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Evaluation of the Drought Situation Using Remote Sensing Technology, an Applied Study on a Part of North Wasit Governorate in Iraq
A. J. Dakhil, E. K. Hussain and F. F. Aziz
Drought presents a substantial threat to both ecological and agricultural systems. Agriculture in Iraq is predicated on precipitation, which is a major contributor to the likelihood of drought resulting from even marginal fluctuations in precipitation. Furthermore, research suggests that Iraq suffers an approximate annual loss of 100,000 acres of arable land due to drought. NDVI and VCI, two significant indices, were utilized in this research to assess and monitor the severity of the drought in the northern region of Wasit province in Iraq. For the period from 1993 to 2023, drought intensity maps were generated utilizing NDVI-based VCI and the Geographic Information System (GIS), an extremely effective spatial data management instrument. NDVI results evidenced that the vegetation cover area was the highest in 1993 and 1998 and declined until it reached the lowest levels in 2023. The vegetation area was concentrated in the southwest parts. In contrast, VCI results demonstrated the extreme drought through the years from 2003 to 2023, which can be attributed to higher temperatures, evaporation, and lower amounts of rainfall. Throughout the thirty-year analysis period, extreme drought conditions were prevalent, especially in the last two decades. Furthermore, this drought should prompt the government to implement preventative measures to avert it. Implementing soil and water conservation measures, such as the establishment of percolation basins, contour bunds, and check dams, can also enhance drought management.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Community Perception on the Effect of Cultural Livelihoods on the Environment in Kogi State, Nigeria
G. O. Chukwurah, N. M. Aguome, M. O. Isimah, E. C. Enoguanbhor, N. E. Obi-Aso, N. U. Azani and O. C. Nnamani
This study examines the cultural livelihood of Kogi State and its effects on the environment. The study describes some of the cultural livelihood practices found in Kogi State, considering the contemporary condition of cultural livelihood and its effects on the environment. Secondary and primary data were employed, which include archives and internet search engines. Using a 4-stage sampling procedure, data were collected from a 120-person sample through an interview, field observation, a focus group discussion, and a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics using frequencies, percentages, and charts were used for the analyses. The results were compiled using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings show that about 85% of the participants discovered crop farming, arable farming, weaving, blacksmithing, fishing, and festivals of harvest, such as the New Yam Festival, among others, as the predominant cultural livelihoods. The local farming implements were made of local materials, like stones and wood. They have indigenous crop production, protection, and harvest techniques. The farming tools were economical in terms of labor, affordability, and time savings in the subsistence farming system. The study discovered that cultural livelihoods are 4% very efficient and 56% on the verge of extinction. Analyses of the effect of cultural livelihood show that 78% have a high negative effect on the economic environment, 57% have a moderate negative effect on the social environment, 51% hurt the political environment, and 22% have a low negative effect on the political environment. The intervention of the various tiers of government with the cooperation of the various communities is needed for the provision of a conducive environment for the practice of cultural livelihood, particularly in the aspect of insecurity. Adequate provision of modern equipment, funding, and social welfare services is also recommended to enhance cultural livelihoods.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potential Low-cost Treatment of Tannery Effluents from Industry by Adsorption on Activated Charcoal Derived from Olive Pomace
I. Alouiz, M. Benhadj, D. Elmontassir, M. Sennoune, M.Y. Amarouch and D. Mazouzi
Tannery wastewater contains a significant amount of chemical compounds, including toxic substances. Due to the toxicity and negative environmental effects of these tannery effluents, mandatory treatment is necessary. The main objective of this study was to treat effluent from an artisanal tannery in the city of Fez (Morocco) using the adsorption process with activated charcoal derived from olive pomace. The physicochemical characterization of tanning water included several parameters, such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), suspended solids (SS), sulfate ions (SO42-), nitrate, and chromium Cr(VI). The analyses show that the adsorption process reduced nitrate by 57.54%, sulfate by 94.08%, TKN by 74.84%, COD by 68.18%, Cr by 91.27%, and Cr (VI) by 89.78%. The activated charcoal was characterized before and after tannery effluent treatment using various techniques, including FT-IR, SEM, and EDX. From the above, it can be inferred that using activated carbon made from olive pomace has the potential to reduce tannery effluent pollution parameters. This innovative approach demonstrates that competitive results can be achieved without sacrificing economic viability, thereby promoting sustainable practices in the treatment of industrial liquid waste and wastewater treatment plants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Comparative Study on India’s Green Tax Policies Vis-a-Vis China with Reference to Environmental Justice in the Automobile Industry
Naresh Anguralia and Shamsher Singh
As part of green economics, taxes are imposed on emissions of pollutants that adversely impact the environment and public health to reward more innovative, environmentally sustainable, and low-carbon resource use. There are still many nation-states testing the concept of green taxation. Many environmental performance indicators place India low on the list of countries with the worst pollution. One of the main sources of pollution is vehicle exhaust. Green taxes will be imposed on older motor vehicles under guidelines released by the Indian government in 2021. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change received the Indian Nationally Determined Contribution Report in 2022. Taxonomies and low-carbon transport systems were prioritized in India, and incentives and tax breaks were offered to encourage the manufacture and use of vehicles that consume more ethanol. Academic discussions and literature on the subject are still lacking among the masses. Researchers intend to analyze the legal and economic measures taken by the Indian Government to curb vehicular pollution against this background. Due to its significant contribution to air and water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions, the automobile industry has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. India and China, for instance, have implemented green tax policies to reduce the automotive sector’s environmental footprint and promote environmental sustainability. These policies are effective, but not all of them address the disproportionate impact of environmental injustice on vulnerable populations. Specifically, this study examines the impact of Indian green tax policies on environmental justice in the automobile industry as compared to those in China. A key aim of this study is to provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the green taxation policies adopted by each country in the automotive sector, as well as their implications for achieving environmental justice, by analyzing the scope, enforcement, impact on vulnerable communities, industry implications, and alignment with international commitments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Community-Based Plastic Waste Management Model in Bangun Village, Mojokerto Regency, Indonesia
A. S. Ulum, M. S. Djati, Susilo and A. I. Rozuli
This study aims to design a community-based plastic waste management model specifically for Bangun Village, Mojokerto. Using a qualitative approach through a detailed case study, we gathered rich data from observations, interviews, and document reviews. Our findings reveal that the plastic waste management situation in Bangun Village is fraught with significant social, economic, and environmental challenges. These include inadequate waste segregation, limited recycling facilities, and a general lack of community awareness and participation. The proposed model seeks to address these issues by implementing several key components: community-based plastic waste collection and processing, educational programs to raise awareness and promote sustainable practices, partnerships with external stakeholders such as local government bodies, NGOs, and private sector entities, and institutional restructuring to support and sustain these initiatives. Central to this model is the belief that community education and awareness are crucial foundations for fostering sustainable behavior. By actively involving the community in the waste management process, the model not only aims to mitigate the plastic waste problem but also seeks to provide economic and social benefits to the residents of Bangun Village. This includes creating job opportunities, improving public health, and enhancing the overall quality of life. The strength of this model lies in its ability to integrate community participation, policy support, and external partnerships, making it a robust and effective solution for sustainable plastic waste management. By fostering a collaborative and inclusive approach, the model aims to create a sustainable and resilient community that can effectively tackle the plastic waste challenge while reaping economic and social benefits. In conclusion, the community-based plastic waste management model proposed for Bangun Village has the potential to bring about significant positive changes in the way plastic waste is managed. Through this model, we hope to empower the community to contribute to solving the plastic waste problem while also benefiting economically and socially.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Process Optimization for Madhuca indica Seed Kernel Oil Extraction and Evaluation of its Potential for Biodiesel Production
S. Sudalai, S. Prabakaran, M. G. Devanesan and A. Arumugam
The current research aims to optimize the solvent-based oil extraction process from Mahua (Madhuca indica) seed using response surface methodology and biodiesel production using heterogeneous catalysts. The oil extraction was varied through the levels of process parameters including extraction temperature (60 to 80°C), solvent-to-seed ratio (3 to 9 wt/wt), and time (2 to 4 h). The experiments were designed following the Central Composite model. The regression model provided optimal values for the selected process parameters based on the extraction yield percentage. To ensure the model’s reliability, it was experimentally validated. Maximum experimental oil yields of 50.9% were obtained at an optimized extraction scenario of 70 °C extraction temperature, solvent-to-seed ratio of 6 wt/wt, and time 4 h. The extracted oil’s physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition were tested. Also, using copper-coated dolomite as a catalyst, the extracted oil was transformed into biodiesel via transesterification. The FAME (94.31%) content of the prepared biodiesel was determined via gas chromatography. As a result, the findings of this study will be useful in further research into the use of Madhuca indica as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Enhancing Driving Safety and Environmental Consciousness through Automated Road Sign Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
M. H. F. Md Fauadi, M. F. H. Mohd Zan, M. A. M Ali, L. Abdullah, S. N. Yaakop and A. Z. M. Noor
Traffic accidents remain a pressing public safety concern, with a substantial number of incidents resulting from drivers' lack of attentiveness to road signs. Automated road sign recognition has emerged as a promising technology for enhancing driving assistance systems. This study explores the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in automatically recognizing road signs. CNNs, as deep learning algorithms, possess the ability to process and classify visual data, making them well-suited for image-based tasks such as road sign recognition. The research focuses on the data collection process for training the CNN, incorporating a diverse dataset of road sign images to improve recognition accuracy across various scenarios. A mobile application was developed as the user interface, with the output of the system displayed on the app. The results show that the system is capable of recognizing signs in real time, with average accuracy for sign recognition from a distance of 10 meters: i) daytime = 89.8%, ii) nighttime = 75.6%, and iii) rainy conditions = 76.4%. In conclusion, the integration of CNNs in automated road sign recognition, as demonstrated in this study, presents a promising avenue for enhancing driving safety by addressing drivers' attentiveness to road signs in real-time scenarios.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental Awareness Toward Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Consumerism in the Indian Apparel Industry
Shivani Jadhav and Asha Verma
This confirmatory study focused on studying the attitude and behavior as well as environmental awareness towards sustainable consumerism. The study also aimed to check if accountability on the part of brands and the government could enhance sustainability in the apparel industry. An empirical inquiry was conducted with 396 respondents, considering they are consumers with purchasing power. The collected data were analyzed using correlation and descriptive analysis. Based on the findings, consumers’ apparel use and brand accountability are positively associated. At the same time, it was found that the attitude and behavior of consumers are the least essential determinants for sustainable apparel consumption. This might imply that their optimistic outlook may not always translate into real purchase behavior, which is consistent with earlier studies. The results of this research provide a foundation for a better comprehension of the many factors, including the sustainability of a clothing brand or product, which may affect consumer behavior. This approach could help the fashion industry develop practical strategies and alter how people think about and utilize apparel in the future.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Water Quality, La Gallega-Morropón Creek, Piura, Peru
Mónica Santa María Paredes-Agurto, Armando Fortunato Ugaz Cherre,, José Manuel Marchena Dioses, and Robert Barrionuevo Garcia
Freshwater systems are one of the most important natural resources for life. Despite their value, these ecosystems have suffered great impacts caused by human activities, which directly affect the aquatic biota and the quality of water sources. Considering the value of aquatic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of water quality, the richness, composition, and water quality of La Gallega-Morropón stream, Piura-Peru, were compared. Two field trips were conducted between November 2018 and May 2019 (contemplated wet and dry periods, respectively), performing 4 sampling stations. A total of 1772 individuals of macroinvertebrates were recorded, distributed in 22 families. Psychodidae had an abundance of 670 individuals, followed by morphospecies (Gasteropoda) with 379 individuals, Chironomidae with 275 individuals, and Elmidae with 136 individuals (all indicators of water quality). Finally, the water quality index method: 1) BMWP/Col, presented one station with good (HB1), acceptable (HB2), and critical (HB3 and HB4) quality, while 2) EPT exhibited two stations with good quality (HB3 and HB4), HB1 regular quality and HB2 poor (HB3 and HB4), HB1 regular quality and HB2 poor quality.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Optimization and Thermodynamic Analysis of CO2 Refrigeration Cycle for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Control
Manish Hassani and Kamlesh Purohit
Supermarket applications are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating efforts to reduce carbon footprints in the food retail sector. Carbon dioxide (R744) is recognized as a viable long-term refrigerant choice due to its favorable properties, including low Global Warming Potential, non-toxicity, non-flammability, affordability, and widespread availability. However, enhancing the energy efficiency of pure CO2 systems in basic architecture units, particularly in warm regions like India, remains a challenge. To address this, modern refrigeration systems must prioritize low energy consumption and high coefficient of performance (COP) while meeting environmental standards. This study investigates different operating conditions to determine the optimal parameter range for maximizing COP and improving the efficiency of conventional CO2 refrigeration configurations. It examines both subcritical and transcritical refrigeration cycles under varying parameters, emphasizing the importance of understanding COP’s relationship with factors such as subcooling, superheating, ambient temperature, and evaporator temperature. The study advises against superheating in CO2 systems but highlights the substantial COP increase with higher degrees of subcooling, leading to enhanced system performance. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive theoretical comparison between advanced pure CO2 supermarket applications and commonly used hydrofluorocarbons-based systems, offering insights into energy efficiency and environmental impacts for informed decision-making in the industry.
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