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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stem wood and bark moisture and density influencing factors
Millers, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Magaznieks, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Latvia uses average moisture content and density indexes obtained in Russia and European countries; though, these indexes are different, and there is no information about the most suitable one for conditions in Latvia. Research complex on Latvia’s industrially important tree species - Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stemwood and bark moisture and density changes, depending on influencing factors, is being conducted at Forestry Faculty of Latvian University of Agriculture. The research results on Scots pine, obtained during the year 2011 in the whole territory of Latvia, are outlined in this article. Wood and bark moisture and density were analyzed in 21 sampling plots, arranged in middle aged and cutting-aged reached forest stands, depending on tree age, cutting time and location place in the tree stem. The average moisture content of pine wood mostly depends on heartwood specific weight and age of the tree. With an increase of tree age, average wood moisture content value decreases from 111% (40-year-old trees) to 77% (145-year-old trees). Scots pine heartwood moisture content changes a little during the year: 30– 34% for 71 to 146-year-old trees; and 34-41% for 37–70-year-old trees. Sapwood moisture content is changes from 113% (in the summer) to 130% (in the winter), without any reference to the age of the tree. The average density of oven dry timber obtained from 71–146-year-old trees in the research is 0.501 g cmE-3, whereas in freshly cut condition – 0.848 g cmE-3.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Overview of Listeria monocytogenes caused abortions in cattle in Latvia in 2013
Steingolde, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment „BIOR”, Riga (Latvia) | Avsejenko, J., Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment „BIOR”, Riga (Latvia) | Berzins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment „BIOR”, Riga (Latvia)
Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen that causes infectious diseases in animals and foodborne infection in humans. The aim of this retrospective study was to analyse L. monocytogenes caused abortions in cattle in Latvia in 2013, and to describe the potential reasons of these abortions. In total, 186 cattle abortion cases were investigated. The pathological material from aborted foetuses included samples of brain, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and lung, liquid of stomach and liquid from thoracic and abdominal cavities. These samples were tested with bacteriological methods according to ISO 11290-1:2007. L. monocytogenes was found in 44 (23.7%) cases of cattle abortions. Positive cases were more distributed in the central and the south-eastern parts of Latvia, because in this territory winters tend to be wetter and colder than in other parts of Latvia. Seasonality was observed of L. monocytogenes caused abortions and the majority of cases occurred during spring and autumn, when the cattle were fed with silage. All abortion cases were observed in the second and the third trimester of the gestation. L. monocytogenes caused abortions occurred in cattle of different ages, but significantly (p is less than 0.05) more often – in 3 years old cattle.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mean basic density and its axial variation in Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch stems
Liepins, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia);Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Liepins, K., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of models developed by Repola (2006) to estimate the vertical changes of the basic density of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), and birch spp. (mainly Betula pendula Roth) stemwood in the forests of Latvia and to develop a model for the estimation of average knot-free stem density with bark (SD) using diameter at breast height as an independent variable. The study material comprised a total of 81 spruce, 102 pine, and 105 birch stems representing a wide range of tree growing conditions in Latvia and covering all age classes. The knot-free stemwood density (SWD) of pine and birch demonstrate strong vertical dependence along the stem, while for spruce the variation pattern was less pronounced and seemed to be nearly constant along the stem. The SWD estimated by Repola’s models was 4.3% lower for spruce, but 3.4% higher for pine and 2.2% for birch comparing to average values obtained in this study. Sigmoidal regression equations constructed in our study explained 67%, 27% and 54% of variations for predicting SD for pine, spruce and birch, respectively. Birch stemwood has a highest basic SWD – 470 kg mE-3, followed by pine – 397 kg mE-3 and spruce – 385 kg mE-3. According to our results, the birch bark turned to be denser than the birch stemwood, being vice versa for the studied coniferous species.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of undergrowth phenological spruce forms in different species composition of forest stands
Belyaeva, N., Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical Univ. named after S.M. Kirov (Russian Federation) | Danilov, D., Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical Univ. named after S.M. Kirov (Russian Federation);Leningrad Scientific Research Inst. of Agriculture ''Belogorka'', Belogorka village, Gatchina district, Leningrad region (Russian Federation)
The aim of research was to determine peculiarities of relations between mature layer of the stand with distribution of spruce (Picea abies. Kr.) regeneration according phenology forms and growth specifics. The study examined the success of the resumption of spruce in the Leningrad region under the canopy of the parent stand. In stands with different share of spruce and in various forest-typological conditions, the features of the relationship between the maternal canopy of the stand, the distribution of the natural resumption of spruce by phenological forms and its course of growth were investigated. The account of the undergrowth was carried out by two methods: continuous reading and selective-statistical method. Regardless of the state of viability of spruce undergrowth, the increase in success of regeneration goes from a late vegetation season growth start form to an early one. Under the canopy of the maternal tree stand, young spruce of the early form has the best growth and development indices. In general, under the canopy of spruce stands, the annual height increment in spruce undergrowth, regardless of the phenological structure, the size categories and the state of viability, is greater than under the canopy of pine, pine-spruce and birch-spruce stands. The best characteristics of spruce undergrowth, regardless of phenological forms in vaccinio-myrtillo-pinetum type of forest are described. When analysing the characteristics of spruce undergrowth under the canopy of the stand, taking into account the phenological and altitudinal structure, and the state of viability, it was revealed that at the average age prevailing in the spruce undergrowth of the transitional form, the best parameters of growth have small and medium forms and growth in the early form. Analysing the characteristics of spruce undergrowth under the canopy of the stand, taking into account the phenological and height structure, as well as vitality status, it was revealed that at average age, dominating for the spruce undergrowth of transitional form, the best parameters of small and medium groups of undergrowth has early vegetation season growth start form. The best parameters of the growth have a large group of undergrowth of late vegetation season growth start form.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Growth regression models problems of the experimental data estimation in engineering application
Arhipovs, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
If among engineering phenomena exist nonlinear interconnections, they are expressed with help of corresponding nonlinear functions. Teaching the regression analysis for the engineering science students one of the important topic is method of Least Square Method (LSM) and their application in the nonlinear regression analysis. Based on experience at Latvia University of Agriculture, the illustrated approach of teaching of nonlinear regression topics for undergraduate students in engineering applications is presented. Teaching statistics on regression analysis, students usually have problems with interpretation of the transformed regression model parameters significance. The tasks of teaching using LSM in the nonlinear regression analysis are discussed. On the figure 1 regression dependence are shown between such sizes as age of pine-tree and his height. The main species in Latvia is pine-tree (47% from total Latvia forest area); growth of trees motion is stipulated by tips of growth circumstances (Statistical Yearbook of Latvia, 2005).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analysis of heifers rearing from different lactation dairy cows
Eihvalde, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kairisa, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The research was conducted in Latvia University of Agriculture Research and Study Farm ‘Vecauce’ in 600 dairy cows herd, in the period from 2009 to 2013. Within the framework of the research, growth indicators (from birth till the first delivery) of 102 dairy cow calves were analysed. Live weight and hip height of the heifers were found out at birth, at the age of 6 and 12 months, at first insemination and first calving. Heifers born to primiparous cows in both breed groups had notably lower live weight (42.0 and 42.4 kg), as compared to the 4th group heifers born to mature cows (p is less than 0.05). At the age of one year, the greatest weight among the red breed animals was recorded for the 4th group heifers born to mature cows (on average 354.8 ± 7.09 kg), while in Holstein breed those were heifers born to mothers calving on average for the 2nd time (on average 363.0 ± 6.47 kg). The 4th group heifers born to mature Holstein cows had notably greater hip height at birth – on average 78.1 ± 0.9 cm (p is less than 0.05). Heifers of red and Holstein breeds on average were inseminated at the age of 14.6 – 14.8 months as they reached live weight 395 – 396.5 kg. Heifers of red breeds on average calved at the age of 25.8 months, whereas Holstein heifers - of 26.4 months. The research aimed at analysing growth rates of heifers born to dairy cows at different age.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Different beef breed cattle fattening results analysis
Muizniece, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kairisa, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
In Latvia, different breeds of beef cattle are grown; therefore, it is important to explain their suitability to organic farming systems, because most Latvian beef cattle breeders work with organic farming methods. The aim of this research was to compare fattening of different beef breed bulls (Bos Taurus) in organic farming system at similar housing and feeding conditions. In the research, there were included Blonde d’Aquitaine (BA), Hereford (HE), Simmental (SI) and crossbred (CB) bulls. Fattening period started after calf weaning from suckler cows at 7 – 8 months of age. Fattening results were significantly affected by factors like breed, live weight and age before fattening, but slaughter results were significantly affected by breed, live weight and age before slaughter. During the fattening period the biggest daily weight gain was showed for SI breed bulls (849 g), but the biggest live weight increase was recognized for BA breed bulls (295 kg). The required slaughter weight the fastest was reached for XG bulls, which average slaughter age was 532 days (p is less than 0.05). The greatest slaughter weight – 342 kg (p is less than 0.05) and dressing percentage (58% (p is less than 0.05)) was recognized for BA breed bulls; also, carcass conformation score in muscle development was the highest for BA bulls (2.0 points (p is less than 0.05)). The greatest economic benefit was from CB bulls, income calculated per one rearing day from CB bulls was - EUR 1.80.
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