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Fluoride in weathered rock aquifers of southern India: managed aquifer recharge for mitigation
Brindha, Karthikeyan | Jagadeshan, G. | Kalpana, L. | Elango, L.
Climatic condition, geology, and geochemical processes in an area play a major role on groundwater quality. Impact of these on the fluoride content of groundwater was studied in three regions-part of Nalgonda district in Telangana, Pambar River basin, and Vaniyar River basin in Tamil Nadu, southern India, which experience semi-arid climate and are predominantly made of Precambrian rocks. High concentration of fluoride in groundwater above 4 mg/l was recorded. Human exposure dose for fluoride through groundwater was higher in Nalgonda than the other areas. With evaporation and rainfall being one of the major contributors for high fluoride apart from the weathering of fluoride rich minerals from rocks, the effect of increase in groundwater level on fluoride concentration was studied. This study reveals that groundwater in shallow environment of all three regions shows dilution effect due to rainfall recharge. Suitable managed aquifer recharge (MAR) methods can be adopted to dilute the fluoride rich groundwater in such regions which is explained with two case studies. However, in deep groundwater, increase in fluoride concentration with increase in groundwater level due to leaching of fluoride rich salts from the unsaturated zone was observed. Occurrence of fluoride above 1.5 mg/l was more in areas with deeper groundwater environment. Hence, practicing MAR in these regions will increase the fluoride content in groundwater and so physica or chemical treatment has to be adopted. This study brought out the fact that MAR cannot be practiced in all regions for dilution of ions in groundwater and that it is essential to analyze the fluctuation in groundwater level and the fluoride content before suggesting it as a suitable solution. Also, this study emphasizes that long-term monitoring of these factors is an important criterion for choosing the recharge areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Tossed ‘good luck’ coins as vectors for anthropogenic pollution into aquatic environment
Martínez, Alejandro | Di Cesare, Andrea | Mari-Mena, Neus | García-Gómez, Guillermo | Garcia-Herrero, Alvaro | Corno, Gianluca | Fontaneto, Diego | Eckert, Ester M.
Superstition has it that tossing coins into wells or fountains brings good luck, thereby causing a potential accumulation of microbially contaminated metal particles in the water. Here, we characterized the microbiota and the resistance profile in biofilm on such coins and their surrounding sediments. The study site was a tidal marine lake within a touristic center located in a natural reserve area. Notwithstanding the fact that coin-related biofilms were dominated by typical marine taxa, coin biofilms had specific microbial communities that were different from the communities of the surrounding sediment. Moreover, the communities were different depending on whether the coin were made mainly of steel or of copper. Sequences affiliated with putative pathogens were found on every third coin but were not found in the surrounding sediment. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) were detected on most of the coins, and interestingly, sediments close to the area where coins accumulate had a higher frequency of ARGs. We suggest that the surface of the coins might offer a niche for ARGs and faecal bacteria to survive, and, thus, tossed coins are a potential source and vector for ARGs into the surrounding environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Short-term geochemical investigation and assessment of dissolved elements from simulated ash reclaimed soil into groundwater
Wang, Jiao
A soil column migration trough was used to study the leaching behavior and geochemical partitioning of fifteen elements Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Sn, Sb, Zn, V, Co, Mn, Pb, Ni and Cd in simulated ash reclaimed soil. According to the results of cluster analysis for the sampling stations, there were three clusters: Cluster 1 of 7 wells with relative good groundwater quality originated from the background control area, Cluster 2 of 9 wells with worst groundwater quality in the downstream parts of the simulated ash reclaimed soil, and Cluster 3 of 2 wells with representative of samples influenced by the combined effect of injection of leaching solution and the main current. Statistical analysis identified five factor types that accounted for 83.055% of the total variance, which declined in the order: ash-soil rate > leaching intensity > water depths > flow velocity > leaching time. As, Sb, Cd, Pb and Ni were the dominant contaminants. The water around ash reclaimed soil was unsuitable for drinking. As, Mn, Cd, Sb, Co and V were the largest contributors to health risks. Soils reclaimed with fly ash can consequently be a long-time source for the transfer of toxic elements into groundwater.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Multi-method assessment of the intrinsic biodegradation potential of an aquifer contaminated with chlorinated ethenes at an industrial area in Barcelona (Spain)
Blázquez-Pallí, Natàlia | Rosell, Mónica | Varias, Joan | Bosch, Marçal | Soler, Albert | Vicent, Teresa | Marco-Urrea, Ernest
The bioremediation potential of an aquifer contaminated with tetrachloroethene (PCE) was assessed by combining hydrogeochemical data of the site, microcosm studies, metabolites concentrations, compound specific-stable carbon isotope analysis and the identification of selected reductive dechlorination biomarker genes. The characterization of the site through 10 monitoring wells evidenced that leaked PCE was transformed to TCE and cis-DCE via hydrogenolysis. Carbon isotopic mass balance of chlorinated ethenes pointed to two distinct sources of contamination and discarded relevant alternate degradation pathways in the aquifer. Application of specific-genus primers targeting Dehalococcoides mccartyi species and the vinyl chloride-to-ethene reductive dehalogenase vcrA indicated the presence of autochthonous bacteria capable of the complete dechlorination of PCE. The observed cis-DCE stall was consistent with the aquifer geochemistry (positive redox potentials; presence of dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and sulphate; absence of ferrous iron), which was thermodynamically favourable to dechlorinate highly chlorinated ethenes but required lower redox potentials to evolve beyond cis-DCE to the innocuous end product ethene. Accordingly, the addition of lactate or a mixture of ethanol plus methanol as electron donor sources in parallel field-derived anoxic microcosms accelerated dechlorination of PCE and passed cis-DCE up to ethene, unlike the controls (without amendments, representative of field natural attenuation). Lactate fermentation produced acetate at near-stoichiometric amounts. The array of techniques used in this study provided complementary lines of evidence to suggest that enhanced anaerobic bioremediation using lactate as electron donor source is a feasible strategy to successfully decontaminate this site.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Emerging contaminants and nutrients in a saline aquifer of a complex environment
González-Acevedo, Zayre I. | García-Zarate, Marco A. | Flores-Lugo, IPamela
The quality and availability of water has become a pressing issue worldwide, being particularly important in semi-arid regions, where climate change has aggravated the problem. The use of anthropogenic chemicals, classified as emerging pollutants, adds to the problem representing a treat, since they are not regulated and have a potential impact on human and environmental health. This pressing problem has not been studied widely in complex environments like the one we present here. Distribution and seasonal variability of fecal sterols, alkylphenols, pesticides (emerging pollutants) and nutrients were determined in 35 wells used for agriculture and human consumption in the Valley of Maneadero, located in the semi-arid region of Baja California, Mexico. The presence of the tested pollutants in the saline aquifer was heterogeneous, showing important differences in concentration and distribution. Wells destined for household use showed the highest variability. In these wells, anthropogenic fecal sterols were detected and, alkylphenols, such as octyphenol and nonylphenol had maximum concentrations (2.7 ng/mL). In agriculture and urban wells, we identified DDT and organochlorine pesticides, as well as myclobutanil, which is considered a modern pesticide. Nitrates were identified in concentrations above international standards, mainly during the dry season, in both the agricultural and urban areas. As emerging pollutants represent a negative effect on environmental and human health, this is the first paper showing the importance of measuring this type of pollutant in agricultural/semi-urban areas, especially in aquifers that have been overexploited and communities that have relied on the use of septic tanks for decades.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental and individual PAH exposures near rural natural gas extraction
Paulik, L Blair | Hobbie, Kevin A. | Rohlman, Diana | Smith, Brian W. | Scott, Richard P. | Kincl, Laurel | Haynes, Erin N. | Anderson, Kim A.
Natural gas extraction (NGE) has expanded rapidly in the United States in recent years. Despite concerns, there is little information about the effects of NGE on air quality or personal exposures of people living or working nearby. Recent research suggests NGE emits polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into air. This study used low-density polyethylene passive samplers to measure concentrations of PAHs in air near active (n = 3) and proposed (n = 2) NGE sites. At each site, two concentric rings of air samplers were placed around the active or proposed well pad location. Silicone wristbands were used to assess personal PAH exposures of participants (n = 19) living or working near the sampling sites. All samples were analyzed for 62 PAHs using GC-MS/MS, and point sources were estimated using the fluoranthene/pyrene isomer ratio. ∑PAH was significantly higher in air at active NGE sites (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01). PAHs in air were also more petrogenic (petroleum-derived) at active NGE sites. This suggests that PAH mixtures at active NGE sites may have been affected by direct emissions from petroleum sources at these sites. ∑PAH was also significantly higher in wristbands from participants who had active NGE wells on their properties than from participants who did not (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.005). There was a significant positive correlation between ∑PAH in participants' wristbands and ∑PAH in air measured closest to participants’ homes or workplaces (simple linear regression, p < 0.0001). These findings suggest that living or working near an active NGE well may increase personal PAH exposure. This work also supports the utility of the silicone wristband to assess personal PAH exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A meta-analysis of the distribution, sources and health risks of arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Pakistan
Shāhid, Muḥammad | Niazi, Nabeel Khan | Dumat, Camille | Naidu, R. | Khalid, Sana | Rahman, Mohammad Mahmudur | Bibi, Irshad
Globally, millions of people who rely on groundwater for potable purposes and agriculture have been inadvertently exposed to toxic arsenic (As) because of its natural occurrence in groundwater in several countries of Asia, Europe and America. While the presence of As in groundwater and its impacts on human health have been documented in many countries, there is little information on As contamination in Pakistan. This review highlights, for the first time, the extent and severity of As-induced problems in Pakistan based on relevant published papers; discusses possible sources of As contamination of aquifers; and estimates As-induced potential health hazards in the country in relation to global data. Data from 43 studies (>9882 groundwater samples) were used to describe As variability in groundwater of Pakistan and for comparison with global data. The mean groundwater As content reported in these studies was 120 μg/L (range: 0.1–2090 μg/L; SD: ±307). About 73% of the values for mean As contents in the 43 studies were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limit (10 μg/L) for drinking water, while 41% were higher than the permissible limit of As in Pakistan (50 μg/L). It was observed that groundwater samples in some areas of Punjab and Sindh provinces contained high As concentrations which were almost equal to concentrations reported in the most contaminated areas of the world. We predicted that the mean values of ADD, HQ and CR were 4.4 μg kg⁻¹day⁻¹ (range: 0–77 μg kg⁻¹day⁻¹), 14.7 (range: 0–256) and 0.0029 (range: 0–0.0512), respectively, based on mean As concentrations reported in Pakistan. In addition, this article proposes some integrated sustainable solutions and future perspectives keeping in view the regional and global context, as well as the on-ground reality of the population drinking As-contaminated water, planning issues, awareness among civil society and role of the government bodies. Based on available data, it is predicted that almost 47 million people in Pakistan are residing in areas where more than 50% of groundwater wells contain As concentrations above the WHO recommended limit of As in drinking water.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Presence and fate of veterinary antibiotics in age-dated groundwater in areas with intensive livestock farming
Kivits, Tano | Broers, Hans Peter | Beeltje, Henry | van Vliet, Mariëlle | Griffioen, Jasper
The combination of emerging antibiotic resistance and lack of discovery of new antibiotic classes poses a threat to future human welfare. Antibiotics are administered to livestock at a large scale and these may enter the environment by the spreading of manure on agricultural fields. They may leach to groundwater, especially in the Netherlands which has some of the most intensive livestock farming and corresponding excessive manure spreading in the world. This study investigates the presence of antibiotics in groundwater in two regions with the most intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands. If so, the hydrochemical conditions were further elaborated. Ten multi-level wells with in total 46 filters were sampled, focusing on relatively young, previously age-dated groundwater below agricultural fields. Twenty-two antibiotics were analyzed belonging to the following antibiotic groups: tetracyclines, sulfonamides, trimethoprims, β-lactams, macrolides, lincosamides, quinolones, nitrofurans and chloramphenicol. The samples were analyzed for these antibiotics by LC-MS/MS ESI-POS/NEG (MRM) preceded by solid phase extraction which resulted in importantly low detection limits. Six antibiotics were found above detection limits in 31 filters in seven wells: sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, lincomycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and sulfadiazine. The concentrations range from 0.3 to 18 ng L−1. Sulfonamides were detected at all measured depths down to 23 meters below surface level with apparent groundwater ages up to 40 years old. No antibiotics were detected below the nitrate/iron redox cline, which suggests that the antibiotics might undergo degradation or attenuation under nitrate-reducing redox conditions. This study provides proof that antibiotics are present in groundwater below agricultural areas in the Netherlands due to the spreading of animal manure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Nitrogen source track and associated isotopic dynamic characteristic in a complex ecosystem: A case study of a subtropical watershed, China
Hao, Zhuo | Zhang, Xinyu | Gao, Yang | Xu, Zhiwei | Yang, Fengting | Wen, Xuefa | Wang, Yueming
By identifying the main sources of nitrate (NO3−) can obtain useful information to support the management of NO3− pollution, particularly in subtropical catchments with shallow drinking water wells. This study used water chemistry and dual stable isotopes δ15N and δ18O methods to assess seasonal and spatial variations of NO3− in precipitation, surface water, and groundwater in an agricultural and forest subtropical catchment in Jiangxi Province, China. The maximum concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N) and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) were 10.4 and 10.8 mg L−1in samples collected from 221 rainfall events from 2011 to 2013. About 4.4% and 12.3% NH4+-N concentrations of surface water and groundwater exceeded the thresholds of 1.0 and 0.2 mg L−1. The NO3−-N concentrations in surface water were closely correlated with NH4+-N concentrations in surface water and groundwater (r = −0.71 and r = −0.71, P < 0.05). The concentrations of NH4+-N and NO3−-N were significantly higher in a fishery pond and nearby drinking wells than in other monitoring points. Annual exports of NO3−-N and NH4+-N were 4.06 × 104 and 8.14 × 103 kg yr−1, respectively and NO3−-N is the main form of N loss. The δ15N values ranged from 0‰ to 20‰ in surface water and groundwater, and the δ18O values ranged from 0‰ to 15‰ and 1‰–13‰, respectively. Dual stable isotope natural abundance distribution and water chemistry [NO3−]/[Cl−] molar ratio information suggested that manure and sewage and soil N were the main sources of NO3− in surface water and manure and sewage in groundwater in summer and winter. In spring, water occurred denitrification and ammonium fertilizer, manure and sewage were the main sources of NO3− in surface water and groundwater which sampling points were closer residential area and fish ponds than paddy field and local farmers used more Manure. Manure applications should be reasonable around drinking water wells to protect the drinking water quality.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Health risk assessment for exposure to nitrate in drinking water from village wells in Semarang, Indonesia
Sadler, Ross | Maetam, Brooke | Edokpolo, Benjamin | Connell, Des | Yu, Jimmy | Stewart, Donald | Park, M.-J. | Gray, Darren | Laksono, Budi
The levels of nitrate in 52 drinking water wells in rural Central Java, Indonesia were evaluated in April 2014, and the results were used for a health risk assessment for the local populations by using probabilistic techniques. The concentrations of nitrate in drinking water had a range of 0.01–84 mg/L, a mean of 20 mg/L and a medium of 14 mg/L. Only two of the 52 samples exceeded the WHO guideline values of 50 mg/L for infant methaemoglobinaemia. The hazard quotient values as evaluated against the WHO guideline value at the 50 and 95 percentile points were HQ50 at 0.42 and HQ95 at 1.2, respectively. These indicated a low risk of infant methaemoglobinaemia for the whole population, but some risk for the sensitive portion of the population. The HQ50 and HQ95 values based on WHO acceptable daily intake dose for adult male and female were 0.35 and 1.0, respectively, indicating a generally a low level of risk. A risk characterisation linking birth defects to nitrate levels in water consumed during the first three months of pregnancy resulted in a HQ50/50 values of 1.5 and a HQ95/5 value of 65. These HQ values indicated an elevated risk for birth defects, in particular for the more sensitive population. A sanitation improvement program in the study area had a positive effect in reducing nitrate levels in wells and the corresponding risk for public health. For example, the birth defect HQ50/50 values for a subset of wells surveyed in both 2014 and 2015 was reduced from 1.1 to 0.71.
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