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Drought resistance indices for screening of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes
Beyene, Z.K. | Mekbib, Firew | Abebe, T. | Asfaw, A.
In breeding for drought tolerance, availability of precise, cheap and easy to apply selection tool is critical. The aim of the present study was to identify potential screening tools that are useful for selection of drought tolerant genotypes in potato and select drought resistant potato genotypes. The study assessed sixty clones arranged in a 10×6 alpha lattice design with two replicates in a managed stress experiment. Two irrigation treatments were applied: fully watered non-stress and terminal drought, where the irrigation water supply to the crop was withheld after 50 % flowering to induce post-flowering stress. Stress indices were calculated based on tuber yield of genotypes in both stressed and non-stressed conditions. Identification of drought tolerant genotypes based on a single index was less informative as different indices identified different genotypes as drought tolerant. Hence, to determine the most desirable drought tolerant clones rank sum of indices, correlation, and bi-plot display of the principal component analysis was employed. The indices modified stress tolerance index based on non-stressed yield, Men productivity, Geometric mean productivity, Stress tolerance index, Harmonic mean, modified stress tolerance index based on stressed yield and Yield index exhibited strong association with both yield under stressed and non-stressed yield. These indices discriminated drought tolerant genotypes with higher tuber yielding potential both under stress and non-stress conditions. Genotypes CIP-398180.612, CIP-397069.5, and CIP-304371.67 were identified as drought tolerant. These genotypes could be potentially grown both under drought prone and potential environments and these selection attributes could help to develop climate resilient potato varieties.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Adoption of improved maize varieties as a sustainable agricultural intensification in eastern Ethiopia: Implications for food and nutrition security
Mengistu, K. | Kibebew, K. | Feyisa, H. | Tewodros, B.
This paper examines factors determining farmers‘ adoption decision for improved maize varieties in the maize-common bean intercropping practices in two districts of East Hararghe zone, Eastern Ethiopia. It is based on data collected from 129 farm households using structured questionnaire. Descriptive results revealed that adopters of improved maize varieties had better food and nutrition security status. Furthermore, logit model output indicated that the decision to adopt improved maize varieties is influenced by location (district) dummy, education status of the household head, age of the household head, distance from the main road, and the number of plots owned. Major recommendations include improving the rural road infrastructure, educating and training farmers, organizing experience sharing events among farmers, and raising awareness about the food and nutrition security benefits of sustainable agricultural intensification practices like intercropping improved maize with improved common bean varieties.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fungicide Management of Faba Bean Gall (Olpidium viciae) in Ethiopia
Wondwosen, Wulita | Dejene, Mashilla | Tadesse, Negussie | Kemal, Seid Ahmed
Various biotic, abiotic and socio-economic factors negatively affect the productivity of the crop. Among these, a new disease known as Faba bean galls (Olpidium viciae) has become a serious threat to faba bean production and productivity in highland areas of central and northern Ethiopia. Thus, field experiment was conducted in Lay Gorebela and Mush to assess the efficacies of fungicides for the management of faba bean gall under natural infection. Six fungicides were evaluated alongside control in randomized complete block design in three replications. Fungicides showed different levels of efficiency at both locations in both seasons. In 2014/15, the highest percent severity index and area under disease progress curve were calculated from control plots at both locations. At Lay Gorebela, higher grain yields were recorded from Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP and Triadimefon 250 g/L sprayed plots whereas plots sprayed with Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP gave higher yield at Mush. Similar trends in percent severity index and grain yield were observed with control treatment in 2015/16. Percent severity index and area under disease progress curve were negatively correlated with grain yield and positively correlated with each other at both locations and seasons. Partial budget analysis indicated as Triadimefon 250 g/L and Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP were cost-effective. The chemical treatment could be used as a short-term control strategy, and a component in integrated management of faba bean galls
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phenotypic Characterization for Identification, Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Boset and Minjar Shenkora Goats of Ethiopia
Ayele, Tesfalem | Assefa, Abraham | Hailu, Abebe | Getachew, Tesfaye | Misganaw, Manaye | Sinke, Seble | Getachew, Fasil | Guangul, Solomon
This study was conducted on a total of 776 goats (part of Central highland goat breeds of Ethiopia), 306 from Boset district of Oromia region and 470 were from Minjar Shenkora district of Amhara region. A format developed by using food and agriculture organization discerption list was used for recording of morphological traits, bodyweight and linear body measurements. Both qualitative and quantitative traits were recorded from randomly sampled mature goats and the data were analyzed using SAS software. The goat type in the study area was characterized by a higher proportion of plain coat color patterns (62.5). Ingeneral, the majority (98.4%) of the studied goats were horned and characterized by backward orientation (67%) with a straight shape (49.3%). They presented a concave facial profile (73.8%), slop up toward the rump back profile (66.2%), no wattle (99.6%), no toggle (90.7%), no ruff (85.9%) and no beard (57.3%). The location had a significant effect on body weight and some other linear body measurements. Traits like body length, rump length, horn length, head length, head width and shin circumference were significantly higher in Boset district. In contrast, rump width and cannon bone length were significantly lower. The mean body weight of male goats in Boset and Minjar Shenkora district were 30.5±1.05 kg with a range of 16 to 47 and 27.5±0.56 with a range of 13 to 57, respectively. While for female counterpart mean body weights (kg) were 28.4±0.35 with a range of 17 to 45 for Boset and 27.5±0.33 with a range 15 to 57 for Minjar Shenkora district. Heart girth had the highest correlation with body weight in both sexes and shoulder width in Boset male goats. The wider variation in most quantitative measurement traits would open an opportunity for further improvement, conservation and utilization work.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Intensity of Adoption of Improved Malt Barley Production Technologies in Ethiopia: A Case Study in Oromia Region
Addisu Bezabeh Ali | Jema Haji Mohammed
Improved malt barley production technology packages are not yet widely adopted in Ethiopia. Stakeholders, including brewers, malt factories, research institutes, and farmer-based organizations, have been collaborating and promoting new malt barley production technologies in order to boost the intensity of acceptance. The aim of this study was to find out the intensity of improved malt barley production technologies adoption in Arsi zones, Oromia region, Ethiopia. A stratified random sampling approach with multiple stages was employed to collect primary data from 384 malt barley household heads. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the intensity of adoption of improved malt barley production technologies was determined using an econometric Tobit regression model. The findings specified that the most adopted improved malt barley variety was Traveler (47.92%), which was followed in descending order by Iboni (14.58%), Sabini (9.38%), Grace (5.47%), Holker (4.43%), and 18.23% unnamed varieties. The Tobit model result also depicted that the intensity to which improved malt barley varieties adopted were affected by, taking into account factors including contract farming involvement, cooperative membership, off-farm income, size of livestock holdings, access to training, and mobile ownership. Enhancing farmers’ knowledge of the advantages of contract farming, income diversification, and mobile phone-based information delivery are among the many ways to support access to and accelerate the adoption of improved malt barley technology in the research area and beyond.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Economic Efficiency of Wheat Producers: The Case of Debra Libanos District, Oromia, Ethiopia
Kebebew Hundie Bezu | Badassa Wolteji Chala | Milkessa Wakjira Itticha
Ethiopia has enormous potential for wheat production, yet it remains a net wheat importer. This paper aims to examine the efficiency of wheat production in Debra Libanos district, Ethiopia. Two stages sampling technique was used to randomly select 150 farmers for the study. A stochastic production frontier and two-limit Tobit estimator was utilized in the study. The study reveals that technical (78.5 %,), allocative (85.6%), and economic (66.7%) efficiencies. The yield gap was 5.13 quintal/ hectare showing a room to increase efficiencies. The study identified the determinants of wheat production efficiency in the area. Hence, to improve wheat production efficiencies strengthen extension services, improved technology utilization, and proper land ploughing. Besides, natural resource conservations that improve soil fertility should be the focus of the policymakers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Postharvest Loss Assessment of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Fogera, Ethiopia
Fentahun Asrat | Asrat Ayalew | Asfaw Degu
Valuation of postharvest loss and identification of its causes enables to develop proper measures required to reduce losses. The study was conducted at “Fogera” District, South Gondar, Ethiopia between 2017 and 2018 years to assess the extent of postharvest loss of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and to identify major causes with respective handling system. In this study, a total of 125 farmers and 40 traders (10 wholesalers and 30 retailers) were involved as main respondents. Data collection was done using semi structured interview schedule, key informant interview, focus group discussion and observation. Besides respondents estimation, a sample analysis was conducted to estimate the extent of postharvest loss as per the FAO minimum quality standards. Descriptive statistics such as average, percentage, frequency and standard deviation were used to analyse data and tables, graphs and charts were used to present result. Result revealed that almost half of tomato produced is damaged and puts out of normal use with highest loss at producer level due to different causes which are complex and interrelated across tomato market chain. Marketing situation, insect pest and disease, lack of awareness, low economic status of producers, late harvesting, mechanical damage during harvesting and transportation, poor quality of produce and price fall were some of the reasons identified as major cause of post-harvest loss of tomato. For solving the postharvest loss problems, actors in supply chain has to develop cooperation and effective communication among all the research, extension, and industry personnel involved.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Risk Adjusted Production Efficiency of Maize Farmers in Ethiopia: Implication for Improved Maize Varieties Adoption
Sisay Diriba Lemessa | Molla Alemayehu Yismawu | Megersa Debela Daksa | Mulugeta Damie Watabaji
This study analyzes the technical efficiency and production risk of 862 maize farmers in major maize producing regions of Ethiopia. It employs the stochastic frontier approach (SFA) to estimate the level of technical efficiencies of stallholder farmers. The stochastic frontier approach (SFA) uses flexible risk properties to account for production risk. Thus, maize production variability is assessed from two perspectives, the production risk and the technical efficiency. The study also attempts to determine the socio-economic and farm characteristics that influence technical efficiency of maize production in the study area. The findings of the study showed the existence of both production risk and technical inefficiency in maize production process. Input variables (amounts per hectare) such as fertilizer and labor positively influence maize output. The findings also show that farms in the study area exhibit decreasing returns to scale. Fertilizer and ox plough days reduce output risk while labor and improved seed increase output risk. The mean technical efficiency for maize farms is 48 percent. This study concludes that production risk and technical inefficiency prevents the maize farmers from realizing their frontier output. The best factors that improve the efficiency of the maize farmers in the study area include: frequency of extension contact, access to credit and use of intercropping. It was also realized that altitude and terracing in maize farms had influence on farmer efficiency.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of Technology on Smallholder Wheat Production in Bale Highlands of Ethiopia: Application of Output Decomposition Model
Mengistu Ketema | Belay Kassa
In Ethiopia, the national agricultural research system has been generating and disseminating different agricultural technologies since its establishment in 1966. Although these technologies are meant to increase agricultural productivity, they have to be evaluated for their impact on production and for the benefit that the farmers get out of them. Hence, the main objectives of this study were to examine the impact of technological innovations on wheat production and to decompose the total change in wheat output resulting from the introduction of new technologies into its constituent parts. Cobb-Douglas production function was employed to estimate the regression coefficients under old variety growers, new variety growers, and pooled data cases. Output decomposition model was applied to decompose the total change in output into its constituent parts. The econometric results of this study indicated that, out of 55% of the observed productivity difference between old and new variety grown plots, technological change and change in associated input levels contributed about 24% and 31%, respectively. Of the 31% increment attributed to input use levels, an increased use of herbicides and fertilizers caused the biggest jump in the productivity of improved wheat varieties (15.5% and 11% respectively). The major implications included the need to exploit the full potential of new varieties using recommended input levels, strengthening the research system, fostering coordinated efforts among various actors in agricultural development, and strengthening the technology instrument in rural development and poverty reduction strategies of the country.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Application of Multivariate Principal Component Factor Analysis to Morphological Characterization of Camels in Ethiopia
Kefelegn Kebede | Berhanu Bekele | Sisay Tilahun | Biresaw Serda
This study was conducted to assess variability among linear body measurements (LBMs), deduce components that describe these traits, and investigate the inter-relationship among them. For this purpose, seventeen LBM traits namely heart girth, body-length, wither-height, ear-length, forelimb-length, hindlimb-length, barrel-girth, face-length, hip-width, chest-width, chest-depth, tail-length, neck-length, hump-length, hump-circumference, forehoof-circumference and hindhoof-circumference were measured on 300 (51 males and 249 females) camels. PC factor analysis was used to describe the variation in LBM traits where extracted factors were varimax rotated to enhance interpretability. Pearson’s correlation coefficients among the traits were positive and very highly significant. From the factor analysis, two principal components (PCs) were extracted, which accounted for 63.2% of the total variance. PC1 accounted for 57.0% of the total observed variance and was loaded by EL, BL, FL, HL, FLL, WH, CD, NL, and HC; while PC2 contributed 6.1% of the total observed variance and had its loading on HG, BG, and HW. The results obtained from this study could be useful in designing appropriate husbandry, selection, and breeding programs for utilization of camel genetic resources.
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