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Resultados 81-90 de 219
Persistent organophosphorus pesticides in tropical marine environments
Readman, J.W. | Kwong, L.L.W. | Mee, L.D. | Bartocci, J. | Nilve, G. | Rodriguez-Solano, J.A. | Gonzalez-Farias, F. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Marine Environment Laboratory, PO Box 800, MC-98012 (Monaco))
Trichloroacetic acid promotes fungual infection of spruce needles
Schell, R. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Botanik) | Kristen, U.
Balance of element supply and element fluxes in the ecosystem compartments of crown, stem, root and soil of a diseased spruce-stand at the forest-site "Postturm"
Rademacher, P. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Forschungszentrum Waldoekosysteme) | Ullrich, B. | Michaelis, W.
Effects of short-term expositions of cloned Norway spruce with air pollutants (SO2, NO2, O3) in growth chambers
Lalk, I. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten) | Hartmann, A. | Doerffling, K.
Stem rot of spruce trees of different vitality at a polluted site in the Farchau forest district, Ratzeburg, FRG
Seehann, G. (Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Holzbiologie und Holzschutz)
Deposition rates of heavy metals in south-eastern Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) and their temporal and spacial trends as investigated by means of moulted goshawk feathers
Ellenberg, H. (Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Weltforstwirtschaft) | Kuehnast, O.
Mycorrhization of Norway spruce in pot cultures
Haug, I. (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Botanisches Inst. Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie) | Bauch, H. | Kottke, I.
Deposition of atmospheric trace substances and associated fluxes in the forest ecosystem
Michaelis, W. (GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht (Germany). Inst. fuer Physik) | Pepelnik, R. | Theopold, F. | Rademacher, P.
Soil cultures of spruce as model systems for identifying exogenous influences on tree growth
Duenisch, O. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Holzbiologie) | Bauch, J.
Stress physiological investigations of Norway spruce at a stand in northern Germany
Lalk, I. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten) | Naumann, R. | Ludewig, M. | Fenner, R. | Doerffling, K.