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The doctrine of South Korea spatial planning system in order to apply in the circumstance of Iran
Akbari, Reza
Developing according to foreign investment in South Korea is an economic miracle of contemporary century. The evolution of economic miracle has been accomplished by complete success of spatial planning. The most striking feature of spatial planning in South Korea is its implementation. Using descriptive- analytical method, this paper will seek success procedure of South Korea spatial planning and basic role of government in order to respond three questions: how government of South Korea was able to achieve such successes? Applying spatial planning as a tool in this process, which role government play? And what doctrines have this experiment in order to apply in Iran? Spatial planning of South Korea implement in three scale of master land, regional and urban plan. Urban planning of Korea has a three-tier structure. Urban master plan determine long-term growth path and future image of city in the upper level, urban management plan present program of city with binding rules and objective details in the next level, and the manner of programs and necessary strategies implementation in the third level. Urban management plan, including zoning plan (land use), urban facility plan, Maintenance plan of the city (time-out texture) and detailed plan of regions, is an unique, thorough and so successful sample among different countries and its doctrine is exploitable for Iran which has no land use and urban facilities plan and no sufficient and necessary solidarity in the field of time-out textures and detailed plan. Administrative identical process, preparing all plans by executors and approving lower – rank plans by preparers of upper – rank plans are another striking feature applying in spatial planning system of Korea which is major factors of urban plans implementation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Foresight Settlement System in Scenario Planning, Improvement Regional Planning (Case Study: Isfahan Province)
Parizadi, Taher | mostafavi saheb, soran | Shah mohamadnejad, Somaye
Regional Foresight, which focuses on some of the specific land area in a given territory sub-national aims to achieve the desired future decisions, will be operational. This article examines the spatial organization of Settlement systems in Isfahan province And Presentation of the urban system in the horizon 1420. This paper tries to identify the key factors influencing the development process at the regional scale, producing both possible and probable scenarios to provide the in the next 25 years Isfahan province. This research is a combination of documentary and survey methods in terms of category and is based on new methods in the science of future studies, analytical and exploratory in terms of nature, which is conducted by a combination of qualitative and quantitative models. Structural analysis are used to analyze data by use of MICMAC software. The results indicate that the key and strategic variables of Isfahan province development in Horizon 1420 includes: the way of countrys macro management, the way of managing the province, water resources, inter-institutional cooperation, population,Research & Development, role of transnational Province, Investment security, Industrial Production and mineral, level of IT, Tourism,production technology. Based on the findings, Isfahan province in terms of arrangement space systems will face in the next 25 years with five main scenario: Radial scenario, a scenario dismissed Islands, a cluster scenario, the scenario of multi-center, network scenario. Among the scenarios planned, the network scenario we can see the functional spatial integration in the region and the development integrated and balanced space.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dispersion modeling drought caused by climate change in Iran using system dynamics
Alizadeh, Shahmorad | Mohammadi, Hossein | Kardavani, Parviz
Drought changes for optimal operation management of water resources well is the sensible. That's why last round of very extensive research on modeling drought in the world and Iran is and using their water projects and has conducted numerous hydraulic. One of the goals dynamic systems modeling potential policies to improve system performance. Modeling SPI index as an indicator of the country's drought situation stations using radial neural network model for each station was done. Independent variables neural network, relative humidity, temperature and lack of objects, which were selected according to their impact on precipitation. SPI index is the dependent variable. In total period of 42 years calculated by SPI, 12-month and 348 standard score by calculating the SPI 24-month, 336 standard score is obtained for each station. At all stations, ETo values from January to July to December increased and then fell in July to its maximum level reached in all stations. The highest average monthly ETo values in Abadan and Ahvaz stations in July and 18/232 and 16/214 mm respectively happened.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The interactive relationship between spatial structure and regional flows system in South Alborz
Azimi, Azadeh
Analysis and study of spatial structure and its relationship with regional flows changings is one of the most important issues in regional and country planning. In this paper we try to analyze the spatial structure of South-Alborz (that includes six provinces) based on passengers flow. In order to respond to questions and specific targets we used analytical-descriptive method. Also we used a lot of different statistical tests in ARC GIS and in order to analyze spatial organization of flows, we used another statistical test in UCINET and NET DRAW. This study is an applied and basic research and is a ex post facto. Based on findings the spatial structure of population (as a harmonious whole) has a relationship with passenger flows and these show a lot of forms and trends by time.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Feasibility Study and measuring the range of tourism investment areas of West Azerbaijan Province
Taghilo, Ali Akbar | Aftab, Ahmad | Soltani, Naser
New models of development are based on tourism development and utilization from place – Space variations; therefore, identifying the capacity and capabilities of different geographical areas is in the center of development planning for fundraising and investment. In this context, the aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of investment in the tourism sector with emphasis on Western Azerbaijan province. The research method was descriptive - analytical. Expert choice and GIS software for data analysis has been used. The results show that, about 12.45 percent of tourism areas have international and national range and about 18.68 percent have national and local range. Also, about 17.45 percent of the tourism sector has a range of appropriate local investment. Experts say that effective factors of tourism investment range are different (Thiel index equal to 55/0), and areas which are contiguous with city infrastructure and municipal services have a border range.
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