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Resultados 71-80 de 122
Measurement of odours and dust in the manufacture of kraft paper pulp [pollution]
Aitken, Y. | Monzie, D.
Contribution to the study of the action mechanisms of atmospheric fluoro compounds on the fructification of strawberry plants (Fragaria L.) [air pollution]
Bonte, J. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Serres Castet (France). Laboratoire d'Etude de la Pollution Atmospherique) | Bonte, C. | Garrec, J.P. | de Cormis, L
Contribution of remote detection to the study of the influence of a point source on ground pollution levels [air pollution]
Maffiolo, G. (Electricite de France, Chatou (France). Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Departement Environnement Aquatique et Atmospherique, Division Etudes et Essais Physico-Chimiques) | Leriquier, Y. | Dutrannoy, C. | Dubois, J
Bacterial indicators of pollution
Pipes, Wesley O.
Specifying air pollution control equipment
Making pollution prevention pay
Huisingh, Donald | Bailey, Vicki
Toxicity of certain mosquito larvicides to the larvivorous fishes Aplocheilus lineatus (Cuv. + Val.) and Macropodus cupanus (Cuv. + Val.)
Jacob, S.S. (Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Kerala University, Trivandrum 695007 (India)) | Nair, N.B. | Balasubramanian, N.K.
Effect of added water and acidity of simulated rain on growth of field-grown radish
Troiano, J. (Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (USA)) | Heller, L. | Jacobson, J.S.
Hydrocarbons in surface waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
Nemirovskaya, Inna A | Nesterova, Maria P
Results of investigation of various forms of oil pollution, i.e. oil films, tar, and hydrocarbons in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and North Indian Ocean during October-December 1980 and February-May 1981 are presented. Oil pollution was found only in regions of the heaviest ship traffic and was somewhat less than in 1976-1977. Background concentration of non-polar hydrocarbons was 8-10 ?g/l in surface waters and 14 ?g/l in the shelf zone. Infrared spectroscopy and gas-liquid chromatography indicate that hydrocarbons occurring at concentrations exceeding 50 ?g/l have composition differing from background hydrocarbons. There is considerable accumulation of hydrocarbons in the thin surface layer, and they exist in different forms close to pollution sources.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][Animals as carriers of information on the environment [use of mayfly larvae (Baetis rhodani) as indicator species in monitoring of inland water acidification]]
Raddum, G.G. | Fjellheim, A. (Bergen Univ. (Norway). Zoologisk Museum)