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Abiotic degradation of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes in water
Tobiszewski, Marek | Namieśnik, Jacek
INTRODUCTION: Chlorinated ethanes and ethenes are among the most frequently detected organic pollutants of water. Their physicochemical properties are such that they can contaminate aquifers for decades. In favourable conditions, they can undergo degradation. In anaerobic conditions, chlorinated solvents can undergo reductive dechlorination. DEGRADATION PATHWAYS: Abiotic dechlorination is usually slower than microbial but abiotic dechlorination is usually complete. In favourable conditions, abiotic reactions bring significant contribution to natural attenuation processes. Abiotic agents that may enhance the reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes are zero-valent metals, sulphide minerals or green rusts. OXIDATION: At some sites, permanganate and Fenton’s reagent can be used as remediation tool for oxidation of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes. Nanoscale iron or bimetallic particles, due to high efficiency in degradation of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes, have gained much interest. They allow for rapid degradation of chlorinated ethanes and ethenes in water phase, but they also give benefit of treating dense non-aqueous phase liquid.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics links bioavailability for assessing arsenic uptake and toxicity in three aquaculture species
Chen, Wei-Yu | Liao, Chung-Min
The purpose of this study was to link toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics (TK/TD) and bioavailability-based metal uptake kinetics to assess arsenic (As) uptake and bioaccumulation in three common farmed species of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), milkfish (Chanos chanos), and freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea). We developed a mechanistic framework by linking damage assessment model (DAM) and bioavailability-based Michaelis–Menten model for describing TK/TD and As uptake mechanisms. The proposed model was verified with published acute toxicity data. The estimated TK/TD parameters were used to simulate the relationship between bioavailable As uptake and susceptibility probability. The As toxicity was also evaluated based on a constructed elimination–recovery scheme. Absorption rate constants were estimated to be 0.025, 0.016, and 0.175 mL g−1 h−1 and As uptake rate constant estimates were 22.875, 63.125, and 788.318 ng g−1 h−1 for tilapia, milkfish, and freshwater clam, respectively. Here we showed that a potential trade-off between capacities of As elimination and damage recovery was found among three farmed species. Moreover, the susceptibility probability can also be estimated by the elimination–recovery relations. This study suggested that bioavailability-based uptake kinetics and TK/TD-based DAM could be integrated for assessing metal uptake and toxicity in aquatic organisms. This study is useful to quantitatively assess the complex environmental behavior of metal uptake and implicate to risk assessment of metals in aquaculture systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genotoxic effect of ciprofloxacin during photolytic decomposition monitored by the in vitro micronucleus test (MNvit) in HepG2 cells
Garcia-Käufer, Manuel | Haddad, Tarek | Bergheim, Marlies | Gminski, Richard | Gupta, Preeti | Mathur, Nupur | Kümmerer, Klaus | Mersch-Sundermann, Volker
PURPOSE: Ciprofloxacin (CIP), a broad-spectrum, second-generation fluoroquinolone, has frequently been found in hospital wastewaters and effluents of sewage treatment plants. CIP is scarcely biodegradable, has toxic effects on microorganisms and is photosensitive. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic potential of CIP in human HepG2 liver cells during photolysis. METHODS: Photolysis of CIP was performed in aqueous solution by irradiation with an Hg lamp, and transformation products were monitored by HPLC-MS/MS and by the determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of CIP and of the irradiated samples were determined after 24 h of exposure using the WST-1 assay and the in vitro micronucleus (MN) test in HepG2 cells. RESULTS: The concentration of CIP decreased during photolysis, whereas the content of DOC remained unchanged. CIP and its transformation products were not cytotoxic towards HepG2 cells. A concentration-dependent increase of MN frequencies was observed for the parent compound CIP (lowest observed effect level, 1.2 μmol L−1). Furthermore, CIP and the irradiated samples were found to be genotoxic with a significant increase relative to the parent compound after 32 min (P < 0.05). A significant reduction of genotoxicity was found after 2 h of irradiation (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Photolytic decomposition of aqueous CIP leads to genotoxic transformation products. This proves that irradiated samples of CIP are able to exert heritable genotoxic effects on human liver cells in vitro. Therefore, photolysis as a technique for wastewater treatment needs to be evaluated in detail in further studies, not only for CIP but in general.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Increases of dissolved organic carbon in temperate and boreal lakes in Quebec, Canada
Couture, Suzanne | Houle, Daniel | Gagnon, Christian
PURPOSE: Increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations have been reported in surface waters worldwide in the last 10 to 20 years. The causes behind these increases have been attributed to many factors, including climate change and decreasing depositions of atmospheric sulphate ([Formula: see text]). Trends in DOC concentrations and their potential causal factors were examined in a network of 30 lakes lying in undisturbed temperate and boreal catchments in the province of Quebec, Canada. METHODS: Temporal trends in lake DOC concentrations were analysed with the seasonal Kendall test. For each lake, the variation in DOC concentration over time was assessed in light of the variation in [Formula: see text] concentration in precipitation, air temperature, precipitation and solar radiation using the forward stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS: Between 1989 and 2006, significant increases in DOC were observed in most of the lakes, the mean rate of change being 0.05 mg L−1 year−1. Lake DOC concentrations were significantly explained by different models that yielded a variance explanation ranging from 13% to 77%. The models included long-term temperature variables (i.e. averaged over intervals of 10 years), short-term precipitation variables (i.e. summed over intervals 6 months), radiation (i.e. ice-free period prior to the DOC observation) and precipitation [Formula: see text] concentration as explanatory variables. CONCLUSION: Temporal changes in DOC concentrations seem more consistent with the evolution of climate parameters rather than [Formula: see text] concentrations despite the fact that most lakes were in the process of recovery, showing increases in pH.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Kinetic study of γ-hexabromocyclododecane orally given to laying hens (Gallus domesticus) : “Transfer of HBCD in laying hens”
Fournier, Agnès | Feidt, Cyril | Marchand, Philippe | Vénisseau, Anaïs | Le Bizec, Bruno | Sellier, Nadine | Engel, Erwan | Ratel, Jérémy | Travel, Angélique | Jondreville, Catherine
INTRODUCTION: High concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) sometimes recorded in free-range hens' eggs are thought to be due to soil ingestion. Of the three stereoisomers of HBCD (α-, β-, and γ-HBCD), γ-HBCD is the main component in the commercial mixture, as well as in environmental matrices, whereas the isomer profile is α-dominated in biota. In fish and in mammals, this shift is thought to be due to a rapid elimination of γ-HBCD and to its bioisomerization to the more persistent α-HBCD. The aim of the current controlled study was to better understand the fate of ingested HBCD in laying hens. The isomer profile in soil being γ-dominated, excretion kinetics of γ-HBCD into egg yolk, and accumulation in liver and in abdominal fat were investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight laying hens were individually housed and fed with a spiked diet containing 1.1-ng γ-HBCD per gram for 21 days and with a clean diet for the following 18 days. Hens were sequentially slaughtered throughout the 39-day experiment. α-, β-, and γ-HBCD were analyzed in egg yolk, in abdominal fat, and in liver by LC-MS/MS. α- and γ-HBCD were quantified in the three tissues, while β-HBCD was never quantified. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Kinetics of the two isomers suggests that γ-HBCD is rapidly biotransformed and eliminated, and partly isomerized into the more persistent α-HBCD. Carry-over rate of ingested γ-HBCD to egg yolk was estimated at 1.2%. Estimated half-lives of γ-HBCD in egg yolk, in abdominal fat, and in liver were 2.9, 13, and 0.41 days, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cellular and molecular damage of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by the oxidation hair dyes
Xiong, Hongxia | Zhou, Qixing
INTRODUCTION: The toxic effect of the oxidation hair dyes on Phanerochaete chrysosporium was investigated by exposure of this fungus in a nitrogen-limited culture medium to various concentrations of the oxidation hair dyes. RESULTS: The results showed that both the size and the dry weight of the mycelial pellets of P. chrysosporium could be reduced when the concentration of the oxidation hair dyes was higher than 300 mg/L. By using the AFLP analysis and the UPGMA dendrogram, the DNA damage of P. chrysosporium by the oxidation hair dyes was also detected. Comparing with that in the control, the percent polymorphism under different concentrations of the oxidation hair dyes increased. In the meantime, the DNA similarity was decreased, which meant that the DNA damage was aggravated with an increase in the concentrations of the oxidation hair dyes. CONCLUSION: Thus, as an environmental pollutant, the oxidation hair dyes have a toxic effect on P. chrysosporium at both cellular and molecular levels.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Obsolete pesticide storage sites and their POP release into the environment—an Armenian case study
Dvorská, A. | Šír, M. | Honzajková, Z. | Komprda, J. | Čupr, P. | Petrlík, J. | Anakhasyan, E. | Simonyan, L. | Kubal, M.
Organochlorinated pesticides were widely applied in Armenia until the 1980s, like in all former Soviet Union republics. Subsequently, the problem of areas contaminated by organochlorinated pesticides emerged. Environmental, waste and food samples at one pesticide burial site (Nubarashen) and three former pesticide storage sites (Jrarat, Echmiadzin and Masis) were taken and analysed on the content of organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. Gradient sampling and diffusivity-based calculations provided information on the contamination release from the hot spots on a local scale. A risk analysis based on samples of locally produced food items characterised the impact of storage sites on the health of nearby residents. All four sites were found to be seriously contaminated. High pesticide levels and soil and air contamination gradients of several orders of magnitude were confirmed outside the fence of the Nubarashen burial site, confirming pesticide release. A storage in Jrarat, which was completely demolished in 1996 and contained numerous damaged bags with pure pesticides until 2011, was found to have polluted surrounding soils by wind dispersion of pesticide powders and air by significant evaporation of lindane and β-endosulfan during this period. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane-contaminated eggs, sampled from hens roaming freely in the immediate surroundings of the Echmiadzin storage site, revealed a significant health risk for egg consumers above 1E−5. Although small in size and previously almost unknown to the public, storage sites like Echmiadzin, Masis and Jrarat were found to stock considerable amounts of obsolete pesticides and have a significant negative influence on the environment and human health. Multi-stakeholder cooperation proved to be successful in identifying such sites suspected to be significant sources of persistent organic pollutants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Eutrophication in the Yunnan Plateau lakes: the influence of lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors
Liu, Wenzhi | Li, Siyue | Bu, Hongmei | Zhang, Quanfa | Liu, Guihua
INTRODUCTION: Lakes play an important role in socioeconomic development and ecological balance in China, but their water quality has deteriorated considerably in recent decades. In this study, we investigated the spatial–temporal variations of eutrophication parameters (secchi depth, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll-a, trophic level index, and trophic state index) and their relationships with lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors in the Yunnan Plateau lakes. DISCUSSION: Results indicated that about 77.8% of lakes were eutrophic according to trophic state index. The plateau lakes showed spatial variations in water quality and could be classified into high-nutrient and low-nutrient groups. However, because watersheds were dominated by vegetation, all eutrophication parameters except chlorophyll-a showed no significant differences between the wet and dry seasons. Lake depth, water residence time, volume, and percentage of built-up land were significantly related to several eutrophication parameters. Agricultural land use and social–economic factors had no significant correlation with all eutrophication parameters. Stepwise regression analyses demonstrated that lake depth and water residence time accounted for 73.8% to 87.6% of the spatial variation of single water quality variables, respectively. Redundancy analyses indicated that lake morphology, watershed land use, and socioeconomic factors together explained 74.3% of the spatial variation in overall water quality. The results imply that water quality degradation in the plateau lakes may be mainly due to the domestic and industrial wastewaters. This study will improve our understanding of the determinants of lake water quality and help to design efficient strategies for controlling eutrophication in the plateau region.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Risk posed by chlorinated organic compounds in Abu Qir Bay, East Alexandria, Egypt
Khairy, Mohammed Abd EL-Hamid | Kolb, Marit | Mostafa, Alaa R. | EL-Fiky, Anwar | Bahadir, M.
INTRODUCTION: In Egypt, the picture of threats to humans and the environment from the exposure to organic pollutants is still incomplete. Thus the objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, and chlorpyrifos in sediments and mussels of Abu Qir Bay and their risks for environment and human health. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-three different compounds organochlorines were determined in 20 surfacial sediment and 10 mussel samples by gas chromatography-electron capture detector. A Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment (SLERA) and a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) were performed with the data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: ΣDDT (DDT, DDE, DDD) (average concentration 27 µg/kg dw) dominated the detected organic pollutants in the sediments, followed by CHLs (chlordane, heptachlor, heptachloro epoxide), hexachlorocyclohexane, chlorpyrifos, endosulfane, dieldrine, Σ6 PCBs, aldrine, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, methoxychlor, and mirex. In general, concentrations of Σ6 PCBs in mussels were higher than their corresponding sediment concentrations reflecting their relatively high bioavailability and bioaccumulative potential. However, concentrations of the organochlorine pesticides in mussels were lower than their corresponding sediment samples. Nevertheless, the SLERA on the bay sediments revealed that adverse ecological effects to benthic species are expected to occur whereas the HHRA showed that adverse health effects are not expected to occur from the consumption of the mussels. CONCLUSIONS: With the help of a SLERA, it was possible to indicate which class of chlorinated organic compounds is of highest concern to assess and to improve the environmental quality of the bay. Monitoring of organochlorines and chlorpyrifos would be needed to control the future trend of pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phytotoxicity of composted herbal pharmaceutical industry wastes
Suthar, Surindra | Singh, Deepika
This work demonstrates the phytotoxicity screening of composted herbal pharmaceutical industry waste (HPIW) using seed bioassay method. The composted industrial waste should be tested at lab scale prior to recommendation for land application. HPIW was mixed with soil to produce four treatments: T₁ (1:1), T₂ (1:2), T₃ (1:3), and T₄ (1:0) for toxicity screening using Pisum sativum seeds. After 72 h relative seed germination (RSG), relative root growth (RRG) and germination index (GI) were recorded. Seedlings were observed for further plant growth and tissue biochemistry (chlorophyll, soluble sugar, starch, carotenoid, and protein) estimation. RSG, RRG, and GI values were better in T₁ and T₂ than others. GI was in the ranges of 36.62 % (T₄) to 170.38 % (T₂). The seedling growth and biochemical parameters were better in seedling obtained from potting media containing low proportion of HPIW (i.e., T₁ and T₂). Results clearly suggested that composted HPIW may be utilized effectively for crop production after dilution under sustainable farming system program.
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