AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 301-310 de 345

Causes and consequences of mangrove deforestation in the Volta Estuary, Ghana: some recommendations for ecosystem rehabilitation.


Rubin, J. A | Gordon, C. | Amatekpor, J. K.

Forestry Research Institute of Ghana - Ghana

Low temperature spectroscopic studies and ab-initio calculations of BrOBr and BrBrO


Kölm, J. | Schrems, Otto | Beichert, P.

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research - Germany

Norway spruce fine roots investigation in the West Beskids Mts.


Kodrik, M. (Slovenska Akademia Vied, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Ustav Ekologie Lesa)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Allometric relationships between stem volume and the biomass of Norway spruce


Pokorny, R. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Long-term influence of enhanced UV-B irradiation on photosynthetic characteristic of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the conditions of the Beskids Mts. [Czech Republic]


Sprtova, M. | Marek, M.V. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny)

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia

Possibilities of using ground basic rock flours in forestry


Vavricek, D. (Mendelova Zemedelska a Lesnicka Univ., Brno (Czech Republic))

Library of Antonin Svehla - Czechia