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An analysis of Gonabad City physical growth using Entropy and Holdern Model
Varesi, Hamid | Rajaie Jazin, Abbas | Ghanbari, Mohammad
Industrial revolution has had disadvantages despite its numerous advantages in all areas of human societies. One of the main problems our city planning is faced with these days which is caused by inappropriate special structure is the uncontrolled expansion and growth of cities. Urban sprawl growth is not limited to large cities but it has happened to small cities and middle cities as well. An example of such cities is Gonabad city and has had uncontrollably expansion throughout its life. The method of research in this study is an analytic-comparative and Shanon and Holdern entropy models are used together with ARC GIS software for preparing the maps and then the city growth pattern of Gonabad is analyzed at the end. The results that have been achieved from Shannon’s Entropy model, shows that physical development of Gonabad city have been reduce during the last ten years. Though this development has been irregular and uncompressed. Applying Holden’s model about Gonabad shows that during the years 1956-2006 around 51% of physical development has been a growth in population and 49% has been the horizontal and sprawl growth of the city that caused a reduction in population gross density and an increase in gross urban land per person.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Modeling the Ecological Capability for Agricultural and Rangeland Land Use Using Fuzzy AHP in GIS Environment (Case study: Marvdasht County)
Motiee Langroudi, Seyed Hassan | Nasiri, Hossien | Azizi, Ali | Mostafaie, Abollfazle
Reasonable exploitation from natural resources and organizing land use based on its ecological potentials, has an important role in the environmental management and preventing environmental degradation and having a sustainable development. Marvdasht town has been faced with immigration and the result of that is increasing population and changing land use. Regarding the climate and natural properties of the region especially the existence of an alluvial plain and permanent river, this region has great potentials for development. Therefore, for better organizing the land and agricultural activities, the ecological potential of the region and the land suitability of agricultural activities were considered to help sustainable development Planners This study for better performing the ecological model of Dr. Makhdoum in which the Weight and importance of parameters are not considered, has used the Fuzzy AHP and GIS and has identified and determined the suitable areas for agricultural activities within the area of Marvdasht County. The results of doing the Makhdoum ecological potential model with Fuzzy logic in Marvdasht County have showed the existence of all the seven categories of the model in the studied area. Also the results from the sensitivity analysis of the study shows that fuzzy base approaches can be used for increasing the accuracy in determining the land use of agricultural areas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Measurement of the Development Level of Iran's Provinces with Factor Analysis Approach
Pourasghar Sangachin, Farzam | Salehi, Esmail | Dinarvandi, Morteza
Today, the redaction of inequality resources and facilities is one of the most important criteria for sustainable development and social challenge in our country. One of the main necessities of the national sustainable development process is attention to regional characteristics by utilizing a collection of economical, social, and environmental indicators in order to optimally designate resources for various regions along with identifying these differences. This research intends to analyze the level of development in provinces of Iran. First, 13 economical, social and environmental indicators have been identified and related data has been gathered for 28 provinces in Iran. In order to provide a composite indicator the method of factor analysis has been utilized and composite indicators for the provinces have been calculated and categorized. According to this categorization Kohkiluye and Buyerahmad , Tehran and Semnan provinces have been ranked first to third, while Kordestan , Sistan and Baluchestan and Hamedan provinces are ranked among the last.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of the Performance of Andishe New Town
Khazaee Nejad, Foroogh | Seyfolldini, Faranak
Industrial Revolution and its outcomes caused fast growth of cities and urbanization. Population and industries and overconcentration (especially metropolitans and big cities) and low quality of life on one hand and the limitations of horizontal growth on the other hand, put the strategy of building new towns as the agenda of the governments aiming to absorb population overflow and removing concentration from the metropolitans. Building new towns in Iran has begun since 1980s as a basic solution in the country's system of urbanism. Now with more than two decades of new towns activity, assessment of their Performance seems necessary. For this goal Andishe new town with population of 75596, the most populated new town within other new towns around Tehran-the country's biggest metropolitan is studied. In this research the data of Statistical Centre of Iran interviews with the authorities of New Towns Construction Company, field studies and questionnaires were used. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The findings show that Andishe new town has been successful in absorbing population overflow, gaining the inhabitants satisfaction and providing jobs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Assessment of the Applicability of Guiding Plan in Dehaghan City
Nateghi, Zahra | Varesi, Hamid | Rezaiian, Shahryar
Regarding to the guiding plans in IRAN for five decades; it’s expected that such attempts in low crowded cities land to an exact planning which be able to quarantine the development of our central cities .The comprehensive planning of cities is mostly provided to boost the standards of urbanization, to control the development of cities, to coordinate different sections of city, and also to know the influential areas of them. In this study, we try to compare comprehensive and guiding plans of Dehaghan to evaluate applicability guiding plan in terms of population, framework and other functions. The research method is descriptive – analytical. The studies showed that the applicability in terms of population which is a foundation for other functions is 70% and about 7000 people are less than suggested. Except affairs such as residential , administrative - securing, religious ,commercial , green space, road net work and agricultural ,Functions other functions have not come into reality in terms of population ,and with regard to the their probability. And this reality represents the guiding plan inability to promote development in terms of the present planning. Increasing of migration because of limited opportunities for occupation, low motivation of people for farming as the result of widespread droughts and insufficient industries in the city; are some of the factors of the urban population decrease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sustainable Development Using Optimal Site Selection of Urban Facilities in Landscape Scale The Case of Arid Environment- Shiraz
Kowkabi, Lila | Ghadiri Masum, Mojtaba
Industrialization and Urban sprawl together with population growth and increases in water consumption cause water pollution and destruction of natural resources quality; these are followed by reducing access to available resources such as drinking water. Every year a significant amount of urban waste water is discharged to water resources, while natural treatment is impossible. Cities in each level require different facilities and infrastructure. optimal resource utilization with appropriate site selection for water & wastewater facilities have an important role in water quality in the major cities and can control water pollution, so it has been considered to increase the quality of life in cities, also the neglect of attention to climate condition such as morphology, hydrology and topography cause negative impacts on urban environment. There are different models and methods to select suitable sites for facilities. They are specifically important in arid land where water resources have become increasingly scarce. One of the methods is zoning. In this paper satellite images have been used to locate facilities in a typical arid city in Iran, Shiraz. The large-scaled (landscape scale) land use maps has been prepared for Shiraz-Neiriz water basin, and the distinctive zones were determined base on arid and semi arid geo-hydro morphology. Then each zone were analyzed using large-scale land use, soil and topographic factors to determine adequate potential sites for facilities by regarding sustainable development and considering the cumulative effects of upstream area. At the end, some suggestions were determined to reduce urban environment pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Application of Delphi Method in Classification and Prioritization of Criteria for the Selection of Protected Areas: an Integrated Approach
Kabiri Hendi, Maryam | Danekar, Afshin | Khorasani, Nematollah
Natural sites with cultural value are one of the most important biological and cultural diversity reservoirs which have been conserved over several centuries by people. But in the present era, due to the lack of conservation criteria and also because of human activities, these sites have been threatened. The aim of this paper is to prioritize criteria for identification of conservation zones with cultural value. At first essential criteria for the aims of the survey were identified, and then assembled in a new structure. On the whole, 12 criteria were identified for the selection of protected areas, afterwards based on the Delphi method these criteria were screened out and the criteria landscapes with cultural values, intangible cultural assets, legal protection, tangible cultural assets, geographical region with natural value, social tendency, social institutions, unique natural landscape, geographical region with cultural value, specific species, conservation importance and social dependency; respectively, were considered important.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An Analysis of tourism planning and development in Lorestan province using SWOT strategic model
Ebrahimzadeh, Issa | Yari, Monir | Sabzi, Borzu
Although Lorestan is a mountainous land in the middle bounds, of Zagros Mountains and has varied climate, watery rivers, new natural views, wetlands, waterfalls, lakes, forests, verdant pastures and its ancient civilization and history has excessive potential to attract tourists. And the it, hasn’t gained much success in affricating tourists until now present research seeks to identify development strategies in Lorestan. Descriptive – analyzing research method is applied purpose is studying tourism development in Lorestan Province by emphasis on existing limits in this province. By exploiting SWOT technique, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have been studied and analyzed. findings indicate that this province has 12 internal stregths, 15 internal weaknesses, 8external opportunities, 10 threat that have main effect on tourism performance in the area. In this research, statistical sample included 100 officers of lorestan province and by independent single society T-test, effect of these two environments in lorestan s tourism development has been analyzed and studied. Obtained research showed that both external and internal environments, have effects on tourism development of Lorestan province Finaly, solving strategies were extracted and graded. WO strategies situated in the first priority and So strategies situated the second priority in planning.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Application of Remote sensing and Geographic Information System in Extraction of Shiraz Landuse Maps
Rousta, Zahra | Monavvari, Seyed Masoud | Darvishi, Mahdi | Falahati, Fatemeh
Increasing technology and population in the two recent decades have led to destructing nature and changing its land cover. Remote sensing is one of those new technologies which provide accessibility for managing earth resources. the dynamic information of remote sensing can play an effective role for monitoring and analysis of land use change using digital change detection techniques. Method used for the rate of development of remote sensing, is on the basis geometric correction, spatial and spectral enhancement of available satellite images with regard to the maximum likelihood supervised classification and post classification method. At first we produced land use maps by using the satellite images of landsat. The results of this study are, in addition to the impacts of environmental sensitivity visualization development trend based on the visual display, calculate of the land use changes together in developed area and production of digital map changes, to support land management.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An Analysis of Population Balance in the East Azerbaijan Province with the Approach of Spatial Planning between 1979 -2009
Zalli, Nader
Migration and its consequences have been discussed as one of the major social issues in recent years in Iran. In all official censuses, East Azerbaijan Province has the most migrants and executive managers are faced with serious challenges. This paper has analyzed migration behavior in inside and outside of East Azerbaijan province in recent three decades. Research method is descriptive and analytical and the statistic society is East Azerbaijan province. The results show that there is a populous link between East Azerbaijan province with neighbor provinces and Tehran. The majority of whom arrive to the province are from Tehran, West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Khuzestan provinces that include more than 70% of migrants and the main sources for immigrants from the province are Tehran, West Azerbaijan, Qom, Ardebil and Khuzestan provinces that include more than 80%. Also the main sources of who migrate inside the province are Tabriz, Maragheh, Ahar and Marand cities that include more than 50% of total immigrants and the major destination for migrants are Tabriz, Maragheh, Marand and Bonab cities that include more than 66% of them. Result's analyses show that there is not a systematic population replacement and that population exchanging occurs with cities that have more facilities and offer better services.
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