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Caddisflies as biomonitors identifying thresholds of toxic metal bioavailability that affect the stream benthos
Rainbow, P. S. | Hildrew, A. G. | Smith, Brian D. | Geatches, Tim | Luoma, Samuel N.
It has been proposed that bioaccumulated concentrations of toxic metals in tolerant biomonitors be used as indicators of metal bioavailability that could be calibrated against the ecological response to metals of sensitive biotic assemblages. Our hypothesis was that metal concentrations in caddisfly larvae Hydropsyche siltalai and Plectrocnemia conspersa, as tolerant biomonitors, indicate metal bioavailability in contaminated streams, and can be calibrated against metal-specific ecological responses of mayflies. Bioaccumulated concentrations of Cu, As, Zn and Pb in H. siltalai from SW English streams were related to the mayfly assemblage. Mayflies were always sparse where bioavailabilities were high and were abundant and diverse where bioavailabilities of all metals were low, a pattern particularly evident when the combined abundance of heptageniid and ephemerellid mayflies was the response variable. The results offer promise that bioaccumulated concentrations of metals in tolerant biomonitors can be used to diagnose ecological impacts on stream benthos from metal stressors.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ecotoxicity of the veterinary pharmaceutical ivermectin tested in a soil multi-species (SMS) system
Jensen, John | Scott-Fordsmand, Janeck J.
The present study tests the effect of antiparasitic compound ivermectin in a constructed food-web system, a soil multi-species (SMS) higher tier test system. Mutualism, competition and predation within the SMS system were introduced by the addition of five collembolan species, one enchytraeid and a predatory mite species. Bait lamina sticks were incorporated as a measure of functional toxicity, attempting to the integrated feeding activity of the invertebrates. The study showed that on the community level all treatments were significantly affecting the community abundance and composition and that the decrease in abundance corresponded well with increasing exposure concentration for all species. Since all concentrations had significant adverse effect on the community structure, the community-based no-effect-concentration is below the lowest test concentration of 0.25 mg kg⁻¹, whereas the EC10 for the individual species were as low as 0.05 mg kg⁻¹. The bait lamina respond was only affected at the highest exposure concentration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A GIS technology based potential eco-risk assessment of metals in urban soils in Beijing, China
Wang, Meie | Bai, Yanying | Chen, Weiping | Markert, Bernd | Peng, Chi | Ouyang, Z. (Zhiyun)
Ecological risks of heavy metals in urban soils were evaluated using Beijing, China as an example. Cadmium, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Ni contents of 233 surface soils sampled by 1 min latitude × 1 min longitude grid were used to identify their spatial distribution patterns and potential emission sources. Throughout the city, longer the duration of urbanization greater was the accumulations of heavy metals especially, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The soil Zn mainly came from the wears of vehicular tires. Point source emissions of heavy metals were few and far in the downwind south–east quadrant of Beijing. The calculated risk indices showed potential median eco-risks in the ancient central city. No potential high eco-risk due to soil-borne heavy metals was found. The potential medium eco-risk areas in Beijing would expand from the initial 24 to 110 km² if soil pH were to reduce by 0.5 units in anticipation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental contextualisation of potential toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in biochar
Freddo, Alessia | Cai, Chao | Reid, Brian J.
Nine dissimilar biochars, produced from varying feedstock at different pyrolysis temperatures, are appraised with respect to concentrations of potentially toxic elements, specifically, metals, metalloids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Concentrations of the metals and metalloids varied with the following ranges (mg kg⁻¹): 0.02–0.94, Cd; 0.12–6.48, Cr; 0.04–13.2, Cu; 0.1–1.37, Ni; 0.06–3.87, Pb; 0.94–207, Zn and 0.03–0.27, As. Σ₁₆PAH concentrations (16 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) PAHs) range between 0.08 mg kg⁻¹ to 8.7 mg kg⁻¹. Subsequent comparison with background soil concentrations, concentration applied to the regulation of composted materials (Publicly Available Specification (PAS 100)) and European Union (EU) regulations relating to the application of sewage sludge to agricultural land suggest low risk associated with the concentrations of PTEs observed in biochar. Collectively, results suggest that environmental impacts attributable to metals, metalloids and PAHs associated with biochar following its application to soil are likely to be minimal.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation through column leaching tests of metal release from contaminated estuarine sediment subject to CO₂ leakages from Carbon Capture and Storage sites
Payán, M Cruz | Galan, Berta | Coz, Alberto | Vandecasteele, Carlo | Viguri, Javier R.
The pH change and the release of organic matter and metals from sediment, due to the potential CO₂ acidified seawater leakages from a CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) site are presented. Column leaching test is used to simulate a scenario where a flow of acidified seawater is in contact with recent contaminated sediment. The behavior of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and metals As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, with liquid to solid (L/S) ratio and pH is analyzed. A stepwise strategy using empirical expressions and a geochemical model was conducted to fit experimental release concentrations. Despite the neutralization capacity of the seawater-carbonate rich sediment system, important acidification and releases are expected at local scale at lower pH. The obtained results would be relevant as a line of evidence input of CCS risk assessment, in an International context where strategies to mitigate the climate change would be applied.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal isolates on growth and arsenic accumulation in Plantago lanceolata L
Orłowska, Elżbieta | Godzik, Barbara | Turnau, Katarzyna
The role of indigenous and non-indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on As uptake by Plantago lanceolata L. growing on substrate originating from mine waste rich in As was assessed in a pot experiment. P. lanceolata inoculated with AMF had higher shoot and root biomass and lower concentrations of As in roots than the non-inoculated plants. There were significant differences in As concentration and uptake between different AMF isolates. Inoculation with the indigenous isolate resulted in increased transfer of As from roots to shoots; AMF from non-polluted area apparently restricted plants from absorbing As to the tissue; and plants inoculated with an AMF isolate from Zn–Pb waste showed strong As retainment within the roots. Staining with dithizone indicated that AMF might be actively involved in As accumulation. The mycorrhizal colonization affected also the concentration of Cd and Zn in roots and Pb concentration, both in shoots and roots.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Global gene expression in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine and sertraline) reveals unique expression profiles and potential biomarkers of exposure
Park, June Woo | Heah, Tze Ping | Gouffon, Julia S. | Henry, Theodore B. | Sayler, Gary S.
Larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) were exposed (96 h) to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fluoxetine and sertraline and changes in transcriptomes analyzed by Affymetrix GeneChip® Zebrafish Array were evaluated to enhance understanding of biochemical pathways and differences between these SSRIs. The number of genes differentially expressed after fluoxetine exposure was 288 at 25μg/L and 131 at 250μg/L; and after sertraline exposure was 33 at 25μg/L and 52 at 250μg/L. Same five genes were differentially regulated in both SSRIs indicating shared molecular pathways. Among these, the gene coding for FK506 binding protein 5, annotated to stress response regulation, was highly down-regulated in all treatments (results confirmed by qRT-PCR). Gene ontology analysis indicated at the gene expression level that regulation of stress response and cholinesterase activities were influenced by these SSRIs, and suggested that changes in transcription of these genes could be used as biomarkers of SSRI exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Thiacloprid affects trophic interaction between gammarids and mayflies
Englert, D. | Bundschuh, M. | Schulz, R.
Neonicotinoid insecticides like thiacloprid enter agricultural surface waters, where they may affect predator–prey-interactions, which are of central importance for ecosystems as well as the functions these systems provide. The effects of field relevant thiacloprid concentrations on the leaf consumption of Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda) were assessed over 96 h (n = 13–17) in conjunction with its predation on Baetis rhodani (Ephemeroptera) nymphs. The predation by Gammarus increased significantly at 0.50–1.00 μg/L. Simultaneously, its leaf consumption decreased with increasing thiacloprid concentration. As a consequence of the increased predation at 1.00 μg/L, gammarids' dry weight rose significantly by 15% compared to the control. At 4.00 μg/L, the reduced leaf consumption was not compensated by an increase in predation causing a significantly reduced dry weight of Gammarus (∼20%). These results may finally suggest that thiacloprid adversely affects trophic interactions, potentially translating into alterations in ecosystem functions, like leaf litter breakdown and aquatic-terrestrial subsidies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of multigenerational cadmium exposure of insects (Spodoptera exigua larvae) on anti-oxidant response in haemolymph and developmental parameters
Kafel, Alina | Zawisza-Raszka, Agnieszka | Szulińska, Elżbieta
Biochemical and organismal indices of metal tolerance were studied in Spodoptera exigua exposed to a cadmium-contaminated diet for one or many (33 or 61) generations. Reduced and oxidised glutathione, protein thiols, total anti-oxidant capacity level, glutathione transferase activity, and Cd accumulation were assayed in the haemolymph of the last instar larvae. The cadmium concentration in the whole larval body as well as larval survival, larval duration time and last instar body weight were also measured. Elevated cadmium concentration in the whole body, higher mortality and longer duration of the larval stage in one-generation exposed insects in comparison with those exposed for many generations suggest that metal tolerance builds over time. For the larvae from multigeneration metal treatment, the higher cadmium concentration in larval haemolymph positively correlated with glutathione oxidation and total anti-oxidant capacity. One-generation exposed insects had lower metal concentration in haemolymph than did 33-generation exposed insects.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term persistence of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in air, soil and sediment around an abandoned pentachlorophenol factory in China
Li, Cheng | Zheng, Minghui | Zhang, Bing | Gao, Lirong | Liu, Lidan | Zhou, Xin | Ma, Xiaodong | Xiao, Ke
Air, soils and sediments surrounding an abandoned pentachlorophenol (PCP) factory were sampled to determine the levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), unintentionally formed during PCP production. The mean concentration of PCDD/Fs in ambient air was one order of magnitude higher than that of the reference site. A trend of decreasing concentrations with increasing distance from the factory was observed, suggesting this site has a significant influence on the regional ambient air. As for soil samples collected within 3 km from the factory and sediment samples from the adjacent rivers, high levels of contamination were found with WHO-TEQ concentrations of 193 ± 211 pg/g and 667 ± 978 pg/g, respectively. The PCDD/F homologue profiles of all samples were consistent with those found in the technical product of PCP, with OCDD as the dominant congener. These results indicate PCDD/Fs in the historical contaminated site pose a long-term impact on surrounding environment.
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