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Economics of water pollution
Murty, M. N. (Maddipati Narasimha) | James, A. J. | Miśra, Smitā
This book introduces readers to the theoretical and applied approaches used to control pollution in developing countries. The first of its kind in the Indian context, it investigates the case for using economic instruments to control environmental pollution, especially water pollution arising from industrial production. This book, dealing as it does with both theoretical and empirical issues, will be of interest to students, teachers and researchers of environmental economics as well as policy-makers. Professionals and activists involved in environmental protection will also find it useful.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Rainfall composition in Minnesota: integrating the chemistry, synoptic meteorology and numerical modelling
Krupa, S. | Nosal, M. (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (USA))
Longitudinal patterns of stream chemistry in a catchment with forest dieback, Czech Republic
Havel, M. | Peters, N.E. | Cerny, J. (Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 3/131, Praha 1 (Czech Republic))
Fly ash application on two acid soils and its effect on soil salinity, pH, B, P and on ryegrass growth and composition
Matsi, T. | Keramidas, V.Z. (Soil Science Laboratory, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 54006 (Greece))
Persistent organic chemicals in the former Soviet Union
Fedorov, L.A. (Union for Chemical Safety, 8-2-83 Profsojuznaja Str., 117292 Moscow (Russian Federation))
Long term measurements of wet deposition and precipitation scavenging of hexachlorocyclohexanes in Southern Norway
Wania, F. | Haugen, J.E. (WECC - Wania Environmental Chemists Corporation, 280 Simcoe Street, Suite 404, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2Y5 (Canada))
Mutual effects of soil organic matter dynamics and heavy metals fate in a metallophyte grassland
Balabane, M. | Faivre, D. | Oort, F. van | Dahmani-Muller, H. (INRA Unite de Science du Sol, Route de St Cyr, 78026 Versailles Cedex (France))
Accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr from contaminated soil by three grass species inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi
Entry, J.A. | Watrud, L.S. | Reeves, M. (USDA Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Irrigation and Soil Research Laboratory, 3793 N 3600 E, Kimberly, ID 83341 (USA))
Sorption of pesticides to novel materials: snail pedal mucus and blackfly silk
Brereton, C. | House, W.A. | Armitage, P.D. | Wotton, R.S. (Institute of Freshwater Ecology, River Laboratory, East Stoke, Dorset BH20 6BB (United Kingdom))
Prediction of 137Cs deposition from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests within the Arctic
Wright, S.M. | Howard, B.J. | Strand, P. | Nylen, T. | Sickel, M.A.K. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Merlewood Research Station, Windermere Road, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria LA11 6JU (United Kingdom))