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Resultados 261-270 de 286
[Research on mercury pollution of the marine environment in the area of Marseille (Mediterranean, France). - Degree of mercuric contamination of the green marine alga Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot in the polluted sectors of the herbarium of Posidonies in the neighbourhood of ports and of effluent of the great emissary of Marseille city]
Augier, H. | Gilles, G. | Ramonda, G.
[The Spanish monitoring network of the marine environment quality]
Ros, J.
[Heavy metals chemistry in the aerosol of western Mediterranean Sea and its influence on suspended matter chemistry]
Chesselet, R. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Centre des Faibles Radioactivites) | Baron, D. | Benard, H. (Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d'Outre-Mer (ORSTOM), 93 - Bondy (France). Lab. de Spectrometrie) | Buat-Menard, P.
Trace metals and organochlorine residue content of mullidae family fishes and sediments in the vicinity of Erdemli (Icel), Turkey
Balkas, T.I. | Salihoglu, I. | Tuncel, G. | Tugrul, S. | Ramelow, G.
Investigation of water pollution along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey by the use of remote sensing techniques
Atuk, N.
Hydrographic and hydrodynamic characteristics of Rijeka Bay [Yugoslavia, Adriatic Sea]
Degobbis, D. | Ilic, D. | Jeftic, L. | Nozina, I. | Smodlaka, N. | Vucak, Z.
Fish eggs dimensions and pollution
Yannopoulos, A.
[Study on organochlorine compounds (PCB-DDT) in the marine environment of the Embiez Island (Var, France)]
Monod, J.L. | Arnoux, A.
Mercury concentrations in pelagic fishes (anchovy, mackerel and sardine) from the Italian coast and Strait of Gibraltar
Baldi, F. | Renzoni, A. | Bernhard, M.
The characterization of the properties of sea sediments in marine pollution research
Juracic, M. | Pravdic, V.