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Assessment of Urban Growth and Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth in Faridabad District, Haryana, India
Ranjan, Kumar | Sharma, Vipasha | Ghosh, Swagata
Sustainable urbanization under sustainable development goals requires quantitative information on urban landscape. Despite having the fastest growth of urban area and poor air quality, Faridabad, a constituent district of National Capital Region, fails to gain much research attention. Present study based on multi-temporal; freely available satellite image has indicated 3% increase in the built-up against 2% decrease arable land from 2008 to 2018. Further, spatial metrics (Shanon’s entropy, class area (CA), number of patches (NP), largest patch index (LPI)) has indicated scattered development of built-up. Increase CA (11470 ha in 2008 and 13806 ha in 2018) and NP (221 in 2008 and 476 in 2018) have indicated isolated development of built-up with small area coverage. Increase in LPI (12.5% in 2008 and 13.5% in 2018) of built up indicated compact growth of dense built-up in the southern and eastern side leading to the vertical expansion of the city area. Linear expansion of the residential built-up, industrial, and commercial area along the highways, roads and railways and vehicular emission has contributed to the high aerosol concentration. While, in the rural region the high aerosol loading has also been observed because of the extensive use of fertilizer and stubble burning. Present research on land-use land cover changes and its impact on air quality could be contributed significantly in urban policy making for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analysis of Surface Water Quality using Multivariate Statistical Approaches: A case study in Ca Mau Peninsula, Vietnam
Giao, Nguyen Thanh
The study was conducted to assess surface water quality in Ca Mau peninsula using multivariate statistical analysis. Fifty-one water samples with the parameters of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium (N-NH4+), orthophosphate (P-PO43-) and total coliform were used in the evaluation. Water quality is assessed using national standard and water quality index (WQI). The methods of cluster (CA), discriminant (DA), principal component analysis (PCA) were used to analyze the variation patterns of water quality. The surface water was contaminated with organic matters, suspended solids, nutrients, and microorganisms. DA revealed that DO, TSS, BOD5 and pH contributed 76.91% to the seasonal variation of water quality. Water quality is classified from bad to heavily polluted. CA grouped water quality into 7 clusters and DO, TSS, BOD5, COD and coliform of the clusters 1-3 were significantly higher than those of the clusters 4-7. PCA presented that PC1-PC3 was the main sources affecting water quality, explaining 85.45% of the variation in water quality. The sources of pollution can be human (domestic wastewater, waste from agriculture, fisheries, industry, landfills), natural (hydrological regime, rainwater overflow, river bank erosion). pH, DO, BOD5, COD, TSS, N-NH4+, P-PO43- and coliform have an impact on water quality and need to be continuously monitored. However, for the multivariate statistical method to be more effective, an initial data set with several water quality parameters sampling locations is needed. The current results provide scientific information and support local water quality monitoring activities.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Assessment of Soils from Dumpsites for Plastic Degrading Microorganisms
Emmanuel-Akerele, Hilda Abiola | Akinyemi, Priscilla Oluwatomi
Plastic pollution is a threat to the environment because of its slow degradation rate and high usage. The aim of this study is to isolate plastic degrading microorganisms from soils. The soil samples used for this study were collected from dumpsites filled with plastic and plastic materials and the effectiveness of the degradation of plastic materials was studied over a period of six (6) weeks in broth and agar culture under laboratory conditions by weight determination method. Physicochemical and microbiological analysis was carried out on the various soil samples using standard protocols. The biodegradation of polyvinylchloride (PVC) was done in-vitro using the microorganisms isolated from the soil. Microorganisms that were able to degrade a higher percentage of the plastic materials were; Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp, Bacillus sp, Escherichia coli Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Trichoderma viridae. The total viable count for bacteria and fungi were within the range of 11.8x105 CFU/g to 2.0x1010 CFU/g and 3.3x105 CFU/g to 0.1x1011 CFU/g respectively. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp, Bacillus sp, Micrococcus sp, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, and Trichoderma viridae, degraded plastic up to 25%, 31.2%, 25% 31.2%, 12%, 10% and 10% respectively. These isolates may be used to actively degrade plastics, thereby reducing the rate of plastic pollution in our ecosystem.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ozonation of Procion Blue Reactive Dye and its Kinetics Study
Bhad, Rahul M | Das, Arijit | Kodape, Shyam M.
In advanced oxidation processes, the application of ozonation has been immensely used in recent years for the treatment of effluent water from pharmaceutical, textile and chemical industries. In this study, procian blue, a major and vastly used reactive dye in the textile industry was chosen for ozonation. This work investigated the effect of ozonation for the treatment of synthetic textile effluent water. The change of pH values of dye solutions from 2-12 had moderate effect on dye removal. The degradation rate was faster during the initial period of ozonation and reached highest dye removal around 90 minutes. The highest 87% removal of dye was observed for the case of 60 mg/L dye solution at pH 12. At higher pH, the dye degradation increased as the rate of formation of hydroxyl radical increased with pH. Factors influencing on dye degradation like concentration of dye, time of ozonation, and addition of H2O2 with ozone (combined treatment) were also evaluated. The combined treatment (5 g/L of hydrogen peroxide) increased the degradation of dye to 92% as compared to 85% for pure ozonation process of 60 mg/L dye solution of initial pH 10. The procian blue dye degradation followed pseudo-first order kinetics with a value of rate constant 2.48×10-2 /min.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An Assessment of Sea Surface and Seabed Macro Plastic Density in Northeastern Mediterranean Sea
Yılmaz, Ayşe Bahar | Demirci, Aydın | Akar, Özkan | Kılıç, Ece | Uygur, Necdet | Şimşek, Emrah | Yanar, Alper | Ayan, Onur Alptekin
Increasing plastic usage pose a significant threat to the marine environment. Many studies have been conducted to examine the amount and environmental impacts of plastic waste across the world. This study was carried out to investigate the density and quality of plastics on the sea surface and seabed of İskenderun Bay. 35 different seabed sampling and 25 different sea surface sampling were conducted by using İskenderun Technical University R/V ISTE-1 vessel. A total of 1 661 581 m2 and 465 511 m2 swept from the seabed and sea surface were scanned, respectively. As a result of these scans, the amount of plastic waste density per unit area of the seabed was found as 0.126 g / m2 ± 0.011 (p: 0.95), and the amount of plastic waste density per unit area of sea surface was calculated as 0.052 gr ± 0.011 (p: 0.95). Scuba dives conducted in river mouths showed plastic deposition pits at the seabed. Major surface current systems and dominant southern winds were found to be effective in the sea surface distribution of plastic materials.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Geochemical Indices for the Assessment of Chemical Contamination Elements in Sediments of the Suches River, Peru
Salas-Mercado, Dante | Hermoza-Gutierrez, Marian | Belizario-Quispe, Germán | Chaiña, Fermín | Quispe, Edgar | Salas-Ávila, Dante
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of potentially toxic elements in the Suches river using standardized geochemical indices and to identify the main sources of contamination in the section from the Suches lagoon up to 33.8 km downstream of the effluent river, in the district of Cojata, Puno, Peru. The concentration of Al, Ba, Co, Fe, M, Ni, P, V and Zn in sediments of the Suches river was determined by means of mass spectrometry from October 2019 to February 2020. The values of Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, P and Zn exceeded the base values of contamination according to the general geological references while Al, Ba and V, did not surpass them. The contamination factor showed that the elements Co and Ni revealed a very high level of contamination, while the Zn, a considerable level. The area has an average pollution load index value of 2.24, indicating moderate general pollution. The elements Co, Ni, Al and Zn were within the moderate and extreme classification according to the pollution index. The Spearman's correlation analysis allowed determining the association between Al, Fe, Mn, P and V, which share a natural origin and the accumulation of these elements is due to the effects of weathering and soil erosion. The evaluation of the contamination indices and the correlation confirm that Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc are toxic elements associated with gold mining and agricultural activities.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Removal of Colour and COD in Biologically pre-treated Leachate using Activated Carbon from Corn Cobs
Thongkrua, Suchanya | Suriya, Patcharapohn
Activated carbon was prepared from corn cob agricultural waste with different impregnation ratios and pyrolysis times. The optimal adsorbent prepared using at 4:1 ZnCl2:corn cob char ratio at a temperature of 800 °C for 180 min provided the maximum Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, total pore volume and average pore width, with values of 912.47 m2/g, 0.52 cm3/g and 22.61 Å, respectively. ZnCl2 was effective in creating well-developed pores on the surface of the activated carbon. The removal efficiency and adsorption capacity of the colour and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the biologically pre-treated leachate were examined utilizing the best corn cob activated carbon (CCAC) with varying CCAC dosages, contact times and initial pH values. The greatest colour and COD removal effectiveness were 88.6±0.2% and 83.7±0.4%, respectively, at the optimum CCAC dosage of 12 g for 40 min with an initial pH value of 10. In addition, maximum adsorption capacities were achieved for colour and COD of 10.3±0.02 mg/g and 12.6±0.05 mg/g, respectively, under the same conditions. The kinetics of colour and COD adsorption fitted very well with pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The CCAC performs well as an adsorbent for removing colour and COD in biologically pre-treated leachate.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Oxidative Stress Induction in Cassava Plant (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Grown on Soil Contaminated with Diesel
Osuntoki, Akinniyi | Olukanni, Olumide | Nwakile, Ogonna | Kabiru, Amusan
The induction of oxidative stress in plants grown on crude oil-contaminated soils was investigated using a diesel contaminated soils model. Twelve cassava stems were grown in four garden pots containing different amounts of diesel oil as contaminants: 150 ppm, 300 ppm, 600 ppm and control (0 ppm). The growth of the plants was monitored for 12 weeks, after which chlorophyll contents, total proteins, lipid peroxidation and activities of catalase, glutathione, and superoxide dismutase (antioxidant enzymes) were determined from the leaves. Significant decreases (p<0.05) were observed in the antioxidant enzymes (67-86%), total proteins (79%) and total chlorophyll content (67%) in the cassava grown on diesel contaminated soil (600 ppm) compared to the control. Consequently, there were significant increase (p<0.05) in the leaf ratio and malondialdehyde (a marker for lipid peroxidation) 0.1909 ± 04 and 1.77 ± 0.34, when compared to the control 0.1530 ± 08 and 0.10±0.01 µmol/mg protein respectively. It was thus concluded that stunted growth of plants and their death in diesel or crude oil contaminated soil could be traced to oxidative stress.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ecological State of the Water Area in the Fresh Water – Saline Water Mixing Zone in Spring (the River Chernaya Estuary – Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea)
Tikhonova, Elena | Burdiyan, Nataliya | Soloveva, Olga | Kotelyanets, Ekaterina | Mironov, Oleg | Guseva, Elena | Gurov, Konstantin
The paper provides data on spatial distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons, heterotrophic and hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in water and bottom sediments as well as on heavy metals in bottom sediments at different sites in the zone of fresh and saline water mixing, with the salinity range 1–18 ‰ during spring low water and high water. Physical and chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments are given. The highest hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria percentage of the heterotrophic bacterioplankton count in the indicated areas was found in April, with the maximum of 55 % determined in the transition zone waters. The share of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in the heterotrophic bacteria abundance in the water was larger than that in the bottom sediments. The highest concentrations of chloroform-extractable substances and petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the marine zone bottom sediments, and their lowest concentrations were found in the river zone. During the period under study, the petroleum hydrocarbon input (in almost equal volumes) was constant, which is indicated by the hydrocarbon percentage of chloroform-extractable substances, which on average was 31 % for the marine zone, 29 % for the transitional zone, and 32 % for the river zone. In contrast to the river and transition zones, the concentration of chloroform-extractable substances observed in the marine zone bottom sediments was constant.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genotoxic Effect, Oxidative Stress and Cell Death due to Metronidazole Application in Gills and Liver Tissues of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Gürcü, Beyhan | Koca, Serdar | Başimoğlu Koca, Yucel | Çöllü, Fatih | Tuğlu, Mehmet
In this study, the purpose was to investigate the histopathological, genotoxic effect, oxidative stress and cell death due to Metronidazole (MTZ), which is a 5-nitroimidazole compound used widely for the treatment of anaerobic organism infections in fish and humans on gill and liver tissues of Oncorhynchus mykiss.Trout fishes were exposed to 5, 10, and 20 mg/L of MTZ in the aquariums for 2, 4 and 8 days. Staining technics namely H&E, NOS immunohistochemistry, and TUNEL were performed to determine histopathological changes, oxidative damage and apoptosis. Additionally, smear preparations were also prepared from gill blood for genotoxic evaluations. The organ damage started in the 2nd day with 5 mg/L MTZ application and effects increased per duration and dose-dependent manner. It was observed that the gills had the primary and secondary lamellae lengths, with formation of clavate lamellae, fusion in secondary lamellae, separation of epithelium and aneurysm. Regional necrosis, vacuolization of hepatocytes, pycnotic nucleus, enlarged sinusoids were also determined in the liver. NOS immunoreactivity increased with the inducible immunoreactivity (iNOS) that was more prominent when compared to the endothelial immunoreactivity (eNOS). Apoptotic immunoreactivity was higher in the 10 mg 8th day experimental group at liver and gills, and was lower 20 mg 8th day experimental group. When the gills and liver compared with each other, in all doses, immunoreactivity was lower in gills, compared with liver. Genotoxic examinations showed that both number of micronucleated erythrocytes and nuclei abnormalities were higher in MTZ-treated groups.
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