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Long term trends in atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A study of Japanese cities from 1997 to 2014
Hayakawa, Kazuichi | Tang, Ning | Nagato, Edward Gou | Toriba, Akira | Sakai, Shigekatsu | Kano, Fumio | Goto, Sumio | Endo, Osamu | Arashidani, Kei-ichi | Kakimoto, Hitoshi
Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) was collected during the summer and winter in five Japanese cities spanning Hokkaido to Kyushu (Sapporo, Kanazawa, Tokyo, Sagamihara and Kitakyushu) from 1997 to 2014. Nine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with four to six rings, including pyrene (Pyr) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), were identified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. Two nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs), 1-nitropyrene (1-NP) and 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene (6-NBaP), were identified by HPLC with chemiluminescence detection. A comparison of PAH and NPAH concentrations and [NPAH]/[PAH] ratios such as [1-NP]/[Pyr] and [6-NBaP]/[BaP] revealed the following characteristics in the five cities: (1) In Sapporo, Kanazawa, Tokyo and Sagamihara, the concentrations of PAHs and NPAHs were high at the beginning of the sampling period and then steadily decreased, with NPAHs decreasing faster than PAHs. The large initial [1-NP]/[Pyr] ratios suggest that the major contributor was automobiles but subsequent decreases in this ratio suggest decreased automobile contributions. (2) By contrast, PAH concentrations in Kitakyushu did not decrease during the sampling period, though concentrations of NPAHs decreased. The consistently smaller [1-NP]/[Pyr] ratio and larger [6-NBaP]/[BaP] ratio in Kitakyushu suggests that the major contributor of PAHs was not automobiles but iron manufacturing which uses a large amount of coal. The sudden increase in atmospheric PAH concentrations in the winter of 2014 may also be due to iron manufacturing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial (bio)accumulation of pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, plasticisers, perfluorinated compounds and metabolites in river sediment, aquatic plants and benthic organisms
Wilkinson, John L. | Hooda, Peter S. | Swinden, Julian | Barker, James | Barton, Stephen
Organic contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PPCPs) and other emerging contaminants (ECs) are known to persist in the aquatic environment and many are indicated as endocrine, epigenetic, or other toxicants. Typically, the study of PPCPs/ECs in the aquatic environment is limited to their occurrence dissolved in river water. In this study, accumulation and spatial distribution of thirteen PPCPs/ECs were assessed in aquatic sediment (n = 23), periphyton (biofilm, n = 8), plants Callitriche sp. (n = 8) and Potamogeton sp. (n = 7) as well as amphipod crustaceans (Gammarus pulex, n = 10) and aquatic snails (Bithynia tentaculata, n = 9). All samples (n = 65) were collected from the Hogsmill, Blackwater and Bourne Rivers in southern England. Targeted PPCPs/ECs included pharmaceuticals, plasticisers, perfluorinated compounds, illicit drugs and metabolites. Extraction from solid matrices occurred using ultrasonic-assisted extraction followed by an in-house validated method for solid-phase extraction and subsequent liquid-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry. Field-derived bioconcentration-factors and biota-sediment accumulation-factors were determined for all studied biota. Residues of studied contaminants were found in all sediment and biota. Concentrations of contaminants were generally higher in biota than sediment. Evidence suggests that the studied aquatic plants may effectively degrade bisphenol-A into its main transformation product hydroxyacetophenone, potentially mediated by cytochrome p450 and internalisation of contaminants into the cellular vacuole. A positive association between both hydrophobicity and PFC chain length and contaminant accumulation was observed in this work. Only PFCs, plasticisers and HAP were classified as either ‘bioaccumulative’ or ‘very bioaccumulative’ using BCF criteria established by guidelines of four governments. Contaminants appeared to be differentially bioaccumulative in biota, indicating there may be a need for a species-specific BCF/BSAF classification system. These data form a detailed accounting of PPCP/EC fate and distribution in the aquatic environment highlighting accumulation at lower trophic levels, a potential source for higher organisms.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]OrganoRelease – A framework for modeling the release of organic chemicals from the use and post-use of consumer products
Tao, Mengya | Li, Dingsheng | Song, Runsheng | Suh, Sangwon | Keller, Arturo A.
Chemicals in consumer products have become the focus of recent regulatory developments including California's Safer Consumer Products Act. However, quantifying the amount of chemicals released during the use and post-use phases of consumer products is challenging, limiting the ability to understand their impacts. Here we present a comprehensive framework, OrganoRelease, for estimating the release of organic chemicals from the use and post-use of consumer products given limited information. First, a novel Chemical Functional Use Classifier estimates functional uses based on chemical structure. Second, the quantity of chemicals entering different product streams is estimated based on market share data of the chemical functional uses. Third, chemical releases are estimated based on either chemical product categories or functional uses by using the Specific Environmental Release Categories and EU Technological Guidance Documents. OrganoRelease connects 19 unique functional uses and 14 product categories across 4 data sources and provides multiple pathways for chemical release estimation. Available user information can be incorporated in the framework at various stages. The Chemical Functional Use Classifier achieved an average accuracy above 84% for nine functional uses, which enables the OrganoRelease to provide release estimates for the chemical, mostly using only the molecular structure. The results can be can be used as input for methods estimating environmental fate and exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Integrated assessment of heavy metal pollution using transplanted mussels in eastern Guangdong, China
Shi, Jingchun | Li, Xue | He, Tangtian | Wang, Jingzhen | Wang, Zhen | Li, Ping | Lai, Yongzhong | Sanganyado, Edmond | Liu, Wenhua
Heavy metal contamination has been widely studied in coastal areas around the world. However, integrative studies of heavy metals pollution by monitoring and characterizing sediments, organisms, and biomarkers as well as their holistic interactions are rare. Here, we selected a developed coastal area in eastern Guangdong, China as the study field. Heavy metal analysis (both in sediment and mussel) and biomarker tests, including neutral red retention time test (NRRT) and micronuclei (MN) test, were employed in the current research. Anthropogenic activities influenced the heavy metal levels in sediments. Significant relationships (p < 0.05) were observed in the concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn between sediments and transplanted mussel, and significant relationships (p < 0.05) were also observed in between the concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn in sediments and the NRRT of mussel. The potential ecological risk index (RI) of sediments significantly correlated with NRRT (R = −0.991, p < 0.05). In Hao River, where the highest RI of sediments was found, the highest MN frequency and the lowest NRRT in mussels were detected simultaneously. The results indicated that the heavy metal pollution might cause subcellular toxic and genotoxic effects on mussels, especially for those from polluted areas (i.e., Hao River). The present study suggests that the transplanted green-lipped mussels are suitable for assessing heavy metal pollution, especially for Cd, Cu, and Zn.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatiotemporal prediction of daily ambient ozone levels across China using random forest for human exposure assessment
Zhan, Yu | Luo, Yuzhou | Deng, Xunfei | Grieneisen, Michael L. | Zhang, Minghua | Di, Baofeng
In China, ozone pollution shows an increasing trend and becomes the primary air pollutant in warm seasons. Leveraging the air quality monitoring network, a random forest model is developed to predict the daily maximum 8-h average ozone concentrations ([O₃]MDA₈) across China in 2015 for human exposure assessment. This model captures the observed spatiotemporal variations of [O₃]MDA₈ by using the data of meteorology, elevation, and recent-year emission inventories (cross-validation R² = 0.69 and RMSE = 26 μg/m³). Compared with chemical transport models that require a plenty of variables and expensive computation, the random forest model shows comparable or higher predictive performance based on only a handful of readily-available variables at much lower computational cost. The nationwide population-weighted [O₃]MDA₈ is predicted to be 84 ± 23 μg/m³ annually, with the highest seasonal mean in the summer (103 ± 8 μg/m³). The summer [O₃]MDA₈ is predicted to be the highest in North China (125 ± 17 μg/m³). Approximately 58% of the population lives in areas with more than 100 nonattainment days ([O₃]MDA₈>100 μg/m³), and 12% of the population are exposed to [O₃]MDA₈>160 μg/m³ (WHO Interim Target 1) for more than 30 days. As the most populous zones in China, the Beijing-Tianjin Metro, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Sichuan Basin are predicted to be at 154, 141, 124, and 98 nonattainment days, respectively. Effective controls of O₃ pollution are urgently needed for the highly-populated zones, especially the Beijing-Tianjin Metro with seasonal [O₃]MDA₈ of 140 ± 29 μg/m³ in summer. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first statistical modeling work of ambient O₃ for China at the national level. This timely and extensively validated [O₃]MDA₈ dataset is valuable for refining epidemiological analyses on O₃ pollution in China.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Greenhouse gas emissions reduction in different economic sectors: Mitigation measures, health co-benefits, knowledge gaps, and policy implications
Gao, Jinghong | Hou, Hongli | Zhai, Yunkai | Woodward, Alistair | Vardoulakis, Sotiris | Kovats, Sari | Wilkinson, Paul | Li, Liping | Song, Xiaoqin | Xu, Lei | Meng, Bohan | Liu, Xiaobo | Wang, Jun | Zhao, Jie | Liu, Qiyong
To date, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mitigation strategies and the accompanying health co-benefits in different economic sectors have not been fully investigated. The purpose of this paper is to review comprehensively the evidence on GHG mitigation measures and the related health co-benefits, identify knowledge gaps, and provide recommendations to promote further development and implementation of climate change response policies. Evidence on GHG emissions, abatement measures and related health co-benefits has been observed at regional, national and global levels, involving both low- and high-income societies. GHG mitigation actions have mainly been taken in five sectors: energy generation, transport, food and agriculture, household and industry, consistent with the main sources of GHG emissions. GHGs and air pollutants to a large extent stem from the same sources and are inseparable in terms of their atmospheric evolution and effects on ecosystem; thus, GHG reductions are usually, although not always, estimated to have cost effective co-benefits for public health. Some integrated mitigation strategies involving multiple sectors, which tend to create greater health benefits. The pros and cons of different mitigation measures, issues with existing knowledge, priorities for research, and potential policy implications were also discussed. Findings from this study can play a role not only in motivating large GHG emitters to make decisive changes in GHG emissions, but also in facilitating cooperation at international, national and regional levels, to promote GHG mitigation policies that protect public health from climate change and air pollution simultaneously.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Citizen science identifies the effects of nitrogen deposition, climate and tree species on epiphytic lichens across the UK
Welden, N.A. | Wolseley, P.A. | Ashmore, M.R.
A national citizen survey quantified the abundance of epiphytic lichens that are known to be either sensitive or tolerant to nitrogen (N) deposition. Records were collected across the UK from over 10,000 individual trees of 22 deciduous species. Mean abundance of tolerant and sensitive lichens was related to mean N deposition rates and climatic variables at a 5 km scale, and the response of lichens was compared on the three most common trees (Quercus, Fraxinus and Acer) and by assigning all 22 tree species to three bark pH groups. The abundance of N-sensitive lichens on trunks decreased with increasing total N deposition, while that of N-tolerant lichens increased. The abundance of N-sensitive lichens on trunks was reduced close to a busy road, while the abundance of N-tolerant lichens increased. The abundance of N-tolerant lichen species on trunks was lower on Quercus and other low bark pH species, but the abundance of N-sensitive lichens was similar on different tree species. Lichen abundance relationships with total N deposition did not differ between tree species or bark pH groups. The response of N-sensitive lichens to reduced nitrogen was greater than to oxidised N, and the response of N-tolerant lichens was greater to oxidised N than to reduced N. There were differences in the response of N-sensitive and N-tolerant lichens to rainfall, humidity and temperature. Relationships with N deposition and climatic variables were similar for lichen presence on twigs as for lichen abundance on trunks, but N-sensitive lichens increased, rather than decreased, on twigs of Quercus/low bark pH species. The results demonstrate the unique power of citizen science to detect and quantify the air pollution impacts over a wide geographical range, and specifically to contribute to understanding of lichen responses to different chemical forms of N deposition, local pollution sources and bark chemistry.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Concurrent aggregation and transport of graphene oxide in saturated porous media: Roles of temperature, cation type, and electrolyte concentration
Wang, Mei | Gao, Bin | Tang, Deshan | Yu, Congrong
Simultaneous aggregation and retention of nanoparticles can occur during their transport in porous media. In this work, the concurrent aggregation and transport of GO in saturated porous media were investigated under the conditions of different combinations of temperature, cation type (valence), and electrolyte concentration. Increasing temperature (6–24 °C) at a relatively high electrolyte concentration (i.e., 50 mM for Na⁺, 1 mM for Ca²⁺, 1.75 mM for Mg²⁺, and 0.03 and 0.05 mM for Al³⁺) resulted in enhanced GO retention in the porous media. For instance, when the temperature increased from 6 to 24 °C, GO recovery rate decreased from 31.08% to 6.53% for 0.03 mM Al³⁺ and from 27.11% to 0 for 0.05 mM Al³⁺. At the same temperature, increasing cation valence and electrolyte concentration also promoted GO retention. Although GO aggregation occurred in the electrolytes during the transport, the deposition mechanisms of GO retention in the media depended on cation type (valence). For 50 mM Na⁺, surface deposition via secondary minima was the dominant GO retention mechanism. For multivalent cation electrolytes, GO aggregation was rapid and thus other mechanisms such as physical straining and sedimentation also played important roles in controlling GO retention in the media. After passing through the columns, the GO particles in the effluents showed better stability with lower initial aggregation rates. This was probably because less stable GO particles with lower surface charge densities in the porewater were filtered by the porous media, resulting in more stable GO particle with higher surface charge densities in the effluents. An advection–dispersion-reaction model was applied to simulate GO breakthrough curves and the simulations matched all the experimental data well.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of a hierarchical model for predicting microbiological contamination of private groundwater supplies in a geologically heterogeneous region
O'Dwyer, Jean | Hynds, Paul D. | Byrne, Kenneth A. | Ryan, Michael P. | Adley, Catherine C.
Private groundwater sources in the Republic of Ireland provide drinking water to an estimated 750,000 people or 16% of the national population. Consumers of untreated groundwater are at increased risk of infection from pathogenic microorganisms. However, given the volume of private wells in operation, remediation or even quantification of public risk is both costly and time consuming. In this study, a hierarchical logistic regression model was developed to ‘predict’ contamination with E. coli based on the results of groundwater quality analyses of private wells (n = 132) during the period of September 2011 to November 2012. Assessment of potential microbial contamination risk factors were categorised into three groups: Intrinsic (environmental factors), Specific (local features) and Infrastructural (groundwater source characteristics) which included a total of 15 variables. Overall, 51.4% of wells tested positive for E. coli during the study period with univariate analysis indicating that 11 of the 15 assessed risk factors, including local bedrock type, local subsoil type, septic tank reliance, 5 day antecedent precipitation and temperature, along with well type and depth, were all significantly associated with E. coli presence (p < 0.05). Hierarchical logistic regression was used to develop a private well susceptibility model with the final model containing 8 of the 11 associated variables. The model was shown to be highly efficient; correctly classifying the presence of E. coli in 94.2% of cases, and the absence of E. coli in 84.7% of cases. Model validation was performed using an external data set (n = 32) and it was shown that the model has promising accuracy with 90% of positive E. coli cases correctly predicted. The developed model represents a risk assessment and management tool that may be used to develop effective water-quality management strategies to minimize public health risks both in Ireland and abroad.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Health status alterations in Ruditapes philippinarum after continuous secondary effluent exposure before and after additional tertiary treatment application
Díaz-Garduño, B. | Perales, J.A. | Garrido-Pérez, C. | Martín-Díaz, M.L.
A mobile pilot plant was set up in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in southwest Spain to address potential adverse effects of effluents as a whole contaminant, which are discharging into marine environments. Ruditapes philippinarum specimens were exposed to different effluent concentrations (50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, and 3.15%) during seven days. After effluent exposure, lysosomal membrane stability alterations (LMS), changes in the energy status storage (total lipids content (TLP) and in the mitochondrial electron transport (MET), inhibition of inflammatory mechanisms (cyclooxygenase activity (COX)), and neurotoxic effects (acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were determined in exposed organisms. Furthermore, potential toxic reduction in the effluent was analysed by the application of an additional microalgae tertiary treatment called photobiotreatment (PhtBio). Results after PhtBio confirmed the toxic effect reduction in exposed organisms. Neuroendocrine effects, alterations in energy budget and in lipid storage revealed alterations in clam's health status causing stress conditions after effluent exposure.
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