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Microbial reduction of vanadium (V) in groundwater: Interactions with coexisting common electron acceptors and analysis of microbial community
Liu, Hui | Zhang, Baogang | Yuan, Heyang | Cheng, Yutong | Wang, Song | He, Zhen
Vanadium (V) pollution in groundwater has posed serious risks to the environment and public health. Anaerobic microbial reduction can achieve efficient and cost-effective remediation of V(V) pollution, but its interactions with coexisting common electron acceptors such as NO3−, Fe3+, SO42− and CO2 in groundwater remain unknown. In this study, the interactions between V(V) reduction and reduction of common electron acceptors were examined with revealing relevant microbial community and identifying dominant species. The results showed that the presence of NO3− slowed down the removal of V(V) in the early stage of the reaction but eventually led to a similar reduction efficiency (90.0% ± 0.4% in 72-h operation) to that in the reactor without NO3−. The addition of Fe3+, SO42−, or CO2 decreased the efficiency of V(V) reduction. Furthermore, the microbial reduction of these coexisting electron acceptors was also adversely affected by the presence of V(V). The addition of V(V) as well as the extra dose of Fe3+, SO42− and CO2 decreased microbial diversity and evenness, whereas the reactor supplied with NO3− showed the increased diversity. High-throughput 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing analysis indicated the accumulation of Geobacter, Longilinea, Syntrophobacter, Spirochaeta and Anaerolinea, which might be responsible for the reduction of multiple electron acceptors. The findings of this study have demonstrated the feasibility of anaerobic bioremediation of V(V) and the possible influence of coexisting electron acceptors commonly found in groundwater.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Water metagenomic analysis reveals low bacterial diversity and the presence of antimicrobial residues and resistance genes in a river containing wastewater from backyard aquacultures in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Nakayama, Tatsuya | Tuyet Hoa, Tran Thi | Harada, Kazuo | Warisaya, Minae | Asayama, Megumi | Hinenoya, Atsushi | Lee, Joon Won | Phu, Tran Minh | Ueda, Shuhei | Sumimura, Yoshinori | Hirata, Kazumasa | Phuong, Nguyen Thanh | Yamamoto, Yoshimasa
The environmental pathways for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance have recently received increased attention. Aquatic environments act as reservoirs or sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, antimicrobial residues, and antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs). Therefore, it is imperative to identify the role of polluted water in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial residues, ARGs, and microbiota in the freshwater systems of the Mekong Delta. We selected 12 freshwater sites from aquacultures and rivers in Can Tho, Vietnam and analyzed them for 45 antimicrobial residues and 8 ARGs by LC/MS/MS and real-time PCR, respectively. A 16S rDNA-based metagenomic analysis was conducted to characterize the water microbiota. Residues of sulfamethoxazole (10/12) and sulfadimidine (7/12) were widely detected, together with the sulfa-resistance genes sul1 (11/12) and sul2 (9/12). Additionally, sulfamethoxazole residues and the β-lactamase-resistance gene blaCTX-M-1 were detected in eight freshwater systems (8/12), suggesting that these freshwater systems may have been polluted by human activity. The metagenomic analysis showed that all the tested freshwater systems contained the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, representing 64% of the total microbiota. Moreover, the Cai Rang River site (Ri-E), which is located at the merge point of wastewaters from backyard-based aquacultures, contained the genera Polynucleobacter, Variovorax, and Limnohabitans, representing more than 78.4% of the total microbiota. Bacterial diversity analysis showed that the Ri-E exhibited the lowest diversity compared with other regions. Principal coordinate analysis showed that the differences among water microbiotas in backyard-based aquacultures could be explained by the farmers' aquaculture techniques.In conclusion, this study demonstrated a collapse of bacterial diversity at the merge point of wastewaters from backyard-based aquacultures in the Mekong Delta.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Health hazards of child labor in the leather products and surgical instrument manufacturing industries of Sialkot, Pakistan
Junaid, Muhammad | Malik, Riffat Naseem | Pei, De-Sheng
Child labor is a major challenge in the developing countries and comprehensive health hazard identification studies on this issue are still lacking. Therefore, the current study is an effort to highlight the health concerns of child labor exposed in the key small scale industries of Sialkot, Pakistan. Our findings revealed jolting levels of heavy metals in the urine, blood, serum, saliva, and hair samples collected from the exposed children. For example, in the urine samples, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb were measured at the respective concentrations of 39.17, 62.02, 11.94 and 10.53 μg/L in the surgical industries, and 2.10, 4.41, 1.04 and 5.35 μg/L in the leather industries. In addition, source apportionment revealed polishing, cutting, and welding sections in the surgical industries and surface coating, crusting, and stitching sections in the leather industries were the highest contributors of heavy metals in the bio-matrices of the exposed children, implying the dusty, unhygienic, and unhealthy indoor working conditions. Further, among all the bio-matrices, the hair samples expressed the highest bioaccumulation factor for heavy metals. In accordance with the heavy metal levels reported in the exposed children, higher oxidative stress was found in the children working in the surgical industries than those from the leather industries. Moreover, among heavy metals’ exposure pathways, inhalation of industrial dust was identified as the primary route of exposure followed by the ingestion and dermal contact. Consequently, chemical daily intake (CDI), carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic hazard quotients (HQs) of heavy metals were also reported higher in the exposed children and were also alarmingly higher than the corresponding US EPA threshold limits. Taken all together, children were facing serious health implications in these industries and need immediate protective measures to remediate the current situation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Gas–particle phase partitioning and particle size distribution of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in haze
Jin, Rong | Zheng, Minghui | Yang, Hongbo | Yang, Lili | Wu, Xiaolin | Xu, Yang | Liu, Guorui
Chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Cl/Br-PAHs) are emerging semi-volatile organic pollutants in haze-associated particulate matter (PM). Their gas–particle phase partitioning and distribution among PM fractions have not been clarified. Clarification would increase understanding of atmospheric behavior and health risks of Cl/Br-PAHs. In this study, samples of the gas phase and 4 PM phases (aerodynamic diameters (dae) > 10 μm, 2.5–10 μm, 1.0–2.5 μm, and <1.0 μm) were collected simultaneously during haze events in Beijing and analyzed. Normalized histogram distribution indicated that the Cl/Br-PAHs tended to adhere to fine particles. Over 80% of the Cl-PAHs and 70% of the Br-PAHs were associated with fine PM (dae < 2.5 μm). The gas–particle phase partitioning and PM distribution of Cl/Br-PAHs when heating of buildings was required, which was associated with haze events, were obviously different from those when heating was not required. The relationship between the logarithmic geometric mean diameters of the Cl/Br-PAH congeners and reciprocal of the temperature (1/T) suggested that low air temperatures during the heating period could lead to high proportions of Cl/Br-PAHs in the fine particles. Increased coal burning during the heating period also contributed to high Cl/Br-PAH loads in the fine particles.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influences of land use and antecedent dry-weather period on pollution level and ecological risk of heavy metals in road-deposited sediment
Zhang, Jin | Hua, Pei | Krebs, Peter
Road-deposited sediment and its adsorbed pollutants have been regarded as significant sources of urban diffuse pollution. In this study, the solid-phase concentrations (mg/g), surface load (mg/m2) and chemical fractionation of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) were determined. Geo-accumulation (Igeo) and ecological risk (RI) indexes were employed for metal risk assessment. Results show that the highest solid-phase concentrations of Zn and Cu were usually found at an industrial area. However, Cd had the highest solid-phase concentrations at a rural area, followed by a commercial area. The surface loads of Zn and Cu decreased along the city centre to city border gradient. However, Cd was distributed irregularly. In terms of chemical fractionation, the predominant components of Zn and Cd were identified in the unstable exchangeable fractions, indicating high potential ecological risks to the aquatic environments. Cu posed a comparably low risk due to the high proportions of the stable components of residual and oxidizable fractions. According to a two-dimensional hierarchical cluster analysis, Zn and Cu surface loads were dominantly influenced by the antecedent dry-weather period; Cd contents were strongly land-use type dependent. In addition, the enrichment capability was ranked as Zn > Cu > Cd determined by Igeo index. The sampling site dependent potential ecological risk was determined as rural area (R) > commercial city centre (W) > federal highway (B) > industrial area (I) > main road (S) > secondary road (A) by the RI index.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and thyroid hormones in cord blood
Ding, Guodong | Yu, Jing | Chen, Limei | Wang, Caifeng | Zhou, Yijun | Hu, Yi | Shi, Rong | Zhang, Yan | Cui, Chang | Gao, Yu | Tian, Ying | Liu, Fang
Human exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) has been increasing over the last three decades in China and around the world. Animal studies suggest that PBDEs could reduce blood levels of thyroid hormones, but it is unclear whether PBDEs disrupt thyroid function in humans. We used data from a prospective birth cohort of 123 pregnant women who were enrolled between September 2010 and March 2011 in Shandong, China. We measured the concentrations of eight PBDE congeners (n = 106) and five thyroid hormones (n = 107) in cord serum samples. We examined the relationship between prenatal exposure to PBDEs and thyroid function (n = 90). Median concentrations of BDEs 47, 99, 100, and 153 (detection frequencies > 75%) were 3.96, 8.27, 3.31, and 1.89 ng/g lipid, respectively. A 10-fold increase in BDE-99 and Σ4 PBDEs (the sum of BDEs 47, 99, 100, and 153) concentrations was associated with a 0.41 μg/dL (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.10 to 0.72) and 0.37 μg/dL (95% CI: 0.06 to 0.68) increase in total thyroxine levels (TT4), respectively. No associations were found between other individual congeners and any of the five thyroid hormones. Our study suggests that prenatal exposure to PBDEs may be associated with higher TT4 in cord blood. Given the inconsistent findings across existing studies, our results need to be confirmed in additional studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury bioaccumulation in offshore reef fishes from waters of the southeastern USA
Sinkus, Wiley | Shervette, Virginia | Ballenger, Joseph | Reed, Lou Ann | Plante, Craig | White, Byron
Mercury (Hg) concentrations and nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) stable isotopic ratios were measured to assess differences in Hg bioaccumulation in four predatory fish species (Mycteroperca microlepis, Lutjanus campechanus, Caulolatilus microps, and Serioli dumerili) of high commercial and recreational importance in Atlantic waters of the southeastern US. Positive relationships existed between Hg and length, weight, and age, for all species, strongest for M. microlepis and L. campechanus. Intraspecific Hg concentrations also strongly correlated with δ15N for all species, and δ13C for only L. campechanus, and S. dumerili. Comparisons of stable isotopes between species and their impact on mean Hg concentration were inconclusive. This study is the first to report Hg concentrations for C. microps. The current study provides data for an under-sampled region, explores how feeding ecology impacts Hg uptake in commonly co-occurring fishes, and raises questions of the importance of sex and reproduction in Hg accumulation for marine fishes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of passive samplers for in situ measurement of pyrethroid insecticides in surface water
Xue, Jiaying | Liao, Chunyang | Wang, Jie | Cryder, Zachary | Xu, Tianbo | Liu, Fengmao | Gan, Jay
Pyrethroid insecticides are widely used in urban environments, and their occurrence has been recently associated with aquatic toxicity in urban surface streams. Synthetic pyrethroids are strongly hydrophobic compounds, highlighting the importance of the freely dissolved concentration (Cfree), rather than the total chemical concentration, for better prediction of potential effects in aquatic ecosystems. The goal of this study was to develop a simple, robust and field-applicable passive sampling methodology that may be used for in situ monitoring of trace levels of pyrethroids in surface water. Among a range of polymer films, polyethylene film (PE) was found to be the most efficient at absorbing pyrethroids from water. To circumvent the long equilibrium time, 13C-permethrin and bifenthrin-d5 were preloaded on the PE sampler as performance reference compounds (PRC). Desorption of isotope-labeled PRCs was found to be isotropic to the absorption of target analytes. The optimized method was first tested in large circulating tanks simulating various environmental conditions. The derived Cfree values were consistently smaller than the total aqueous concentration in salt water or water containing humic acids. The PE samplers were further deployed at multiple field sites for 7 d in Southern California and analysis demonstrated good monitoring reproducibility and sensitivity under ambient environmental conditions. The developed passive sampler approach is ideal for application for in situ sampling under field conditions, and the use of PRCs allows sampling with short and flexible time intervals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of biochar on reducing the abundance of oxytetracycline, antibiotic resistance genes, and human pathogenic bacteria in soil and lettuce
Duan, Manli | Li, Haichao | Gu, Jie | Tuo, Xiaxia | Sun, Wei | Qian, Xun | Wang, Xiaojuan
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in soil can affect human health via the food chain. Biochar is a soil amendment but its impacts on ARGs and the microbial communities associated with soil and vegetables are unclear. Therefore, we established three lettuce pot culture experiments, i.e., O300: 300 mg/kg oxytetracycline (OTC), BO300: 300 mg/kg OTC + 2% biochar, and a control without OTC or biochar. We found that under BO300, the relative abundances of ARGs were reduced by 51.8%, 43.4%, and 44.1% in lettuce leaves, roots, and soil, respectively, compared with O300. intI1 was highly abundant in soil and lettuce, and it co-occurred with some ARGs (tetW, ermF, and sul1). Redundancy analysis and network analysis indicated that the bacterial community succession was the main mechanism that affected the variations in ARGs and intI1. The reduction of Firmicutes due to the biochar treatment of soil and lettuce was the main factor responsible for the removal of tetracycline resistance genes in leaves. Biochar application led to the disappearance of human pathogenic bacteria (HPB), which was significantly correlated with the abundances of ermF and ermX. In summary, biochar is an effective farmland amendment for reducing the abundances of antibiotics, ARGs, and HPB in order to ensure the safety of vegetables and protect human health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Presence of microplastic in the digestive tracts of European flounder, Platichthys flesus, and European smelt, Osmerus eperlanus, from the River Thames
McGoran, A.R. | Clark, P.F. | Morritt, D.
Like many urban catchments, the River Thames in London is contaminated with plastics. This pollutant is recorded on the river banks, in the benthic environment and in the water column. The present study was conducted to assess the extent of microplastic ingestion in two River Thames fish species, the European flounder (Platichthys flesus) and European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). Samples were collected from two sites in Kent, England; Erith and Isle of Grain/Sheppey, near Sheerness, with the latter being more estuarine. The results revealed that up to 75% of sampled European flounder had plastic fibres in the gut compared with only 20% of smelt. This difference may be related to their diverse feeding behaviours: European flounder are benthic feeders whilst European smelt are pelagic predators. The fibres were predominantly red or black polyamides and other fibres included acrylic, nylon, polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate and there was no difference in occurrence between the sites sampled.
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