AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

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Resultados 1831-1840 de 4,298

Long term effects of urbanisation and anthropic alterations on river fish assemblages. | Réponse des peuplements de poissons à l'urbanisation et aux altérations anthropiques à long terme des cours d’eau.


Tales, Evelyne | Belliard, Jérôme | Beslagic, Sarah | Stefani, Fabrizio | Tartari, Gianni | Wolter, Christian | Hydrosystèmes et Bioprocédés (UR HBAN) ; Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA) | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [Bologna] (CNR) | Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) ; Leibniz Association | Lestel, L. | Carré, C.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Influence of crude oil exposure on cardiac function and thermal tolerance of juvenile rainbow trout and European sea bass


Anttila, Katja | Mauduit, Florian | Le Floch, Stephane | Claireaux, Guy | Nikinmaa, Mikko

Ifremer - France

Organometallic nanoprobe to enhance optical response on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[a]pyrene immunoassay using SERS technology


Dribek, Mohamed | Rinnert, Emmanuel | Colas, Florent | Crassous, Marie-pierre | Thioune, Nene | David, Catalina | De La Chapelle, Marc | Compere, Chantal

Ifremer - France

Investigation of aromatic hydrocarbon inclusion into cyclodextrins by Raman spectroscopy and thermal analysis


Tijunelyte, Inga | Dupont, Nathalie | Milosevic, Irena | Barbey, Carole | Rinnert, Emmanuel | Lidgi-guigui, Nathalie | Guenin, Erwann | De La Chapelle, Marc Lamy

Ifremer - France

Modeling of real time exhaust emissions of passenger cars under heterogeneous traffic conditions


Jaikumar, Rohit | Shiva Nagendra, S.M. | Sivanandan, R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Light absorption characteristics of brown carbon during foggy and non-foggy episodes over the Indo-Gangetic Plain


National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Underestimation of chemical contamination in marine fish muscle tissue can be reduced by considering variable wet:dry weight ratios


Cresson, Pierre | Travers-trolet, Morgane | Rouquette, Manuel | Timmerman, Charles-andre | Giraldo, Carolina | Lefebvre, Sebastien | Ernande, Bruno

Ifremer - France

Concentrations of mercury and other trace elements in two offshore skates: sandy ray Leucoraja circularis and shagreen ray L. fullonica


Nicolaus, E. E. Manuel | Barry, Jon | Bolam, Thi P. C. | Lorance, Pascal | Marandel, Florianne | Phillips, Sophy R. Mccully | Neville, Suzanna | Ellis, Jim R.

Ifremer - France

Lost in the North: The first record of Diretmichthys parini (Post and Quéro, 1981) in the northern North Sea


Cresson, Pierre | Rouquette, Manuel | Marco-miralles, Francoise | Dufour, Jean-louis | Causse, Romain | Bouchoucha, Marc | Mahe, Kelig

Ifremer - France

Response of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera to cadmium and chromium: Identification of molecular biomarkers


Gueguen, Yannick | Saulnier, Denis | Santini, Adrien | Magre, Kevin | Garen, Pierre | Bernagout, Solene | Nohl, Marine | Bouisset, Patrick | Helme, Herehia | Planes, Serge | Le Moullac, Gilles

Ifremer - France