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Resultados 211-220 de 306
[Effect of chlorination on natural phytoplanktonic populations]
Bourgade-Le, B. (Centre Universitaire de Luminy, 13 - Marseille (France). Lab. d'Hydrobiologie Marine)
[Sampling technique and data treatment (perturbed pelagical ecosystem)]
Calmet, D. | Blanc, F. (Centre Universitaire de Marseille-Luminy (France). Lab. d'Ecologie Numerique)
[Mineral and organic pollutants in the sediments collected between Provence Region (France) and Corsica (Mission BIOMEDE)]
Arnoux, A. | Monod, J.L. | Tatossian, J. (Laboratoire d'Hydrologie et Molysmologie Aquatique, 13 - Marseille (France). Faculte de Pharmacie) | Bellan-Santini, D.
[Impact of thermal shocks on some non specific, enzymatic activities of Annelid polychaete, Scolelepis fuliginosa]
Kerambrun, P. | Guerin, J.P. (Centre Universitaire de Luminy, 13 - Marseille (France). Lab. d'Hydrobiologie Marine)
[Distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons in the tissues of Engraulis encrasicholus L. in the Adriatic Sea]
Serrazanetti, G.P. | Carpene, E. | Cortesi, P. | Crisetig, G. (Bologna Univ. (Italy). Istituto di Biochimica. Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria)
[Cyclic evolution of the benthos in the pollution areas of Izmir Bay, Turkey]
Kocatas, A. (Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Faculty of Science)
Interaction of Cd and Zn in relation to oxygen consumption in early stages of marine bivalve molluscs
Pavicic, J. (Rudjer Boskovic Inst., Rovinj (Yugoslavia). Center for Marine Research)
Downward flux of particulate matter in the Mediterranean Sea
Staresinic, N. | Chesselet, R. | Lambert, C. (Centre des Faibles Radio-Activites, Gif-sur-Yvette (France)) | Smodlaka, N. | Zvonaric, T. | Benovic, A.
[Pollution and its industrial origins on Western Algerian coast: preliminary study]
Bakalem, A. (Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques et des Peches, Algiers-Bourse (Algeria))
Sensitivity pattern of Escherichia coli strains and enteropathogenic E. coli isolated from sea water, sediment and beach material samples [Thessaloniki Gulf, Greece]
Edipides, Th. | Stathopoulos, G. | Edipides-Gregoriadou, A. | Delidou, K. (Thessaloniki Univ. (Greece). Lab. of Hygiene)