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Resultados 201-210 de 253
Modelling of substance transfer in the coastal regions of the Baltic Sea [distribution of pollutants]
Juhat, M. | Toompuu, A. (AN Ehstonskoj SSR, Tallin. Inst. Termofiziki i Ehlektrofiziki)
Ecologo-toxicological aspects of chemical pollution of the Baltic Sea [heavy metals, oil, PCB]
Patin, S.A. | Ajvazova, L.E. (Vsesoyuznyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyajstva i Okeanografii, Moskva (USSR))
The methods for investigating oil and hydrocarbon oxidation in sea water [pollution]
Tsyban', A.V. (Gosudarstvennyj Okeanograficheskij Inst. Gidrometeosluzhby SSSR, Moskva (USSR))
Contribution towards our knowledge of the organic substances in the coastal waters of the GDR, 7: A few remarks on the occurrence of substances with a phenolic character in the southern Baltic [water pollution]
Schlungbaum, G. | Nausch, G. (Rostock Univ. (German D.R.). Dept. of Biology)
Pollution control in the Swedish pulp and paper industry - presentation of the SSVL [Board of the Forest Industries' Water and Air Pollution Research Foundation] environmental care project
Solyom, P. (Institutet foer Vatten- och Luftvaardsforskning, Stockholm (Sweden))
Water transport through the Aaland Sea [Baltic Sea]
Ehlin, U. | Ambjoern, C. (Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Inst., Norrkoeping (Sweden))
14C-bioassays with the natural phytoplankton in the Stockholm archipelago [Sweden, limiting factors, primary production, fresh and brackish waters]
Norin, L.L. (Uppsala Univ. (Sweden). Inst. foer Vaextekologi)
Ecosystem analysis of a shallow sound in the Baltic - a joint field experiment by the Askoe group [Sweden]
Jansson, B.O. | Wulff, F. (Stockholms Univ. (Sweden). Zoologiska Inst.)
Accumulation of cadmium in some aquatic animals from the Baltic Sea [water pollution, minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, common goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, shrimp, Leander adspersus, bleak, Albumus albumus]
Bengtsson, B.E. (Statens Naturvaardsverk, Nykoeping (Sweden). Brackvattenstoxikologiska Lab.)
Pollution evaluation
Pickering, William F.