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The changes of the sugars and sorbitol in rowanberries and chokeberries after freezing and thawing
Berna, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kampuse, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ozolina, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Both the rowanberries (Sorbus) and the chokeberries (Aronia) belong to the family Rosaceae. The berries of these cultivars are suitable for production of health-food products. The main components in the dry matter of fruits are carbohydrates, primarily sugars. The aim of this experiment was to determine the content of simple sugars and sorbitol in different fresh rowanberry cultivars and chokeberries and to compare the composition of these compounds after freezing and thawing of berries. The experiments were done in the Customs laboratory of the National Customs Board, State Revenue Service (Latvia). The rowanberries were picked in the Pure Horticultural Research centre, and black chokeberries were obtained from farm 'Ceplīši' (rural municipality of Pure). The contents of dry matter and soluble solids were analyzed in fresh berries, and the contents of sugars and sorbitol were analyzed both in fresh berries and in berries after freezing and thawing of 13 different cultivars of rowanberries and one black chokeberry. For determination of the soluble solids content, the refractometric method was used, and for determination of the glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol content, high performance liquid chromatography was used. The results showed that rowanberries and chokeberries contained 3.24-7.24 g 100 gE-1 of sorbitol which was the dominant compound in all investigated berries. The highest content of sorbitol was found in the wild rowanberries and rowanberries Sorbus aucuparia var. sibirica, but fruits of rowanberry×pear 'Alaya Krupnaya' contained the least content of sorbitol. After freezing and thawing of berries, the content of sugars and sorbitol were decreased by 5-23% with some exclusion.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Preliminary results of 1-methylcyclopropene influence on apple quality during storage
Juhnevica, K., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia);Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Skudra, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Skrivele, M., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Seglina, D., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Skudra, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Apples are the most popular and common fruits in Latvia. Storage technology is crucial to preserve fruit quality as long as possible. Choosing the appropriate gas content of the storage environment can prolong storage life two to three times for apples. The aim of the research was to compare six different type of apple grown in Latvia, which was stored in diverse conditions. All experiments were performed at Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing through 2011 – 2012. For fruits before storage, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), which blocks the emission of ethylene, was used. Apples were stored in a cooler and in ULO type plastic bags in a modified environment with two different gas contents. The temperature of the environment was +2 ±1 °C with 90% relative humidity. Changes in physicochemical (soluble solids, total acids and flesh density) indexes were examined before and during the storage. The results showed 1-MCP has a positive effect on quality preservation of fruit. Fruits stored in ULO type plastic bags (gas content: 1.5% O2 and 2.5% CO2) had the best results in preservation of physico-chemical indexes. Examination of results revealed that physico-chemical indexes changed the most in samples stored in the cooler.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of woodchip mulch and drip irrigation on fruit quality of sour cherries
Feldmane, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The contents of soluble solids, acids and their ratio as well as phenol content are important indices for quality evaluating of sour cherry fruits. These parameters are influenced by the cultivar and growing conditions. The trial was carried out at the Latvian State Institute of Fruit-Growing to evaluate the effect of woodchip mulch and drip irrigation on fruit quality of sour cherry cultivars 'Bulatnikovskaya', 'Desertnaya Morozovoi', 'Latvijas Zemais', 'Orlica', 'Shokoladnica', 'Tamaris', and 'Zentenes'. The biochemical composition of the fruits was analyzed in 2009 and 2010. The content of soluble solids was determined with the method of refractometry; the content of total acids by titrating with 0.1N NaOH; the total content of phenols with the method of spectrometry. The content of total soluble solids in sour cherry fruits was decreased by use of woodchip mulch. The content of acids, the ratio of soluble solid content to the acid content and the content of the phenols was not significantly influenced by woodchip mulch and drip irrigation. The cultivar 'Desertnaya Morozovoi' showed the highest soluble solid content in the fruits, the cultivar 'Latvijas Zemais' - the highest acid content, and cultivar 'Tamaris' - the highest phenol content in the fruits.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of some qualitative characteristics of new plum cultivars
Gravite, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Kaufmane, E., Latvian State Inst. of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (Latvia) | Abolins, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
A study was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, evaluating new domestic plum (Primus domestica L.) selections, for which in 2008 -2010 some fruit quality characteristics were studied. In result of evaluation four new cultivars were selected from the breeding material and in 2010 handed in for cultivar registration in Latvia. Cultivar 'Ance' is early ripening one month before 'Victoria'. Cultivar 'Adele' is medium ripening one week before 'Victoria'. Fruits keep well in cool storage. Cultivar 'Sonora' is medium ripening one week after 'Victoria' and self-fertile. Fruits of this cultivar keep well in cool storage, too. Cultivar 'Lotte' is medium-late ripening two weeks later than 'Victoria', and is partially self-fertile. Average of three years, the highest soluble solids content was found for cultivar 'Adele' (13.28 Brix%), but cultivar 'Sonora' had the total content of acids (1.28 g 100 gE-1). Significant changes in flesh firmness were observed at different storage times for cultivars 'Ance' and 'Lotte'. Significant variations in the total content of acids were determined for 'Ance'. Whereas cultivar 'Sonora' demonstrated substantial fluctuations in soluble solids content. Correlations between firmness and soluble solids content were observed for cultivars 'Ance' (r=-0.731), 'Adele' (i=-0.436) and 'Sonora' (r=0.526). Cultivar 'Lotte' produced correlations between firmness and total content of acids (i=-0.536). Significance of interaction was determined within cultivars, years, and years x cultivars.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The composition of sugars and sugar-acid ratio of highbush blueberry varieties grown in Latvia
Sne, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kampuse, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Berna, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Highbush blueberries are thought to provide protection against oxidative damage of free radicals and contribute to positive health benefits. They have been studied little in Latvia; therefore, the aim of study was to evaluate the soluble solids content, titratable acidity and sugar content of berries harvested in 2010. Seven varieties of cultivated highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) grown in Latvia were analysed. Analyses were done for frozen berries of varieties ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Chandler’, ‘Chippewa’, ‘Duke’, ‘Northblue’, ‘Patriot’ and ‘Polaris’. All experiments were performed at the Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology. The content of titratable acids (TA) was detected using standard method ISO 750:1998 by titration with 0.1N NaOH. Soluble solids content (SSC) was analysed using standard method ISO 2173:2003 by hand refractometer. Sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) were analysed by high-pressure liquid chromatography HPLC analysis. Results showed that there are significant differences between varieties (p is less than 0.05) for all parameters. TA content varied from 0.4 – 1.2%, SSC - 8.5 – 10.8 degBrix and total sugars from 7.6 to 9.3 g 100 gE-1. The highest ratio between sugars and titratable acids was for ‘Polaris’ while the lowest – ‘Chandler’ and ‘Bluecrop’.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Research of surface water quality, treating it in retention ponds
Miseviciene, S., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Surface water runoff, formed in the company areas due to changing wastewater discharge and pollution fluctuations can be treated in retention ponds. Pollutants, released into the ponds, mineralize during complex natural biochemical processes in the aquatic environment. The paper presents the long-term observation data (2004 – 2016 m.) on the purification of surface wastewater, formed in the company’s production territory, in retention ponds. The aim of this work is to identify surface wastewater purification efficiency in retention ponds. Wastewater samples were taken before and after biological treatment. The samples were investigated in the Chemical Analysis Laboratory of the Water Research Institute of Lithuania University of Agriculture. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7 ) was determined with titrometric method, suspended solids (SS) – with gravimetric method, having filtered the substance through a mid-thickness filter. Concentrations of oil pollutants were determined with the help of a spectrophotometric device of infrared rays IKAN-1 in the Analytical Department of Agrochemical Study Center of Lithuanian Agricultural Institute. Although the suspended solids, BOD7, and oil hydrocarbon concentrations, released into the natural environment, were below the MAC when they are collected from the company’s production areas, they are often contaminated; therefore, it is necessary to treat them. The purification efficiency of researched materials was satisfactory and reached 61, 64 and 91%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The efficiency of forest drainage system sedimentation ponds in the context of water quality
Kalvite, Z., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Libiete, Z., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Klavins, I., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The establishment, maintenance and renovation of forest drainage systems are carried out to ensure the development of high quality forest stands and to secure access to forest resources, but it also poses a risk of erosion and increased discharge of suspended solids and nutrients associated with it. The aim of the study was to analyse the efficiency of standard-sized sedimentation ponds built by JSC ‘Latvia’s State Forests’ for sediment and nutrient retention during and after drainage network maintenance. To assess the efficiency of standard-sized sedimentation ponds six study sites were established and various chemical and physical parameters were measured for three years to evaluate water quality and to estimate runoff of plant nutrients and suspended solids. Sampling was carried out before and during drainage network maintenance and during two years following it. Despite the fact that some effect in reducing suspended solid export from catchments was observed, the results revealed insufficient efficiency of the sedimentation ponds in retaining plant nutrients and eroded matter during and after the drainage network maintenance. Retention of Ntot, N-NO3 sup(-) , P-PO4 sup(3-), N-NH4 sup(+) and DOC was ambiguous. It was concluded that other water protection structures should be considered or different parameters of sedimentation ponds should be used to improve the water quality exiting the drainage systems and entering waterbodies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effectiveness of sedimentation ponds in forest drainage systems in heavy rain periods
Kalnins, J., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Petaja, G., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Establishment of sedimentation ponds is a method to reduce the negative impact of forest management (fellings, drainage) on the quality of nearby rivers, lakes and streams. The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of sedimentation ponds in forest drainage systems during high precipitation periods. Nine sedimentation ponds with different drainage areas were analysed. The sedimentation ponds are located in the northern part of Latvia on different types of soils and managed by the Joint Stock Company ‘Latvia’s State Forests’. In order to determine efficiency of these ponds the following parameters in water samples were measured: nitrate (NO3 -), ammonium (NH4 +), phosphate ion (PO4 3-), total nitrogen and total suspended solid concentration. The amount of precipitation was taken into account. Results show that there is a correlation between the amount of precipitation and concentrations of total suspended solids and total nitrogen. Ammonium ion concentration was the only parameter that significantly exceeded water quality standards in Latvia. Only one of the objects had high concentration of pollutants, which could be explained with the peaty soil of its drainage area. In further studies data should be collected more frequently, three or four days during one precipitation period.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Loading analysis of disc brake's friction clutch
Feldmanis, J.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)) | Uzklingis, G.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
The article discusses investigations in a flat rectangular contact area of two elastic solids (brake friction lining and disc) using a theoretical method. The solids are in free as well as in forced movement. The investigations have resulted in correlations describing deformation and stiffness parameters of solid flat joint in different loads: transference of the centre of cross section delta0 the angle of turning phi of one solid in relation to the other (as a result of friction lining deformation), and tension sigmax in any cross section of the contact area. The results of the investigations make it possible to analyze the stiffness of the contact of solids, test the strength of the contact areas, optimize the contact are of solids, and prognosticate even wear out of friction lining.
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