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Resultados 131-140 de 229
Bioaccumulation of selenium by floating aquatic plants
Ornes, W.H. (South Carolina Univ., Aiken, SC (USA). Dept. of Biology) | Sajwan, K.S. | Dosskey, M.G. | Adriano, D.C.
Survival of trees in a metal-contaminated environment
Dickinson, N.M. (Liverpool Polytechnic (United Kingdom). School of Natural Sciences) | Turner, A.P. | Lepp, N.W.
Population dynamics of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) during maintenance liming of an acidic lake
Schofield, C.L. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (USA). Dept. of Natural Resources) | Keleher, C. | Vanoffelen, H.K.
The effect on Cd contents and ethylene biosynthesis in tomato plants of adding cadmium sulphate to soil
Pezzarossa, B. (Istituto per la Chimica del Terreno, Pisa (Italy)) | Lubrano, L. | Petruzzelli, G. | Tonutti, P.
Heavy metal uptake by blue grama growing in a degraded semiarid soil amended with sewage sludge
Fresquez, P.R. (Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station USDA, Albuquerque, NM (USA)) | Aguilar, R. | Francis, R.E. | Aldon, E.F.
Changes in Al, Mn and Fe from sediments and aquatic plants after lake drawdown
Peverly, J.H. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (USA). Dept. of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences) | Kopka, R.J.
Heavy metal contamination of the marine biota along the Rio de Janeiro coast, SE-Brazil
Carvalho, C.E.V. (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Geoquimica) | Lacerda, L.D. | Gomes, M.P.
Seasonal pattern of nitrate losses from cultivated soil with subsurface drainage
Rossi, N. (Bologna Univ. (Italy). Inst. of Agricultural Chemistry) | Ciavatta, C. | Vittori Antisari, L.
Simulation of solution chemistry in an acidic forest soil
Hendershot, W. (McGill Univ., Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC (Canada). Macdonald Coll., Dept. of Renewable Resources) | Courchesne, F.
In situ treatment of hazardous waste-contaminated soils. 2nd ed.
Chambers C.D.