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Attenuation of bacterial cytotoxicity of carbon nanotubes by riverine suspended solids in water
Zhu, Baotong | Xia, Xinghui | Zhang, Sibo | Tang, Yuchen
The impact of solid particles on ecotoxicity of nanomaterials in water environments is poorly understood. This study investigated the effect of natural riverine suspended solids (SPS) on the cytotoxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) towards a bacterium, Ochrobactrum sp. in water. Compared with SWCNT suspension without SPS, the presence of SPS at different concentrations ranging from 20 to 400 mg L⁻¹ markedly increased the survival rates of bacteria exposed to 50 mg L⁻¹ SWCNTs and bacterial survival rates increased with SPS concentrations by a power law. Sedimentation experiments and field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed the occurrence of heteroaggregation between SWCNTs and SPS, probably responsible for the reduced SWCNT toxicity. Furthermore, the extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (ExDLVO) calculation showed the mitigated toxicity might also result from the decreased SWCNT-bacterium interaction energy with the increased SPS concentrations and the stronger SPS-SWCNT interaction than the SWCNT-bacterium interaction. This work provides new insights into our understanding of environmental hazards of engineered nanomaterials in aquatic systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Public health risk of trace metals in fresh chicken meat products on the food markets of a major production region in southern China
Hu, Yuanan | Zhang, Wenfeng | Chen, Gang | Cheng, Hefa | Tao, Shu
Because most chickens are reared in intensive farms, where a range of feed additives are used routinely, concerns have been raised on the potential public health risk of chicken product consumption. This study was conducted to characterize the contents of trace metals in fresh chicken tissues (354 samples) on the food markets in Guangdong province of southern China, a major region of chicken production with heavy per capita chicken consumption, and to assess the public health risk from chronic dietary exposure to the trace metals through chicken consumption. With the exception of Cr, Ni, and Pb, the contents of trace metals were generally higher in the chicken giblets (livers, gizzards, hearts, and kidneys) compared to muscles (breasts and drumsticks). Chicken tissues from the urban markets generally contained higher levels of As, Cu, Mn, and Zn than those from the rural markets, while the contents of Pb were typically higher in the chicken muscles from the rural markets. Results of statistical analyses indicate that Cu, Zn, and As in the chicken tissues derived mainly from the feeds, which is consistent with the widespread use of Cu, Zn, and phenylarsenic compounds as feed supplements/additives in intensive poultry farming. No non-carcinogenic risk is found with the consumption of fresh chicken meat products on the food markets, while approximately 70% of the adult population in Guangzhou and 30% of those in Lianzhou have bladder and lung cancer risk above the serious or priority level (10⁻⁴), which arises from the inorganic arsenic contained in the chicken tissues. These findings indicate that the occurrence of inorganic arsenic at elevated levels in chicken tissues on the food markets in Guangdong province poses a significant public health risk, thus the use of phenylarsenic feed additives in China's poultry farming should be significantly reduced and eventually phased out.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genotoxic effects of vinclozolin on the aquatic insect Chironomus riparius (Diptera, Chironomidae)
Aquilino, Mónica | Sánchez-Argüello, Paloma | Martínez-Guitarte, José-Luis
Vinclozolin (Vz) is a pollutant found in aquatic environments whose antiandrogenic effects in reproduction are well known in mammals. Although its reproductive effects have been less studied in invertebrates, other effects, including genotoxicity, have been described. Therefore, in this work, we studied the genotoxic effects of Vz in the freshwater benthic invertebrate Chironomus riparius. DNA damage was evaluated with the comet assay (tail area, olive moment, tail moment and % DNA in tail), and the transcriptional levels of different genes involved in DNA repair (ATM, NLK and XRCC1) and apoptosis (DECAY) were measured by RT-PCR. Fourth instar larvae of C. riparius, were exposed to Vz for 24 h at 20 and 200 μg/L. The Vz exposures affected the DNA integrity in this organism, since a dose-response relationship occurred, with DNA strand breaks significantly increased with increased dose for tail area, olive moment and tail moment parameters. Additionally, the lower concentration of Vz produced a significant induction of the transcripts of three genes under study (ATM, NLK and XRCC1) showing the activation of the cellular repair mechanism. In contrast, the expression of these genes with the highest concentration were downregulated, indicating failure of the cellular repair mechanism, which would explain the higher DNA damage. These data report for the first time the alterations of Vz on gene transcription of an insect and confirm the potential genotoxicity of this compound on freshwater invertebrates.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Modelling daily PM2.5 concentrations at high spatio-temporal resolution across Switzerland
de Hoogh, Kees | Héritier, Harris | Stafoggia, Massimo | Künzli, Nino | Kloog, Itai
Spatiotemporal resolved models were developed predicting daily fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) concentrations across Switzerland from 2003 to 2013. Relatively sparse PM₂.₅ monitoring data was supplemented by imputing PM₂.₅ concentrations at PM₁₀ sites, using PM₂.₅/PM₁₀ ratios at co-located sites. Daily PM₂.₅ concentrations were first estimated at a 1 × 1km resolution across Switzerland, using Multiangle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) data in combination with spatiotemporal predictor data in a four stage approach. Mixed effect models (1) were used to predict PM₂.₅ in cells with AOD but without PM₂.₅ measurements (2). A generalized additive mixed model with spatial smoothing was applied to generate grid cell predictions for those grid cells where AOD was missing (3). Finally, local PM₂.₅ predictions were estimated at each monitoring site by regressing the residuals from the 1 × 1km estimate against local spatial and temporal variables using machine learning techniques (4) and adding them to the stage 3 global estimates. The global (1 km) and local (100 m) models explained on average 73% of the total,71% of the spatial and 75% of the temporal variation (all cross validated) globally and on average 89% (total) 95% (spatial) and 88% (temporal) of the variation locally in measured PM₂.₅ concentrations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Integration of behavioral tests and biochemical biomarkers of terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) is a promising methodology for testing environmental safety of chars
Madžarić, Suzana | Kos, Monika | Drobne, Damjana | Hočevar, Matej | Jemec Kokalj, Anita
We investigated how different carbonized materials, or chars (olive mill pomace biochar (BC) and urban greens pruning residues hydrochar (HC)) affect an important member of soil fauna, the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. The selection behavior of isopods towards chars after a 48 h exposure was studied in (i) soil-char amended tests with single and multiple choices, and (ii) tests with chars offered as pure material. Finally, we exposed the isopods to char-amended soils for a period of 14 days to follow the effect on food consumption, body mass and activities of enzymes that are commonly altered upon stressor exposure (acetylcholinesterase, AChE, and glutathione S-transferase, GST). We showed that isopods are able to select between char amended and un-amended soil and different forms of char amendments: a clear preference for BC, and avoidance of HC were evidenced. The preferences remained the same when the chars were sterilized leading to the conclusion that initial microorganism composition was not the reason for selection, but selection was governed by other chars’ physico-chemical properties. It remains to be elucidated which of these properties were the dominant reason for the selection. We also showed that isopods intentionally use BC as food at a similar rate to alder leaves. Medium-term exposure to HC resulted in adverse effects on isopods because it led to reduced feeding and growth, in addition to increasing GST activity, although no alterations in AChE activity were found. We suggest that behavioral tests with P. scaber could be used as a fast, reliable and economically feasible screening method for determining the safety of chars for the soil environment. Results represent significant contribution in the field of char toxicity testing, highlighting the importance of tests with isopods as important members of soil meso fauna, with the aim of influencing environmental policies and quality standards.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Germination, physiological and biochemical responses of acacia seedlings (Acacia raddiana and Acacia tortilis) to petroleum contaminated soils
Tran, Thanh Hoai | Mayzlish Gati, Einav | Eshel, Amram | Winters, Gidon
Along the arid Arava, southern Israel, acacia trees (Acacia raddiana and Acacia tortilis) are considered keystone species. Yet they are threatened by the ongoing aquifer depletion for agriculture, the conversion of natural land to agricultural land, seed infestation by bruchid beetles, and the reduction in precipitation level in the region. In the acacia dominated Evrona reserve (southern Arava), adding to these threats are recurrent oil spills from an underground pipeline. We report here a study of the effects of contaminated soils, from a recent (December 2014) and a much older (1975) oil spills.The effects of local petroleum oil-contaminated soils on germination and early growing stages of the two acacia species were studied by comparisons with uncontaminated (control) soils from the same sites. For both acacia species, germination was significantly reduced in the 2014 oil-contaminated soils, whereas delayed in the 1975 oil-contaminated soil. There was no significant effect of oil volatile compounds on seed germination. At 105 days post transplanting (DPT), height, leaf number, stem diameter, and root growth were significantly smaller in the oil-contaminated soils. While photosynthetic performance (quantum yield of photosystem II) did not differ considerably between treatments, reductions of chlorophylls content and protein content were found in seedlings growing in the contaminated soils. Significant increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities were found in roots of seedlings growing in oil-contaminated soils. These results demonstrate that seed germination and seedling growth of both acacia species were strongly restricted by oil contamination in soils, from both recent (2014) and a 40-year old (1975) oil spills.Such long-term effects of oil spills on local acacia seedlings could shift the structure of local acacia communities. These results should be taken into account by local authorities aiming to clean up and restore such polluted areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A comparison of various approaches used in source apportionments for precipitation nitrogen in a mountain region of southwest China
Cui, Jian | Zhou, Fengwu | Gao, Min | Zhang, Liuyi | Zhang, Leiming | Du, Ke | Leng, Qiangmei | Zhang, Yuanzhu | He, Dongyi | Yang, Fumo | Chan, Andy
Six different approaches are applied in the present study to apportion the sources of precipitation nitrogen making use of precipitation data of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, including NO3− and NH4+), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and δ15N signatures of DIN collected at six sampling sites in the mountain region of Southwest China. These approaches include one quantitative approach running a Bayesian isotope mixing model (SIAR model) and five qualitative approaches based on in-situ survey (ISS), ratio of NH4+/NO3− (RN), principal component analysis (PCA), canonical-correlation analysis (CCA) and stable isotope approach (SIA). Biomass burning, coal combustion and mobile exhausts in the mountain region are identified as major sources for precipitation DIN while biomass burning and volatilization sources such as animal husbandries are major ones for DON. SIAR model results suggest that mobile exhausts, biomass burning and coal combustion contributed 25.1 ± 14.0%, 26.0 ± 14.1% and 27.0 ± 12.6%, respectively, to NO3− on the regional scale. Higher contributions of both biomass burning and coal combustion appeared at rural and urban sites with a significant difference between Houba (rural) and the wetland site (p < 0.05). The RN method fails to properly identify sources of DIN, the ISS and SIA approach only respectively identifies DON and DIN sources, the PCA only tracks source types for precipitation N, while the CCA identify sources of both DIN and DON in precipitation. SIAR quantified the contributions of major sources to precipitation NO3− but failed for precipitation NH4+ and DON. It is recommended to use ISS and SIAR in combination with one or more approaches from PCA, CCA and SIA to apportion precipitation NO3− sources. As for apportioning precipitation NH4+ sources, more knowledge is needed for local 15N databases of NH3 and DON and 15N fractional mechanisms among gaseous, liquid and particulate surfaces in this mountain region and similar environments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Tree rings reveal the reduction of Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb pollution in the central region of São Paulo, Brazil
Locosselli, Giuliano Maselli | Chacón-Madrid, Katherine | Arruda, Marco Aurélio Zezzi | Pereira de Camargo, Evelyn | Lopes Moreira, Tiana Carla | Saldiva de André, Carmen Diva | André, Paulo Afonso de | Singer, Julio M. | Saldiva, Paulo H. N. (Paulo Hilário Nascimento) | Buckeridge, Marcos Silveira
The concern about environmental pollution has risen in the last decades because of its effects on human's health. However, evaluation of the exposure to certain pollutants is currently hampered by the availability of past environmental data. Tree rings are an alternative to reconstruct environmental variability of pre-instrumental periods. Nevertheless, this approach has some reported limitations including migration of chemical elements in the tree rings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of Cd, Cu, Hg, Na, Ni, Pb, Zn in the tree rings of Tipuana tipu (Fabaceae) to aid the reconstruction of past environmental pollution. We sampled trees in the central region of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and scanned their tree rings using LA-ICP-MS. We used these data to evaluate the temporal trends of chemical elements under investigation. Results show a non-random distribution of these chemical elements within the tree rings, with higher content in the cell-walls of vessels and lower content in the fibers. Sodium was the only element intimately related to the axial parenchyma cells. Due to differences in elemental composition of xylem cells, temporal trends where evaluated using distinct quartiles of data distribution in each tree ring. The first quartile represents the lower content found in fibers and parenchyma, while the third quartile corresponds to the higher content found in vessels. Data from vessels better represent the decreasing trend of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Ni in the last three decades. This reduction is less significant for Na and Zn. Our results highlight the potential to improve the records of environmental pollution using data from different cells. Pronounced reduction in Pb may be attributed to the lead phase-out in gasoline, while the decreasing trend of Cd, Cu, Ni pollution is probably related to increasing efficiency of vehicles and the deindustrialization of São Paulo.Chemical elements are non-randomly distributed in tree rings. Chemical content of vessels cell-walls is a reliable record of metal pollution, which is decreasing in São Paulo.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Transfers of embodied PM2.5 emissions from and to the North China region based on a multiregional input-output model
Yang, Xue | Zhang, Wenzhong | Fan, Jie | Yu, Jianhui | Zhao, Hongyan
Atmospheric PM₂.₅ pollution has become a global issue, and is increasingly being associated with social unrest. As a resource reliant local economy and heavy industry cluster, the North China region has become China's greatest emitter, and the source of much pollution spillover to outside regions. To address this issue, the current study investigates the transfers of embodied PM₂.₅ emissions to and from the North China region (which is taken to include Hebei, Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi, and is referred to here as HHSS). The study uses a top-down pollutant emission inventory and environmentally extended multi-regional input-output (EE-MRIO) model. The results indicate that the HHSS area exported a total of 660 Gg of embodied PM₂.₅ to other domestic provinces, mainly producing outflows to China's central coastal area (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai) and the Beijing-Tianjin region. HHSS also imported 224 Gg of embodied PM₂.₅ from other domestic regions, primarily from Inner Mongolia and the northeast. Furthermore, the transfer of embodied emissions often occurred between geographically adjacent areas to save costs; Beijing and Tianjin mainly transferred embodied pollution to Hebei and Shanxi, whilst Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Zhejiang tended to import embodied air pollutants from Shandong and Henan. At the sectoral level, the melting and pressing of metals, the production of non-metallic products, and electric and heat power production were the three dominant economic sectors for PM₂.₅ emissions, together accounting for 81% of total discharges. Capital formation played a key role in outflows (75%) in all sectors. Moreover, the virtual pollutant emissions exported to foreign countries also significantly affected HHSS′ discharges significantly, making up 340 Gg. Allocating responsibility for some proportion of HHSS′ emissions to the Beijing-Tianjin area and the central coastal provinces may be an effective approach for mitigating releases in HHSS.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Plastic litter from shotgun ammunition on Danish coastlines – Amounts and provenance
Kanstrup, Niels | Balsby, Thorsten J.S.
Plastic litter in the marine environment is a major global issue. Discarded plastic shotgun ammunition shells and discharged wads are an unwelcome addition and feature among the top ten litter items found on reference beaches in Denmark.To understand this problem, its scale and origins, collections were made by volunteers along Danish coastal shorelines. In all 3669 plastic ammunition items were collected at 68 sites along 44.6 km of shoreline. The collected items were scored for characteristic variables such as gauge and length, shot type, and the legibility of text, the erosion, and the presence of metallic components. Scores for characteristics were related to the site, area, and season and possible influences discussed.The prevalence of collected plastic shotgun litter ranges from zero to 41 items per 100 m with an average of 3.7 items per 100 m. Most ammunition litter on Danish coasts originates from hunting on Danish coastal waterbodies, but a small amount may come from further afield. North Sea coasts are the most distinctive suggesting the possible contribution of long distance drift as well as the likelihood that such litter can persist in marine habitats for decades.The pathway from initial discard to eventual wash-up and collection depends on the physical properties of plastic components, marine tides and currents, coastal topography and shoreline vegetation.Judging from the disintegration of the cartridge and the wear and decomposition of components, we conclude that there is a substantial supply of polluting plastic ammunition materials that has and will accumulate. These plastic items pose a hazard to marine ecosystems and wash up on coasts for many years to come. We recommend that responsible managers, hunters and ammunition manufacturers will take action now to reduce the problem and, thereby, protect ecosystems, wildlife and the sustainability of hunting.
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