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Exposure of general population to PBDEs: A Progressive Total Diet Study in South Korea
Nguyen, Khanh-Hoang | Pyo, Heesoo | Kim, Jongchul | Shin, EunSu | Chang, Yoon Seok
This study assessed the level of 24 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Korean foods following a Progressive Total Diet Study (TDS). The experiments comprised 96 types of dietetically representative foods, all were either cooked or edible raw. PBDEs were widely encountered in foodstuffs with the highest concentration in plant oils, fishes and shellfishes. Of all congeners tested for, BDE-47 was the most predominant and encountered in almost all food items except meats. The presence of nona-BDEs at significant levels indicated that Korean environments are still contaminated by deca-BDE. The daily dietary intake of PBDEs was estimated to be 63 ng d−1. The highest PBDEs intake was observed in the 19–39 year old group and gradually decreased as age increased. Our study suggests that the TDS approach using foods in the table-ready form should be used for a better estimation of dietary exposure to PBDEs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of solar UV radiation on toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles through photocatalytic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and photo-induced dissolution
Ma, Hongbo | Wallis, Lindsay K. | Diamond, Steve | Li, Shibin | Canas-Carrell, Jaclyn | Parra, Amanda
The present study investigated the impact of solar UV radiation on ZnO nanoparticle toxicity through photocatalytic ROS generation and photo-induced dissolution. Toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to Daphnia magna was examined under laboratory light versus simulated solar UV radiation (SSR). Photocatalytic ROS generation and particle dissolution were measured on a time-course basis. Two toxicity mitigation assays using CaCl2 and N-acetylcysteine were performed to differentiate the relative importance of these two modes of action. Enhanced ZnO nanoparticle toxicity under SSR was in parallel with photocatalytic ROS generation and enhanced particle dissolution. Toxicity mitigation by CaCl2 to a less extent under SSR than under lab light demonstrates the role of ROS generation in ZnO toxicity. Toxicity mitigation by N-acetylcysteine under both irradiation conditions confirms the role of particle dissolution and ROS generation. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering environmental solar UV radiation when assessing ZnO nanoparticle toxicity and risk in aquatic systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metal and proton toxicity to lake zooplankton: A chemical speciation based modelling approach
Stockdale, Anthony | Tipping, Edward | Lofts, Stephen | Fott, J. (Jan) | Garmo, Øyvind A. | Hruska, Jakub | Keller, Bill | Löfgren, Stefan | Maberly, Stephen C. | Majer, Vladimír | Nierzwicki-Bauer, Sandra A. | Persson, Gunnar | Schartau, Ann-Kristin | Thackeray, Stephen J. | Valois, Amanda | Vrba, J. | Walseng, Bjørn | Yan, Norman
The WHAM-FTOX model quantifies the combined toxic effects of protons and metal cations towards aquatic organisms through the toxicity function (FTOX), a linear combination of the products of organism-bound cation and a toxic potency coefficient for each cation. We describe the application of the model to predict an observable ecological field variable, species richness of pelagic lake crustacean zooplankton, studied with respect to either acidification or the impacts of metals from smelters. The fitted results give toxic potencies increasing in the order H+ < Al < Cu < Zn < Ni. In general, observed species richness is lower than predicted, but in some instances agreement is close, and is rarely higher than predictions. The model predicts recovery in agreement with observations for three regions, namely Sudbury (Canada), Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic) and a subset of lakes across Norway, but fails to predict observed recovery from acidification in Adirondack lakes (USA).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of copper and aluminum on the adsorption of sulfathiazole and tylosin on peat and soil
Pei, Zhiguo | Yang, Shuang | Li, Lingyun | Li, Chunmei | Zhang, Shuzhen | Shan, Xiao-quan | Wen, Bei | Guo, Baoyuan
Effects of copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al) on the adsorption of sulfathiazole (STZ) and tylosin (T) to peat and soil were investigated using a batch equilibration method. Results show that Cu suppressed STZ adsorption onto peat and soil at pH < 5.0 because of the electrostatic competition, while increased STZ adsorption at pH > 5.0 due to the formation of STZ–Cu complexes and/or Cu bridge. In contrast, Al only decreased STZ adsorption at pH < 6.0, and exerted slight effect on STZ adsorption at >6.0. As for T, both Cu and Al suppressed its adsorption over the entire pH range owing to three reasons: 1) electrostatic competition between Cu/Al and T+; 2) Cu/Al adsorption made the soil and peat surface less negatively charged, which was unfavorable for T+ adsorption; 3) the shrunken pore size of peat and soil retarded the diffusion of large-sized T into these pores.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Detection and differentiation of pollution in urban surface soils using magnetic properties in arid and semi-arid regions of northwestern China
Wang, Bo | Xia, Dunsheng | Yu, Ye | Jia, Jia | Xu, Shujing
Increasing urbanization and industrialization over the world has caused many social and environmental problems, one of which drawing particular concern is the soil pollution and its ecological degradation. In this study, the efficiency of magnetic methods for detecting and discriminating contaminates in the arid and semi-arid regions of northwestern China was investigated. Topsoil samples from six typical cities (i.e. Karamay, Urumqi, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Shizuishan and Wuhai) were collected and a systematic analysis of their magnetic properties was conducted. Results indicate that the topsoil samples from the six cities were all dominated by coarse low-coercivity magnetite. In addition, the average magnetite contents in the soils from Urumqi and Lanzhou were shown to be much higher than those from Karamay, Yinchuan, Shizuishan and Wuhai, and they also have relatively higher χlf and χfd% when compared with cities in eastern China. Moreover, specific and distinctive soil pollution signals were identified at each sampling site using the combined various magnetic data, reflecting distinct sources. Industrial and traffic-derived pollution was dominant in Urumqi and Lanzhou, in Yinchuan industrial progress was observed to be important with some places affected by vehicle emission, while Karamay, Shizuishan and Wuhai were relatively clean. The magnetic properties of these latter three cities are significantly affected by both anthropogenic pollution and local parent materials from the nearby Gobi desert. The differences in magnetic properties of topsoil samples affected by mixed industrial and simplex traffic emissions are not obvious, but significant differences exist in samples affected by simplex industrial/vehicle emissions and domestic pollution. The combined magnetic analyses thus provide a sensitive and powerful tool for classifying samples according to likely sources, and may even provide a valuable diagnostic tool for discriminating among different cities.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Repeated phytoextraction of four metal-contaminated soils using the cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola
Li, Zhu | Wu, Longhua | Hu, Pengjie | Luo, Yongming | Zhang, Hao | Christie, Peter
A cadmium/zinc hyperaccumulator extracted metals from four contaminated soils over three years in a glasshouse experiment. Changes in plant metal uptake and soil total (aqua regia-extractable) and available metals were investigated. Plant Cd concentrations in a high-Cd acid soil and plant Zn concentrations in two acid soils decreased during repeated phytoextraction and were predicted by soil available metal concentrations. However, on repeated phytoextraction, plant Cd concentrations remained constant in lightly Cd-polluted acid soils, as did plant Cd and Zn in alkaline soils, although soil available metal concentrations decreased markedly. After phytoextraction acid soils showed much higher total metal removal efficiencies, indicating possible suitability of phytoextraction for acid soils. However, DGT-testing, which takes soil metal re-supply into consideration, showed substantial removal of available metal and distinct decreases in metal supply capacity in alkaline soils after phytoextraction, suggesting that a strategy based on lowering the bioavailable contaminant might be feasible.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Residential exposure to volatile organic compounds and lung function: Results from a population-based cross-sectional survey
Cakmak, Sabit | Dales, Robert E. | Liu, Ling | Kauri, Lisa Marie | Lemieux, Christine L. | Hebbern, Christopher | Zhu, Jiping
Exposure to residential volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is ubiquitous in homes, and may influence respiratory health with important public health implications. To investigate the association between VOCs measured in residential indoor air and lung function in the Canadian population Cycle 2 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey – a population based cross-sectional survey designed to be representative of the Canadian population – was carried out between 2009 and 2011. Of the 84 VOCs measured, 47 were detectable in at least 50% of homes and ten were negatively associated with lung function: decanal, 2-furancarboxaldehyde, hexanal, nonanal, octanal, benzene, styrene, α-pinene, 2-methyl-1,2-butadiene and naphthalene. Differences were observed between males and females, as well as by age, and significant associations were most frequent in those under 17 years. These results provide evidence that some VOCs measured indoors are negatively associated with lung function in the Canadian population.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury loads into the sea associated with extreme flood
Saniewska, Dominika | Bełdowska, Magdalena | Bełdowski, Jacek | Jędruch, Agnieszka | Saniewski, Michał | Falkowska, Lucyna
Floods are an important factor determining riverine pollution loads, including toxic mercury (Hg). The impact of the Vistula River flood in 2010, which was the biggest one recorded in 160 years and its influence on marine environment was studied. Mercury concentration was analyzed in river and sea water, suspended matter, phytoplankton and sea surface sediment. Flood and gulf water contained several times higher concentration of Hg (exceeded reference values safe for aquatic organisms) than before or after the flood. In 2010 the Vistula introduced into the Baltic ca. 1576 kg of Hg, of which 75% can be attributed to the flood water. Increase of water temperature, decrease of oxygen content contended increasing of dissolved mercury concentration, which was transported far into the Baltic. This phenomenon led to an increase of Hg concentration in phytoplankton and during many months in surface sediments. It is a potential threat to marine organisms.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparing sediment equilibrium partitioning and passive sampling techniques to estimate benthic biota PCDD/F concentrations in Newark Bay, New Jersey (U.S.A.)
Friedman, Carey L. | Lohmann, Rainer
Sediment and polyethylene sampler-based estimates of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) concentrations in Newark Bay, New Jersey (USA) benthic biota were compared. Biota concentrations based on sediment were estimated using an organic carbon (OC)-water partitioning model and an OC and black carbon (BC)-water dual model. Biota concentrations based on polyethylene were estimated from samplers deployed in the Newark Bay water column and samplers immersed in a sediment/porewater slurry in the laboratory. Porewater samplers provided the best estimates of biota concentrations (within 3.1×), with best results achieved for deposit-feeders (within 1.6×). Polyethylene deployed in deep water also provided good estimates of biota concentrations (within 4×). By contrast, OC-water partitioning overestimated biota concentrations by up to 7×, while OC and BC combined underestimated biota concentrations by up to 13×. We recommend passive samplers such as polyethylene for estimating concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in field biota given its simplicity and relatively lower uncertainty compared to sediment equilibrium partitioning.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Persistent organic pollutants in mountain air of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Seasonal variations and implications for regional cycling
Ren, Jiao | Wang, Xiaoping | Xue, Yonggang | Gong, Ping | Joswiak, Daniel R. | Xu, Baiqing | Yao, Tandong
In order to provide more conclusive evidence of monsoon-driven transport of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and assess the potential influence of forests on the fate of these pollutants, passive air samplers were consecutively deployed during 2008–2011 on Sygera Mountain (3800 m–4400 m). Higher DDTs levels were observed in the monsoon season (20.5–57.4 pg m−3) than the non-monsoon season (9.2–27.4 pg m−3), which confirmed that the Indian monsoon plays a key role in driving the atmospheric transport of DDTs to the TP. The similar DDT isomer ratios to the South Asia further suggested that Sygera Mountain is likely a receptor region of Indian subcontinent. By comparing the difference in concentrations between forest and clearing sites, it was found that the forest canopy can reduce airborne DDTs by a factor of 2, indicating strong absorption of DDTs by the Tibetan forest.
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