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Role of Armillaria in the decline of silver fir
Delatour, Claude | Guillaumin, J.J.
Water pollution | Information on the use of alternative wastewater treatment systems
Global climate change : Modelling the potential responses of agro-ecosystems with special reference to crop protection
Goudriaan, J. | Zadoks, J.C.
Pollution prevention | EPA should reexamine the objectives and sustainability of state programs
Global climate change : Modelling the potential responses of agro-ecosystems with special reference to crop protection
Goudriaan, J. | Zadoks, J.C.
Plant responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment with emphasis on roots and the rhizosphere
Rogers, H.H. | Runion, G.B. | Krupa, S.V.
Empirical records provide incontestable evidence of global changes: foremost among these changes is the rising concentration of CO(2) in the earth's atmosphere. Plant growth is nearly always stimulated by elevation of CO(2). Photosynthesis increases, more plant biomass accumulates per unit of water consumed, and economic yield is enhanced. The profitable use of supplemental CO(2) over years of greenhouse practice points to the value of CO(2) for plant production. Plant responses to CO(2) are known to interact with other environmental factors, e.g. light, temperature, soil water, and humidity. Important stresses including drought, temperature, salinity, and air pollution have been shown to be ameliorated when CO(2) levels are elevated. In the agricultural context, the growing season has been shortened for some crops with the application of more CO(2); less water use has generally, but not always, been observed and is under further study; experimental studies have shown that economic yield for most crops increases by about 33% for a doubling of ambient CO(2) concentration. However, there are some reports of negligible or negative effects. Plant species respond differently to CO(2) enrichment, therefore, clearly competitive shifts within natural communities could occur. Though of less importance in managed agro-ecosystems, competition between crops and weeds could also be altered. Tissue composition can vary as CO(2) increases (e.g. higher C: N ratios) leading to changes in herbivory, but tests of crop products (consumed by man) from elevated CO(2) experiments have generally not revealed significant differences in their quality. However, any CO(2)-induced change in plant chemical or structural make-up could lead to alterations in the plant's interaction with any number of environmental factors-physicochemical or biological. Host-pathogen relationships, defense against physical stressors, and the capacity to overcome resource shortages could be impacted by rises in CO(2). Root biomass is known to increase but, with few exceptions, detailed studies of root growth and function are lacking. Potential enhancement of root growth could translate into greater rhizodeposition, which, in turn, could lead to shifts in the rhizosphere itself. Some of the direct effects of CO(2) on vegetation have been reasonably well-studied, but for others work has been inadequate. Among these neglected areas are plant roots and the rhizosphere. Therefore, experiments on root and rhizosphere response in plants grown in CO(2)-enriched atmospheres will be reviewed and, where possible, collectively integrated. To this will be added data which have recently been collected by us. Having looked at the available data base, we will offer a series of hypotheses which we consider as priority targets for future research.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Water pollution | EPA needs to set priorities for water quality criteria issues
Lead pollution monitoring by transplanted lichens in Annaba area (Algeria)
Semadi, A. (Universite de Annaba (Algerie). Institut des Sciences de la Nature) | Deruelle, S.
Analysis of tropospheric levels of ozone at Duschenay's research forest site: 1988-1991
Robichaud, A. (Ministere des Forets, Quebec (France). Direction de l'Environnement) | Bertrand, N.