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National survey of the levels of persistent organochlorine pesticides in the breast milk of mothers in China
Zhou, Pingping | Wu, Yongning | Yin, Shian | Li, Jingguang | Zhao, Yunfeng | Zhang, Lei | Chen, Huijing | Liu, Yinping | Yang, Xin | Li, Xiaowei
The occurrence of persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in breast milk samples collected from mothers from twelve provinces in mainland China was investigated. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) were the most prevalent agent, followed by HCHs and HCB, whereas levels of chlordane compounds, drins and mirex were lower. The relatively lower DDE/DDT ratio in the Fujian rural area suggested more recent exposure to DDT than in other areas. The mean level of DDTs in breast milk from the southern China was higher than those from northern China (p < 0.05). A positive correlation was observed between concentration of DDTs in human milk and consumption of animal-origin food, suggesting that this parameter could play an important part in influencing OCPs burdens in lactating women. The mean estimated daily intakes of different OCPs for breastfed infants were lower than the tolerable daily intake.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mechanisms of enhanced mobilisation of trace metals by anionic surfactants in soil
Hernández-Soriano, Maria del Carmen | Degryse, Fien | Smolders, Erik
Long-term applications of small concentrations of surfactants in soil via wastewater irrigation or pesticide application may enhance trace metal solubility. Mechanisms by which anionic surfactants (Aerosol 22, SDS and Biopower) affect trace metal solubility were assessed using batch, incubation and column experiments. In batch experiments on seven soils, the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Ni and Zn in the dissolved fraction of soils increased up to 100-fold at the high application rates, but increased less than 1.5-fold below the critical micelle concentration. Dissolved metal concentrations were less than 20% affected by surfactants in long-term incubations (70 days) up to the largest dose of 200 mg C kg⁻¹ soil. Leaching soil columns with A22 (100–1000 mg C L⁻¹) under unsaturated conditions increased trace metal concentrations in the leachates 2–4 fold over the control. Correlation analysis and speciation modelling showed that the increased solubility of metals upon surfactant application was more related to the solubilisation of soil organic matter from soil than to complexation of the metals with the surfactant. Organic matter from soil was solubilised in response to a decrease of solution Ca²⁺ as a result of Ca–surfactant precipitation. At environmentally relevant concentrations, surfactant application is unlikely to have a significant effect on trace metal mobility.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of carbon nanomaterials on the behaviour of ¹⁴C-phenanthrene and ¹⁴C-benzo-[a] pyrene in soil
Towell, Marcie G. | Browne, Lesley A. | Paton, Graeme I. | Semple, K. T. (Kirk T.)
The impact of fullerene soot (FS), single-walled (SWCNTs) and multi-walled (MWCNTs) carbon nanotubes on the behaviour of two ¹⁴C-PAHs in sterile soil was investigated. Different concentrations of carbon nanomaterials (0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5%) were added to soil, and ¹⁴C-phenanthrene and ¹⁴C-benzo[a]pyrene extractability assessed over 80 d through dichloromethane (DCM) and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) shake extractions. Total ¹⁴C-PAH activity in soils was determined by combustion, and mineralisation of ¹⁴C-phenanthrene was monitored over 14 d, using a catabolically active pseudomonad inoculum. No significant loss of ¹⁴C-PAH-associated activity from CNM-amended soils was observed over the ‘aging’ period. CNMs had a significant impact on HPCD-extractability of ¹⁴C-PAHS; extractability decreased with increasing CNM concentration. Additionally, ¹⁴C-phenanthrene mineralisation was inhibited by the presence of CNMs at concentrations of ≥0.05%. Differences in overall extents of ¹⁴C-mineralisation were also apparent between CNM types. It is suggested the addition of CNMs to soil can reduce PAH extractability and bioaccessibility, with PAH sorption to CNMs influenced by CNM type and concentration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The effect of environmental conditions on the stability of heavy metal–filter material complex as assessed by the leaching of adsorbed metal ions
Khokhotva, Oleksandr | Waara, Sylvia
In this study the influence of environmental conditions, most likely prevailing in filter beds used for intermittently discharged pollutant streams such as landfill leachate and storm water, on the stability of the heavy metal–filter complex was investigated for 2 filter materials; non-treated and urea treated pine bark, using leaching experiments. The metal–filter complex stability was higher for urea treated than for non-treated pine bark and dependent on the metal adsorbed. The type of environmental condition applied was of less importance for the extent of leaching.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Plant uptake and dissipation of PBDEs in the soils of electronic waste recycling sites
Huang, Honglin | Zhang, Shuzhen | Christie, Peter
Plant uptake and dissipation of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites were investigated in a greenhouse study. Eighteen PBDE congeners (tri- through deca-) were detected in the plant tissues. The proportion of lower brominated PBDEs (mono- through hexa-) in plant roots was higher than that in the soils. A concentration gradient was observed of PBDEs in plants with the highest concentrations in the roots followed by the stems and lowest in the leaves. Reduction rates of the total PBDEs in the soils ranged from 13.3 to 21.7% after plant harvest and lower brominated PBDEs were associated with a higher tendency to dissipate than the higher brominated PBDEs. This study provides the first evidence for plant uptake of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites and planting contributes to the removal of PBDEs in e-waste contaminated soils.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term mercury dynamics in UK soils
Tipping, E. | Wadsworth, R.A. | Norris, D.A. | Hall, J.R. | Ilyin, I.
A model assuming first-order losses by evasion and leaching was used to evaluate Hg dynamics in UK soils since 1850. Temporal deposition patterns of Hg were constructed from literature information. Inverse modelling indicated that 30% of 898 rural sites receive Hg only from the global circulation, while in 51% of cases local deposition exceeds global. Average estimated deposition is 16 μg Hg m⁻² a⁻¹ to rural soils, 19 μg Hg m⁻² a⁻¹ to rural and non-rural soils combined. UK soils currently hold 2490 tonnes of reactive Hg, of which 2140 tonnes are due to anthropogenic deposition, mostly local in origin. Topsoil currently releases 5.1 tonnes of Hg⁰ per annum to the atmosphere, about 50% more than the anthropogenic flux. Sorptive retention of Hg in the lower soil exerts a strong control on surface water Hg concentrations. Following decreases in inputs, soil Hg concentrations are predicted to decline over hundreds of years.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uptake and translocation of arsenite by Pteris vittata L.: Effects of glycerol, antimonite and silver
Mathews, Shiny | Rathinasabapathi, Bala | Ma, Lena Q.
AsIII uptake in living cells is through aquaglyceroporin transporters, but it is unknown in arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. We investigated the effects of AsIII analogs glycerol and antimonite (SbIII) at 0–100 mM and aquaporin inhibitor AgNO₃ at 0–0.1 mM on the uptake of 0.1 mM AsIII or AsV by P. vittata over 1–2 h. Glycerol or SbIII didn’t impact AsIII or AsV uptake by P. vittata (p < 0.05), with As concentrations in the fronds and roots being 4.4–6.3 and 3.9–6.2 mg/kg. However, 0.01 mM AgNO₃ reduced As concentrations in the fronds and roots by 64% and 58%. Hence, AsIII uptake in P. vittata might be via an aquaporin transporter different from glycerol and SbIII transporters. Further as AsIII analogs and aquaporin inhibitor had no impact on AsV uptake, AsIII and AsV were likely taken up by different transporters in P. vittata. Our results imply a different AsIII transporter in P. vittata from other plants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Salting our landscape: An integrated catchment model using readily accessible data to assess emerging road salt contamination to streams
Jin, Li | Whitehead, Paul | Siegel, Donald I. | Findlay, Stuart
A new integrated catchment model for salinity has been developed to assess the transport of road salt from upland areas in watersheds to streams using readily accessible landscape, hydrologic, and meteorological data together with reported salt applications. We used Fishkill Creek (NY) as a representative watershed to test the model. Results showed good agreement between modeled and measured stream water chloride concentrations. These results suggest that a dominant mode of catchment simulation that does not entail complex deterministic modeling is an appropriate method to model salinization and to assess effects of future applications of road salt to streams. We heuristically increased and decreased salt applications by 100% and results showed that stream chloride concentrations increased by 13% and decreased by 7%, respectively. The model suggests that future management of salt application can reduce environmental concentrations, albeit over some time.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characterization of mercury species in brown and white rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in water-saving paddies
Rothenberg, Sarah E. | Feng, Xinbin | Dong, Bin | Shang, Lihai | Yin, Runsheng | Yuan, Xiaobo
In China, total Hg (HgT) and methylmercury (MeHg) were quantified in rice grain grown in three sites using water-saving rice cultivation methods, and in one Hg-contaminated site, where rice was grown under flooded conditions. Polished white rice concentrations of HgT (water-saving: 3.3±1.6ng/g; flooded: 110±9.2ng/g) and MeHg (water-saving 1.3±0.56ng/g; flooded: 12±2.4ng/g) were positively correlated with root-soil HgT and MeHg contents (HgT: r²=0.97, MeHg: r²=0.87, p<0.05 for both), which suggested a portion of Hg species in rice grain was derived from the soil, and translocation of Hg species from soil to rice grain was independent of irrigation practices and Hg levels, although other factors may be important. Concentrations of HgT and other trace elements were significantly higher in unmilled brown rice (p<0.05), while MeHg content was similar (p>0.20), indicating MeHg infiltrated the endosperm (i.e., white rice) more efficiently than inorganic Hg(II).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Expression of mtc in Folsomia candida indicative of metal pollution in soil
Nota, Benjamin | Vooijs, Riet | Straalen, N. M. van | Roelofs, Dick
The soil-living springtail Folsomia candida is frequently used in reproduction bioassays to assess soil contamination. Alternatively, the response of genes to contamination is assessed. In this study the expression of F. candida’s gene encoding the deduced metallothionein-like motif containing protein (MTC) was assessed, using quantitative PCR, in response to six different metals, each at two concentrations in soil. The expression of mtc was induced after exposure to all metals, except for one chromium concentration. Exposure to soil originating from metal-contaminated field sites also induced mtc, while the expression did not change in response to a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Since this transcript is induced by most of the tested metals, it may potentially be a good indicator of metal contamination. The presented gene expression assay might become a useful tool to screen potentially polluted sites, in order to identify the ones that need further ecotoxicological investigation.
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