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Resultados 251-260 de 773
Source-pathway-receptor investigation of the fate of trace elements derived from shotgun pellets discharged in terrestrial ecosystems managed for game shooting
Sneddon, Jennifer | Clemente, Rafael | Riby, Philip | Lepp, N. W. (Nicholas W)
Spent shotgun pellets may contaminate terrestrial ecosystems. We examined the fate of elements originating from shotgun pellets in pasture and woodland ecosystems. Two source-receptor pathways: i) soil-soil pore water-plant and ii) whole earthworm/worm gut contents - washed and unwashed small mammal hair were investigated. Concentrations of Pb and associated contaminants were higher in soils from shot areas than controls. Arsenic and lead concentrations were positively correlated in soils, soil pore water and associated biota. Element concentrations in biota were below statutory levels in all locations. Bioavailability of lead to small mammals, based on concentrations in washed body hair was low. Lead movement from soil water to higher trophic levels was minor compared to lead adsorbed onto body surfaces. Lead was concentrated in earthworm gut and some plants. Results indicate that managed game shooting presents minimal risk in terms of element transfer to soils and their associated biota.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Arsenic species in ecosystems affected by arsenic-rich spring water near an abandoned mine in Korea
Kim, Y.T. | Yoon, H.O. | Yoon, C. | Woo, N.C.
The objectives of this study were to quantitatively estimate the distribution of arsenic with its speciation and to identify potential pathways for transformation of arsenic species from samples of water, sediments, and plants in the ecosystem affected by the Cheongog Spring, where As(V) concentration reached levels up to 0.270 mg L−1. After flowing about 100 m downstream, the arsenic level showed a marked reduction to 0.044 mg L−1 (about 84% removal) without noticeable changes in major water chemistry. The field study and laboratory hydroponic experiments with the dominant emergent plants along the creek (water dropwort and thunbergian smartweed) indicated that arsenic distribution, reduction, and speciation appear to be controlled by, (i) sorption onto stream sediments in exchangeable fractions, (ii) bioaccumulation by and possible release from emergent plants, and (iii) transformation of As(V) to As(III) and organic species through biological activities. Biogeochemical reactions with emergent plants and sediments control the fate of arsenic along creeks originating from a high-As Spring.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment of the Pearl River Estuary, South China
Guan, Yu-Feng | Sojinu, O.S Samuel | Li, Shao-Meng | Zeng, E. Y. (Eddy Y)
Ninety-six riverine runoff samples collected at eight major outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China, during 2005-2006 were analyzed for 17 brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners (defined as Σ17PBDE). Fourteen and 15 congeners were detected, respectively, in the dissolved and particulate phases. These data were further used to elucidate the partitioning behavior of BDE congeners in riverine runoff. Several related fate processes, i.e. air-water exchange, dry and wet deposition, degradation, and sedimentation, within the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), were examined to estimate the inputs of Σ10PBDE (sum of the target BDE congeners, BDE-28, -47, -66, -85, -99, -100, -138, -153, -154, and -183) and BDE-209 from the PRD to the coastal ocean based on mass balance considerations. The results showed that annual outflows of Σ10PBDE and BDE-209 were estimated at 126 and 940 kg/year, respectively from the PRE to coastal ocean. Besides sedimentation and degradation, the majority of Σ10PBDE and BDE-209 discharged into the PRE via riverine runoff was transported to the coastal ocean. Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment the Pearl River Estuary, South China.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Organchlorine content and shell thickness in brown booby (Sula leucogaster) eggs in the Gulf of California and the southern Pacific coast of Mexico
Mellink, Eric | Riojas-López, Mónica E. | Luévano Esparza, Jaime
We determined egg concentrations of organochlorines and thickness of eggshells from brown boobies at eight colonies ranging from the northern Gulf of California to southern Mexico. The only common residue was that of DDE, which was found in almost all eggs. DDE content apparently reflected pre-1990 DDT use in nearby agricultural areas and, at one site, intensive mosquito control for high-end tourism development. There were no inter-colony differences in eggshell thickness, and variation in this variable likely reflected individual bird characteristics and/or individual feeding source. This variable was not a good proxy to DDE exposure of brown boobies, under current DDE levels in the brown booby trophic chain. In the northern Gulf of California, eggshell thickness has recovered to pre-DDT conditions. Our data indicate that the Gulf of California and southwestern coast of Mexico have a healthy near-shore marine environment, as far as organochlorines are concerned. Wide-range, current picture of organochlorine presence in the environment along the western coast of Mexico.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Polonite used for phosphorus removal from wastewater on soil properties and fertility of a mountain meadow
Cucarella, Victor | Mazurek, Ryszard | Zaleski, Tomasz | Kopeć, Michal | Renman, Gunno
Reactive filter materials used for phosphorus (P) removal from wastewater can be disposed of as soil amendments after treatment, thus recycling P and other macro- and micro-nutrients to plants. In addition, materials with a high pH and Ca content, such as Polonite, are potential soil conditioners, which can be particularly beneficial for acid soils. Polonite previously used for on-site wastewater treatment was applied as a soil amendment to a mountain meadow. The amendment significantly increased soil pH and decreased the hydrolytic acidity, thus reducing Al toxicity risks. The effects were comparable to those of liming. No difference in yield and P uptake by meadow plants was observed. The uptake of metals was lower for amended soils, especially the uptake of Mn. Using Polonite after wastewater treatment as a soil amendment is thus a viable disposal alternative that can replace liming, when necessary, being capable of recycling P and other nutrients to meadow plants. Filter substrate Polonite can benefit acid soils after wastewater treatment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Removal of trace elements in three horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands in the Czech Republic
Kröpfelová, Lenka | Vymazal, Jan | Švehla, Jaroslav | Štíchová, Jana
Between March 2006 and June 2008 removal of 34 trace elements was measured on a monthly basis at three horizontal-flow constructed wetlands in the Czech Republic designed to treat municipal wastewater. In general, the results indicated a very wide range of removal efficiencies among studied elements. The highest degree of removal (average of 90%) was found for aluminum. High average removal was also recorded for zinc (78%). Elements removed in the range of 50-75% were uranium, antimony, copper, lead, molybdenum, chromium, barium, iron and gallium. Removal of cadmium, tin, mercury, silver, selenium and nickel varied between 25 and 50%. Low retention (0-25%) was observed for vanadium, lithium, boron, cobalt and strontium. There were two elements (manganese and arsenic) for which average outflow concentrations were higher compared to inflow concentrations. Reduced manganese compounds are very soluble and therefore they are washed out under anaerobic conditions. The paper describes the removal of trace elements in constructed wetlands treating municipal sewage.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sorption behavior of bensulfuron-methyl on andisols and ultisols volcanic ash-derived soils: Contribution of humic fractions and mineral–organic complexes
Espinoza, Jeannette | Fuentes, Edwar | Báez, Maria E.
Bensulfuron-methyl sorption was studied in Andisol and Ultisol soils in view of their characteristic physical and chemical properties, presenting acidic pH and variable charge. Humic and fulvic acids (HA and FA) and humin (HUM) contributions were established. Sorption was studied by using two synthetic sorbents, an aluminum-silicate with iron oxide coverage and the same sorbent coated with humic acid. Freundlich model described Bensulfuron-methyl behavior in all sorbents (R2 0.969–0.998). Kf for soils (8.3–20.7 μg1−1/n mL1/n g−1) were higher than those reported in the literature. Organic matter, halloysite or kaolinite, and specific surface area contributed to the global process. The highest Kf for HA, FA and HUM were 539.5, 82.9, and 98.7 μg1−1/n mL1/n g−1. Model sorbents described the participation of variable charge materials with high adsorption capacity. The constant capacitance model was used to assess effects of Bensulfuron-methyl adsorption on the distribution of SOH, SOH2+ and SO− sites of sorbents. Organic matter, phyllosilicates, variable charge minerals and organo-mineral complexes contribute to bensulfuron-methyl sorption on volcanic ash-derived soils.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Breeding performance of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tits (Parus major) in a heavy metal polluted area
Eeva, T. | Ahola, M. | Lehikoinen, E.
We compared heavy metal levels, calcium levels, breeding parameters and condition of nestling and adult Cyanistes caeruleus and Parus major along a heavy metal pollution gradient. Both species started laying earlier and showed inferior nestling growth and smaller fledging probability in the polluted areas, which are phenologically advanced in spring due to sparse forests. The major inter-specific difference in the responses was that the clutch size and hatching success were decreased in the polluted area in P. major, but not in C. caeruleus. Heavy metal profiles in nestling feces were relatively similar in the two species, though Ni and Pb levels were higher in C. caeruleus than in P. major. However, the latter species showed markedly higher fecal calcium concentrations. Lower calcium levels and higher levels of some heavy metals in C. caeruleus suggest that in Ca-deficient environments this species might be more susceptible to negative pollution effects than P. major. Breeding performance in two Parid species near a Cu smelter.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Riboflavin content of coelomocytes in earthworm (Dendrodrilus rubidus) field populations as a molecular biomarker of soil metal pollution
Płytycz, Barbara | Lis-Molenda, Urszula | Cygal, Malgorzata | Kielbasa, Edyta | Grebosz, Anna | Duchnowski, Michal | Andre, Jane | Morgan, A John
The effect of Pb + Zn on coelomocyte riboflavin content in the epigeic earthworm Dendrodrilus rubidus inhabiting three metalliferous soils and one reference soil was measured by flow cytometry and spectrofluorimetry. A reciprocal polluted <-> unpolluted worm transfer experiment (4-week exposure) was also performed. High proportions of autofluorescent eleocytes were counted in worms from all localities, but intense riboflavin-derived autofluorescence was detectable only in reference worm eleocytes. Other findings were: (i) fluorophore(s) other than riboflavin is/are responsible for eleocyte autofluorescence in residents of metalliferous soils; (ii) riboflavin content was reduced in the eleocytes of worms transferred from unpolluted to metal-polluted soil; (iii) the riboflavin content of D. rubidus eleocytes is a promising biomarker of exposure; (iv) COII mitochondrial genotyping revealed that the reference population is genetically distinct from the three mine populations; (v) metal exposure rather than genotype is probably the main determinant of inter-population differences in eleocyte riboflavin status. Soil metal pollution reduces riboflavin content of earthworm eleocytes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Accumulation of trace elements in the peripheral and central parts of two species of epiphytic lichens transplanted to a polluted site in Portugal
Godinho, R.M. | Verburg, T.G. | Freitas, M.C. | Wolterbeek, H.Th
This paper compares the dynamics, i.e. the rates of change in element concentrations of young and older lichen thallus parts, of one foliose and one fruticose lichen, during a transplant experiment to a polluted site. Both lichen parts respond to environmental changes. Here, differential accumulation suggests that differential constitution leads to differential uptake and release, and/or the overall behaviour is partly due to internal translocation and regulation mechanisms within the whole lichen. For thallus parts, internal translocation should be taken into account as one more factor affecting lichen “memory length”. Young parts of the thallus presented higher rates of change, but different lichen parts accumulate different elements to different extents. Therefore tissue selection in monitoring may depend on the element of interest, and cannot be made into a generalized approach in survey set-ups: the choice depends on the element. Thallus age and type affect the rate of change of element concentrations in lichens as induced by changes in ambient environmental conditions.
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