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Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in sediments of the Umayo Lagoon, Peru, and the behaviour of local actors
Atilio Salas-Ávila, Dante | Chaiña Chura, Fermin | Belizario Quispe, German | Quispe Mamani, Edgar | Hurtado Chavez, Edgar | Rojas Chahuares, Felix | Quispe Borda, Wenceslao | Hermoza Gutierrez, Marian | Salas Mercado, Dante
Multidisciplinary studies that integrate socioenvironmental aspects into the assessment of water resources contamination significantly enhance the identification of its sources. In the present study, an assessment of heavy metal contamination in sediments of Umayo Lagoon and the behavior of local actors was conducted. The concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn were determined and evaluated using international regulations. These data enabled the creation of distribution maps to pinpoint accumulation zones of different metals and suggest their possible sources of origin. The results were compared with the behavior of local actors, addressing three analytical characteristics: feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. Evidence showed contamination by As (18.11 mg/kg), Hg (0.19 mg/kg), and Cd (0.96 mg/kg), likely originating from mining activities, cheese plants, and agriculture. In terms of social aspects, intense emotions were expressed due to the presence of diseases and livestock mortality associated with metal contamination, causing anxiety and fear in the population. The incorporation of socioenvironmental aspects in the contamination assessment aligned with the physicochemical results, achieving identification of the sources of Umayo Lagoon.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Removal of Benzyl butyl phthalate by Polyetheretherketone/polyvinylalcohol nanocomposite Modified with Zinc oxide nanoparticles Adsorbent from Wastewater
Cheraghi, Reza | Abrishamkar, Maryam | Jalali Jahromi, Hossein | Hoseini, Farzaneh
The applicability of Polyetheretherketone/polyvinylalcohol nanocomposite modified with zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesis for the removal of benzyl butyl phthalate from wastewater. Identical techniques, including BET, FT-IR, XRD, and SEM, have to characterize this unknown material. The investigation shows the applicability of adsorbent PEEK/PVA/ZnONPs, as an available, suitable, and low-cost adsorbent for adequately removing the benzyl butyl phthalate from wastewater. The impacts of variables, including benzyl butyl phthalate concentration, adsorbent, pH, and time (15 mgL-1, 0.3 g, 5.0, and 60 min). Based on the received data, the adsorption of benzyl butyl phthalate on the PEEK/PVA/ZnONPs adsorbent agrees well with the Langmuir adsorption model isotherm (qm = 34.24 mgg-1). The results of the thermodynamic parameter showed a negative enthalpy (-77.0 KJ/mol), a negative Gibbs free energy (-11.7 KJ/mol), and negative entropy (-274.0 J/K.mol). This led to the conclusion that the adsorption process is energetically possible, and exothermic was also spontaneous. This work indicates that the PEEK/PVA/ZnONPs, used as an ecologically adapted, adsorbent holds promise for eliminating benzyl butyl phthalate from wastewater.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigating the spatial distribution of land surface temperature as related to air pollution level in Tehran metropolis
Nasehi, Saeedeh | Yavari, Ahmadreza | Salehi, Esmael
Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a common urban problem associated with a wide variety of factors, including air pollution. This study investigated the relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and air pollution as two spatial phenomena affecting urban areas. LST was estimated from OLI sensor images taken on 01/07/2020 using the single-channel algorithm. Air pollution was assumed to be indicated by the concentrations of NOX, NO2, NO, PM2.5 and SO2, which were obtained by Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation from the data recorded on the same date as satellite images. Correlations were measured in terms of R and R2 and errors were estimated in terms of RMSE, MAE and MBE. The highest R and R2 were obtained for SO2 (20.89 and 45.99, respectively). The results showed that despite the high correlation between SO2 and LST, PM2.5 has a much better error distribution. Therefore, further research should be conducted on the relationship between these indices.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metals Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in Aquatic Plants of Man-made Water Reservoir, Eastern Siberia, Russia: Tracking of Environment Pollution
Vladimirovna Chuparina, Elena | Igorevna Poletaeva, Vera | Vladimirovich Pastukhov, Mikhail
The paper reports the results of research on the Bratsk water body (Russia), the hugest man-made reservoir in the world, using aquatic plants as bioindicators. This aquatic environment requires constant monitoring due to metal emissions by metallurgical, machine-building, and other industries. To that end, the accumulation capacities of Myriophyllum spicatum L., Elodea canadensis Michx., Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Cladophora glomerata L. were compared. The Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and, Pb contents in the plants were quantified with X-ray fluorescence. The calculated bioaccumulation indexes provided similar indicator characteristics of these species. The clustering analysis specified the spatial metal pollution in the reservoir. The aquatic plants sampled near industrial enterprises demonstrated the high concentrations: Ti (573-887), Cr (14-22), Mn (609-1080), Fe (9231-12724), Ni (8-11), Cu (51-103), Zn (35-45) and Pb (10-40) µg/g. The average concentrations in the samples collected away from emission sources were significantly lower: Ti (443-598), Cr (7-10), Mn (439-591), Fe (4575-6573), Ni (6-7), Cu (36-58), Zn (27-33) and Pb (6-9). While, they were several-fold higher than threshold values reported for the Lake Baikal plants: Ti – 6; Cr – 2-2.6; Ni – 1.9; Fe – 3-6.7; Mn – 1.5-2.6; Cu – 4; Zn – 1.2-2, and Pb – 7.3. In addition to industrial impacts, the sedimentation processes, coastal erosion, wood rotting and ore occurrences caused increasing in metal contents. Assessment of pollution through the pollution load index and the integration Nemerov index provided the classification of the environment of the Bratsk water reservoir as polluted one.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ionic Composition of Winter Atmospheric Precipitation in the Urban Area (South of West Siberia, Russia)
Noskova, Tatiana | Lovtskaya, Olga | Panina, Maria | Ovcharenko, Elena | Papina, Tatyana
The work evaluates the urban snow cover pollution and determines the level of the city influence on the pollution of the urban atmosphere with major ions (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) during the winter period (on the case study of Barnaul city, 2014-2019). The priority ions that determine the high pollution of the urban atmosphere in winter are (nitrite, chloride, sodium), the sources of which are the exhaust of motor vehicles (nitrite) and the using of anti-ice reagents (chloride, sodium). The study showed an increase of the major ions in the urban snow cover (with the exception of nitrate ion) by more than two times compared with the regional and more than six times with the global natural background. To study the spatial features of the snow cover pollution interpolation surfaces of the spatial distribution of priority ions in the study area were constructed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Bottom Sediments Of Donuzlav Lake (Black Sea)
Soloveva, Olga | Tikhonova, Elena | Barabashin, Timofey
Lake Donuzlav, located in the western part of the Crimean Peninsula is a water body undergoing anthropogenic load, which cannot but affect the state of its bottom sediments. The content and composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are representative indicators of the degree and character of an anthropogenic impact in natural habitats. The aim of the work was to assess the level of PAH content in the bottom sediments, to identify potential sources and to assess the toxicity of bottom sediments. It was established that the average content of ∑PAH in the sediments amounted to 806±380 ng/g, with the values of this parameter ranging over 34–4036 ng/g. At five out of ten stations in Lake Donuzlav, PAH values, average for the Black Sea, were exceeded. These stations were grouped along both banks in the inner part of the reservoir. Fourteen PAHs were identified: Nap, 2mNap, Flu, Phe, Ant, Fla, Py, TrPhe, Chr, BbF, BkF, BaP, DBA, BghiP. The main share falls on the binuclear Nap and 2mNap, which indicate the presence of fresh oil pollution. The average share of these compounds over the water area was 60±5%, and at stations with elevated levels of ∑PAH it was 74±4%. There was a close correlation between the content of all polyarenes, which coefficient averaged 0,88. The presence of geochemical relationships between polyarenes entering from different sources was probably due to the functioning of natural mechanisms aimed at the transformation of pollutants, which served to restore the dynamic balance of the system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Physical and Geochemical Characteristics of the Typical Spring’s Mineral Water in the NW of Iran, Case studies Lighvan and Toptapan Springs Mineral Water
Yazdi, Mohamad | Mohammadi, Farhad | Navi, Pedram | Behzadi, Mehrdad
Lighvan hot spring and Toptapan mineral spring are located in the Eastern Azarbaijan, NW of Iran. The host rocks of Lighvan hot spring are dacite, andesite and Quaternary volcanic tuffs. Their main rock forming minerals are quartz, plagioclase, biotite and rarely amphibole. The host rocks of Toptapan mineral water spring are Cretaceous and Jurassic sandstone, shales and carbonate sedimentary rocks. Their main rock forming minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite and clays. Due to the deposition of mineral water springs, travertine is the main Quaternary sediments around the springs. Water samples were collected from Toptapan mineral spring and Lighvan hot spring in July (dry season). The sampling method was according to standard methods for geochemical analysis. Field parameters such as PH, temperature, and EC were measured in situ, and samples were analyzed by ICP-OEC and ICP-MS in the laboratory of the Geological Survey of Iran. The measuring data showed that pH varies between 6.1 to 6.4. The surface temperature varies from 20.1˚C to 32.8˚C. The concentration of anions and cations in the Piper diagram show calcic bicarbonate type for Toptapan mineral spring and sodic bicarbonate type for Lighvan hot spring respectively. According to Lunglier – Ludwig diagram, the dissolution of carbonate and silicate minerals is the most important factor in increasing calcic cation. The Cl-Li-B diagram shows that the dissolution of sodic minerals and clays and ionic exchange are also the most important factors for increasing sodium in these springs. These data are in agreement to the host rocks, their mineralogy and their chemical composition. Based on the Ca-Mg-K geothermometer diagram, the geothermal reservoir temperature for Lighvan hot spring is 95-100 ˚C with a depth of about 2Km and for Toptapan mineral spring is 65-85 ˚C with a depth of less than 1Km. Also, high concentrations of chlorine show a deep geothermal primary reservoir in the Lighvan hot spring. These geochemical data show that these cold and hot springs are not polluted and not harmful for environmental point of views.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of Microalgae in Domestic Wastewater Treatment: A Lab-Scale Experimental Study
Moondra, Nandini | Jariwala, Namrata | Christian, Robin
In most developing nations, municipal wastewater treatment is limited to aerobic secondary treatments, expensive and ineffective in removing nutrients from treated effluents before discharge, resulting in eutrophication and imbalance in receiving bodies. As a result, the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris for primarily treated wastewater collected from a sewage treatment plant during an 8-hour detention time was investigated in this study. Microalgae have been found to efficiently remove organics and nutrients to levels far below the desired limit in the present research. After algal treatment concentration of COD, phosphate and ammonia reduced to 12.43 mg/L (93.75%), 0.04 mg/L (98.40%) and below detectable limit (100%) respectively. In addition, remarkable reduction was found in solids (TSS, TS and TDS) and EC concentration. The use of microalgae resulted in an increase in DO concentration. As a result, introducing Chlorella vulgaris into a wastewater treatment system can lower nutrient and organics contents without any additional treatment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Disinfection of biologically treated wastewater using photocatalysis process with artificial UV light and natural Solar radiation
Al- Dawery, Salam K. | Reddy, Sreedhar | Al-Mashrafiya, Khaloud | Al-Fraji, Buthina | Al-Daweri, Muataz Salam
The goal of this research was to investigate the efficacy photocatalysis with natural solar radiation and artificial UV radiation for disinfecting total coliforms in biologically treated wastewater. The effect of TiO2 dosage and irradiation time on total coliform inactivation as measured by log reduction values (LRV), removal of BOD, COD, turbidity, and effluent properties as measured by pH and conductivity was investigated. Two sets of experimental equipment were constructed, one for using solar UV light and the other for using artificial UV light. After four hours of irradiation with 60 mg/L TiO2, photocatalysis achieved LRVs of 1.4 and 1, respectively, under UV and solar radiation. COD and BOD were reduced by 67% and 50% respectively under UV and solar radiation after two hours of irradiation with 60 mg/L TiO2. Turbidity was reduced by 71%. Both conductivity and acidity of the effluent were reduced as TiO2 concentration was increased. Photocatalysis with natural solar radiation produced disinfection results that were comparable to that of efficient UV light exposure. Artificial UV light and natural solar radiation can be combined in photocatalysis process to form a hybrid process.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On-site Evaluation of NOx Removal Efficiency on Photocatalytic Pavements and Analysis of Environmental Variables
Chun, Haejoon | Song, Min Young
The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between NOx concentration and envi-ronmental variables at photocatalytic concrete pavements containing TiO2 by direct monitoring in field. In order to confirm the NOx concentration according to various environmental variables of the photocatalytic concrete pavements, humidity, temperature, light intensity, and NOx concen-tration were measured continuously for 3 days at photocatalytic pavement, concrete pavement, and atmospheric conditions, respectively. We identified the NOx concentration at all measurement sites and calculated the NOx removal efficiency of the photocatalytic pavements. As a result, the NOx concentration of the photocatalytic pavement was 0.086 ppm on the 1st day, 0.125 ppm on the 2nd day, and 0.106 ppm on the 3rd day, which was mostly lower than that of the concrete pavement and the atmospheric conditions. When the NOx removal efficiency of the photocatalytic pavement on days 1–3 was examined by time, the NOx removal efficiency was evidently higher in the order of 0–6 h > 18–24 h or 6–12 h > 12–18 h for all three measurement days. In addition, the relationship between NOx removal efficiency and environmental variables was analyzed. As a result of corre-lation analysis between NOx removal efficiency and environmental variables of the site, relative humidity showed a positive (+) correlation, while temperature and light intensity showed a negative (-) correlation. Based on our results, we summarize some considerations for evaluating the NOx removal performance of photocatalytic pavements applied in the field.
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