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Influence of a soil base on water quality in the [water] reservoir "Grliste" [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Milenkovic, P. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja "Timok", Zajecar (Yugoslavia)) | Nakic, S. ("Vodovod", Zajecar (Yugoslavia))
Testing performed by five glass cups has been a try to show form and extent of water reservoir soil base influence on its water quality. At the some time a possibility of alleviation of eutrophication by means of certain safety precautions have been examined. During the test performed on a model of parameters (water temperature, air temperature, O2, chlorophyll a, total nitrogen, etc) have been monitored. The results of actions reffer to a fact a soil base influences deterioration of water quality, especially immediately after water reservoir filling, but the mentioned negative influence of the soil base could be decreased applying certain safety precautions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biological component in the estimation of the water quality at the Barje [water] reservoir [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Miljanovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Pujin, V. | Djukic, N. | Maletin, S. | Ivanc, A.
The investigations of dynamics and composition of plankton, bottom fauna and fish community have been done at three localities (1-inflow, 2-the middle, 3-dam) at the Barje water reservoir (Serbia, Yugoslavia) during 1997. During winter period diatomea Asterionella formosa was dominant at all the localities. At the same time among zooplankton species Rotatoria group was dominant, with the emphasis of Polyalthra dolicoptera at the locality 2, while Keratella cochlearis was dominant at the localities 1 and 3. The present species are oligo- and betamezosaprobionts. Among the investigated bottom fauna species Oligochaeta and Chironomidae were present. The number of oligochaeta was between 1665-7878 ind./square m. By qualitative analyses the domination of Tubificidae family was present. It is known that the presence of this group of organisms and it's high number indicate the organic pollution of ecosystem. 30 individuals of the bighead, (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) with the average weight of 5.6 kg was captured by net.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sedimentological characteristics and mineralization of sediment in the run-of-the river reservoir Djerdap 1 [Yugoslavia]
Perisic, M. | Markovic, I. | Janezic, V. (Geoinstitut, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
In previous works numerous specific changes of water composition in the Danube backwater effects Iron Gate 1 reservoir (Yugoslavia), have been initiated. By studies of conditions of generation and composition of sediments, the models denying importance of assumption on sedimentological features of deposited materials foreseen by the project, have been established, as it was confirmed with more details by newer investigations. The new data on the character of sediments coincide in all elements with changes of water composition, which was formerly presented, thus the knowledges of these phenomena being in that way more important. The data on composition of the deposited material, the macro and micro-composition are of great importance to perceive the influence of new sediments to the quality of surface and groundwater, especially of the sources for water supply, then in a long term for the sudden high risk processes corresponding to a chemical time bomb. Data have confirmed validity of the model of intensified deposition of allochthonous material with plankton and influence of this phenomenon to the processes trough the downstream section.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][Investigations of water quality of the water micro-reservoir on the Gvozdacka reka river (catchement of the Ibar river), [Serbia, Yugoslavia], using the algas as the bioindicators]
Obuskovic, Lj. | Obuskovic, M. (Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Cerni", Beograd (Yugoslavia))
The river Gvozdac (Serbia, Yugoslavia) is a small hill water current. It is situated on the mountain Goc and it belongs to the river basin of the river Ibar. During 1965, water micro-reservoir "Gvozdac" on the river Gvozdac was built for the hydroenergetic purposes, with the capacity of about 30,000 cubic meter and the maximum depth, in the present situation of about 2.5 m. Algological and saprobiological enquires have been performed on the water micro-reservoir, on the very river Gvozdac, on the river Ribnica and on some smaller stagnant waters on the given area, in the period between 1988-1994. The analysis have been shown that under the influence of antropogenic factors changes became apparent in the confluence and structure of algae flora as well as a degradation of water quality. The example of water micro-reservoir on the river Gvozdac indicates the destructive processes which are being developed in water micro-reservoirs and which should be stopped, as the significance of the small stagnant waters are not only in keeping and improvement of qualities of greater aquatorials and water tributaries of the river basins but also in the storing of biodiversity of aquatic assotiations in river basins (as well as in algae flora as one of the components).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Water quality modeling and controlled successions of ichthyofauna
Djordjevic, B. | Milanovic, T. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Gradjevinski fakultet)
Mathematical modles and adequate investigation works enables successful water quality modeling. These models includes all relevant abiotic components (concentration of dissolved oxygen, temperature regimes and temperature stratification, concentration of organic and inorganic components of physical-chemical water conditions), while the biotic components are present only with phyto- and zooplankton. In new water reservoir, ichthyofauna mostly undergo mancontrolled successions, starting with planned stocking a water reservoir with fish. The paper presents analytical approach for mathematical modeling of ichthyofauna and application of Lotka - Volterr's equations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][Hydrochemical parameters indicating water quality of the ecosystem in the Medjuvrsje water reservoir [Serbia, Yugoslavia]]
Simovic, S. (Agronomski fakultet, Cacak (Yugoslavia)) | Jurisic, I. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Cacak (Yugoslavia))
This paper analyzes the results on water quality in the Medjuvrsje water reservoir (Serbia, Yugoslavia) in the period 1994-1997. The water reservoir was erected for the needs of electric engineering in 1953 as far as 182 km along the Zapadna Morava river stream issuing from the Ovcarsko-Kablarska crag. All the tributaries of the Zapadna Morava flow in torrents, thereby depositing drift onto reservoir and inducing eutrophication process. Water regime in the water reservoir is conditioned by power plant operation, with daily oscillations about 30 cm causing turbulence in aquatic biota, including fish as the most developed aquatic vertebrate by their evolution level and greatest in biomass. Hydrochemical and some hydrobiological parameters influencing productivity of the water reservoir, were assessed. From hydrochemical aspect, this water reservoir contained water, the quality of which was found to be within 2nd-3rd class. The water was, however, loaded with high concentration of NH3, Fe, BPK5 and suspended substances inducing its quality to be out of the class range.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial and temporal dynamics of cellulolytic microorganisms in Vlasina [water] reservoir [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Comic, Lj. | Curcic, S. | Rankovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Kragujevac (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju)
Processes of transformation of organic matter are slowed down so that cellulose which originates from cell walls of Sphagnum is retained long in unchanged form. The highest valises of cellulolytic bacteria (0.33-126.67 bact/ml) were recorded in October. In most cases slightly active species were found, Cellvibrio fulvus was dominant. The participation of fungi in cellulolytic community was significant 23-31.5.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The successions of plankton communities in Grosanica [water] reservoirs [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Comic, Lj. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Ostojic, A. | Milosevic, S. | Rankovic, B. | Simic, V. | Timotijevic, V. | Brdar, A.
Within the comprehensive hydrobiological investigation of Grosnica water reservoir (Serbia, Yugoslavia) composition and dynamics of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton, as well as their seasonal successions were studied. The composition of plankton communities varies during the vegetation period in the function of the physicochemical features. Grosnica water reservoir with its microbial features belongs to the 1st-2nd class of bonity according to Kohl. The highest values pf bacterio- and zooplankton were recorded in August, while bruto primary production in September.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The length and weight growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from artificial lake Slatino [The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia]
Talevski, T. (Hidrobioloski zavod, Ohrid (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia))
In this paper are presented the length and weight growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) from artificial lake Slatino (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Artificial lake Slatino because some recontruction works was whole emplied in 1993. Than all fish population was leaved in the river Mramorechka. Artificial lake Slatino has been stocking with individuals of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) catch from Lake Ohrid. They are used for reproduction and in first years were used for reparation of the fish fond in artificial lake.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dynamics and relationships of some physiological bacterial groups in Grosnica reservoir [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Milosevic, S. (HK Gosa, Smederevska Palanka (Yugoslavia). Gosa institut)
Microbiological examination have been carried within the comprehensive hydrobiological investigation of Grosnica reservoir (Serbia, Yugoslavia) during 1997 and 1998. The aim of investigation was to establish the dynamics and fluctuation of specific physiological group. Grosnica reservoir with its microbial features belongs to quality class 1st-2nd according to Kohl. The comparison of bacteria community varies during the year depending of physicochemical features of a environment and the state of other facts in biocenosis. Dominant bacteria are facultative oligotrophic. The larger number of heterotrophic bacteria is in spring time only. Phosphomineralizers and proteolytic bacteria are present in the large number at the beginning of year, amylolytic bacteria are numerable during the summer and autumn. Number of nitrogen fixing bacteria and aerobic cellulolytic bacteria are changed depending on a season, too.
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