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Resultados 131-140 de 198
Changes in the benthic communities due to various pollutants in Izmir Bay (Turkey)
Kocatas, A. | Ergen, Z. | Katagan, T. (Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Faculty of Science)
[Study of the benthic communities of a disturbed environment: the port of Algiers]
Bakalem, A. | Romano, J.C.
Fish diseases, an index of water pollution: a review
Halim, Y. | Faisal, M. | Ahmed, I. (Alexandria Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Science)
[Modifications in the planktonic ecosystem caused by pollution of Lebanese coastal waters]
Lakkis, S. (Universite Libanaise, Hadeth (Lebanon). Faculte des Sciences) | Zeidane, R.
Air pollution and the US forest health [airborne chemicals]
Johnson, A. (Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia, PA (USA). Dept. of Geology)
Threats, effects, and countermeasures
Remroed, J. (Svenska Cellulosa- och Pappersbruksfoereningen, Falun (Sweden))
Air pollution - distribution, effects, and countermeasures. State of the art
Ferm, M. (Institutet foer Vatten- och Luftvaardsforskning, Goeteborg (Sweden))
[Investigations on nutrition state of beech [Fagus sylvatica L.] and spruce [Picea abies Karst.] and nutrient content on fixed sample plots in Switzerland]
Flueckiger, W. (Institut fuer Angewandte Pflanzenphysiologie, Schoenenbuch (Switzerland))
[Study on the distribution and phenology of the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica]
Panayotidis, P. | Catsiki, A.V. (Centre National des Recherches Marines, Athens (Greece))
Effects of pollutants on marine communities and ecosystems in Limassol Bay
Hadjichristophorou, M. | Demetropoulos, A. (Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nicosia (Cyprus). Dept. of Fisheries)