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Small Arctic rivers transport legacy contaminants from thawing catchments to coastal areas in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard | Small Arctic rivers transport legacy contaminants from thawing catchments to coastal areas in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Mcgovern, Maeve | Borgå, Katrine | Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie | Ruus, Anders | Christensen, Guttorm | Evenset, Anita
Decades of atmospheric and oceanic long-range transport from lower latitudes have resulted in deposition and storage of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Arctic regions. With increased temperatures, melting glaciers and thawing permafrost may serve as a secondary source of these stored POPs to freshwater and marine ecosystems. Here, we present concentrations and composition of legacy POPs in glacier- and permafrost-influenced rivers and coastal waters in the high Arctic Svalbard fjord Kongsfjorden. Targeted contaminants include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and chlordane pesticides. Dissolved (defined as fraction filtered through 0.7 μm GF/F filter) and particulate samples were collected from rivers and near-shore fjord stations along a gradient from the heavily glaciated inner fjord to the tundra-dominated catchments at the outer fjord. There were no differences in contaminant concentration or pattern between glacier and tundra-dominated catchments, and the general contaminant pattern reflected snow melt with some evidence of pesticides released with glacial meltwater. Rivers were a small source of chlordane pesticides, DDTs and particulate HCB to the marine system and the particle-rich glacial meltwater contained higher concentrations of particle associated contaminants compared to the fjord. This study provides rare insight into the role of small Arctic rivers in transporting legacy contaminants from thawing catchments to coastal areas. Results indicate that the spring thaw is a source of contaminants to Kongsfjorden, and that expected increases in runoff on Svalbard and elsewhere in the Arctic could have implications for the contamination of Arctic coastal food-webs. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Distribution pattern of mercury in northern Barents Sea and Eurasian Basin surface sediment
Kohler, Stephen Gustav | Kull, Laura M. | Heimbürger-Boavida, Lars-Eric | Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise | Sanchez, Nicolas | Ndungu, Kuria | Ardelan, Murat Van
Marine sediment is a significant sink for the global pollutant mercury. In a rapidly changing Arctic region, mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation in the marine ecosystem remains a prominent environmental issue. Here, we report surface sediment (0–2 cm) concentrations of Hg and other toxic elements of interest (Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Cd, Pb) in the northern Barents Sea and Eurasian Basin. We observed average Hg concentrations of 65 ± 23 ng/g with the highest concentration of 116 ng/g in the Eurasian Basin. Our calculated enrichment factors suggest low anthropogenic enrichment for mercury, chromium, nickel, and copper. Mercury and trace element geographic patterns are best explained by the origin and transportation of fine grain sediment towards the Eurasian Basin, with scavenging by both particulate organic carbon and metal oxides as significant delivery mechanisms. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Stress response to trace elements mixture of different embryo-larval stages of Paracentrotus lividus
El Idrissi, Ouafa | Santini, J. | Bonnin, M. | Demolliens, M. | Aiello, A. | Gobert, Sylvie | Pasqualini, V. | Ternengo, S.
peer reviewed | This study investigated for the first time the oxidative biomarkers responses in all larval stages of sea urchin. The contamination effects were reproduced by using contaminated seawater to concentrations measured in the area adjacent to an old asbestos mine at factors of 5 and 10. The results suggested that the concentrations were not sufficiently high to induce a major oxidative stress. The biometric differences make this method a more sensitive approach for assessing the effects on sea urchin larvae. Measurements of specific activities of antioxidant enzymes at each stage suggested a high capacity of the larvae to respond to oxidative stress. This normal activity of the organism must be considered in future research. This work also highlighted the importance of spawners provenance in ecotoxicological studies. These data are essential to better understand the stress responses of sea urchin larvae and provide baseline information for later environmental assessment research.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A metafrontier approach and fractional regression model to analyze the environmental efficiency of alternative tillage practices for wheat in Bangladesh
Aravindakshan, Sreejith | AlQahtany, Ali | Arshad, Muhammad | Manjunatha, A.V | Krupnik, Timothy J.
Among alternative tillage practices, conservation tillage (CT) is a prominent greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy advocated in wheat cultivation, largely because of its low energy consumption and minimum soil disturbance during cultural operations. This paper examines the agricultural production and GHG emission trade-off of CT vis-à-vis traditional tillage (TT) on wheat farms of Bangladesh. Using a directional distance function approach, the maximum reduction in GHG emissions was searched for within all available tillage technology options, while increasing wheat production as much as possible. The underlying institutional, technical, and other socio-economic factors determining the efficient use of CT were analyzed using a fractional regression model. The average meta-efficiency score for permanent bed planting (PBP) and strip tillage (ST) was 0.89, while that achieved using power tiller operated seeders (PTOS) is 0.87. This indicates that with the given input sets, there is potential to reduce GHG emissions by about 11% for ST and PTOS; that potential is 13% for farmers using PTOS. The largest share of TT farmers cultivate wheat at lower meta-efficiency levels (0.65–0.70) compared to that observed with farmers practicing CT (0.75–0.80). Fractional regression model estimates indicate that an optimal, timely dose of fertilizers with a balanced dose of nutrients is required to reduce GHG emissions. To develop climate smart sustainable intensification strategies in wheat cultivation, it is important to educate farmers on efficient input management and CT together. Agricultural development programs should focus on addressing heterogeneities in nutrient management in addition to tillage options within CT.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The quest for the missing plastics: Large uncertainties in river plastic export into the sea
Roebroek, Caspar T.J. | Laufkötter, Charlotte | González-Fernández, Daniel | van Emmerik, Tim
Plastic pollution in the natural environment is causing increasing concern at both the local and global scale. Understanding the dispersion of plastic through the environment is of key importance for the effective implementation of preventive measures and cleanup strategies. Over the past few years, various models have been developed to estimate the transport of plastics in rivers, using limited plastic observations in river systems. However, there is a large discrepancy between the amount of plastic being modelled to leave the river systems, and the amount of plastic that has been found in the seas and oceans. Here, we investigate one of the possible causes of this mismatch by performing an extensive uncertainty analysis of the riverine plastic export estimates. We examine the uncertainty from the homogenisation of observations, model parameter uncertainty, and underlying assumptions in models. To this end, we use the to-date most complete time-series of macroplastic observations (macroplastics have been found to contain most of the plastic mass transported by rivers), coming from three European rivers. The results show that model structure and parameter uncertainty causes up to four orders of magnitude, while the homogenisation of plastic observations introduces an additional three orders of magnitude uncertainty in the estimates. Additionally, most global models assume that variations in the plastic flux are primarily driven by river discharge. However, we show that correlations between river discharge (and other environmental drivers) and the plastic flux are never above 0.5, and strongly vary between catchments. Overall, we conclude that the yearly plastic load in rivers remains poorly constrained.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries | An annual profile of the impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fisheries
Carroll, JoLynn | Frøysa, Håvard Guldbrandsen | Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen | Broch, Ole Jacob | Howell, Daniel | Nepstad, Raymond | Augustine, Starrlight | Skeie, Geir Morten | Bockwoldt, Mathias
We simulate the combined natural and pollutant-induced survival of early life stages of NEA cod and haddock, and the impact on the adult populations in response to the time of a major oil spill in a single year. Our simulations reveal how dynamic ocean processes, controlling both oil transport and fate and the frequency of interactions of oil with drifting fish eggs and larvae, mediate the magnitude of population losses due to an oil spill. The largest impacts on fish early life stages occurred for spills initiated in Feb–Mar, concomitant with the initial rise in marine productivity and the earliest phase of the spawning season. The reproductive health of the adult fish populations was maintained in all scenarios. The study demonstrates the application of a simulation system that provides managers with information for the planning of development activities and for the protection of fisheries resources from potential impacts | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Oceanic plastic pollution caused by Danish seine fishing in Norway | Oceanic plastic pollution caused by Danish seine fishing in Norway
Syversen, Tore | Lilleng, Grethe | Vollstad, Jørgen | Bård, Hanssen | Sønvisen, Signe Annie
Wear and tear on fishing gear is a sparsely investigated source of microplastic pollution in the sea. In Norway, Danish seine ropes and trawls are the fishing gears that contribute most to this pollution. The main reason for this pollution is that the seine ropes are dragged along the seabed over a considerable distance, creating a friction force that results in high ropes wear. This note reports the findings after examining the wear of Danish seine ropes used in Norwegian fisheries. The results show that, in Norway alone, an average of 77 to 97 tons of plastic will be added to the sea annually due to this specific fishing gear. Aggregated to include all fly dragging, anchor seining, and pair seining globally, this number is estimated to be about 311 tons per year. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessing Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping as a participatory and interdisciplinary approach to explore marine microfiber pollution | Assessing Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping as a participatory and interdisciplinary approach to explore marine microfiber pollution
Salberg, Vilde Margrete | Booth, Andy | Jahren, Susie | Novo, Paula
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) is a participatory modelling tool used to explore complex systems by facilitating interdisciplinary cooperation and integrating a variety of knowledge systems. Here FCM was used to explore marine microfiber pollution. Through individual interviews with representatives from the research, industry, water and environmental sectors, five stakeholder FCMs were developed and used to produce an aggregated community FCM in a stakeholder workshop. Stakeholder FCMs and the revised community FCM were used to compute how the modelled system reacted to changes under two scenarios developed during the stakeholder workshop; (i) Green Shift and (ii) increased textile consumption and production. Significant differences were observed in scenario results from the stakeholder-based models and the community-based model. For societal challenges characterized by unknowns around the problem and potential solutions, inclusion of a variety of knowledge systems through FCM and deliberation processes contribute to a more holistic picture of the system and its uncertainties. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Physicochemical and biological ageing processes of (micro)plastics in the environment: a multi-tiered study on polyethylene
Binda, Gilberto | Zanetti, Giorgio | Bellasi, Arianna | Spanu, Davide | Boldrocchi, Ginevra | Bettinetti, Roberta | Pozzi, Andrea | Nizzetto, Luca
Pollution by plastic and microplastic impacts the environment globally. Knowledge on the ageing mechanisms of plastics in natural settings is needed to understand their environmental fate and their reactivity in the ecosystems. Accordingly, the study of ageing processes is gaining focus in the context of the environmental sciences. However, laboratory-based experimental research has typically assessed individual ageing processes, limiting environmental applicability. In this study, we propose a multi-tiered approach to study the environmental ageing of polyethylene plastic fragments focusing on the combined assessment of physical and biological processes in sequence. The ageing protocol included ultraviolet irradiation in air and in a range of water solutions, followed by a biofouling test. Changes in surface characteristics were assessed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and water contact angle. UV radiation both in air and water caused a significant increase in the density of oxidized groups (i.e., hydroxyl and carbonyl) on the plastic surface, whereby water solution chemistry influenced the process both by modulating surface oxidation and morphology. Biofouling, too, was a strong determinant of surface alterations, regardless of the prior irradiation treatments. All biofouled samples present (i) specific infrared bands of new surface functional groups (e.g., amides and polysaccharides), (ii) a further increase in hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, (iii) the diffuse presence of algal biofilm on the plastic surface, and (iv) a significant decrease in surface hydrophobicity. This suggests that biological-driven alterations are not affected by the level of physicochemical ageing and may represent, in real settings, the main driver of alteration of both weathered and pristine plastics. This work highlights the potentially pivotal role of biofouling as the main process of plastic ageing, providing useful technical insights for future experimental works. These results also confirm that a multi-tiered laboratory approach permits a realistic simulation of plastic environmental ageing in controlled conditions. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of the efficiency and modes of capture of biodegradable versus nylon gillnets in the Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery | Comparison of the efficiency and modes of capture of biodegradable versus nylon gillnets in the Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery
Cerbule, Kristine | Herrmann, Bent | Grimaldo, Eduardo | Larsen, Roger B. | Savina, Esther | Vollstad, Jørgen
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