AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 91-100 de 6,534

Mercury bioaccumulation pathways in tusk (Brosme brosme) from Sognefjord, Norway: Insights from C and N isotopes


Mahjour Azad, Atabak | Frantzen, Sylvia | Bank, Michael | Madsen, Lise | Måge, Amund

Institute of Marine Research - Norway

Simulating particle organic matter dispersal beneath Atlantic salmon fish farms using different resuspension approaches


Carvajalino-Fernandez, Marcos Antonio | Sævik, Pål Næverlid | Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland | Albretsen, Jon | Keeley, Nigel B.

Institute of Marine Research - Norway

In vitro differential responses of rat and human aryl hydrocarbon receptor to two distinct ligands and to different polyphenols


Doan, Thi-Que | Connolly, L. | Igout, Ahmed | Muller, Marc | Scippo, Marie-Louise | FARAH - Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health - ULiège | GIGA‐R - Giga‐Research - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium

Spatio-temporal variability of water pollution by chlordecone at the watershed scale: what insights for the management of polluted territories?


Mottes, Charles | Deffontaines, Landry | Charlier, Jean-Baptiste | Comte, Irina | Della Rossa, Pauline | Lesueur Jannoyer, Magalie | Woignier, Thierry | Adele, Georges | Tailame, Anne-Lise | Arnaud, Luc | Plet, Joanne | Rangon, Luc | Bricquet, Jean-Pierre | Cattan, Philippe

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement - France

Physico-chemical and agronomic results of soil remediation by In Situ Chemical Reduction applied to a chlordecone-contaminated nitisol at plot scale in a French Caribbean banana plantation


Mouvet, Christophe | Collet, Bastien | Gaude, Jean-Marie | Rangon, Luc | Bristeau, Sébastien | Senergues, Mathilde | Lesueur-Jannoyer, Magalie | Jestin, Alexandra | Hellal, Jennifer | Woignier, Thierry

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement - France

Fate and behaviour of weathered oil drifting into sea ice, using a novel wave and current flume


Singsaas, Ivar | Leirvik, Frode | Daling, Per Snorre | Guénette, Chantal | Sørheim, Kristin Rist

Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research - Norway

Modelling of oil thickness in the presence of an ice edge


Nordam, Tor | Litzler, Emma | Skancke, Jørgen | Singsaas, Ivar | Leirvik, Frode | Johansen, Øistein

Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research - Norway

Formation and fate of oil-related aggregates (ORAs) in seawater at different temperatures


Henry, Ingrid Annemarie | Netzer, Roman | Davies, Emlyn John | Brakstad, Odd Gunnar

Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research - Norway

Microplastics in sea-surface waters surrounding Sweden sampled by manta trawl and in-situ pump


Schönlau, Christine | Karlsson, Therese | Rotander, Anna | Nilsson, Helena | Engwall, Magnus | Van Bavel, Albert | Kärrman, Anna

Norwegian Institute for Water Research - Norway

The impact of anti-sea lice pesticides, azamethiphos and deltamethrin, on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) larvae in the Norwegian marine environment


Parsons, Aoife Elizabeth | Escobar, Rosa | Sævik, Pål Næverlid | Samuelsen, Ole Bent | Agnalt, Ann-Lisbeth

Institute of Marine Research - Norway