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Enhanced Cd2+ adsorption and toxicity for microbial biofilms in the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles
Wang, Wenwen | Zhu, Shijun | Li, Nihong | Xie, Shanshan | Wen, Chen | Luo, Xia
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO₂ NPs) easily combine with other pollutants such as heavy metals because of their excellent physiochemical properties. However, how such an interaction may affect the binding behavior of metals onto biofilms remains largely unclear. This study, examined the effects of TiO₂ NPs on Cd²⁺ accumulation and toxicity for natural periphytic biofilms were examined. The adsorption kinetics showed that adding 0.1 and 1 mg/L TiO₂–NPs increased the Cd²⁺ adsorption of biofilms at equilibrium by 23.5% and 35.8%, respectively. However, adding 10 mg/L TiO₂ NPs increased the Cd²⁺ adsorption of biofilms at equilibrium by only 1.9%. The adsorption isotherms indicate that the presence of TiO₂ NPs considerably increased the Cd²⁺ adsorption capacity of the biofilms; however, this effect became less prominent at high TiO₂ NP concentrations. The optimum pH for Cd²⁺ adsorption increased with increasing Cd²⁺ and TiO₂ NP contents. At low concentrations, the coexistence of Cd²⁺ and TiO₂ NPs may facilitate their respective accumulation by stimulating the secretion of extracellular polymeric substances and enhancing the microbial activity of the biofilm. The presence of TiO₂ NPs increases the surface binding energy between Cd²⁺ and functional groups such as carboxyl groups, enhancing the Cd²⁺ accumulation on the biofilm.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Survival outcomes of rehabilitated riverine turtles following a freshwater diluted bitumen oil spill
Otten, Joshua G. | Williams, Lisa | Refsnider, Jeanine M.
Rehabilitation is often used to mitigate adverse effects of oil spills on wildlife. With an increase in production of alternatives to conventional crude oil such as diluted bitumen (dilbit), emergency spill responders and wildlife rehabilitators need information regarding the health and survival of free-ranging vertebrates exposed to dilbit under natural conditions. In 2010, one of the largest freshwater oil spills in the United States occurred in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, when over 3.2 million liters of spilled dilbit impacted 56 km of riverine habitat. During 2010 and 2011 cleanup efforts, thousands of northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica) were captured from oiled stretches of the river, cleaned, rehabilitated, and released. We conducted extensive mark-recapture surveys in 2010, 2011, and 2018–2021, and used this dataset to evaluate the monthly survival probability of turtles 1–14 months post-spill and 8–11 years post-spill based on whether turtles were temporarily rehabilitated and released, overwintered in captivity and then released, or were released without rehabilitation. We found that rehabilitated or overwintered turtles had a higher probability of survival 1–14 months post-spill than non-rehabilitated turtles; however, 8–11 years post-spill the among-group differences in monthly survival probability had become negligible. Additionally, following the oil spill in 2010, nearly 6% of northern map turtles were recovered dead, died during rehabilitation, or suffered injuries that precluded release back into the wild. Our results demonstrate that exposure to dilbit in free ranging turtles causes direct mortality, while effort spent on the capture and rehabilitation of oiled freshwater turtles is important as it increases monthly survival 1–14 months post-spill.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cooperation of multiple active species generated in hydrogen peroxide activation by iron porphyrin for phenolic pollutants degradation
Yang, Xiaorong | Hu, Jingping | Wu, Longsheng | Hou, Huijie | Liang, Sha | Yang, Jiakuan
The narrow acid pH range and the nonselectivity of the dominant •OH limit the Fenton systems to remediate the organic wastewater. Inspired by the role of heme in physiological processes, we employed iron porphyrin as a novel homogeneous catalyst to address this issue. Multiple active species are identified during the activation of H₂O₂, including high-valent iron porphyrin ((por)Fe(IV)) species ((por)Fe(IV)–OH, (por)⁺•Fe(IV)=O) and oxygen-centered radicals (•OH, HO₂•/•O₂⁻), as well as atomic hydrogen (*H) and carbon-centered radicals. With the cooperation of these active species, the degradation of pollutants could be resistant to the interference of concomitant ions and proceed over a wide pH range. This cooperative behavior is further verified by intermediates identified from bisphenol A degradation. Specifically, the presence of *H could facilitate the cleavage of the C–C bond and the addition of unsaturated or aromatic molecules. (Por)⁺•Fe(IV)=O could hydroxylate substrates with an oxygen rebound mechanism. Hydrogen atom abstraction of contaminants could be performed by (por)Fe(IV)–OH to form desaturated products by attacking oxygen-centered radicals. The ecotoxicity of bisphenol A could be significantly decreased through degradation. This study would provide a new approach to wastewater treatment and shed light on the interaction between metalloporphyrin and peroxide in an aqueous solution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Improved breeding parameters in the pied flycatcher with reduced pollutant emissions from a copper smelter
Belskii, Eugen | Lyakhov, Andrey
In recent decades, industrial emissions have been reduced in many countries, which provides an opportunity for the recovery of polluted ecosystems. However, our knowledge of the rate and factors facilitating the recovery of local bird populations after pollution abatement is incomplete. Long-term (1989–2021) annual observations on nest-box populations of a passerine bird, Ficedula hypoleuca, were used to analyze temporal dynamics of breeding parameters following a 50-fold reduction of industrial emissions from the Middle Ural copper smelter (MUCS) according to pollution zone, habitat, air temperature, and breeding density. In the heavily polluted (impact) zone (1–2 km of MUCS), egg and fledgling production were strongly impaired compared to the moderately polluted (buffer zone, 4–8 km of MUCS) and unpolluted control zone (16–27 km of MUCS). During the study period, the laying date advanced along with increasing spring air temperatures. The clutch size increased in the impact zone by 26%, in the buffer zone by 10%, and in control by 5%. The number of fledglings increased in the impact zone by 102% and the buffer zone by 17%. In the most recent year (2021), mean laying date, clutch size, fledgling production, and the frequency of nests with unhatched eggs in the impact zone did not reach the control level, whereas the frequency of nests with perished chicks did not differ among zones. Breeding parameters of birds in the impact zone improved slowly, likely due to the slow recovery of habitats. We conclude that bird reproduction may require many decades to recover fully in the heavily polluted zone.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potentials of orally supplemented selenium-enriched Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus to mitigate the lead induced liver and intestinal tract injury
Jin, Han | Riaz Rajoka, Muhammad Shahid | Xu, Xiaoguang | Liao, Ning | Pang, Bing | Yan, Lu | Liu, Guanwen | Sun, Hui | Jiang, Chunmei | Shao, Dongyan | Barba, Francisco J. | Shi, Junling
Lead is a metal that exists naturally in the Earth's crust and is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant. The alleviation of lead toxicity is important to keep human health under lead exposure. Biosynthesized selenium nanoparticle (SeNPs) and selenium-enriched Lactobacillus rhamnosus SHA113 (Se-LRS) were developed in this study, and their potentials in alleviating lead-induced injury to the liver and intestinal tract were evaluated in mice by oral administration for 4 weeks. As results, oral intake of lead acetate (150 mg/kg body weight per day) caused more than 50 times and 100 times lead accumulation in blood and the liver, respectively. Liver function was seriously damaged by the lead exposure, which is indicated as the significantly increased lipid accumulation in the liver, enhanced markers of liver function injury in serum, and occurrence of oxidative stress in liver tissues. Serious injury in intestinal tract was also found under lead exposure, as shown by the decrease of intestinal microbiota diversity and occurrence of oxidative stress. Except the lead content in blood and the liver were lowered by 52% and 58%, respectively, oral administration of Se-LRS protected all the other lead-induced injury markers to the normal level. By the comparison with the effects of normal L. rhamnosus SHA113 and the SeNPs isolated from Se-LRS, high protective effects of Se-LRS can be explained as the extremely high efficiency to promote lead excretion via feces by forming insoluble mixture. These findings illustrate the developed selenium-enriched L. rhamnosus can efficiently protect the liver and intestinal tract from injury by lead.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Is there a similarity between the 2019 and 2022 oil spills that occurred on the coast of Ceará (Northeast Brazil)? An analysis based on forensic environmental geochemistry
de Azevedo, Rufino Neto A. | Bezerra, Kamylla M.M. | Nascimento, Ronaldo F. | Nelson, Robert K. | Reddy, Christopher M. | do Nascimento, Adriana P. | Oliveira, André H.B. | Martins, Laercio L. | Cavalcante, Rivelino M.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the 2019 and 2022 oil spill events that occurred off the coast of the State of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. To further assess these mysterious oil spills, we investigated whether the oils stranded on the beaches of Ceará in 2019 and 2022 had the same origin, whether their compositional differences were due to weathering processes, and whether the materials from both were natural or industrially processed. We collected oil samples in October 2019 and January 2022, soon after their appearance on the beaches. We applied a forensic environmental geochemistry approach using both one-dimensional and two-dimensional gas chromatography to assess chemical composition. The collected material had characteristics of crude oil and not refined oils. In addition, the 2022 oil samples collected over 130 km of the east coast of Ceará had a similar chemical profile and were thus considered to originate from the same source. However, these oils had distinct biomarker profiles compared to those of the 2019 oils, including resistant terpanes and triaromatic steranes, thus excluding the hypothesis that the oil that reached the coast of Ceará in January 2022 is related to the tragedy that occurred in 2019. From a geochemical perspective, the oil released in 2019 is more thermally mature than that released in 2022, with both having source rocks with distinct types of organic matter and depositional environments. As the coast of Ceará has vast ecological diversity and Marine Protected Areas, the possibility of occasional oil spills in the area causing severe environmental pollution should be investigated from multiple perspectives, including forensic environmental geochemistry.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Responses of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics in eutrophic lake to water diversion from external watershed
He, Jia | Yang, Yan | Wu, Xue | Zhi, Guoqiang | Zhang, Ying | Sun, Xiaoneng | Jiao, Lixin | Deng, Weiming | Zhou, Hongbin | Shao, Zhi | Zhu, Qifeng
Eutrophication is an important water environment issue facing global lakes. Diversion of water from external watersheds into lakes is considered as effective in ameliorating eutrophication and reducing algal blooms. Nevertheless, the changes in lake water environment caused by external water diversion, especially the influence of water diversion on the characteristics of dissolved organic matters (DOM), are still poorly understood. We therefore used a combination of EEM-PARAFAC, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) to investigate the effects of water diversion from the Niulan River on DOM characteristics in Lake Dianchi. The results showed that the water diversion from the Niulan River significantly improved the water quality of Lake Dianchi, the concentrations of TN, TP, COD and Chla decreased rapidly, and the degree of humification of dissolved organic matter (DOM) increased, which was in sharp contrast with that of pre-implementation. Firstly, the diversion of water from the Niulan River mainly led to changes in the structure of pollution sources. The load of influent rivers and sewage treatment plants rich in lignin and tannins increased, and the input of terrestrial humus increased. Second, the improved water quality reduced algal enrichment and frequency of blooms, and reduced the release of lipid- and protein-riched algal-derived DOM. Finally, the hydraulic retention time of Lake Dianchi caused by water diversion was shortened, the hydrodynamic conditions were significantly improved, and the dissolved oxygen (DO) level gradually recovered, which played a positive role in improving the humification degree of DOM. Our findings provide new insights for exploring the improvement of eutrophic lake eco-environmental quality caused by water diversion projects.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pesticides in a warmer world: Effects of glyphosate and warming across insect life stages
Stahlschmidt, Z.R. | Whitlock, J. | Vo, C. | Evalen, P. | D, Bui
Glyphosate (GLY) is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is the most commonly applied pesticide in terrestrial ecosystems in the U.S. and, potentially, worldwide. However, the combined effects of warming associated with climate change and exposure to GLY and GLY-based formulations (GBFs) on terrestrial animals are poorly understood. Animals progress through several life stages (e.g., embryonic, larval, and juvenile stages) that may exhibit different sensitivities to stressors. Therefore, we factorially manipulated temperature and GLY/GBF exposure in the variable field cricket (Gryllus lineaticeps) during two life stages—nymphal development and adulthood—and examined key animal traits, such as developmental rate, body size, food consumption, reproductive investment, and lifespan. A thermal environment simulating future climate warming obligated several costs to fitness-related traits. For example, warming experienced during nymphal development reduced survival, adult body mass and size, and investment into flight capacity and reproduction. Warming experienced by adults reduced lifespan and growth rate. Alternatively, the effects of GBF exposure were more subtle, often context-dependent (e.g., effects were only detected in one sex or temperature regime), and were stronger during adult exposure relative to exposure during development. There was evidence of additive costs of warming and GBF exposure to rates of feeding and growth in adults. Yet, the negative effect of GBF exposure to adult lifespan did not occur in warming conditions, suggesting that ongoing climate change may obscure some of the costs of GBFs to non-target organisms. The effects of GLY alone (i.e., in the absence of proprietary surfactants found in commercial formulations) were non-existent. Animals will be increasingly exposed to warming and GBFs, and our results indicate that GBF exposure and warming can entail additive costs for an animal taxon (insects) that plays critical roles in terrestrial ecosystems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Materials, surfaces, and interfacial phenomena in nanoplastics toxicology research
Martin, Leisha M.A. | Gan, Nin | Wang, Erica | Merrill, Mackenzie | Xu, Wei
In response to the growing worldwide plastic pollution problem, the field of nanoplastics research is attempting to determine the risk of exposure to nanoparticles amidst their ever-increasing presence in the environment. Since little is known about the attributes of environmental nanoplastics (concentration, composition, morphology, and size) due to fundamental limitations in detection and quantification of smaller plastic particles, researchers often improvise by engineering nanoplastic particles with various surface modifications as models for laboratory toxicological testing. Polystyrene and other commercially available or easily synthesized polymer materials functionalized with surfactants or fluorophores are typically used for these studies. How surfactants, additives, fluorophores, the addition of surface functional groups for conjugation, or other changes to surface attributes alter toxicological profiles remains unclear. Additionally, the limited polymers used in laboratory models do not mimic the vast range of polymer types comprising environmental pollutants. Nanomaterials are tricky materials to investigate due to their high surface area, high surface energies, and their propensity to interact with molecules, proteins, and biological probes. These unique properties can often invalidate common laboratory assays. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that results are not artefactual. We have gathered zeta potential values for various polystyrene nanoparticles with different functionalization, in different solvents, from the reported literature. We also discuss the effects of surface engineering and solvent properties on interparticle interactions, agglomeration, particle-protein interactions, corona formation, nano-bio interfaces, and contemplate how these parameters might confound results. Various toxicological exemplars are critically reviewed, and the relevance and shortfalls of the most popular models used in nanoplastics toxicity studies published in the current literature are considered.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The association between bisphenol A exposure and oxidative damage in rats/mice: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Zhang, Huan | Yang, Rui-fu | Shi, Wanying | Zhou, Xin | Sun, Suju
Numerous studies reported that BPA could cause oxidative damage to different tissues in rats/mice. This study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of BPA exposure on oxidative damage in rats/mice. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases from their inception date until July 18, 2020. 20 eligible articles were included in this study. The results showed that BPA could significantly increase the level of MDA (SMD, 16.88; 95%CI, 12.06–21.71), but there was a significant reduction in the contents of antioxidants, such as GR (−10.46, −13.91 ∼ −7.02), CAT (−8.48, −11.66 ∼ −5.30), GPx (−9.37, −11.95 ∼ −6.80), GST (−7.59, −14.51 ∼ −0.67), GSH (−10.64, −13.96 ~ −7.33), and SOD (−6.48, −8.37 ∼ −4.58) in rats/mice. Our study provided clear evidence that BPA exposure could significantly induce oxidative damage in rats/mice. And we also found that the degree of oxidative damage was related to BPA dose, target tissue, intervention means, and exposure duration of BPA.
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