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Biochemical and molecular impacts of glyphosate-based herbicide on the gills of common carp
Ma, Junguo | Zhu, Jingyi | Wang, Wanying | Ruan, Panpan | Rajeshkumar, Sivakumar | Li, Xiaoyu
Glyphosate (GLY)-based herbicide, one of the most widely used herbicides, might cause a series of environmental problems and pose a toxicological risk to aquatic organisms. However, data on the potential hazard and toxicity mechanism of GLY to fish gills are relatively scarce. In this study, a subacute toxicity test of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) treated with commercial GLY at 52.08 and 104.15 mg L−1 for 7 d was conducted. The results revealed that GLY exposure significantly inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase and increased AST and ALT activities in the fish gills. The biochemical assays results revealed that GLY treatment remarkably altered the transcriptional levels of HSP70 and HSP90; inhibited the activities of SOD, CAT, GPx, GR, and T-AOC; reduced the contents of GSH, but remarkably promoted MDA and PC contents, suggesting that GLY exposure induced oxidative stress and lipids and proteins damage in the carp gills. Further research revealed that GLY exposure also promoted expression of NF-κB, iNOS, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α; altered the levels of IL-10 and TGF-β, indicating that GLY exposure induced inflammatory response in the fish gills. Additionally, we found that GLY exposure activated apaf-1 and bax and inhibited bcl-2, induced caspase-9 and caspase-3 expression and caused remarkable histological damage in the fish gills. These results may further enriches the toxicity mechanistic theory of GLY to fish gills, which may be useful for the risk assessment of GLY and aquatic organism protection.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]First evidence of microplastic contamination in the supraglacial debris of an alpine glacier
Ambrosini, Roberto | Azzoni, Roberto Sergio | Pittino, Francesca | Diolaiuti, Guglielmina | Franzetti, Andrea | Parolini, Marco
Contamination by plastic debris has been documented in most regions of the world, but their occurrence in high mountain areas has not been investigated to date. Here we present the first report of the occurrence and amount of microplastic in any terrestrial glacier environment. In the supraglacial debris of the Forni Glacier (Italian Alps), we observed the occurrence of (mean ± standard error) 74.4 ± 28.3 items kg⁻¹ of sediment (dry weight). This amount is within the range of variability of microplastic contamination observed in marine and coastal sediments in Europe. Most plastic items were made by polyesters, followed by polyamide, polyethylene and polypropylene. We estimated that the whole ablation area of Forni Glacier should host 131–162 million plastic items. Microplastic can be released directly into high elevation areas by human activities in the mountain or be transported by wind to high altitude. The occurrence of microplastic on Forni Glacier may be due to the gathering of debris coming from the large accumulation area into the relatively smaller ablation area of the glacier, as a consequence of its flow and melting.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Multielemental composition and consumption risk characterization of three commercial marine fish species
Cardoso, Márcia | de Faria Barbosa, Renata | Torrente-Vilara, Gislene | Guanaz, Gabriela | Oliveira de Jesus, Edgar Francisco | Mársico, Eliane Teixeira | de Oliveira Resende Ribeiro, Roberta | Gusmão, Felipe
Marine fish are considered a source of high quality proteins and fatty acids. However, the consumption of fish may pose a health risk as it may have potentially toxic elements in high concentrations. In this study we quantify the multielemental composition of muscle and fins for three species of commercial marine fish from Brazil: Sphyraena guachancho (Barracuda), Priacantus arenatus (Common bigeye) and Genidens genidens (Guri sea catfish). We then assessed the potential risk of fish consumption by means of a Provisional Hazard Indices. Amongst the elements detected in fish tissue were potentially toxic elements such as Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr and Hg. Concentration differences were species-specific, and affected by the species trophic level, morphological characteristics and feeding habits. Results suggest the higher the trophic level of the fish, the higher the risk of consumption. Caution is recommended for the frequent ingestion of high trophic level fish species in Brazil.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Current and future daily temperature fluctuations make a pesticide more toxic: Contrasting effects on life history and physiology
Verheyen, Julie | Stoks, Robby
There is increasing concern that climate change may make organisms more sensitive to chemical pollution. Many pesticides are indeed more toxic at higher mean temperatures. Yet, we know next to nothing about the effect of another key component of climate change, the increase of daily temperature fluctuations (DTFs), on pesticide toxicity. Therefore, we tested the effect of the pesticide chlorpyrifos under different levels of DTF (constant = 0 °C, low = 5 °C (current maximum level) and high = 10 °C (predicted maximum level under global warming)) around the same mean temperature on key life history and physiological traits of Ischnura elegans damselfly larvae in a common-garden experiment. At all levels of DTF, chlorpyrifos exposure was stressful: it reduced energy storage (fat content) and the activity of its target enzyme acetylcholinesterase, while it increased the activity of the detoxification enzyme cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. Notably, chlorpyrifos did not cause mortality or reduced growth rate at the constant temperature (0 °C DTF), yet increased mortality 6x and reduced growth rate with ca. 115% in the presence of DTF. This indicates that daily short-term exposures to higher temperatures can increase pesticide toxicity. Our data suggest that when 5 °C DTF will become more common in the studied high-latitude populations, this will increase the toxicity of CPF, and that a further increase from 5° DTF to 10 °C DTF may not result in a further increase of pesticide toxicity. Our results highlight the biological importance of including daily temperature fluctuations in ecological risk assessment of pesticides and as an extra dimension in the climate-induced toxicant sensitivity concept.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Subcellular distribution of cadmium in a novel potential aquatic hyperaccumulator – Microsorum pteropus
Lan, Xin-Yu | Yan, Yun-Yun | Yang, Bin | Li, Xin-Yuan | Xu, Fu-Liu
Microsorum pteropus is a novel potential Cd (cadmium) aquatic hyperaccumulator. In the present study, hydroponic experiments were conducted to assess the accumulation and subcellular distribution of Cd in the root, stem and leaf of M. pteropus. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) – EDX (energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy) were used to observe the ultrastructure of different tissues under 500 μM Cd exposure. After exposure to 500 μM Cd for 7 days, the root, stem and leaf of M. pteropus can accumulate to be > 400 mg/kg Cd in dry mass with no significant influence on the growth. In the root and leaf of M. pteropus, the Cd was more likely to store in the cell wall fraction. However, Cd in the stem was mainly stored in both the cell wall fraction and the cytoplasm fraction. Under SEM observation and EDX detection, 1) Cd was found to be sequestrated in the epidermis or chelated in the root cells, 2) no significant deposit spots were observed in the stem, 3) Cd was found in the trichome of the leaf, and the sporangium was not damaged. TEM observations revealed 1) possible Cd precipitations in the root cell and 2) no significant ultrastructure variation in the stem, and 3) the chloroplast retained its structure and was not affected by the Cd. M. pteropus showed great capacity for Cd accumulation without influencing growth. In addition, the ultrastructure of all the tissues was not damaged by the Cd. M. pteropus showed a great potential in phytoremediation in heavy metal polluted water solutions, and may provide new directions for the study of resistance mechanisms of aquatic hyperaccumulators.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A critical review on remediation, reuse, and resource recovery from acid mine drainage
Naidu, Gayathri | Ryu, Seongchul | Thiruvenkatachari, Ramesh | Choi, Youngkwon | Jeong, Sanghyun | Vigneswaran, Saravanamuthu
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a global environmental issue. Conventionally, a number of active and passive remediation approaches are applied to treat and manage AMD. Case studies on remediation approaches applied in actual mining sites such as lime neutralization, bioremediation, wetlands and permeable reactive barriers provide an outlook on actual long-term implications of AMD remediation. Hence, in spite of available remediation approaches, AMD treatment remains a challenge. The need for sustainable AMD treatment approaches has led to much focus on water reuse and resource recovery. This review underscores (i) characteristics and implication of AMD, (ii) remediation approaches in mining sites, (iii) alternative treatment technologies for water reuse, and (iv) resource recovery. Specifically, the role of membrane processes and alternative treatment technologies to produce water for reuse from AMD is highlighted. Although membrane processes are favorable for water reuse, they cannot achieve resource recovery, specifically selective valuable metal recovery. The approach of integrated membrane and conventional treatment processes are especially promising for attaining both water reuse and recovery of resources such as sulfuric acid, metals and rare earth elements. Overall, this review provides insights in establishing reuse and resource recovery as the holistic approach towards sustainable AMD treatment. Finally, integrated technologies that deserve in depth future exploration is highlighted.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impacts of microplastics on growth and health of hermatypic corals are species-specific
Reichert, Jessica | Arnold, Angelina L. | Hoogenboom, Mia O. | Schubert, Patrick | Wilke, Thomas
Coral reefs are increasingly affected by the consequences of global change such as increasing temperatures or pollution. Lately, microplastics (i.e., fragments < 5 mm) have been identified as another potential threat. While previous studies have assessed short-term effects caused by high concentrations of microplastics, nothing is known about the long-term effects of microplastics under realistic concentrations. Therefore, a microcosm study was conducted and corals of the genera Acropora, Pocillopora, Porites, and Heliopora were exposed to microplastics in a concentration of 200 particles L⁻¹, relating to predicted pollution levels. Coral growth and health, as well as symbiont properties were studied over a period of six months. The exposure caused species-specific effects on coral growth and photosynthetic performance. Signs of compromised health were observed for Acropora and Pocillopora, those taxa that frequently interact with the particles. The results indicate elevated energy demands in the affected species, likely due to physical contact of the corals to the microplastics. The study shows that microplastic pollution can have negative impacts on hermatypic corals. These effects might amplify corals' susceptibility to other stressors, further contributing to community shifts in coral reef assemblages.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Rare earth elements in the Pearl River Delta of China: Potential impacts of the REE industry on water, suspended particles and oysters
Ma, Lan | Đức Huy, | Wang, Wei | Evans, R Douglas | Wang, Wen-Xiong
Rare earth element (REE) concentrations and patterns were measured in surface water, suspended particles (SP) and oysters from the Pearl River Estuary, China. During the rainy season of 2017, higher REE concentrations were found at the stations in the estuary (ΣREE = 0.06–0.42 μg L⁻¹) than those at the river mouths (referred to as ‘outlet’ stations, ΣREE = 0.001–0.14 μg L⁻¹). However, the reverse occurred in the dry season of 2016 (ΣREE = 0.07–0.16 μg L⁻¹ in the mid-estuary vs. 0.001–0.02 μg L⁻¹in the outlet stations). Elevated concentrations of Pr, Nd, Dy and Ho, relative to the other REEs were found in water in both seasons at most sampling locations. However, in some estuary stations, no anomalies were detected in the SP or in the oysters while some anomalies were seen in SP from the outlet stations. Significant correlations between REE concentrations in SP and oysters as well as between both total REE concentrations and the La/Yb ratio (reflecting enhanced accumulation of light REEs (LREEs)) in oysters indicate that, in the Pearl River Estuary, the dominant REE uptake pathway in oysters is from particles.The elevated concentrations of Pr, Nd, Dy and Ho, which are reported here for the first time suggest that elevated levels of these elements may result from REE recycling and other industrialized activities in this area of southern China. Specific REEs could be used to indicate emerging contamination by the modern REE industry; furthermore, REE anomalies and patterns may be suitable tools to track REE sources.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Toxic effects of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether and derivatives in human placental cells
Marqueño, Anna | Pérez-Albaladejo, Elisabet | Flores, Cintia | Moyano, Encarnación | Porte, Cinta
BADGE (bisphenol A diglycidyl ether) is a synthesis product of bisphenol A (BPA), which, like other plasticizers, can cross the human placenta and reach the foetus. However, compared to BPA, there is almost no toxicological information. This work investigates the toxicity, endocrine and lipid disruption potential of BADGE and its hydrolysed and chlorinated derivatives (BADGE·H₂O and BADGE·2HCl) in human placental JEG-3 cells. The analysis of culture medium by HPLC-ESI(+)-QqQ evidenced a good bioavailability of BADGE·2HCl and BADGE·H₂O, but low stability of BADGE. Regardless, BADGE·2HCl and BADGE showed higher cytotoxicity than BADGE·H₂O, which was the only compound that significantly inhibited CYP19 activity (IC₅₀ 49 ± 5 μM). JEG-3 cells lipidome analyzed by FIA-ESI(+/−)-Orbitrap was significantly altered by exposure to BADGE·2HCl and BADGE at concentrations at the low μM range. BADGE·2HCl lead to a strong decrease of diacyl- and triacyl-glycerides (DGs,TGs) together with some membrane lipids, while BADGE lead to an accumulation of TGs. The results evidence the ability of BADGE and derivatives to affect placental lipid handling and to modulate placental CYP19 activity (BADGE·H₂O) and highlights the need to monitor human exposure to these compounds, at least as intensely as BPA is monitored.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Petroleum biomarkers as tracers of low-level chronic oil contamination of coastal environments: A systematic approach in a subtropical mangrove
Garcia, Marina Reback | Cattani, André Pereira | Lana, Paulo da Cunha | Figueira, Rubens César Lopes | Martins, César C.
Petroleum biomarkers (hopanes, terpanes and steranes) are frequently assessed in estuarine sediments as tracers of oil input. In order to compare distinct patterns of hydrocarbon accumulation in mudflats, salt marsh and mangrove, sediments from two transects (control and impacted areas) were sampled in Paranaguá Bay, SW Atlantic. Concentrations of n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum biomarkers (hopanes, terpanes and steranes) were determined, as well as bulk parameters (TOC, grain size and δ13C). N-alkanes concentrations were similar between control and impacted sites (respectively, 3.03 ± 1.20 μg g−1 and 4.11 ± 3.02 μg g−1) and reflected a high biogenic input. Conversely, PAHs and petroleum biomarker concentrations were three to six times higher in impacted site than the control site (respectively, 60.4 ± 23.3 ng g−1 and 22.0 ± 25.0 ng g−1 for PAHs and 197.7 ± 51.8 ng g−1 and 40.2 ± 32. ng g−1 for hopanes). Despite these differences, concentrations were lower than those reported for highly impacted areas worldwide. Diagnostic ratios and hydrocarbon parameters (e.g. total PAHs and total petroleum biomarkers) helped to distinguish human impact in the ecological zones, suggesting different sources and/or levels of weathering, confirmed by ANOVA tests. TOC played a fundamental role to the concentration of hydrocarbons, showing similar distributions along the transects. Petroleum biomarkers could clearly indicate the preferential sites of deposition and assign different levels of anthropic contamination by hydrocarbons, thus providing clear information about the chronic petroleum pollution in coastal sediments.
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