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Resultados 301-310 de 345
Pollution prevention in Colorado commercial greenhouses
Panter, Karen L. | Newman, Steven Earl | Waskom, R. M (Reagan McTier)
Drinking water supply and agricultural pollution
Schrama, Geerten J. I.
Causes and consequences of mangrove deforestation in the Volta Estuary, Ghana: some recommendations for ecosystem rehabilitation.
Rubin, J. A | Gordon, C. | Amatekpor, J. K.
The damming of the Volta River has resulted in reduced flooding and an increase in mangrove cutting, accompanied by the virtual collapse of agriculture and fishing in the estuary. Another ecological consequence of the reduced level of flooding has been reduced dispersal of seedlings of the principal mangrove, Rhizophora racemosa. Therefore, after cutting of this species, recolonization is either by conspecifics growing at very high densities or by one of a number of weed species, particularly Typha domingensis, Acrostichum aureum, Paspalum vaginatum, Cyperus articulatus, Sesuvium portulacastrum and Philoxerus vermicularis. Environmental data collected in the vicinity of the mangroves and each of the weed species have enabled suggestions to be made as to whether R. racemosa or Avicennia africana would be the more suitable mangrove to replant. Recommendations have also been made to introduce the palm Nypa fruticans to the area, together with the development of nature-based tourism, both of which would provide alternative means of income generation, thereby reducing the need to cut remaining mangroves.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Low temperature spectroscopic studies and ab-initio calculations of BrOBr and BrBrO
Kölm, J. | Schrems, Otto | Beichert, P.
Norway spruce fine roots investigation in the West Beskids Mts.
Kodrik, M. (Slovenska Akademia Vied, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Ustav Ekologie Lesa)
Allometric relationships between stem volume and the biomass of Norway spruce
Pokorny, R. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny)
The objectives of this study were (I) to establish allometric relationships between the stem volume and biomass of the stem, branches, leaves and the leaf area, and crown dimensions of individual trees, (II) to determine the relative aboveground biomass distribution, (III) to determine the vertical gradient of the specific leaf area and (IV) to estimate the aboveground stand biomass and the leaf area. Diameter at 0.3m height above ground and height of each tree were measured as the basic biometrical characteristics. The coefficient of the shape of the trunk was found by Huber's method.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term influence of enhanced UV-B irradiation on photosynthetic characteristic of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the conditions of the Beskids Mts. [Czech Republic]
Sprtova, M. | Marek, M.V. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny)
The cloned saplings of Norway spruce (7 years old) were exposed to ambient UV-B irradiation or enhanced BV-B irradiation (+25 %) continuously over three growing seasons. Comprehensive analysis of CO2 assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence was performed at the end of the third growing season to evaluate the influence of enhanced UV-B irradiation. The analysis resulted in observations of decreased photosynthetic activity, mainly of RUBISCO activity, as a result of long-term influence of enhanced UV-B irradiation. Morever, the deep impact of enhanced UV-B irradiance on the level of electron transport and thus enhanced sensitivity to photo-inhibition was demonstrated.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A study of the effect of the growth activity of grasses on accumulation and losses of organic matter and nutrients on deforested sites [Czech Republic]
Fiala, K. | Tuma, I. | Holub, P. (Akademie Ved, Brno (Czech Republic). Ustav Ekologie Krajiny)
Analysis of control factors of the development of forest ecosystems at the higher altitudes of the Moravian-Silesian Beskids Mts. [Czech Republic]
Kulhavy, J. | Klimo, E. | Hadas, P. (Mendelova Zemedelska a Lesnicka Univ., Brno (Czech Republic))
Possibilities of using ground basic rock flours in forestry
Vavricek, D. (Mendelova Zemedelska a Lesnicka Univ., Brno (Czech Republic))
Surface liming even in higher doses did not affected soil Ph and improving the content of Mg and Ca was only temporary. Spot fertilization by fine-ground amphibolite is significant particularly from the aspect of long-term affects. Short-term affects manifested themselves slightly but in the whole system of particular parameters. Application of higher amounts (3 kg.ha-1) of amphibolite has its substantiation in the future.
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