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Distribution of Trace Elements in Tissues of Two Shrimp Species from Persian Gulf and Effects of Storage Temperature on Elements Transportation
Pourang, N. | Amini, G.
This study is focussed on evaluation of temperature effectduring frozen storage on movement of trace elements in differenttissues (exoskeleton, carapace and abdominal muscle) of twocommercially important shrimp species (Penaeusmerguiensis and Metapenaues affinis). Moreoverrelationships between total length and sex of specimens with concentration of trace elements in selected tissues were assessed. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Znin samples were determined by ICP-AES. Only in the case of Niand Zn sex related differences could be observed. With theexception of Cu, the trace metals distributed significantlydifferent between the tissues. The only significant differencesbetween species were found in bioaccumulation of Mn. Sizedependent relationship was observed only for Ni. Associationsbetween Mn and Fe were positively and highly significant in allthe cases. The levels of all the metals in muscle of the shrimpsfrom the studied region were comparable to other world areas. MeanCu and Zn levels in edible parts of M. affinis stored at–10 °C exceeded some existing guidelines, while the concentrations at –30 °C were somewhat lower than them.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Note on Soil Erosion and Its Environmental Consequences in the United States
Uri, Noel D.
Soil erosion has both on-farm and off-farm impacts. Reduction ofsoil depth can impair the land's productivity, and the transportof sediments can degrade streams, lakes, and estuaries. Since1933, soil conservation policies have existed in the UnitedStates. Originally they focused on the on-farm benefits ofkeeping soil on the land and increasing net farm income.Beginning in the 1980s, however, policy goals increasinglyincluded reductions in off-site impacts of erosion. As aconsequence of conservation efforts associated with explicitU.S. government policies, total soil erosion between 1982 and1992 was reduced by 32% and the sheet and rill erosion ratefell from an average of 4.1 tons per acre per year in 1982 to 3.1 tons per acre in 1992. Wind erosion rate fell from anaverage of 3.3 tons per acre per year to 2.4 tons per acre peryear over the same period. Still, soil erosion is imposingsubstantial social costs. These costs are estimated to be about$37.6 billion annually. To further reduce soil erosion andthereby mitigate its social costs, there are a number of policyoptions available to induce farmers to adopt conservationpractices including education and technical assistance,financial assistance, research and development, land retirement,and regulation and taxes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Variation in Total and Extractable Elements with Distance from Roads in an Urban Watershed, Honolulu, Hawaii
Sutherland, Ross A. | Tolosa, Christina A.
Roads play a major role intransporting sediment associated nonpoint sourcepollutants to urban stream networks via storm drains. In urban areas the relationship of erodible soil toroads may be of critical importance in controllingmetal contributions to roads. Two 50-m transects(Park and School) were investigated perpendicular toroads in Manoa basin, Oahu, Hawaii. Concentrations ofnine elements were compared to background control soillocations and to five supplemental samples from nearbyrecreational parks. Sediment from curbside areas ofroads (road deposited sediment) was collected as thestarting point of each transect, and subsequently soilwas sampled from two depths (0–2.5 cm and 7.5–10.0 cm)along the transects. Total and 0.5 M HCl extractableconcentrations were determined for aluminum (Al),calcium (Ca), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe),manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn)using either inductively coupled plasma-atomicemission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) or flame atomicemission spectroscopy (FAAS). Ca, Cu, Pb and Znexhibited anthropogenic enhancement, with Pb and Znhaving the greatest enrichment in road sedimentfollowed by locations nearest the road. Copperdisplayed a narrower band of contamination than eitherPb or Zn, and this may reflect larger aerosolassociations and more rapid fall velocities. Lead andZn exhibited substantial decay in concentration at 50 m compared to the road sediment, but enrichment wasstill apparent. The positioning of a band of soilbetween the road-curb area and the sidewalk for thePark transect facilitated deposition and storage oftrace metals, and with subsequent erosion by splash orconcentrated flow this area can account for continuedtransport of contaminated sediment to adjacent roadsurfaces. On the other hand the School transect hadno soil directly beside the road, and the nearestsample from the road (5 m) displayed enrichment butsubstantially lower than the Park transect. Thesepreliminary data suggest that remobilization of soilstored metals in close proximity to roads cansignificantly prolong the environmental contaminationof urban road systems and eventually stream sediments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Study of Surface Water Quality in Macedonia, Greece: Speciation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Voutsa, D. | Manoli, E. | Samara, C. | Sofoniou, M. | Stratis, I.
A 2-yr (1997–1998) survey aiming at the establishment of national data bases concerning the quality of surface waters has been conducted in the major river systems of Macedonia, N. Greece. This paper presents the physicochemical parameters(pH, conductivity, total suspended solids, temperature and DO),the organic pollution parameters (BOD₅, COD) and the major N and P species (NO₃ ⁻, NO₂ ⁻,NH₄ ⁺,organic N, orthophosphates and total P) determined at 25 sampling sites located on main rivers, tributaries, streams andditches that drain the major rural, agricultural, urban and industrial areas of N. Greece. Use of multivariate statistics is also made to identify the principal factors which influencethe chemistry of the water in individual river systems.The eutrophication status of the examined systems was evaluatedby means of N/P ratios. Mean N/P ratios showed large variationsamong sampling sites ranging from potential N- to P-limitationconditions. N/P ratios at particular sampling sites showed also great temporal variability thus suggesting temporary states of N- or P- limitation. Most frequently, highest ratio values wereobserved during winter and early spring. Comparisons are made between data from this study region and literature on rivers elsewhere.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Volatilization of 1,3-Dichloropropene under Different Application Methods
Wang, D. | Yates, S. R. | Ernst, F. F. | Knuteson, J. A. | Brown, George E., Jr
Atmospheric emission of volatilepesticides can be a significant source of airpollution. A field study was conducted to reduce1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) emission by applying thechemical via subsurface drip irrigation with a reduceddosage (4.7 g m⁻² or 47 kg ha⁻¹). Comparisons were made between ashallow drip application with the plot covered with apolyethylene film, a deep drip application and aconventional shank injection (at 11.2 g m⁻²) withthe plots left as bare soil surface. For eachtreatment, seven replicated active flux chambers wereused continuously to measure 1,3-D loss until nomeasurable emission was found. Results indicated thattotal 1,3-D emission loss was over 90% for the shankinjection, and 66 and 57% for the shallow and deepdrip plots, respectively. The emission loss wasextremely high for shank injection since about 80%were lost from the bed furrows where the slantedshanks left uncompacted fractures. On mass basis, theshank plot lost 10.4 g m⁻², whereas the shallow-and deep-drip plots lost 3.1 and 2.7 g m⁻²,respectively. Applying 1,3-D using subsurface dripirrigation with reduced dosage has a great potentialfor emission reduction.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Application of Different Extraction Methods for the Quality Control of Water
Buszewski, Boguslaw | Ligor, Tomasz
The determination of chlorocarbons in drinking wateris described. The chlorocarbons studied include:tetrachloromethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tribromomethane,bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane. Three methods ofsample preparation were compared: liquid-liquid extraction(LLE), purge & trap (P&T) and direct aqueous injection (DAI).The samples of drinking water were taken from Toruń (Poland):local sources, municipal water intake, drilled wells. Theobtained data allowed to create the map of chlorocarbonscontamination for Toruń town. Repeatability, linearity anddetection limits of LLE, P&T, DAI were evaluated forhalocarbons under investigation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Rhodophyta Seaweed Species as Bioindicators for Monitoring Toxic Element Pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of Ghana
Serfor-Armah, Y. | Nyarko, B. J. B. | Osae, E. K. | Carboo, D. | Anim-Sampong, S. | Seku, F.
Six seaweed species of the Rhodophyta family were sampled for atwo-year period from June 1996 to August 1998 along the Atlanticcoast of Ghana (part of the Atlantic Ocean). The species wereanalysed to determine the levels of eleven chemicalelements namely: Al, As, Br, Cd, Fe, La, Mn, Ni, Hg, V and Zn byInstrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Al, Br, Ni, andZn were measured in all the seaweed species studied. The elementAl generally showed the highest concentrations in most of thespecies analysed while Hg levels were the lowest. Precision andaccuracy of the method have been evaluated and the detectionlimits also calculated. The results showed high variability inand between species, among sampling sites and times ofcollection. The high values of metal concentrations in themacroalgae suggest that these marine organisms can be used asbiological indicators for studing marine pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An organizational guide to pollution prevention
Trace Element Emissions from some Cement Plants in Turkey
Kalafatoğlu, Ersan | Örs, Nuran | Sain Özdemir, Sibel | Munlafalioğlu, Ismet
The cement industry has been one of the major sources of air pollution in the past and the Turkish Air Quality Protection Regulation has issued limits also to trace elementemissions to minimise the polluting effects of this industrialsector. In the present study, dust samples were obtained isokinetically from 18 main stacks of 10 cement plants locatedin different geographical areas of Turkey. The samples were analysed for trace elements Hg, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Se, Te, TI, V, Sb, Ba, Zn, Co, Sr, Cu, Bi, Mo, Be, and As. The results are presented both as concentration in the dust samples as well as emissions per unit production, and concentration inthe stack gas. The trace element emissions of the main stacksagree to great extent with the values given in the literature. On the other hand, the trace element emissions of the plants considered are well below the limits set in the Turkish Air Quality Protection Regulation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phosphate and Nitrate Movement Through Simulated Golf Greens
Shuman, Larry M.
Phosphorus and nitrogen can leach from porous golf greens potentially causing degradation of ground water quality. Agreenhouse experiment was carried out with 52 cm columns (15 cm diam.) made to USGA green specifications and sodded to `Tifdwarf' bermudagrass to determine the effects of fertilizer sources at various rates on P and N leaching. Fertilizers were balanced soluble and controlled-release (polyand sulfur coated) sources at N rates of 0, 12, 24, and 49 kg N ha⁻¹ and at P rates of 0, 5, 11, and 21 kg ha⁻¹ every other week for a total of 6 applications. Controlled-release N was from NH₄ and urea and the soluble source N was from KNO₃, urea, and (NH₄)PO₄. Irrigation rate was 0.63 cm per day initially and increased to 1.25 cm per day at week 7. Weeklyleachate collections for 23 weeks were analyzed for P andNO₃-N. Concentrations of N and P were lower in the leachatefor the controlled-release source than for the soluble source. Leaching of P continued for the entire 23 weeks of theexperiment, whereas N was essentially exhausted by week 15indicating that P leaches at a slower rate than N. For the low Prate (5 kg ha⁻¹) for the controlled-release source there was no increase in P concentration in the leachate compared to control. Thus, low P rates will not result in degradation of water quality due to increased P. For the controlled-release source at the low rate <10% of the P added leached, whereasthe values for N were in the range of 20 to 45% for all ratesand sources. Control treatments resulted in N concentrations in the leachate as high as 26 mg L⁻¹. Results show thatP leaching is a potential problem only at high rates of solublesources and high irrigation, whereas N is more readily leached.
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