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Resultados 41-50 de 280
A novel water quality model: from legislation to application
Clark, K.J. | Mollowney, B.M. | Harbott, B. (WRc plc., Marlow, Bucks (United Kingdom))
Nitrate evolution in groundwater in the Buenos Aires province (Argentina)
Mugni, J. | Kruse, E. (IDESA INGENIERIA S.A. (Argentina))
Computation of pollutant fate and transport in Volga water supply system using hydrodynamic modelling
Datsenko, Y. | Edelstein, K. | Ivanenko, S. | Kochurov, A. (Department of Hydrology, Moscow State University, Moscow (Russian Federation))
Aspects of contamination produced by domestic waste landfills on receiving waters in Madrid province
Pastor, J. | Urcelay, A. | Adarve, M.J. | Hernandez, A.J. | Sanchez, A. (Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC, Madrid (Spain))
Research on and development of methods for the reduction of soil and water contamination by nitrates and ammonium
Filipan, R. | Benc, S. | Cerjan-Stefanovic, S. | Butorac, A. (Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb (Croatia))
Influence of some physico-chemical parameters on the sorption of atrazines
Delage, L. | Ayele, J. | Mazet, M. (Laboratoire de Genie Chimique Traitement des Eaux, Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Limoges (France))
Irrigation with treated wastewater and its effect on the Castellon Plain aquifer (Spain)
Esteller, M.V. | Morell, I. (Natural Resources and Environmental Research Group, Experimental Sciences Department, Jaime I University, Castellon (Spain))
Nitrate leaching and strawberry production as affected by drip irrigation
Serrano, L. | Carbonell, X. | Marfa, O. | Candela, L. | Guimera, J. (Institut de Recerca i Technologia Agroalimentaries, Centre de Cabrils, Barcelona (Spain))
Critical loads of acidity and model predicted changes in forest growth in Sweden
Svedrup, H. | Warfinge, P. (Lunds Tekniska Hoegskola (Sweden). Kemiska Inst.) | Rosen, K. | Melkerud, P.A.
Seasonal and annual distribution of organic contaminants in marine sediments from Elkhorn Slough, Moss Landing Harbor and nearshore Monterey Bay, California
Rice, D.W. | Seltenrich, C.P. | Spies, R.B. | Keller, M.L. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (USA))