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Geochemical and ecological changes within Moira Lake (Ontario, Canada): A legacy of industrial contamination and remediation
Tenkouano, Guy-Thierry | Cumming, Brian F. | Jamieson, Heather E.
A sediment core was obtained from Moira Lake to study the legacy of contamination and remediation at the Deloro industrial site which includes 95-years of operations involving gold mining, mineral processing, and arsenic-based pesticide production resulting in high levels of arsenic, cobalt, and nickel. A timeline for the sediment core was established by ²¹⁰Pb dating and used to evaluate the geochemical record and the impact on primary production and subfossil cladocerans. In the early 1800s, there was an initial increase in the arsenic, cobalt and nickel concentrations due to industrial development. By the 1850s, the rate of enrichment increased due to the conglomeration of small-scale operations. In the 1960s, the concentrations of those metal(loid)s decreased following the cessation of the industrial activity at Deloro and the initiation of a clean-up effort. Primary production, inferred by chlorophyll-a concentrations, initially decreased as the metal(loid)s concentrations increased. This was followed by a recovery of the chlorophyll-a concentrations and further increases in production to higher levels than recorded prior to the Deloro years. Secondary production, inferred by cladoceran assemblage structure, was initially dominated by bosminids. The assemblage then changed to one dominated by chydorids and daphnids with the change occurring contemporaneous with the change in chlorophyll-a. However, the changes in primary and secondary production occurred during the period of accelerated metal(loid) enrichment, suggesting limited impact of contamination on primary and secondary producers. Loss on ignition results revealed that during the period of accelerated arsenic enrichment, the carbonate content of the sediments increased while the percent organic content decreased. This work contributes to ongoing research to establish the environmental legacy of historical industrial activities within complex ecosystems. Furthermore, the combination of geochemical (i.e. ²¹⁰Pb, ICP-OES, XANES) and ecological analysis provides a more complete picture of the complex interactions that have occurred in Moira Lake.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Elucidating the biodegradation mechanism of tributyl phosphate (TBP) by Sphingomonas sp. isolated from TBP-contaminated mine tailings
Liu, Jia | Lin, Hai | Dong, Yingbo | Li, Bing
Tributyl phosphate (TBP) is recognised as a global environmental contaminant because of its wide use in floatation reagents, nuclear fuel reprocessing and plasticisers. This contaminant is hardly degraded by hydrolysis in the environment due to its special physicochemical properties. In this study, one TBP-degrading strain was isolated from TBP-contaminated abandoned mine tailings, and 16S rRNA identification revealed that the strain belonged to the genus Sphingomonas. Results validated that the strain could utilise TBP as the sole carbon source, and vitamin was not the essential factor for its growth. Liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis identified di-n-butyl phosphate (DnBP) and mono-n-butyl phosphate (MnBP) as the intermediate metabolites for TBP biodegradation. No obvious change in carbon and hydrogen isotope composition was observed in biodegradation processes (cell suspension and crude extract degradation), which indicated that the first irreversible bond cleavage did not involve carbon or hydrogen. Hence, the TBP degradation scheme by Sphingomonas sp. proposed that the first irreversible step of TBP transferred to DnBP would lead to PO bond cleavage. This study combined the identification of products and isotope fractionation in substrates to investigate the transformation mechanism, thereby providing an eco-friendly and cost-effective way for the in situ bioremediation of TBP-contaminated sites by the isolated TBP degradation strain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seasonal fluctuations of metal bioaccumulation and reproductive health of local oyster populations in a large contaminated estuary
Weng, Nanyan | Wang, Wen-Xiong
Despite of much evidence of trace metal pollution in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), the seasonal dynamics of metal bioavailability as well as the potential impacts of metal pollution on the local marine organisms in this estuary is poorly understood. In the present study, the accumulation of trace metals and reproductive states of three populations of oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis, a keystone bivalve species in the PRE, were for the first time investigated throughout a one-year field study. Significant temporal fluctuations of metal accumulation were observed in the somatic tissues of oysters, suggesting seasonal variations of metal bioavailability in the PRE. A major feature of the seasonal variations was the increased levels of metal bioaccumulation in the summer season for the contaminated sites nearby the major river inlets. High riverine inputs accompanied by relatively lower salinity in summer may greatly contribute to such variations. Furthermore, oyster populations from two contaminated sites had a poor reproductive condition in comparison with the reference oyster population, as reflected by a significant decrease of gonad-somatic index (GSI) and gonad cover area (GCA), as well as an obvious change of sex ratios. Gonadal metal accumulation of Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and Pb in the contaminated oysters was much higher than that in the relatively uncontaminated oysters. Especially, the concentrations of these metals in the gonad during the breeding season had significantly negative correlations with the gonad condition indexes (GSI and GCA). Our results suggested strong seasonal fluctuations of bioavailability of trace metals in this highly contaminated estuary as well as an adverse effect of metal pollution on the reproduction of local oyster populations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions and the Tibetan Plateau: A review of current knowledge and future prospects
Wang, Xiaoping | Wang, Chuanfei | Zhu, Tingting | Gong, Ping | Fu, Jianjie | Cong, Zhiyuan
Due to their low temperatures, the Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau are known as the three polar regions of the Earth. As the most remote regions of the globe, the occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in these polar regions arouses global concern. In this paper, we review the literatures on POPs involving these three polar regions. Overall, concentrations of POPs in the environment (air, water, soil and biota) have been extensively reported, with higher levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) detected on the Tibetan Plateau. The spatial distribution of POPs in air, water and soil in the three polar regions broadly reflects their distances away from source regions. Based on long-term data, decreasing trends have been observed for most “legacy POPs”. Observations of transport processes of POPs among multiple media have also been carried out, including air–water gas exchange, air–soil gas exchange, emissions from melting glaciers, bioaccumulations along food chains, and exposure risks. The impact of climate change on these processes possibly enhances the re-emission processes of POPs out of water, soil and glaciers, and reduces the bioaccumulation of POPs in food chains. Global POPs transport model have shown the Arctic receives a relatively small fraction of POPs, but that climate change will likely increase the total mass of all compounds in this polar region. Considering the impact of climate change on POPs is still unclear, long-term monitoring data and global/regional models are required, especially in the Antarctic and on the Tibetan Plateau, and the fate of POPs in all three polar regions needs to be comprehensively studied and compared to yield a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the global cycling of POPs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Variation in gravimetric correction factors for nephelometer-derived estimates of personal exposure to PM2.5
Tryner, Jessica | Good, Nicholas | Wilson, Ander | Clark, Maggie L. | Peel, Jennifer L. | Volckens, John
Many portable monitors for quantifying mass concentrations of particulate matter air pollution rely on aerosol light scattering as the measurement method; however, the relationship between scattered light (what is measured) and aerosol mass concentration (the metric of interest) is a complex function of the refractive index, size distribution, and shape of the particles. In this study, we compared 33-h personal PM2.5 concentrations measured simultaneously using nephelometry (personal DataRAM pDR-1200) and gravimetric filter sampling for working adults (44 participants, 249 samples). Nephelometer- and filter-derived 33-h average PM2.5 concentrations were correlated (Spearman's ρ = 0.77); however, the nephelometer-derived concentration was within 20% of the filter-derived concentration for only 13% of samples. The nephelometer/filter ratio, which is used to correct light-scattering measurements to a gravimetric sample, had a median value of 0.52 and varied by over a factor of three (10th percentile = 0.35, 90th percentile = 1.1). When 33-h samples with >50% of 10-s average nephelometer readings below the nephelometer limit of detection were removed from the dataset during sensitivity analyses, the fraction of nephelometer-derived concentrations that were within 20% of the filter-derived concentration increased to 25%. We also evaluated how much the accuracy of nephelometer-derived concentrations improved after applying: (1) a median correction factor derived from a subset of 44 gravimetric samples, (2) participant-specific correction factors derived from one same from each subject, and (3) correction factors predicted using linear models based on other variables recorded during the study. Each approach independently increased the fraction of nephelometer-derived concentrations that were within 20% of the filter-derived concentration to approximately 45%. These results illustrate the challenges with using light scattering (without correction to a concurrent gravimetric sample) to estimate personal exposure to PM2.5 mass among mobile adults exposed to low daily average concentrations (median = 8 μg m−3 in this study).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Electrokinetic remediation of contaminants of emergent concern in clay soil: Effect of operating parameters
Guedes, Paula | Lopes, Vanda | Couto, Nazaré | Mateus, Eduardo P. | Pereira, Cristina Silva | Ribeiro, Alexandra B.
The potential of electrokinetic (EK) remediation to remove from soils one particular group of contaminants - contaminants of emergent concern (CECs), remains largely overlooked. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the EK process for the remediation of an agricultural clay soil containing CECs. The soil was spiked with four CECs - sulfamethoxazole, ibuprofen, triclosan and caffeine - and their status (i.e. residual amounts and spatial distribution) evaluated at the seventh day of EK treatment at a defined current intensity, directionality and duration of void period. The characterization of the soil physicochemical properties was also undertaken. The results showed similar degradation trends in all applied EK strategies, which were suchlike to that of the natural attenuation (biotic control): sulfamethoxazole > ibuprofen ≥ triclosan ≥ caffeine. The removal of the CECs was higher under a 10 mA constant current application than in the natural attenuation (up to 2.8 times higher; from 13 to 85%). Caffeine was the exception with its best removal efficiency being achieved when the ON/OFF switch mode with a void period duration of 12 h was used (36%). The use of electro-polarization reversal mode did not favour the remediation. The soil pH variations resulting from EK application were determinant for triclosan remediation, which increased with soil pH increase. The only EK condition that promoted the removal of all CECs was the ON/OFF switch mode of 12 h (removals between 36 and 72%), in which only minor physicochemical disturbances of the soil were observed. This is in accordance with a potential application of EK in-situ. The last is reinforced by the low estimated electrical cost of the best EK technology - 2.33 €/m³ for the 7 days. Overall the EK remediation processes are a promising technology to stimulate in situ the removal of CECs from agricultural soils.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fungal biodegradation of the N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine in water
Llorca, Marta | Castellet-Rovira, Francesc | Farré, María-José | Jaén-Gil, Adrián | Martínez-Alonso, Maira | Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sara | Sarrà, Montserrat | Barceló, Damià
Antidepressant drugs such as Venlafaxine (VFX) and O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODMVFX) are emerging contaminants that are commonly detected in aquatic environments, since conventional wastewater treatment plants are unable to completely remove them. They can be precursors of hazardous by-products, such as the carcinogenic N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), generated upon water chlorination, as they contain the dimethylamino moiety, necessary for the formation of NDMA. In this study, the capability of three white rot fungi (Trametes versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus) to remove both antidepressants from water and to decrease NDMA formation potential was investigated. Furthermore, transformation by-products (TPs) generated along the treatment process were elucidated and also correlated with their NDMA formation potential.Very promising results were obtained for T. versicolor and G. lucidum, both being able to remove up to 100% of ODMVFX. In the case of VFX, which is very recalcitrant to conventional wastewater treatment, a 70% of removal was achieved by T. versicolor, along with a reduction in NDMA formation potential, thus decreasing the associated problems for human health and the environment. However, the NDMA formation potential remained practically constant during treatment with G. lucidum despite of the equally high VFX removal (70%). This difference was attributed to the generation of different TPs during both fungal treatments. For example, G. lucidum generated more ODMVFX, which actually has a higher NDMA formation potential than the parent compound itself.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]In utero exposure to bisphenol A disrupts fetal testis development in rats
Lv, Yao | Li, Lili | Fang, Yinghui | Chen, Panpan | Wu, Siwen | Chen, Xiuxiu | Ni, Chaobo | Zhu, Qiqi | Huang, Tongliang | Lian, Qingquan | Ge, Ren-Shan
Bisphenol A (BPA) is widely used in consumer products and is a potential endocrine disruptor linked with abnormal development of male reproductive tract. However, its action and its effects on the pathways in the development of male gonad are still unclear. Here we report that effects of BPA exposure during gestation on male gonad development. Sprague-Dawley rats were gavaged daily with BPA (0, 4, 40, and 400 mg/kg body weight) from gestational day 12 to day 21. BPA dose-dependently decreased serum testosterone levels (0.45 ± 0.08 ng/ml and 0.32 ± 0.08 ng/ml for 40 and 400 mg/kg BPA, respectively) versus the control level (1.11 ± 0.22 ng/ml, Mean ± SE). BPA lowered Leydig cell Insl3 and Hsd17b3 mRNA and their protein levels at doses of 40 and 400 mg/kg. BPA also lowered Leydig cell (Lhcgr, Cyp11a1, and Cyp17a1) and Sertoli cell (Amh) mRNA and their protein levels at 400 mg/kg. BPA decreased fetal Leydig cell number via inhibiting their proliferation, but it did not affect fetal Sertoli cell number. In conclusion, the current study shows that in utero exposure to BPA inhibits fetal Leydig and Sertoli cell differentiation, possibly disrupting the development of male reproductive tract.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Toxicity testing of “eco-friendly” de-icing formulations using Chironomus dilutus
Nutile, Samuel A. | Solan, Megan E.
An influx of chloride ions from road de-icing solutions can result in toxicological effects to organisms in terrestrial and aquatic environments. As such, “eco-friendly” de-icing alternatives are sought to mitigate environmental impacts of de-icing impervious surfaces, while maintaining human safety. While many alternative de-icers are economically impractical for municipal use, the residential commercial market is flooded with de-icing formulations claiming to be “eco-friendly”. Given the little regulation and guidance that surrounds eco-labeling, the meaning of “eco-friendly” remains unclear in the context of biological systems. The objective of the current study was to determine the toxicity of three “eco-friendly” de-icing formulations to Chironomus dilutus using 10 d toxicity tests. The toxicity of these three formulations was compared to a traditional formulation composed entirely of chloride salts. Two of the “eco-friendly” de-icers demonstrated LC₅₀s of 6.61 and 6.32 g/L, which were similar in toxicity to the traditional sodium chloride formulation with a LC₅₀ 6.29 g/L. The comparable toxicities of these formulations is likely due to the presence of chloride salts in each of the “eco-friendly” de-icers. The third “eco-friendly” formulation, a urea-based de-icer, demonstrated toxicity an order of magnitude higher than that of the traditional formulation with an LC₅₀ of 0.63 g/L. While C. dilutus may not have been the intended endpoint in consideration when marketing these products as “eco-friendly”, consideration of how eco-labeling is utilized and the role of environmental scientists in determining the meaning of such claims must be considered to ensure continued and future protection of the environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Four decades since the ban, old urban wastewater treatment plant remains a dominant source of PCBs to the environment
Needham, Trevor P. | Ghosh, Upal
Despite the ban on new manufacture and commercial use of PCBs, municipal sewer systems continue to serve as ongoing secondary sources for contamination in receiving water bodies. Ongoing PCB sources have made it difficult to achieve desired recovery after implementation of sediment cleanup efforts. We report on a 16-month surveillance to determine the inputs, fate, and export of PCBs within a municipal waste collection/treatment system by strategic sampling of the freely-dissolved and biosolids-associated PCBs. The total PCBs entering the treatment plant was found to be 170 g/day of which 100 g/day exited the plant associated with the biosolids and 5.2 g/day was discharged in the form of freely-dissolved PCBs in the effluent. A net loss of 68 g/day was calculated for the plant, attributable to volatilization and biodegradation. Freely dissolved PCBs in the treated effluent was an order of magnitude higher than the water quality criteria for the protection of human health through fish consumption and found to be a major contributor to the dissolved concentration in the receiving river. Predicted bioaccumulation in fish from dissolved PCBs in the effluent exceeded the threshold for human consumption. The biosolids, currently land-applied as fertilizer, contained an average PCB concentration of 760 μg/kg. The sludge produced in this treatment plant is processed in large anaerobic digesters and changes to the homolog distribution point to some microbial dechlorination. Application of biosolids to clean agricultural soil resulted in a 6-fold increase in PCB levels in the earthworm E. fetida which could be eliminated by the amendment of 1% by weight of activated carbon.
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