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Resultados 241-250 de 325
[Use of container plants for the afforestation of areas damaged by air pollution]
Volna, M. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta) | Hauck, O. | Rychnovska, A.
[Plant succession on clear cut areas and silvicultural consequences]
Irrgang, S. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft)
[Melioration and fertilization as conditions of re-afforestation of areas of the Ore Mountains damaged by air pollution]
Nebe, W. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft)
[Effects of SO2 on the development of the root system of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in the Ore Mountains]
Mauer, O. | Palatova, E.
[High moisture content of soils as important ecological factor on forest openings caused by air pollution effects]
Herynek, J. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta)
[Plant succession after herbicide application on forest clear cut areas in the highlands and in the hill country]
Wagner, W. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft) | Jork, P.
[The use of Populus tremula for the afforestation in areas damaged by air pollution]
Pospisil, J. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta) | Alferi, L.
[The velocity of wind as additional factor contributing to damage in a Norway spruce area effected by SO2]
Liebold, E. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany))
[Effects of industrial air pollutants on a 10 year old stand of Norway spruce]
Volna, M. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta) | Hauck, O.
[Mechanized soil preparation and its application in highland forests effected by air pollution]
Fritzsch, R. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft)