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Diagnosis for pollution from phytosanitary products and corrective solutions | Diagnostic de la pollution diffuse par les produits phytosanitaires et solutions correctives
Gouy, Véronique | Gril, J.J. | Qualité des eaux et prévention des pollutions (UR QELY) ; Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et forêts (CEMAGREF)
[Departement_IRSTEA]GMA [TR1_IRSTEA]11 - VERSEAU / TRANSPOL | Assessment of main contamination causes in each situation is required to settle action planes that are aimed at decreasing water contamination by. Hence, diagnosis consists in assessing risk of phytosanitary products transfer into an area and finding factors that favour it (CORPEN 2001). Action plane will consist in settling corrective solutions as well as defining priorities according to technique criteria and social, economic and local policies obligations. This document presents some technical aspects of different actions that can limit water contamination after diagnosis. | Malgré l'ampleur des investigations exigées pour leur homologation, les produits phytosanitaires sont susceptibles d'être retrouvés dans les milieux aquatiques, ce qui met en évidence à la fois la difficulté de cerner les risques de transfert de ces molécules et la nécessité de mener conjointement des actions sur le terrain pour limiter la contamination de la ressource en eau. La forte interaction qui existe entre les propriétés de ces substances et les conditions dans lesquelles elles sont employées explique cette difficulté et rend indispensable d'estimer, dans chaque situation, quelles sont les causes dominantes de la contamination. C'est l'objectif du diagnostic qui, dans la perspective qui nous intéresse ici, a pour seul objectif de mettre en place des plans d'actions visant à réduire la contamination de la ressource en eau par les produits phytosanitaires. Il consistera ainsi à estimer les risques de transfert de ces substances dans une zone géographique donnée et à caractériser les facteurs qui le favorisent (CORPEN 2001). Le plan d'action, quant à lui, consistera non seulement à mettre en oeuvre des solutions correctives, mais aussi à définir des priorités, en fonction de critères techniques et des impératifs socio-économiques et politiques locaux. Dans le cadre de cet exposé, nous nous en tiendrons aux seules considérations techniques, destinées à servir de base de décision aux acteurs locaux, seuls à même de prendre en considération les impératifs ci-dessus. Le diagnostic étant orienté par les solutions correctives puisqu'il s'agit d'en évaluer la pertinence et d'en optimiser la mise en oeuvre, nous présenterons tout d'abord les différentes actions possibles pour limiter la contamination des eaux.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The AQUAE program: Effects of rural planning (grass cover and ditches) on the transport and retention of pesticides | Le programme AQUAE : Rôle des aménagements d'origine anthropique (zones enherbées et fossés) dans le transfert et la rétention des produits phytosanitaires
Moussa, Roger | Ackerer, Philippe | Adamiade, V. | Andrieux, Patrick | Barriuso, E. | Benoit, P. | Bourrie, Guilhem | Carluer, Nadia | Charnay, M.P. | Chaumont, Cédric | Coquet, Yves | Dutertre, A. | Coulouma, Guillaume | Fabre, Jean-Christophe | Garon Boucher, C. | Gillet, J.P. | Gouy, Véronique | Gril, J.J. | Kao, Cyril | Lagacherie, Philippe | Le Forner, S. | Lehmann, François | Louchart, Xavier | Madrigal, I. | Nedelec, Yves | Pot, Valérie | Real, B. | Robbez-Masson, Jean-Marc | Souiller, Claude | Trolard, Fabienne | Voltz, Marc | Unité mixte de recherche sol et environnement ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (ENSA M) | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Qualité des eaux et prévention des pollutions (UR QELY) ; Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et forêts (CEMAGREF) | Environnement et Grandes Cultures (EGC) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (INA P-G) | Unité de géochimie des sols et des eaux ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) | Ouvrages pour le drainage et l'étanchéité (UR DEAN) ; Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural, des eaux et forêts (CEMAGREF) | Institut Technique des Céréales et des Fourrages
[Departement_IRSTEA]EEE [Departement_IRSTEA]GMA [TR1_IRSTEA]11 - VERSEAU / TRANSPOL | This program is part of the common research action AQUAE (2000-2003) between Cemagref and INRA. It aims at understanding and quantifying the mechanisms of retention, degradation and transport of pesticides at the field and the catchment scales. The study relates in particular to man-made impact causing hydrological discontinuities such as ditches network and grass and wooded cover zones. Experiments were undertaken on two catchments with different geomorphological and climatic characteristics, La Jaillière (44) and Roujan (34), in order to analyse the contamination of water by pesticides. The factors determining the efficiency of these man-made hydrological discontinuities are extensively studied : hydrometeorological conditions, geomorphological position, soil characteristics; land-use, vegetation cover classes, and the oxydo-reduction conditions. A typology of these various types of discontinuities is established on a great range of catchments, in order to characterise the various experimental situations and to ensure the applicability of the results on un-gauged catchments. Finally, a distributed hydrological modelling approach (the model MHYDAS : Modélisation Hydrologique Distribuée des AgroSystèmes = Distributed Hydrological Modelling of AgroSystems) of water and pollutant transfer, integrating the principal mechanisms observed on hydrological discontinuities in farmed catchments, is conceived and is in an advanced phase of development. The first tests of the model at the catchment scale enable the simulation of hydrograph and pesticides concentrations at various locations of ditches network. Furthermore, it enables the testing of various scenarios of land management and the impact of man-made planning on water and pesticides fluxes. | Ce programme fait partie de l'action structurante AQUAE (2000-2003) entre le Cemagref et l'INRA et a pour objectif de comprendre et quantifier les phénomènes de rétention, de dégradation ou de transfert subis par les produits phytosanitaires entre la parcelle agricole et le milieu aquatique. L'étude porte notamment sur les discontinuités hydrologiques que constituent les fossés et les dispositifs enherbés ou boisés. Ces structures font l'objet de suivis en continu et d'expériences spécifiques, afin d'analyser le devenir des produits phytosanitaires en leur sein, sur deux bassins versants aux caractéristiques différentes : La Jaillière (44) et Roujan (34). Les facteurs déterminant leur efficacité tampon sont étudiés, qu'il s'agisse des conditions hydrométéorologiques, de leurs positions géomorphologiques, des caractéristiques du sol ou de la végétation, et de l'alternance des conditions d'oxydo-réduction. Une typologie de ces différents types de discontinuités est établie sur une grande gamme de bassins versants sur lesquels les équipes participantes travaillent ou ont déjà travaillé. Cette typologie a permis de caractériser les principales situations existantes ou envisageables, afin d'assurer (la généralisation ou l'extrapolation) des résultats obtenus sur les bassins versants expérimentaux. Enfin, une approche de modélisation hydrologique distribuée (le modèle MHYDAS : Modélisation Hydrologique Distribuée des AgroSystèmes) des transferts d'eau et de polluants à l'échelle du versant, intégrant les principaux mécanismes observés sur les discontinuités hydrologiques, est en phase avancée de développement. Les premiers tests du modèle ont permis de simuler les hydrogrammes de crue en différents points du réseau de fossés et les ordres de grandeur des flux de pesticides à l'exutoire du bassin versant.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Magnetic Study of Weakly Contaminated Forest Soils
Kapička, A. | Jordanova, N. | Petrovský, E. | Podrázský, V.
This paper reports on magnetic and magnetomineralogical studies of forest soils from Krkonoše (Giant Mountains) National Park in the Czech Republic. Low-field magnetic susceptibility was measured in 32 soil profiles using a field probe. Thermomagnetic analysis, acquisition of remanent magnetization, alternating-field demagnetization of saturation remanence and frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility were measured in laboratory samples from individual soil horizons as well as on their magnetic extracts. X-ray diffraction and SEM were used to identify ferrimagnetic fractions. The uppermost layer, which is dominated by magnetically soft magnetite of presumably anthropogenic origin, can be reliably identified in soil profiles over the whole region of concern. Subsoil horizons are characterised by significantly different magnetic properties.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of Heavy Metal Adsorptions by Thai Kaolin and Ballclay
Chantawong, V. | Harvey, N. W. | Bashkin, V. N.
The adsorption characteristics of heavy metals: cadmium(II), chromium(III), copper(II), nickel(II), lead(II), and zinc(II) ions by kaolin (kaolinite) and ballclay (illite) from Thailand were studied. This research was focussed on the pH, adsorption isotherms of single-metal solutions at 30–60 °C by batch experiments, and on ion selectivityin mixed and binary combination solutions. It was found that, except Ni, metal adsorption increased with increased pH of the solutions and their adsorption followed both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Adsorption of metals in the mixture solutions by kaolin was: Cr > Zn > Cu ≈ Cd ≈ Ni > Pb, and for ballclay was: Cr > Zn > Cu > Cd ≈ Pb > Ni. The adsorption of metals was endothermic, with the exception of Cd, Pb and Zn for kaolin, Cu and Zn for ballclay. Kaolin and ballclay exhibited relatively hard Lewis base adsorption site. The presence of other metals may reduce or promote the adsorption of heavy metals. The presence of Cr³⁺induced the greatest reduction of metal adsorptiononto kaolin, as did the presence of Cu²⁺for ballclay.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Allophanic Soil Adsorption System as a Bleached Kraft Mill Aerobic Effluent Post-Treatment
Navia, R. | Levet, L. | Mora, M. L. | Vidal, G. | Diez, M. C.
Bleached Kraft mill effluent was treated in an activated sludgereactor followed by an allophanic soil adsorption system (ASAS). Under aerobic conditions, removal efficiencies of biological oxygen demand (BOD₅) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) varied between 57.7–96.5% and 30.3–57.0%, respectively, depending on the hydraulic retention time (HRT). On the other hand, tannin-lignin and phenolic compounds removal efficiencies attained values between 13.2–51.2 and 3.6–33.5%,respectively. An allophanic soil adsorption system was designed for color and phenolic compounds removal. Three different types of soils were used: Natural allophanic soil as the control compared, with calcinated and acidified allophanic soil. The initial removal efficiencies for phenolic compounds varied between 72 an 87% for activated soils, while color initial removal efficiencies were between 95 and 99%. Moreover, COD and tannin-lignin initial removal efficiencies reached maximum values of 74 and 87%, respectively, for calcinated soil. Design parameters show that there is an enhancement factor in adsorption capacities for both activated soils. In fact, phenolic compounds breakpoint adsorption capacity increased 5.3 times for calcinated soil and 17.6 times for acidified soil, while saturation capacity increased between 2.2 and 3.2 times. In addition, color breakpoint adsorption capacity increased 2.8 times for calcinated soil and 10.4 times for acidified soil, while saturation capacity increased between 3.2 and 5.5 times.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Estimation of Dust Emission Amount for a Dust Storm Event Occurred in April 1998 in China
In, Hee-Jin | Park, Soon-Ung
The threshold friction velocities for dust rises in inland China are examined using WMO synoptic station data and the soil types in the source region to estimate dust emission amounts for a dust event occurred from 13 to 24 April 1998 in China. The dust-rise reports in the WMO synoptic data are used for the delineation of dust source regions that are found to be composed of the Gobi, Sand and Loess regions according to soil types in inland China. The estimated threshold friction velocities with the use of wind speeds observed in the Gobi, Sand and Loess regions are found to be about 60, 50, and 40 cm s⁻¹, respectively. The estimated dust-rise occurrencegrids by both the grid interpolated observed wind and the MM5 model wind well coincide with the areas of strong wind speeds. However, the dust-rise areas estimated by the model are larger than those estimated by the observed wind, whereas the friction velocities estimated by the model in the dust-rise areas are much smaller than those estimated by the observed wind, which result in less amount of dust emission by the model in all source regions. The 10-day accumulated total dust emission estimated by the observed wind during the dust storm event is found to be 4.64 × 10⁸ton in the whole source region of 3.29 × 10⁶km². Of which 85, 9 and 6% are, respectively, contributed by the Gobi, Sand and Loess regions,suggesting the dominant emission from the Gobi region for this event.The model estimated total dust emission is found to be about 56% of that estimated by the observed wind, indicating some improvement of the model being required.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Concentrations of Mercury in Wild Growing Higher Fungi and underlying Substrate near Lake Wdzydze, Poland
Falandysz, J. | Brzostowski, A. | Kawano, M. | Kannan, K. | Puzyn, T. | Lipka, K.
Fourteen species of wild growing mushrooms and surface (0–10 cm) soils were collected near Lake Wdzydze in the northern part of Poland in 1996–1997 to understand the status of mercury pollution. Concentrations of mercury in mushrooms varied between 100±30 and 2400±1900 ng g⁻¹dry matter in caps and 60±1 and 1300±1500 ng g⁻¹dry matter in stalks. Concentrations of mercury in underlying soil were between 30±1 and 140±120 ng g⁻¹dry matter (between 36±18 and 63±100 ng g⁻¹depending on the soil type). Bioconcentration factors (BCF: concentrations in mushroom/concentrationin soil) of total mercury were between 2.3±1.1 and 90±110 for caps, and between 2.1±1.0 and 53±56 for stalks. Scaly tooth (Sarcodon imbricatum) contained the greatest concentrations of mercury in the flesh. However, there was no significant relationship (p >: 0.05) between mercury content in the fruiting bodies of this speciesto soil mercury concentrations. A significant (p < 0.01) positive relationship between mercury content in caps to underlying soil was noted for European cow bolete (Suillus bovinus), while a negative relationship between mercury content in caps and stalks to underlying soil was observed for Sandy knight-cap (Tricholomaflavovirens), Shaggy scale-head (Pholiota squaroso-adiposa),Gypsy mushroom (Rozites caperata) and Pine spike cap (Chroogomphus rutilus).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury Contamination of Alluvial Sediments within the Essequibo and Mazaruni River Basins, Guyana
Miller, Jerry R. | Lechler, Paul J. | Bridge, Gavin
Small- and medium-scale mining operations in Guyana have increased significantly since the late 1980s. The majority of these gold mining operations utilize mercury (Hg) amalgamation methods in the recovery process, raising the question as to the significance of Hg inputs to the environment from mining activities. In March and April, 2001, 168 samples were collected from floodplain, sand bar, and channel bed deposits along a 350 km reach of the Mazaruni River and a 160 km reach of the Essequibo River. Distinct trends in the geochemical data suggest that much of the Hg found in the alluvial deposits is related to anthropogenic sources, including (1) Hg concentrations in floodplain, channel bed and sand bar deposits locally exceed background values defined by ferralitic soils; (2) core data reveal that Hg concentrations within floodplain deposits have increased in recent years; and (3) high Hg concentrations along the channels can be attributed to the influx of material from tributaries affected by mining operations, or to mining activities along the rivers. Recent investigations in Amazonia have argued that Hg from amalgamation mining represents a small portion of the total Hg load to riverine systems, the majority coming from the erosion of Hg enriched upland soils within deforested terrain. Geochemical data from the Essequibo and Mazaruni Rivers suggest that Hg from mining may be a more significant source in Guyana where large-scale deforestation is limited. However, it is unclear whether the increased Hg represents the direct input associated with the amalgamation process, or Hg associated with the erosion of soils and sediments that results from activities that accompany mining.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Climate Warming on the Hydrochemistry of Alpine Lakes
Rogora, M. | Mosello, R. | Arisci, S.
The hydrochemistry of mountain lakes is highly conditioned by the chemicalcomposition of atmospheric deposition and by climate characteristics. Consequently these ecosystems have proved to be sensitive to long-term changes in both factors. Climate warming seems to be particularly pronounced in the Alpine region. A reduction of snow cover in space and time, due to less precipitation and higher temperatures, means a greater exposure of rocks and soils in the watersheds, which enhances weathering processes. In this paper we aim to evaluate the possible effect of these processes on long-term changes in the chemistry of alpine lakes. Recent climate changes affecting the study area were investigated through a data series referring to temperature, precipitation, snow depth and duration at some stations in the Ossola Valley. Chemical data of 35 lakes located in the Ossola and Sesia Valleys (Central Alps) were used. Lakes were sampled both in the late summer of 2000 and 2001 in the framework of two European Projects and the results compared with previous data (1984–1987). Two lakes (Boden Superiore and Inferiore, 2343 and 2334 m a.s.l., respectively), located in the northern part of the study area, have been sampled more or less continuously since the late 70s, enabling us to evaluate the trends of the main chemical variables. For lakes lying in catchments with highly soluble rocks, a comparison between the two data sets shows an increase of solute contents in the last few years. This result could be attributed to increased weathering rates due to climate warming.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Partitioning of Trace Metals in Suspended Sediments from Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers in Eastern China
Peng, Shu-Heng | Wang, Wen-Xiong | Chen, Jingsheng
Assessing metal contamination of sediments requires knowledge of the geochemical partitioning of trace metals at the sediment-water interface. Under controlled laboratory conditions, sequential extraction was conducted to determine the associations of metals (Cd, Cr, and Zn) and radiotracers (¹⁰⁹Cd,⁵¹Cr, and⁶⁵Zn) with various geochemical phases and the different partitioning and mobility of metals for two types of surface sediments collected from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers in Eastern China. The residual phase was the major phase for stable metal binding, indicating that these sediments had little subjection to recent anthropogenic influences. Fe–Mn oxides were the next important binding phases for metals. The partitioning of metals in various geochemical phases as a function of the duration of the radiolabeling was also examined. Trace metals transferred among the different geochemical phases over the 30 days radiolabeling period, particularly between the carbonate and Fe–Mn oxides phases. The freshwater-sediment distribution coefficients (Kd) of three metals were investigated in batch experiments using the radiotracer technique. The decreasing Kdwith increasing metal concentration(from 0.5 to 200 μg L⁻¹) may be explained by competitive adsorption. The metal Kdin sediments from the Changjiang River was greater than those from the Huanghe River, presumably because of the higher Fe/Mn and organic carbon contents in Changjiang River sediment. The Kddecreased with increasing total suspended solid load from 3 to 500 mg L⁻¹, and was Cr > Zn > Cd. For Cd and Zn, increasing the pH from 5 to 8 resulted in an increase in Kddue to the reduced H⁺competition and increasing sorptionpotential. However, the Kdfor Cr in the sediments from both rivers showed no relationship with pH, presumably becauseof the complexity of the Cr species and environmental behavior.
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