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Migration in relation to rural development
Aurapin Bunnag
Aspergillosis and hydropsy syndrome in chicks: the correlation and some pathological viewpoints
Ted Tesprateep
Incidence of hydropsy-chick affected flocks from 12 commercial broiler farms in Chon-Buri Chachoeng-Sae and Samutprakarn was recorded. The age of chicks affected with hydropsy syndrome ranged from two to six weeks. The mortality rate was low (5-25%) and reached the peak when chicks were about four weeks of age. In all studied flocks, there had been previously an attack of pulmonary aspergillosis during the first week of life. The hydropsy chicks, at necropsy, showed ascites, hydropericardium, cardias dilatation -hydropericardium, cardiac dilatation with prominent nodular thickening of A-V valves and severe lung edema. Microscopic sections of the lungs revealed diffuse foci of Aspergillus-granulomata.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Saprolegniasis in catfish (Clarias batrachus)
Kriengsag Saitanu | Kriengsak Poonsuk | Varin Tanasomwang
The outbreak of saprolegniasis in the experimental clariid catfish (Clarias batrachus) was observed in the fish diseases laboratory. The spread of this fungal disease was very rapid. The mortality and morbidity were 45% and 90% respectively. The sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) was considered as the source of disease. The infection disappeared in 9 days after the initial detection of the moribund catfish. The clinical signs, pathological appearance and the characteristics of the causative fungi were described.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Circadian variations of plasma LH and testosterone in adult swamp buffalo bulls
Peerasak Chantaraprateep
Three swamp buffalo bulls aged 1.5, 1.10 and 2 years were submitted to frequent blood sampling every 15 m within a period of 25 hrs. Plasma LH and testosterone were quantified by radioimmunoassay method. The levels of the 2 hormones in each individual exhibited episodic and nonrhythmic patterns. The number of LH peaks varied according to individuals ranging from no peak in one bull to 2 in the other 2 bulls. The mean concentrations during the period of study for each bull were 0.74, 0.33, and 1.17 ng/ml. Whereas the number of testosterone peaks varied between 1-10 and the average testosterone concentration were 0.1, 0.33 and 0.55 ng/ml for the younger to the older bulls respectively. The testosterone peaks related to LH peaks in each individual bull.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Opthalmic aspergillosis in young chicks
Lek Ousavaplangchai
A report of an outbreak of Aspergillus among 100,000 young chicks in a farm was presented. The mortality rate was 6 percent with pulmonary system, and about 4 percent were opthalmic lesions in either left or right side of the eye. The yellowish diphtheriatic membrane which is attached to the conjunctiva under the third eye lid contained numerous branching septated hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus. Histopathological examination of the affected eyes revealed inflammation of the conjuctiva, third eye lid, choroid and iris. Abundance of mononuclear cells and heterophils were observed in the affected tissue. Opacity of the cornea showed evidence of edema, heterophils infiltration and ulceration. The upper part of the wing of the same side of the affected eye were wet and dirty due to deposition of tear and dust.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pulmonary lesions in Thai water buffaloes caused by immature fasciola species
Ted Tesprateep
Fifteen nodular lesions of the lungs caused by Fasciola sp. from slaughtered buffaloes (swamp type) were macroscopically and microscopically studied. All lesions were irregularly distributed in diaphragmatic lobes. Mixture of dark brown pigments and visible flukebodies oozing out on cut surfaces was a prominent characteristic. The flukes, with no evidence of sexual organs, were relatively much smaller than those in the biliary system of the liver. Microscopically, those lesions were similar to active paratitic granuloma. The adjacent areas showed subacute to chronic bronchopneumonia with intra-alveolar organization in some alveoli. The properties of fluke pigments, with application of some histochemical stains, are like those of hemosiderin pigments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fatal heart lesions caused by foot and mouth disease virus type O in pigs
Lek Ousavaplangchai
Studies on antibody enhancement to newcastle disease vaccine in broiler chickens in a Nakornpathom [Thailand] farm by using levamisole and oil adjuvant vaccine
Prachak Poomvises | Jiroj Sasipreeyajan | Achara Tawatsin
Six thousand commercial broiler chickens in a commercial farm in Nakornprathom province were divided into three groups of 2000 birds. The birds of all three groups were given B1 strain of ND Vaccine via eye drops when they were 10 days old. In addition, the first, second and third groups of birds were inoculated with 0.3 ml/bird of 1.0% levamisole, oil adjuvant ND vaccine and normal salines respectively using subcutaneous injection. Sera collected from these birds when they were 23, 32 and 42 days old, were assay for HI titres and found that the HI titres from the oil adjuvant vaccine group were higher than those of levamisole and normal saline treated groups, whereas the levamisole treated group gave higher HI titres than those of saline treated group.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparative studies of nursery techniques for Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man post-larvae
Somkiate Piyatiratitivokul | Piamsak Menasveta
Diagnosis of fowl cholera in a farm outbreak
Ted Tesprateep
The authors reported an outbreak of infection occurring in a small poultry laying farm without obvious symptoms of sick birds. The mortality rate within a few week-period of onset was up to 50%. Post mortem examinations were conducted and the lesions were described. With the aid of bacteriological confirmation including biochemical and pathogenicity test, the cause of the disease was found to be Pasteurella multocida. None of the birds died after one-week treatment and management.
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