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Halogenated organic pollutants in aquatic, amphibious, and terrestrial organisms from an e-waste site: Habitat-dependent accumulation and maternal transfer in watersnake
Liu, Yu | Luo, Xiao-Jun | Huang, Li-Qian | Tao, Lin | Zeng, Yan-Hong | Mai, Bi-Xian
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) were measured in aquatic, amphibious, and terrestrial wildlife collected from an e-waste contaminated pond and its surrounding region. The species-specific bioaccumulation and maternal transfer of chemicals in the watersnake were investigated. Total concentrations of target chemicals ranged from 1.3 × 103 to 4.8 × 105 ng g−1 lipid weight. PCBs were the predominant (72–95%) contaminants, followed by polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs, 4–27%). The concentrations of PCBs and HFRs except decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) were higher in aquatic organisms and terrestrial birds than in amphibians and lizards. Relatively high DDT levels were observed in the terrestrial birds and toads, but high DBDPE was found in the aquatic species except for waterbird eggs. Species-specific congeners profiles for PCB and PBDE and isomeric composition for dechlorane plus were observed. These results indicated a habitat-dependent accumulation among different species. Maternal transfer examined by the ratio of egg to carcass for watersnakes indicated multi-linear correlations between maternal transfer potential and octanol-water partition coefficient (log KOW) of chemicals. The same maternal transfer efficiencies were found for chemicals with log KOW between 6 and 8, then the maternal transfer potential rapidly decreased with increasing of log KOW.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The distribution of organochlorine pesticides in sediments from iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Ecological risks and implications for conservation in a biodiversity hotspot
Buah-Kwofie, Archibold | Humphries, Marc S.
The iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage site, located on the east coast of South Africa, spans ∼3300 km2 and constitutes the largest protected estuarine environment for hippopotami, crocodiles and aquatic birds in Africa. Given the ecological importance of this site and continued use of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the region, this study focused on the nature, distribution and potential sources of organochlorine contamination within iSimangaliso Wetland Park. OCPs were widely distributed in surface sediment samples obtained from the four main Ramsar wetland systems within the park (Lake St Lucia, Mkhuze, Lake Sibaya and Kosi Bay). ∑HCH and ∑DDT were the dominant contaminants detected with concentrations in the range of 26.29–282.5 ng/g and 34.49–262.4 ng/g, respectively. ∑DDT concentrations revealed a distinctive gradient, with significantly higher concentrations at Kosi Bay and Lake Sibaya attributed to the application of DDT for malaria control. p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD were the dominant isomers detected, but the detection of p,p'-DDT in a number of samples reflects recent inputs of technical DDT. Highest concentrations of HCH, endosulfan and heptachlor were detected in sediments from Mkhuze and reflect the substantial residue load these wetlands receive from agricultural activities within the catchment area. Isomeric compositions indicate that endosulfan and heptachlor residues are derived mainly from historical application, while inputs of HCH, aldrin and endrin could be attributed to more recent usage at several sites. OCP sediment concentrations from iSimangaliso represent the highest yet recorded in South Africa and some of the highest reported globally this century. Sediments found within the lakes and wetlands of iSimangaliso represent large reservoirs of contaminants that pose ecotoxicological threats to this globally important biodiversity hotspot. Detailed investigation into the bioaccumulation and toxicological risks of OCPs within the wetland park is urgently required.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Source identification of perylene in surface sediments and waterbird eggs in the Anzali Wetland, Iran
Zamani, Mojtaba | Khorasani, Nematollah | Bakhtiari, Alireza Riyahi | Rezaei, Karamatollah
Following the marked increase of perylene concentration in southern coast of Caspian Sea, waterbird eggs were used as biomonitoring agents. Surface sediments and eggs of five bird species were collected from colonies in Anzali Wetland in the above coast for perylene analysis. The perylene concentrations in sediment and egg samples ranged within 70.6–204.4 and 25.5–43.2 ng/g dw, respectively. Diagnostic perylene ratios showed that the perylene found in all samples was of biogenic origin, possibly developing from terrestrial materials. The combination pattern of perylene was found to be similar in all samples. Conclusively, perylene observed in the area was transmitted from sediments in breeding areas into the eggs, so the eggs are biomonitoring agents and the prevalence of oxic conditions in surface sediments limits formation of perylene, reflecting perylene formation in the catchment area. We found that perylene distribution in surface sediments follows irregular patterns, representing significant effects from local inputs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury bioaccumulation and risk to three waterbird foraging guilds is influenced by foraging ecology and breeding stage
We evaluated mercury (Hg) in five waterbird species representing three foraging guilds in San Francisco Bay, CA. Fish-eating birds (Forster's and Caspian terns) had the highest Hg concentrations in thier tissues, but concentrations in an invertebrate-foraging shorebird (black-necked stilt) were also elevated. Foraging habitat was important for Hg exposure as illustrated by within-guild differences, where species more associated with marshes and salt ponds had higher concentrations than those more associated with open-bay and tidal mudflats. Importantly, Hg concentrations increased with time spent in the estuary. Surf scoter concentrations tripled over six months, whereas Forster's terns showed an up to 5-fold increase between estuary arrival and breeding. Breeding waterbirds were at elevated risk of Hg-induced reproductive impairment, particularly Forster's terns, in which 48% of breeding birds were at high risk due to their Hg levels. Our results highlight the importance of habitat and exposure timing, in addition to trophic position, on waterbird Hg bioaccumulation and risk. The influence of foraging habitat, trophic position, and exposure timing on mercury bioaccumulation and risk to reproduction is evaluated in three waterbird guilds.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term trends in mercury and PCB congener concentrations in gannet (Morus bassanus) eggs in Britain
Pereira, M Glória | Walker, Lee A. | Best, Jennifer | Shore, Richard F.
Gannet (Morus bassanus) eggs from Bass Rock (North Sea) and Ailsa Craig (eastern Atlantic) were monitored for PCB congeners (1990-2004) and total mercury (1974-2004). Congener profiles for both colonies were dominated by PCBs 153, 138, 180, 118 and 170. All declined in concentration at Ailsa Craig but some (153, 170, 180) remained stable or increased slightly at Bass Rock. Egg congener concentrations at Bass Rock were typically 10-fold higher than at Ailsa Craig by 2002, and Principal Component Analysis indicated that colony differences were driven by the dominant congeners. Egg mercury concentrations were significantly lower at Bass Rock than at Ailsa Craig and temporal trends differed, there being a significant decline at Ailsa Craig but a marginal increase at Bass Rock. Our results suggest there may be differences in contamination between the eastern Atlantic and North Sea and/or there are colony differences in prey selection and associated contaminant loads. Monitoring of PCBs and Hg in gannet eggs reveals contrasting temporal patterns between colonies on the eastern Atlantic and North Sea coasts of Britain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cyanotoxins as the “common suspects” for the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) deaths in a Mediterranean reconstructed reservoir
Papadimitriou, T. | Katsiapi, M. | Vlachopoulos, K. | Christopoulos, Arthur | Laspidou, C. | Moustaka-Gouni, M. | Kormas, K.
Toxic cyanobacterial blooms have been implicated for their negative consequences on many terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Water birds belong to the most common members of the freshwater food chains and are most likely to be affected by the consumption of toxic cyanobacteria as food. However, the contribution of cyanotoxins in bird mortalities is under-studied. The aim of the study was to investigate the likely role of cyanotoxins in a mass mortality event of the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in the Karla Reservoir, in Greece. Water, scum, tissues and stomach content of dead birds were examined for the presence of microcystins, cylindrospermopsins and saxitoxins by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. High abundances of potential toxic cyanobacterial species and significant concentrations of cyanotoxins were recorded in the reservoir water. All examined tissues and stomach content of the Dalmatian pelicans contained significant concentrations of microcystins and saxitoxins. Cylindrospermopsin concentrations were detected in all tissues except from the brain. Our results suggest that cyanotoxins are a plausible cause for this bird mass mortality episode in the Karla Reservoir.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Widespread exposure to lead affects the body condition of free-living whooper swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain
Newth, J.L. | Rees, E.C. | Cromie, R.L. | McDonald, R.A. | Bearhop, S. | Pain, D.J. | Norton, G.J. | Deacon, C. | Hilton, G.M.
Lead poisoning, through the ingestion of spent lead gunshot, is an established cause of morbidity and mortality in waterbirds globally, but the thresholds at which blood levels begin to affect the physiology of birds in the wild are less well known. Here we determine the prevalence of lead exposure in whooper swans and, for the first time, identify the level of blood lead associated with initial reductions in body condition. Blood lead elevated above background levels (i.e. >20 μg dL⁻¹) was found in 41.7% (125/300) of swans tested. Blood lead was significantly negatively associated with winter body condition when levels were ≥44 μg dL⁻¹ (27/260 = 10%). Our findings indicating that sub-lethal impacts of lead on body condition occur at the lower end of previously established clinical thresholds and that a relatively high proportion of individuals in this population may be affected, reaffirm the importance of reducing contamination of the environment with lead shot.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of heavy metal pollution and exposure risk for migratory birds- A case study of Caohai wetland in Guizhou Plateau (China)
Xia, Pinhua | Ma, Li | Yi, Yin | Lin, Tao
Increasing heavy metal pollution in wetland ecosystems around the world pose significant health risks to waterbirds, especially the endangered species. We analyzed heavy metal pollution in bird foraging area of Caohai wetland in Guizhou Plateau (China), and used an integrated exposure risk model for assessing heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Sb) exposure risk in birds from the soil, water, plants and benthic invertebrates. There is considerable variation in the extent of heavy metal contamination across the different sampling sites, and Cd and Sb are the main contaminants. The mussel Anodonta showed greater heavy metal accumulation (except for Zn) compared to the snail species C. cathayensis. The different plant species also varied in terms of amount for accumulated heavy metals. The phytophagous together with omnivorous birds were exposed to Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni through plants rather than the soil, whereas the maximum Zn exposure in the omnivorous and carnivorous birds was through consumption of benthic invertebrates. Furthermore, the phytophagous black-necked cranes (Grus nigricollis) were less risk to heavy metal exposure compared to the omnivorous bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) and carnivorous ruddy shelducks (Tadorna ferruginea). The exposure risk of Cr (8.1) was highest, followed by Pb (5.1), Zn (3.8), Sb (1.0), Cd (0.33) and Ni (0.28). The heavy metal assessment heavy metal exposure risk for migratory birds should take into account the exposure from food and soil. Our findings provide new insights into developing measures to minimize heavy metal contamination in migratory birds.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]PCB accumulation in osprey exposed to local sources in lake sediment
De Solla Shane R. | Martin, Pamela A.
We examined the accumulation of PCBs in ospreys (Pandion haleaetus) that were exposed to local sediment sources. Eggs, chick plasma, and sediment samples were collected over a range of 14 km (0.2-14.2 km) from a PCB source in Sturgeon Lake, ON. Sum PCB concentrations declined in chick plasma (range 422.5-58.3 ng/g) as distance from the PCB source increased, but there was a poor relationship with sum PCBs in eggs. Both tissues indicated an Aroclor 1248/1254 source. Aroclor 1254 comprised an average of 66.9% of sum PCBs in chick plasma from Sturgeon Lake, but comprised only from 27.0 to 44.4% in plasma from other Great Lake colonies. Dietary differences among osprey colonies were not sufficient to explain the PCB patterns observed. There was weak evidence that the ability to metabolize PCBs may differ between juveniles and adults, based upon the PCB profile in eggs and chick plasma. PCBs in plasma and eggs of osprey reflect local sources of PCBs in sediment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Opportunistic detection of anthropogenic micro debris in harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) and gray seal (Halichoerus grypus atlantica) fecal samples from haul-outs in southeastern Massachusetts, USA
Hudak, Christine A. | Sette, Lisa
Anthropogenic micro debris in the marine environment is a growing concern worldwide, affecting multiple trophic levels, from primary consumers such as zooplankton, to meso- and apex predators like marine mammals and marine birds. In 2016–2017, during the processing of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina) and gray seal (Halichoerus grypus atlantica) fecal samples for fish otoliths and organic hard parts as part of a prey study, anthropogenic micro debris (>500 μm) was detected in 6% (n = 2/32) of harbor seal and 1% (n = 2/129) of gray seal samples. Spectral analysis identified the fragments as cellophane, alkyd resin and poly(ethylene:propylene:diene) (EPDM) rubber. These results show the potential indirect ingestion of micro debris, which can impact the health and welfare of marine wildlife. This is the first report of micro debris presence in wild populations of phocid seals for the northwestern Atlantic.
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