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Farm, land, and soil nitrogen budgets for agriculture in Europe calculated with CAPRI
Leip, Adrian | Britz, Wolfgang | Weiss, Franz | de Vries, Wim
We calculated farm, land, and soil N-budgets for countries in Europe and the EU27 as a whole using the agro-economic model CAPRI. For EU27, N-surplus is 55 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ in a soil budget and 65 kg N₂O–N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ and 67 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ in land and farm budgets, respectively. NUE is 31% for the farm budget, 60% for the land budget and 63% for the soil budget. NS values are mainly related to the excretion (farm budget) and application (soil and land budget) of manure per hectare of total agricultural land. On the other hand, NUE is best explained by the specialization of the agricultural system toward animal production (farm NUE) or the share of imported feedstuff (soil NUE). Total N input, intensive farming, and the specialization to animal production are found to be the main drivers for a high NS and low NUE.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Reduced ozone by air filtration consistently improved grain yield in wheat
This study considered effects of reduced [O₃] on wheat yield. Open-top chamber charcoal filtered air treatments were compared with non-filtered treatments for field-grown wheat. 30 experiments meeting requirements were found, representing nine countries in North America, Europe and Asia. 26 experiments reported improved yield and 4 experiments reduced yield by filtration, a significant positive effect. Average yield improvement was 9%. Average daytime [O₃] was reduced by filtration from 35 to 13 nmol mol⁻¹. Filtration efficiency was 63% for O₃ and 56% for SO₂. For NOₓ it was observed that NO₂ was reduced and NO increased by filtration. Thus, filters convert NO₂ to NO. Most experiments reported low or very low [SO₂] and [NOₓ]. Thus, O₃ can be concluded to be the main phytotoxic component in the experiments. Elevated [NO₂] was observed in one experiment. The conclusion is that current [O₃] over large parts of the world adversely affect wheat yield.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantifying air pollution attenuation within urban parks: An experimental approach in Shanghai, China
Yin, Shan | Shen, Zhemin | Zhou, Pisheng | Zou, Xiaodong | Che, Shengquan | Wang, Wenhua
Parks with various types of vegetations played an important role in ameliorating air quality in urban areas. However, the attenuation effect of urban vegetation on levels of air pollution was rarely been experimentally estimated. This study, using seasonal monitoring data of total suspended particles (TSP), sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) from six parks in Pudong District, Shanghai, China, demonstrated vegetations in parks can remove large amount of airborne pollutants. In addition, crown volume coverage (CVC) was introduced to characterize vegetation conditions in parks and a mixed-effects model indicated that CVC and the pollution diffusion distance were key predictors influencing pollutants removal rate. Therefore, it could be estimated by regression analysis that in summer, urban vegetations in Pudong District could contribute to 9.1% of TSP removal, 5.3% of SO₂ and 2.6% of NO₂. The results could be considered for a better park planning and improving air quality.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of pesticides contamination on the emission of PCDD/PCDF to the land from open burning of corn straws
Zhang, Tingting | Huang, Jun | Deng, Shubo | Yu, Gang
Open burning of crop residues has been identified as an important emission source of PCDD/PCDF to the environment. This paper presents the first known data on the emission of PCDD/PCDF to the land considering the influence of pesticides applied in crops planting. Emission factor for PCDD/PCDF to the land from open burning of corn straw with pesticides contamination ranged from 0.07 to 0.57ng WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/kg straw burned with a mean value of 0.24ng WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/kg straw burned and median value of 0.20ng WHO₂₀₀₅-TEQ/kg straw burned, respectively. The concentration was 35 to 270 times higher than that without additional pesticide contaminated. Initial observation was that emission factor for PCDD/PCDF from open burning of crop residues was overestimated in the former UNEP Dioxin Toolkit. Pesticides contamination should be considered in some hotpots where special and over dosed pesticides has been sprayed especially in developing countries.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A novel method dependent only on the mixture information (MIM) for evaluating the toxicity of mixture
Zhang, Jin | Liu, Shu-Shen | Liu, Hai-Ling | Zhu, Xiang-Wei | Mi, Xiao-Juan
Compound contamination and toxicity interaction necessitate the development of models that have an insight into the combined toxicity of chemicals. In this paper, a novel and simple model dependent only on the mixture information (MIM), was developed. Firstly, the concentration–response data of seven groups of binary and multi-component (pseudo-binary) mixtures with different mixture ratios to Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 were determined using the microplate toxicity analysis. Then, a desirable non-linear function was selected to fit the data. It was found that there are good linear correlations between the location parameter (α) and mixture ratio (p) of a component and between the steepness (β) and p. Based on the correlations, a mixture toxicity model independent of pure component toxicity profiles was built. The model can be used to accurately estimate the toxicities of the seven groups of mixtures, which greatly simplified the predictive procedure of the combined toxicity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Selective removal of diclofenac from contaminated water using molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres
Dai, Chao-meng | Geissen, S.-U. (Sven-Uwe) | Zhang, Ya-lei | Zhang, Yong-jun | Zhou, Xue-fei
A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized by precipitation polymerization using diclofenac (DFC) as a template. Binding characteristics of the MIP were evaluated using equilibrium binding experiments. Compared to the non-imprinted polymer (NIP), the MIP showed an outstanding affinity towards DFC in an aqueous solution with a binding site capacity (Qₘₐₓ) of 324.8mg/g and a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.99mg/L. The feasibility of removing DFC from natural water by the MIP was demonstrated by using river water spiked with DFC. Effects of pH and humic acid on the selectivity and adsorption capacity of MIP were evaluated in detail. MIP had better selectivity and higher adsorption efficiency for DFC as compared to that of powdered activated carbon (PAC). In addition, MIP reusability was demonstrated for at least 12 repeated cycles without significant loss in performance, which is a definite advantage over single-use activated carbon.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The application of zero-water discharge system in treating diffuse village wastewater and its benefits in community afforestation
Wu, Yonghong | Xia, Lizhong | Hu, Zhengyi | Liu, Shuzhi | Liu, Hongbin | Nath, Bibhash | Zhang, Naiming | Yang, Linzhang
The proposed on-site zero-water discharge system was comprised of four main components: anaerobic tank, aerobic bioreactor, activated soil filter and water-collecting well. The results demonstrate that at 350 m³ day⁻¹ of hydraulic load, the system can effectively remove pollutants from the wastewater, e.g., 86% removal of COD; 87% removal of SS; 80% removal of TP and 71% removal of TN. The growth states of the grasses, macrophytes and arbors in the activated soil filter were better than the control. The life of the activated soil filter was estimated to be ∼12–15 yrs, based on the laboratory microcosm studies. However, humic acid contents and soil porosity have suggested that the activated soil filter was able to regenerate itself and thereby prolonging its life by reducing clogging of the pores. The results suggest that the zero-water discharge system was a promising bio-measure in treating diffuse village wastewater and benefiting community afforestation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of topography on nitrous oxide emissions from winter wheat fields in Central France
Gu, Jiangxin | Nicoullaud, Bernard | Rochette, Philippe | Pennock, Daniel J. | Hénault, Catherine | Cellier, Pierre | Richard, Guy
We assessed nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions at shoulder and foot-slope positions along three sloping sites (1.6–2.1%) to identify the factors controlling the spatial variations in emissions. The three sites received same amounts of total nitrogen (N) input at 170kgNha⁻¹. Results showed that landscape positions had a significant, but not consistent effect on N₂O fluxes with larger emission in the foot-slope at only one of the three sites. The effect of soil inorganic N (NH₄ ⁺+NO₃ ⁻) contents on N₂O fluxes (r²=0.55, p<0.001) was influenced by water-filled pore space (WFPS). Soil N₂O fluxes were related to inorganic N at WFPS>60% (r²=0.81, p<0.001), and NH₄ ⁺ contents at WFPS<60% (r²=0.40, p<0.01), respectively. Differences in WFPS between shoulder and foot-slope correlated linearly with differences in N₂O fluxes (r²=0.45, p<0.001). We conclude that spatial variations in N₂O emission were regulated by the influence of hydrological processes on soil aeration intensity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Accumulation, subcellular distribution and toxicity of inorganic mercury and methylmercury in marine phytoplankton
Wu, Yun | Wang, Wen-Xiong
We examined the accumulation, subcellular distribution, and toxicity of Hg(II) and MeHg in three marine phytoplankton (the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, the green alga Chlorella autotrophica, and the flagellate Isochrysis galbana). For MeHg, the inter-species toxic difference could be best interpreted by the total cellular or intracellular accumulation. For Hg(II), both I. galbana and T. pseudonana exhibited similar sensitivity, but they each accumulated a different level of Hg(II). A higher percentage of Hg(II) was bound to the cellular debris fraction in T. pseudonana than in I. galbana, implying that the cellular debris may play an important role in Hg(II) detoxification. Furthermore, heat-stable proteins were a major binding pool for MeHg, while the cellular debris was an important binding pool for Hg(II). Elucidating the different subcellular fates of Hg(II) and MeHg may help us understand their toxicity in marine phytoplankton at the bottom of aquatic food chains.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Implementation of airborne trace element monitoring with devitalised transplants of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.: Assessment of temporal trends and element contribution by vehicular traffic in Naples city
Adamo, P. | Giordano, S. | Sforza, A. | Bargagli, R.
A biomonitoring of airborne trace elements was performed in 2006 in Naples urban area through the exposure of devitalised Hypnum cupressiforme for 10 weeks at 4m height. In one street, the moss was exposed at different heights to assess vertical gradients of element concentrations. Results were compared with those of a 1999 biosurvey. Correlations among Al, Fe and Ti suggested a soil particles contribution to element uptake. Cu, Mo and Fe were related with traffic flows. Long-range transport contributed to Cd, Cu and Mo accumulation in moss at higher heights. As in 1999, the airborne element load was higher in coastal sites, more affected by marine aerosols and traffic. In all sites, contents of Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni and V in moss were remarkably lower than in 1999, indicating a positive effect of actions set up in recent years to reduce the traffic and to improve the city air quality.
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