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First evidence of association between past environmental exposure to dioxin and DNA methylation of CYP1A1 and IGF2 genes in present day Vietnamese population
Giuliani, Cristina | Biggs, David | Nguyen, Thanh Tin | Marasco, Elena | De Fanti, Sara | Garagnani, Paolo | Le Phan, Minh Triet | Nguyễn, Viết Nhân | Luiselli, Donata | Romeo, Giovanni
During the Vietnam War, the United States military sprayed over 74 million litres of Agent Orange (AO) to destroy forest cover as a counterinsurgency tactic in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The main ingredient was contaminated by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-paradioxin (TCDD). DNA methylation (DNAm) differences are potential biomarker of environmental toxicants exposure. The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary investigation of the DNAm levels from peripheral blood of the present-day Vietnamese population, including individuals whose parents, according to historical data, were exposed to AO/TCDD during the war. 94 individuals from heavily sprayed areas (cases) and 94 individuals from non-sprayed areas (controls) were studied, and historical data on alleged exposure of parents collected. 94 cases were analysed considering those whose father/parents participated in the war (N = 29) and considering the place of residence of both parents (64 living in sprayed areas versus 30 in non-contaminated areas). DNAm levels in CYP1A1 and IGF2 genes were measured (MALDI-TOF technology). The analyses showed that: 1) one CpG site in the CYP1A1 and one in the IGF2 gene showed significant differences in DNAm levels between cases and controls; 2) the CYP1A1 region resulted to be hypomethylated (in 9 out of 16 sites/units; p-val<0.01) in 29 individuals whose father/parents participated in the war in the spray zones; 3) we showed that the place of residence of both parents influenced methylation levels of the CYP1A1 and IGF2 genes (p-val<0.05). In conclusion this study indicates that past environmental exposure to dioxin (AO/TCDD) shapes the DNAm profile of CYP1A1 and that the place of living for parents in former spray zones influences DNAm of CYP1A1 and IGF2 genes. These results open the way to new applications of DNAm as potential biomarker(s) of past human exposure to dioxin.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Geographical variations of cadmium and arsenic concentrations and arsenic speciation in Chinese rice
Chen, Hongping | Tang, Zhu | Wang, Peng | Zhao, Fang-Jie
Rapid industrialization in China in recent decades has resulted in soil contamination in some areas, raising the concern about food safety. Consumption of rice represents a major exposure route for the toxic elements cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As). We collected 160 polished rice from local markets in 20 provinces in China and determined total Cd and As concentrations and As speciation. Total Cd concentration ranged from below the detection limit to 0.77 mg kg−1, with 10% of the samples exceeding the Chinese limit (0.2 mg kg−1). Rice Cd concentration showed a distinct geographical pattern, increasing from low levels in the north to high levels in the south of China. Median daily Cd intake from rice varied from 0.01 μg kg−1 body weight in the north to 0.61 μg kg−1 body weight in the south of China, representing between 1% and 73% of the tolerable daily intake (TDI) recommended by FAO/WHO. The highest median Cd intake from rice was in Hunan province with 2 times TDI. Total As concentration ranged from 0.011 to 0.186 mg kg−1, with inorganic As (iAs) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAs) on average accounting for 69% and 31%, respectively. All samples were below the Chinese limit for iAs in rice (0.2 mg kg−1). There was no clear geographical pattern in rice total As concentration, but rice produced in northeastern China contained higher percentages of DMAs and lower percentages of iAs. This study highlights a high risk of Cd exposure from rice consumption for the population of southern China and suggested strategies for reducing Cd accumulation in rice crop.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Using rush hour and daytime exposure indicators to estimate the short-term mortality effects of air pollution: A case study in the Sichuan Basin, China
Guo, Bing | Chen, Fei | Deng, Ying | Zhang, Hongliang | Qiao, Xue | Qiao, Zhijiao | Ji, Kui | Zeng, Jing | Luo, Bin | Zhang, Wei | Zhang, Yuqin | Zhao, Xing
Daily mean concentrations of air pollutants have been widely used as exposure indicators to estimate the short-term mortality effects of outdoor air pollution. However, daily mean concentrations might insufficiently represent the true exposure level because of the diurnal variations of air pollutants and various human activity patterns. Daytime or rush-hour concentrations may lead to better estimations.Our study aimed to imitate the true exposure level under assumptions about human activity patterns and to examine the short-term mortality effects of the exposure to air pollution during a) the morning-evening rush hours (ME), b) the morning-lunch-evening rush hours (MLE), and c) the whole daytime (WDT) in Chengdu, Sichuan Basin, China.We investigated the diurnal variations of PM₂.₅, SO₂, and O₃ and examined the associations between the three pollutants and nonaccidental mortality, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory mortality using generalized additive model. Three novel exposure indicators (ME, MLE, and WDT) were employed to imitate the most probable exposure levels. Relative change of excess risk (ER) was used to compare effects estimated from models with different exposure indicators.In the relationship of PM₂.₅ and mortality, ERs estimated from the novel-indicator models decreased by 4.88%–11.89% in comparison with ERs from the daily-indicator models. All the three novel indicators of SO₂ offered lower ERs of respiratory mortality than the daily indicator did. Significant associations were observed in O₃-nonaccidental mortality at lag0 in both winter and spring, and O₃-cardiovascular mortality at lag0 in winter. Overall, majority of effect estimates based on rush-hour or daytime indicators were lower than the estimates based on daily mean concentrations.The use of daily mean concentrations may bias exposure assessment and thus inflating effect estimates. This study highlights the importance of rush-hour and daytime exposure and provides alternative indicators for estimating acute effects of air pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ferric-enhanced chemical remediation of dredged marine sediment contaminated by metals and petroleum hydrocarbons
Yoo, Jongchan | Jeon, Pilyong | Tsang, Daniel C.W. | Kwon, Eilhann E. | Baek, Kitae
Sediments nearby harbors are dredged regularly, and the sediments require the stringent treatment to meet the regulations on reuse and mitigate the environmental burdens from toxic pollutants. In this study, FeCl₃ was chosen as an extraction agent to treat marine sediment co-contaminated with Cu, Zn, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). In chemical extraction process, the extraction efficiency of Cu and Zn by FeCl₃ was compared with the conventional one using inorganic acids (H₂SO₄ and HCl). Despite the satisfactory level for extraction of Cu (78.8%) and Zn (73.3%) by HCl (0.5 M) through proton-enhanced dissolution, one critical demerit, particularly acidified sediment, led to the unwanted loss of Al, Fe, and Mg by dissolution. Moreover, the vast amount of HCl required the huge amounts of neutralizing agents for the post-treatment of the sediment sample via the washing process. Despite a low concentration, extraction of Cu (70.1%) and Zn (69.4%) was done by using FeCl₃ (0.05 M) through proton-enhanced dissolution, ferric-organic matter complexation, and oxidative dissolution of sulfide minerals. Ferric iron (Fe³⁺) was reduced to ferrous iron (Fe²⁺) with sulfide (S²⁻) oxidation during FeCl₃ extraction. In consecutive chemical oxidations using hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) and persulfate (S₂O₈²⁻), the resultant ferrous iron was used to activate the oxidants to effectively degrade TPH. S₂O₈²⁻ using FeCl₃ solution (molar ratio of ferrous to S₂O₈²⁻ is 19.8–198.3) removed 42.6% of TPH, which was higher than that by H₂O₂ (molar ratio of ferrous to H₂O₂ is 1.2–6.1). All experimental findings suggest that ferric is effectively accommodated to an acid washing step for co-contaminated marine sediments, which leads to enhanced extraction, cost-effectiveness, and less environmental burden.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A rapid quantitative fluorescence-based bioassay to study allelochemical interactions from Alexandrium minutum
Long, Marc | Tallec, Kévin | Soudant, Philippe | Lambert, Christophe | Le Grand, Fabienne | Sarthou, Géraldine | Jolley, Dianne | Hégaret, Hélène
Harmful microalgal blooms are a threat to aquatic organisms, ecosystems and human health. Toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are known to produce paralytic shellfish toxins and to release bioactive extracellular compounds (BECs) with potent cytotoxic, hemolytic, ichtyotoxic and allelopathic activity. Negative allelochemical interactions refer to the chemicals that are released by the genus Alexandrium and that induce adverse effects on the physiology of co-occurring protists and predators. Releasing BECs gives the donor a competitive advantage that may help to form dense toxic blooms of phytoplankton. However BECs released by Alexandrium minutum are uncharacterized and it is impossible to quantify them using classical chemical methods. Allelochemical interactions are usually quantified through population growth inhibition or lytic-activity based bioassays using a secondary target organism. However these bioassays require time (for growth or microalgal counts) and/or are based on lethal effects. The use of pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry has been widely used to assess the impact of environmental stressors on phytoplankton but rarely for allelochemical interactions. Here we evaluated the use of PAM and propose a rapid chlorophyll fluorescence based bioassay to quantify allelochemical BECs released from Alexandrium minutum. We used the ubiquitous diatom Chaetoceros muelleri as a target species. The bioassay, based on sub-lethal effects, quantifies allelochemical activity from different samples (filtrates, extracts in seawater) within a short period of time (2 h). This rapid bioassay will help investigate the role of allelochemical interactions in Alexandrium bloom establishment. It will also further our understanding of the potential relationship between allelochemical activities and other cytotoxic activities from BECs. While this bioassay was developed for the species A. minutum, it may be applicable to other species producing allelochemicals and may provide further insights into the role and impact of allelochemical interactions in forming dense algal blooms and structuring marine ecosystems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Triggering of cardiovascular hospital admissions by fine particle concentrations in New York state: Before, during, and after implementation of multiple environmental policies and a recession
Zhang, Wangjian | Lin, Shao | Hopke, Philip K. | Thurston, Sally W. | van Wijngaarden, Edwin | Croft, Daniel | Squizzato, Stefania | Masiol, Mauro | Rich, David Q.
Previous studies reported triggering of acute cardiovascular events by short-term increasedPM₂.₅ concentrations. From 2007 to 2013, national and New York state air quality policies and economic influences resulted in reduced concentrations of PM₂.₅ and other pollutants across the state. We estimated the rate of cardiovascular hospital admissions associated with increased PM₂.₅ concentrations in the previous 1–7 days, and evaluated whether they differed before (2005–2007), during (2008–2013), and after these concentration changes (2014–2016).Using the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) database, we retained all hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis of nine cardiovascular disease (CVD) subtypes, for residents living within 15 miles of PM₂.₅ monitoring sites in Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, Queens, Bronx, and Manhattan from 2005 to 2016 (N = 1,922,918). We used a case-crossover design and conditional logistic regression to estimate the admission rate for total CVD, and nine specific subtypes, associated with increased PM₂.₅ concentrations.Interquartile range (IQR) increases in PM₂.₅ on the same and previous 6 days were associated with 0.6%–1.2% increases in CVD admission rate (2005–2016). There were similar patterns for cardiac arrhythmia, ischemic stroke, congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease (IHD), and myocardial infarction (MI). Ambient PM₂.₅ concentrations and annual total CVD admission rates decreased across the period. However, the excess rate of IHD admissions associated with each IQR increase in PM₂.₅ in previous 2 days was larger in the after period (2.8%; 95%CI = 1.5%–4.0%) than in the during (0.6%; 95%CI = 0.0%–1.2%) or before periods (0.8%; 95%CI = 0.2%–1.3%), with similar patterns for total CVD and MI, but not other subtypes.While pollutant concentrations and CVD admission rates decreased after emission changes, the same PM₂.₅ mass was associated with a higher rate of ischemic heart disease events. Future work should confirm these findings in another population, and investigate whether specific PM components and/or sources trigger IHD events.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Enhanced immobilization of U(VI) on Mucor circinelloides in presence of As(V): Batch and XAFS investigation
Song, Wencheng | Wang, Xiangxue | Chen, Zhongshan | Sheng, Guodong | Hayat, Tasawar | Wang, Xiangke | Sun, Yubing
The combined pollution of radionuclides and heavy metals has been given rise to widespread concern during uranium mining. The influence of As(V) on U(VI) immobilization by Mucor circinelloides (M. circinelloides) was investigated using batch experiments. The activity of antioxidative enzymes and concentrations of thiol compounds and organic acid in M. circinelloides increased to respond to different U(VI) and As(V) stress. The morphological structure of M. circinelloides changed obviously under U(VI) and As(V) stress by SEM and TEM analysis. The results of XANES and EXAFS analysis showed that U(VI) was mainly reduced to nano-uraninite (nano-UO2, 30.1%) in U400, while only 9.7% of nano-UO2 was observed in the presence of As(V) in U400-As400 due to the formation of uranyl arsenate precipitate (Trögerite, 48.6%). These observations will provide the fundamental data for fungal remediation of uranium and heavy metals in uranium-contaminated soils.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Modeling the impact of biota on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) fate and transport in Lake Ontario using a population-based multi-compartment fugacity approach
Sun, Xiangfei | Ng, Carla A. | Small, Mitchell J.
Organisms have long been treated as receptors in exposure studies of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The influences of environmental pollution on organisms are well recognized. However, the impact of biota on PCB transport in an environmental system has not been considered in sufficient detail. In this study, a population-based multi-compartment fugacity model is developed by reconfiguring the organisms as populated compartments and reconstructing all the exchange processes between the organism compartments and environmental compartments, especially the previously ignored feedback routes from biota to the environment. We evaluate the model performance by simulating the PCB concentration distribution in Lake Ontario using published loading records. The lake system is divided into three environment compartments (air, water, and sediment) and several organism groups according to the dominant local biotic species. The comparison indicates that the simulated results are well-matched by a list of published field measurements from different years. We identify a new process, called Facilitated Biotic Intermedia Transport (FBIT), to describe the enhanced pollution transport that occurs between environmental media and organisms. As the hydrophobicity of PCB congener increases, the organism population exerts greater influence on PCB mass flows. In a high biomass scenario, the model simulation indicates significant FBIT effects and biotic storage effects with hydrophobic PCB congeners, which also lead to significant shifts in systemic contaminant exchange rates between organisms and the environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Indoor air pollution affects hypertension risk in rural women in Northern China by interfering with the uptake of metal elements: A preliminary cross-sectional study
Wang, Bin | Zhu, Yibing | Pang, Yiming | Xie, Jing | Hao, Yongxiu | Yan, Huina | Li, Zhiwen | Ye, Rongwei
Coal combustion and passive smoking are two important contributors to indoor air pollution (IAP) in rural areas of northern China. Although the association between outdoor air pollutants and hypertension risk had been widely reported, fewer studies have examined the relationship between IAP and hypertension risk. This study evaluated the association between IAP and hypertension risk in housewives in rural areas of northern China and the potential mediation pathway of metal elements. Our cross-sectional study, conducted in Shanxi Province, China, enrolled 367 subjects without taking anti-hypertensive drugs, including 142 subjects with hypertension (case group) and 225 subjects without hypertension (control group). We collected information on energy use characteristics and lifestyle using questionnaires. An IAP exposure index was developed to indicate the population exposure to coal combustion and passive smoking. Scalp hair samples were collected from the housewives and various trace and major metal elements were measured. Our results revealed that the IAP index was positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A significant association between the IAP index and hypertension risk was found both without [odds ratio (95% confidence interval, CI) = 2.08 (1.30–3.31)] and with [OR (95% CI) = 2.52 (1.46–4.36)] adjustment for confounders. We also observed that the IAP index was positively correlated with the arsenic, lead, and rare earth element levels in hair samples, and negatively correlated with the levels of some other trace elements (i.e., chromium, cobalt, nickel, and tin) and alkaline earth elements (i.e., calcium, magnesium, and barium) with an overall p value of <0.01. We concluded that IAP may contribute to the development of hypertension in rural housewives in northern China, possibly by interfering with the uptake of metal elements.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of β-adrenergic receptor agents on cardiac structure and function and whole-body gene expression in Daphnia magna
Jeong, Tae-Yong | Asselman, Jana | De Schamphelaere, Karel A.C. | Van Nieuwerburgh, Filip | Deforce, Dieter | Kim, Sang-don
Propranolol (PRO), a human β-AR (β-adrenergic receptor) antagonist, is considered to result in specific effects in a non-target species, D. magna, based on our previous studies. The present study investigated the effects of β-AR agents, including an antagonist and agonist using pharmacologically relevant endpoints as well as a more holistic gene expression approach to reveal the impacts and potential mode of actions (MOAs) in the model non-target species. Results show that the responses in cardiac endpoints and gene expression in D. magna are partially similar but distinguishable from the observations in different organisms. No effect was observed on heart size growth in PRO and isoprenaline (ISO) exposure. The contraction capacity of the heart was decreased in ISO exposure, and the heart rate was decreased in PRO exposure. Time-series exposures showed different magnitudes of effect on heart rate and gene expression dependent on the type of chemical exposure. Significant enrichment of gene families involved in protein metabolism and biotransformation was observed within the differentially expressed genes, and we also observed differential expression in juvenile hormone-inducible proteins in ISO and PRO exposure, which is suspected of having endocrine disruption potential. Taken together, deviation between the effects of PRO and ISO in D. magna and other organisms suggests dissimilarity in MOAs or attributes of target bio-molecules between species. Additionally, PRO and ISO may act as endocrine disruptors based on the gene expression observation. Results in the present study confirm that it is challenging to predict ecological impact of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) based on the available data acquired through human-focused studies. Furthermore, the present study provided unique data and a case study on the impact of APIs in a non-target organism.
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