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Application of Matrix Scoring Techniques to evaluate marine debris sources in the remote islands of the Azores Archipelago
Pieper, Catharina | Amaral-Zettler, Linda | Law, Kara Lavender | Loureiro, Clara Magalhães | Martins, Ana
Three-quarters of all marine debris (MD) consists of plastic, a reflection of their worldwide use, production and waste mismanagement. Data on MD distributions can improve our ability to effectively reduce debris that escapes onto shorelines and the ocean. In this study, the Matrix Scoring Technique (Marine Strategy Framework Directive Technical Group on Marine Litter) was applied as an approach to calculate the likelihood of single debris items originating from a series of potential sources. Factors considered were: identity and function of debris, beach location, influential activities, “mix” of debris found, presence of indicator items, and quantity of MD. The standing-stock (abundance and composition) of MD was investigated in two sandy beaches (Conceição and Porto Pim) of the Azores Archipelago (NE Atlantic) for the period 2012–2018. The results of this study show promise towards the implementation of a new classification method to determine beach debris sources in remote open-ocean areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Silver stress differentially affects growth of phototrophic and heterotrophic chrysomonad flagellate populations
Böck, Christina | Zimmermann, Sonja | Beisser, Daniela | Dinglinger, Sarah-Maria | Engelskirchen, Simone | Giesemann, Philipp | Klink, Saskia | Olefeld, Jana Laura | Rahmann, Sven | Vos, Matthijs | Boenigk, Jens | Sures, Bernd
Silver ions are among the predominant anthropogenic introduced pollutants in aquatic systems. As silver has effects on species at all trophic levels the community composition in aquatic habitats can be changed as a result of silver stress. The response of planktonic protists to environmental stressors is particularly important as they act both as producers and consumers in complex planktonic communities. Chrysomonad flagellates are of major interest, since this group includes heterotrophic, mixotrophic and phototrophic taxa, and therefore allows analysis of silver stress in organisms with contrasting nutritional strategies independent of a potential taxonomic bias. In a series of lab experiments, we compared the response of different trophic chrysophyte strains to low (5 μg L⁻¹), medium (10 μg L⁻¹) and high (20 μg L⁻¹) nominal Ag concentrations in combination with changes in temperature and light intensity (phototrophs), temperature and food concentration (heterotrophs), or a combination of the above settings (mixotrophs). All tested strains were negatively affected by silver in their growth rates. The phototrophic strains reacted strongly to silver stress, whereas light intensity and temperature had only minor effects on growth rates. For heterotrophic strains, high food concentration toned down the effect of silver, whereas temperatures outside the growth optimum had a combined stress effect. The mixotrophic strains reacted differently depending on whether their nutritional mode was dominated by heterotrophy or by phototrophy. The precise response pattern across all variables was uniquely different for every single species we tested. The present work contributes to a deeper understanding of the effects of environmental stressors on complex planktonic communities. It indicates that silver will negatively impact planktonic communities and may create shifts in their composition and functioning.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial distribution differences in PM2.5 concentration between heating and non-heating seasons in Beijing, China
Ji, Wei | Wang, Yong | Zhuang, Dafang
Suffered from serious air pollution, Beijing, the capital of China, has implemented multiple measures to reduce the discharge of PM₂.₅ (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters of less than 2.5 μm). The average annual PM₂.₅ concentration of Beijing has shown a continued decline in recent years. However, the improvement was not obvious during the heating season, which had heavier pollution than the non-heating season. Analyzing the spatial distribution of PM₂.₅ concentrations during heating and non-heating seasons, as well as their spatial differences, is believed to benefit the study of spatial-temporal variation of air pollution and provide scientific reference for the control of air pollution in Beijing. In this study, land use regression (LUR) model was employed to simulate the spatial distribution of PM₂.₅ concentrations in Beijing during heating and non-heating seasons in 2015. The spatial distribution of the concentration difference between heating and non-heating seasons was analyzed, and the influencing factors were also examined. The results showed that: (1) PM₂.₅ concentrations during heating and non-heating seasons, as well as their differences, were clearly at a maximum in the south and east of Beijing and at a minimum in the north and west; (2) the area with the biggest concentration difference was situated in a suburban area to the south and east, as well as in outer suburbs to the southeast and northwest; and (3) wind speed, area of transport land and industrial-mining-warehouse land were the main influence factors for the PM₂.₅ concentration difference in the central, eastern and southern area. Heating activity was not the only cause for the increased PM₂.₅ concentration during the heating season, vehicle emission, industrial discharge and regional transport of pollutants also played varied roles in PM₂.₅ pollution in different area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Species and release characteristics of VOCs in furniture coating process
Qi, Yiqing | Shen, Liming | Zhang, Jilei | Yao, Jia | Lu, Rong | Miyakoshi, Tetsuo
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an important factor affecting ambient air quality, and furniture production is one of the important sources of VOC pollution. High VOC concentrations have adverse effects on the environment and worker welfare in furniture factories. In order to control VOC emissions in a furniture workshop, the VOC species and concentration distributions were examined. Qualitative analysis of VOC species was carried out by headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The results showed that VOCs from a furniture workshop were mainly 12 substances including acetate, toluene, and xylene compounds. The heights and representative positions of VOCs released during the coating process were determined, and the results showed that VOC concentrations depended on environmental and height factors. The concentration of VOCs decreased with increasing altitude and reached a maximum concentration at 0.4 m above the ground. Because the concentration of VOCs varied with temperature, humidity, air pressure, and amount of spray paint, this paper established functional relationships between VOC concentrations and temperature, humidity, air pressure, and amount of spray paint. These results provide a theoretical basis for furniture workshops to automatically monitor and control VOCs.VOCs from the furniture workshop were mainly composed of 10 substances including acetate, toluene, and xylene compounds.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Occurrence, spatial-temporal distribution and ecological risks of pharmaceuticals and personal care products response to water diversion across the rivers in Nanjing, China
Yang, Haohan | Lü, Guanghua | Yan, Zhenhua | Liu, Jianchao | Dong, Huike | Jiang, Runren | Zhou, Ranran | Zhang, Peng | Sun, Yu | Nkoom, Matthew
Water diversion projects have been continuously used to alleviate water quality issues that arise during urbanization. However, studies about whether it has possible effects on the status of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) are limited. In this study, the occurrence trends and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of 50 PPCPs were investigated in surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments in Nanjing urban rivers under the background of the water diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Qinhuai River. In the four field campaigns that were embarked on April to July 2018, a total of 40, 38 and 24 PPCPs were detected in surface water, SPM and sediments, respectively, with overall concentrations of 138–1990 ng/L, 3214–33701 ng/g and 12.1–109 ng/g dry weight (dw) among nine sampling sites. The excessive concentration of caffeine (20.6–905 ng/L) may be evidence of the direct discharge of untreated sewage and an obvious indicator of the overall concentrations of PPCPs. The PPCPs contamination levels in surface water were increased along with the direction of the water diversion in urban runoff, and decreased by 8–31% due to the increase in volume attributable to the water diversion. The distribution coefficients (Kd) of pollutants in the SPM-water phases (3.0–5.6 L/kg) were two orders of magnitude higher than those in the sediment-water phases (0.3–3.3 L/kg). And the positive correlations between their log Kow and SPM-water log Kd values indicated SPM was the important carrier determining the fate of organic UV filters. Furthermore, the results of ecological risk assessment demonstrated that although the increase in the volume of water caused by the water diversion reduced the overall ecological risks of PPCPs in urban rivers, the current contamination level still represents high risks to algae and fish.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fates and ecological effects of current-use pesticides (CUPs) in a typical river-estuarine system of Laizhou Bay, North China
Zhen, Xiaomei | Liu, Lin | Wang, Xinming | Zhong, Guangcai | Tang, Jianhui
Current-use pesticides (CUPs) are widely applied in agriculture; however, little is known about their environmental behaviors, especially in the freshwater–seawater transitional zone. Water and sediment samples were collected in an intensively human impacted river (Xiaoqing River) from the headwaters to Laizhou Bay to investigate the distributions and environmental fates of four CUPs: trifluralin, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and dicofol. These CUPs were frequently detected in water and sediment samples. ∑CUPs in water and sediment samples ranged from 1.20 to 100.2 ng L⁻¹ and 6.6–2972.5 ng g⁻¹ dry weight (dw), respectively. Chlorpyrifos and chlorothalonil were the most abundant CUPs in water and sediment samples, respectively. Spatial distribution of CUPs in the Xiaoqing River aquatic ecosystem was mainly influenced by point sources, agricultural activities, the dilution effect by seawater, and environmental parameters. Field-based sediment water partitioning coefficients, normalized by organic carbon (log Koc), were calculated. Interestingly, temperature and salinity exhibited significant impacts on the distribution of log Koc of the four CUPs. The effect of temperature on the distribution of log Koc of the four CUPs varied between the CUPs. In most water samples, the levels of chlorpyrifos exceed the freshwater screening benchmarks. Hence, urgent control measures need to be devised and implemented.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metal(loid) oxides and metal sulfides nanomaterials reduced heavy metals uptake in soil cultivated cucumber plants
Song, Chun | Ye, Fang | Zhang, Huiling | Hong, Jie | Hua, Chenyu | Wang, Bin | Chen, Yanshan | Ji, Rong | Zhao, Lijuan
Agricultural soil is one of the main sink for both heavy metals and nanomaterials (NMs). Whether NMs can impact heavy metals uptake or bioaccumulation in plants is unknown. Here, cucumber plants were cultivated in a multi-heavy metals contaminated soil amended with four types of NMs (SiO2, TiO2, ZnS and MoS2) separately for four weeks. Physiological and biochemical parameters were determined to investigate the impact of NMs on plant growth. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was employed to determine the metal content in plants. Results showed that none of the tested NMs impacted plants biomass, but all the NMs showed different degrees of reduction in heavy metals bioaccumulation in plant roots, stems and leaves. However, four NMs showed different degrees of reduction in macro and micro nutrients uptake. MoS2 decreased the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Al, Ti and Pb) for 36.4–60.6% and nutrients (Mg, Fe, K, Si and Mn) for 40.1%–50.1% in roots. Exposure to MoS2 NMs also significantly increased 23.4% of Si in leaves, 205.6% and 83.9% of Mo in roots and stems, respectively. In general, the results of this study showed promising potential for NMs to reduce uptake of heavy metals in crop plants, especially MoS2 NMs. However, the negative impacts of perturbing nutrients uptake should be paid attention as well.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Facile synthesis of GO and g-C3N4 nanosheets encapsulated magnetite ternary nanocomposite for superior photocatalytic degradation of phenol
Rehman, Ghani Ur | Ṭāhir, Muḥammad | Goh, P.S. | Ismail, A.F. | Samavati, Alireza | Zulhairun, A.K. | Rezaei-DashtArzhandi,
In this study, the synthesis of Fe₃O₄@GO@g-C₃N₄ ternary nanocomposite for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of phenol has been investigated. The surface modification of Fe₃O₄ was performed through layer-by-layer electrostatic deposition meanwhile the heterojunction structure of ternary nanocomposite was obtained through sonicated assisted hydrothermal method. The photocatalysts were characterized for their crystallinity, surface morphology, chemical functionalities, and band gap energy. The Fe₃O₄@GO@g-C₃N₄ ternary nanocomposite achieved phenol degradation of ∼97%, which was significantly higher than that of Fe₃O₄@GO (∼75%) and Fe₃O₄ (∼62%). The enhanced photoactivity was due to the efficient charge carrier separation and desired band structure. The photocatalytic performance was further enhanced with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, in which phenol degradation up to 100% was achieved in 2 h irradiation time. The findings revealed that operating parameters have significant influences on the photocatalytic activities. It was found that lower phenol concentration promoted higher activity. In this study, 0.3 g of Fe₃O₄@GO@g-C₃N₄ was found to be the optimized photocatalyst for phenol degradation. At the optimized condition, the reaction rate constant was reported as 6.96 × 10⁻³ min⁻¹. The ternary photocatalyst showed excellent recyclability in three consecutive cycles, which confirmed the stability of this ternary nanocomposite for degradation applications.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biogeochemical characteristics and ecological risk assessment of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the surface seawaters of Jiaozhou Bay, North China
Peng, Quancai | Song, Jinming | Li, Xuegang | Yuan, Huamao | Li, Ning | Duan, Liqin | Zhang, Qian | Liang, Xianmeng
The occurrence and distribution of 168 pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the surface seawater of Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) were investigated using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography in tandem with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionization source (UHPLC-ESI-MS-MS). Thirty-six compounds were detected, and 17 of these compounds were first detected in seawater, including sulfabenzamide, sulphacetamide, cephalonium, desacetyl-cefotaxime, cefminox, cefotaxime, cephradine, cefazolin, carprofen, nabumetone, glibenclamide, glimepiride, glipizide, prednisone, fluoromethalone, diazepam and amantadine. The total concentration of PhACs in the surface seawater ranged from 23.6 ng/L to 217 ng/L. The compounds found at the highest mean concentrations included amantadine (24.7 ng/L), lincomycin (8.55 ng/L), carprofen (8.30 ng/L), and tetracycline (7.48 ng/L). The PhAC concentration was higher in the inner bay than in the outside of the bay. In the inner bay, the eastern district showed higher concentrations of PhACs than the western district. Input from the Licun River may be the primary source of pollution. A statistically significant positive correlation was observed between nutrients and PhACs in seawater. Phosphate can be used to indicate the distribution of PhACs in JZB. Based on the individual risk quotient (RQ) values, lincomycin and ofloxacin posed high risks to the relevant aquatic organisms in JZB, especially in the eastern parts. Regular monitoring is required to evaluate the levels of PhACs as they are constantly released into JZB.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sustainable remediation through the risk management perspective and stakeholder involvement: A systematic and bibliometric view of the literature
Braun, Adeli Beatriz | Trentin, Adan William da Silva | Visentin, Caroline | Thomé, Antônio
Sustainable remediation is a new way of thinking and acting in the management of contaminated sites. This research aims to identify and structure the state-of-the-art of sustainable remediation from the risk management and stakeholder involvement perspective. A systematic and bibliometric study of scientific production was performed on scientific papers indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases with the objectives: 1) to select a bibliographic portfolio that is aligned with the perception of the researchers in regard to theme, 2) to perform a bibliometric analysis of the selected bibliographic portfolio, and 3) to conduct a thematic synthesis and identify the integration of sustainable remediation from the risk management and stakeholder involvement perspective. The results indicated that although sustainable remediation is a recent theme it presents a promising field for development worldwide, verified by the growing number of publications in recent years. A change is observed in the way risk management is considered with the rise of sustainable remediation, demonstrated by different approaches in publications. Likewise, the involvement of stakeholders is widely discussed, and the importance of their participation in decision-making processes in the field of sustainable remediation is identified. This research brings several and new contributions as it provides with a detailed overview and guidance about the main characteristics and peculiarities as well as what already exists, the form to approach, the advances and what still needs to be improved so that the perception of stakeholders and risk management are better understood within the context of sustainable remediation.
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