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Current Condition and directions of Livestock Breeding in the Central Anatolia Region
Ayhan Ceyhan | Uğur Serbester | Mahmut Çınar | Adnan Ünalan | Ethem Akyol | Ahmet Şekeroğlu
The Central Anatolia Region is one of the seven geographical regions which are 151 thousand square meters of surface area and it is about 21.0% of Turkey's land area. The population rate of cattle breeds in the Central Anatolia Region is 20.4% exotic cattle breeds, 19.1% crossbred, 11.6% native cattle breeds and total 18.1% in Turkey. The Central Anatolia Region cattle population is consists of 43.9% of exotic breed, 43.5% crossbred and 12.6% the native cattle breeds. The population of exotic cattle breeds (69.5%) in Nigde province is the first place and followed by Eskisehir provinces rate of 65.6% in the Central Anatolia Region. The rate of crossbred cattle population is the highest rate (65.0%) province of Sivas and followed by Çankırı province (62.8%). Ankara and Yozgat province has the highest rate of native cattle breed 28.3% and 25.5%, respectively. The total populations of cattle breeds in Konya and Kırıkkale provinces were found maximum 518.291 cattle and minimum 45.426 cattle, respectively, in the Central Anatolia Region. The population rate of exotic and crossbred cattle breeds has increased 67.0% and 11.8%, respectively, while population rate of native cattle breeds has decreased 30.3% from 2007 to 2011 in the Central Anatolia Region. The 20.1% of sheep, 8.2% of goat and 18.3% rates of total livestock population in Turkey are in the Central Anatolia Region. The population rate of sheep and goat of the Central Anatolia Region is 20.1% and 9.5%, sheep and goat respectively and 18.3% total in Turkey. The 70.9% for Angora goats, 8.2% hair of goats, and 17.7% indigenous of sheep breeds and 66.0% crossbreed to national Sheep and Goat population has risen in the Central Anatolia Region. All of these results are evaluated, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey, the contribution of animal products grown by population of cattle and small ruminants is important and can be considered a center of attraction for investment in animal breeding
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Microbiological Quality of Raw Meat Sold in Tokat Province
Nilgün Öncül | Zeliha Yıldırım
According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600 million people fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420 000 die every year. Although various foods can serve as sources of foodborne illness, meat has been at the forefront of societal concerns in recent years. Meat is source of some foodborne pathogens which have an important role on human health. In this study, it was aimed to examine the microbiological quality of raw bovine meat samples sold in Tokat province and to evaluate the results in the context of food safety. For this purpose, 18 raw meat samples purchased from butchers and markets were analyzed for total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, total psychrophilic aerobic bacteria, yeasts-molds, lactic acid bacteria, B. cereus, S. aureus, C. perfringens, total coliform, and fecal coliform. The presence of E. coli, E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. were also investigated in these samples. The lowest and highest values determined for the parameters were as follows: total mesophilic aerobic bacteria 1.46×104-1.26×107 CFU/g, total psychrotrofic aerobic bacteria 1.01×104-2.65×106 CFU/g, yeasts-molds 3.00×103-1.70×104 CFU/g, lactic acid bacteria 2.70×103-3.60×104 CFU/g, B. cereus ˂102-7.20×104 CFU/g, S. aureus 2.60×103-2.57×105 CFU/g, C. perfringens ˂102-9.20×103 CFU/g, total coliform 3.80×101-2.90×104 MPN/g, and fecal coliform
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Number of Bovine Animals in Provinces Incoming Working Field GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center
Yavuz Han | Galip Bakır | Şahin Tez | Polat İpek
In this review, the share in total and the presence of cattle in provinces of GAPUTAEM has been referred. According to official data of 2012 of TUIK, when number of cattle was 11.972.923 heads in 1991, in 2012 years increased 13.914.912 heads. According to year of 1991, number of cattle increased 16%. In our country, the number of Anatolian Water Buffalo declined from 366.150 heads to 107.435 heads during 1991-2012 and this reduction is 70.6%. 15.977.838 tons milk was obtained from dairy cattle of 5.431.400 heads and average milk yield was 2.942 kg/head. 46.989 tons milk was produced from 46.959 heads of Anatolian Water Buffaloes and average milk yield was 1.006 kg/head. However, there were totally cattle of 1.173.008 heads in study field of Institute. 1.098.895 tons milk was produced from cattle of 451.039 heads. Totally, there were 15.478 heads Anatolian Water Buffaloes in 11 provinces. 6.384 tons milk was produced from 6.738 heads Anatolian Water Buffaloes in 2012. Across the country, despite cattle (domestic) decreased, cattle (cross-bred) and cattle (culture) had increased. The possibility of breeding of native cattle should be investigated. Also, growers and technical staffs should be trained that affected by entering of culture breeds.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Farklı Hayvan Türlerine Ait Et ve Yüzey Örneklerinden İzole Edilen Staphylococcus aureus Suşlarında Virülens Genlerinin Belirlenmesi
Murat Karahan | Seyda Şahin | Mahmut Niyazi Moğulkoç | Recep Kalın
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) insanlarda ve hayvanlarda patojen bir tür olup, dünyadaki gıda kaynaklı zehirlenmelerin en önemli nedenlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada farklı hayvan türlerine (sığır, koyun, keçi ve tavuk) ait etlerde ve gıdaların temas ettiği yüzeylerden elde edilen örneklerde S. aureus’un koagülaz (coa), clumping faktör (clfA) ve protein A (spa-IgG; spa-X) gibi önemli virülens genlerinin moleküler yöntemlerle karakterize edilmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla Sivas ilindeki çeşitli işletmelerden et (n=400) ve yüzey svap (n=50) örnekleri toplandı. Örnekler fenotipik yöntemlerle koagülaz pozitif S. aureus olarak identifiye edildi. Koagülaz pozitif olarak doğrulanan izolatlara ait virülens genleri tekli ve mültipleks Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu (PZR) ile incelendi. Toplamda 450 örneğin 110’unda (%24,4) S. aureus belirlendi. Bu izolatların %29, %24, %14, %32 ve %22 oranlarında sığır, koyun, keçi ve tavuk et örneklerinin yanı sıra yüzey örneklerinde de bulundu. S. aureus izolatlarının tamamında coa, clfA, spa’nın IgG bağlayan bölgesi ve X bölgesini kodlayan genler tespit edildi. Bu dört gen bölgesinin ikisinde polimorfizmler gözlendi. Coa-PZR’da, izolatların tamamında beş farklı moleküler uzunluğa sahip ve 500-1400 bç arasında değişen tek bir bant oluşumu bulundu. spa-X-PZR’da ise izolatların tamamında yedi farklı moleküler uzunluğa sahip ve 190-350 bç arasında değişen tek bir bant oluşumu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, et ve yüzey orijinli S. aureus izolatlarında coa-PZR ile spa gen polimorfizmleri tespitinin geleneksel yöntemlere karşı iyi bir alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği, dolayısıyla stafilokokal enfeksiyonlara karşı etkili kontrol stratejilerinin geliştirilmesi ve halk sağlığının korunmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Current Approaches to Nitrite Reduction Methods in Meat Products and Their Potential for Transfer to Industry
Gülen Yıldız Turp | Tuğçe Avcı
Nowadays, consumer demand for healthy and natural food is reflected in the meat industry and researches and investments on this issue have gained speed. Nitrite is a widely used synthetic additive in meat products due to its contribution to the development of characteristic color and flavor, controls lipid oxidation and has an antimicrobial effect on pathogenic microorganisms, especially Clostridium botulinum. However, the fact that nitrite causes the formation of toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic N-nitrosamine compounds and constitutes a risk to human health has led to the searches for alternative additives. An important part of the studies on this subject consists of testing the use of natural additives as an alternative to nitrite. In recent years, instead of using nitrate and nitrite in meat products, studies have been carried out to use organic acids and microbial resources. In addition to these methods, up-to-date technology applications such as high pressure, irradiation, encapsulation, active packaging containing nitrite, zinc protoporphyrin IX compound formation and cold plasma technology constitute other research areas that we encounter in reducing the nitrite rate in meat products. Within the scope of this review, the functions of nitrite in cured meat products, current potential methods for reducing nitrite content and the limitations of transferring these methods to industry were examined.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Research on Structural Characteristics and Problems of Goat Breeding in Nigde
Ayhan Ceyhan | Adnan Ünalan | Mahmut Çınar | Uğur Serbester | Ahmet Şekeroğlu | Ethem Akyol | Erdoğan Yılmaz | Ahmet Demirkoparan
This study was carried out to reveal the present status of goat farms in Nigde, to detect basic priority problems and to offer some solutions to these problems. For this purpose, a survey was conducted to the goat breeders face to face in randomly selected total 38 goat farms.The survey questions; goat farms and growing core business activities of enterprises that reveals the overall structure, and also the level of satisfaction with the priority issues of breeders are designed to measure. Analyze the results was shown that a large portion of goat breeders (85.0%) were primary school graduates, 5.3%secondery school and also 5.3% high school graduates, goat farms have whole hair goat breed. Goat enterprises have rate of 44.7%, more than 500 goat, 92.1% of goat enterprises go out to highlands, also provided 73.7% of the shepherd's family. In addition, operating revenues were determined come from 50% of goat's milk. Goat breeders were evaluated only 39.5% the form of cheese production, as 60.5% of the cheese, butter, yogurt, and the sale of raw milk of the total milk yield. All business was assessed that owners a profitable goat farming as an occupation and the first five main problems were member alliance, ownership sufficient technical knowledge, serving the technical staff, buck mating and breeding presses, goat shelter, respectively. In addition, it was seen that according to Likert scale, at least the first five issues were satisfied that such as feed, labor, and electricity inputs, product marketing price, sold animals the price, market opportunities related to the sale of manufactured products and finacial supply, respectively. As a result, it could be said that the most important problem for goat enterprises in Nigde province is high production costs and low product prices.
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