable risk. However, the potential exposure risk to RDS adsorbed PAHs for children was considerably higher than that for adults. Vehicular emissions and wood combustion were the major contributors to the cancer risk with average contributions of 57 and 29%, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Weathering steel as a potential source for metal contamination: Metal dissolution during 3-year of field exposure in a urban coastal site
Raffo, Simona | Vassura, Ivano | Chiavari, Cristina | Martini, Carla | Bignozzi, Maria C. | Passarini, Fabrizio | Bernardi, Elena
Surface and building runoff can significantly contribute to the total metal loading in urban runoff waters, with potential adverse effects on the receiving ecosystems. The present paper analyses the corrosion-induced metal dissolution (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu) from weathering steel (Cor-Ten A) with or without artificial patinas, exposed for 3 years in unsheltered conditions at a marine urban site (Rimini, Italy). The influence of environmental parameters, atmospheric pollutants and surface finish on the release of dissolved metals in rain was evaluated, also by means of multivariate analysis (two-way and three-way Principal Component Analysis). In addition, surface and cross-section investigations were performed so as to monitor the patina evolution. The contribution provided by weathering steel runoff to the dissolved Fe, Mn and Ni loading at local level is not negligible and pre-patination treatments seem to worsen the performance of weathering steel in term of metal release. Metal dissolution is strongly affected by extreme events and shows seasonal variations, with different influence of seasonal parameters on the behaviour of bare or artificially patinated steel, suggesting that climate changes could significantly influence metal release from this alloy. Therefore, it is essential to perform a long-term monitoring of the performance, the durability and the environmental impact of weathering steel.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and azaarenes in runoff from coal-tar- and asphalt-sealcoated pavement
Mahler, Barbara J. | Van Metre, Peter C. | Foreman, William T.
Coal-tar-based sealcoat, used extensively on parking lots and driveways in North America, is a potent source of PAHs. We investigated how concentrations and assemblages of PAHs and azaarenes in runoff from pavement newly sealed with coal-tar-based (CT) or asphalt-based (AS) sealcoat changed over time. Samples of simulated runoff were collected from pavement 5 h to 111 d following application of AS or CT sealcoat. Concentrations of the sum of 16 PAHs (median concentrations of 328 and 35 μg/L for CT and AS runoff, respectively) in runoff varied relatively little, but rapid decreases in concentrations of azaarenes and low molecular weight PAHs were offset by increases in high molecular weight PAHs. The results demonstrate that runoff from CT-sealcoated pavement, in particular, continues to contain elevated concentrations of PAHs long after a 24-h curing time, with implications for the fate, transport, and ecotoxicological effects of contaminants in runoff from CT-sealcoated pavement.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantitative analysis on the urban flood mitigation effect by the extensive green roof system
Lee, J.Y. | Moon, H.J. | Kim, T.I. | Kim, H.W. | Han, M.Y.
Extensive green-roof systems are expected to have a synergetic effect in mitigating urban runoff, decreasing temperature and supplying water to a building. Mitigation of runoff through rainwater retention requires the effective design of a green-roof catchment. This study identified how to improve building runoff mitigation through quantitative analysis of an extensive green-roof system. Quantitative analysis of green-roof runoff characteristics indicated that the extensive green roof has a high water-retaining capacity response to rainfall of less than 20 mm/h. As the rainfall intensity increased, the water-retaining capacity decreased. The catchment efficiency of an extensive green roof ranged from 0.44 to 0.52, indicating reduced runoff comparing with efficiency of 0.9 for a concrete roof. Therefore, extensive green roofs are an effective storm water best-management practice and the proposed parameters can be applied to an algorithm for rainwater-harvesting tank design.
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