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Response Surface Methodology for Modelling and Optimizing Efficiency in Deep Well Pumping Systems
Nuri Orhan | Murat Çavuşlar | Meki Solmaz | Muhammet Emre Erdem
This study presents research on modelling the efficiency and flow rate of deep well pumping facilities using the response surface method, evaluating the models, and assessing optimization based on target flow rate. Regression and variance analysis techniques have been successfully employed to evaluate the relationship between input factors (input pressure and power drawn from the grid) and responses (system efficiency and flow rate). ANOVA analysis has been used to examine the effects of linear and quadratic terms, and the results have shown that pressure and power drawn from the grid have a significant effect on pump system efficiency. Additionally, the performance of the regression models has been evaluated using error metrics such as R2 value, RMSE, and MAPE. These values for the pumping facility system efficiency model were found to be 0.9993, 0.292%, and 0.71%, respectively, and for the flow rate model, they were 0.9997, 0.69 m3h-1, and 1.07%. The results obtained demonstrate that the model operates with high accuracy and explains a large part of the variance in the response variables. An optimization study was conducted to maximize pump system efficiency by maintaining the flow rate at a certain target value. According to the experimental results obtained, the target flow rate was predicted with an error rate of 1.49%, and the pump system efficiency was predicted with an error rate of 2.14%. This study highlights the effective use of various analytical and experimental methods to improve the efficiency of pump systems. Future researchers are encouraged to conduct similar analyses on a larger scale and under different operating conditions. Furthermore, evaluating different optimization strategies to improve the energy efficiency of pump systems, which can lead to significant energy savings in industrial applications, is recommended.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatial Variability and Mapping of Selected Soil Physical Properties under Continuous Cultivation
Sufiyanu Sani | Aliyu Abdulkadir | Salihu A hmad Pantami | Mahmud Sani | Ali Muhammad Amin | Muhammad Yakubu Abdullahi
Assessments of Soil physical properties and estimation of their associated variability are essential for making site-specific decisions on soil and crop management This study examined the spatial variability of soil hydro-physical properties and variance structure at Sector F1 of the Jibia Irrigation project Katsina State, Nigeria. Grid sampling technique was used to obtain one hundred and forty-four (144) soil samples from 206 ha of land using Google earth. The grids were drawn using Google earth software at intervals of 150 m x 150 m. Surface soil samples (0 - 20 cm) were collected at grid intersection points. The collected soil samples were air-dried and passed through a 2mm sieve, and analyzed using standard laboratory procedures for physical parameters. The ArcGIS software package 10.3 was used to model the variance structure of Sand, Silt, Clay, Bulk density, Particle density, Percent total porosity and Organic Matter (OM). Results obtained revealed that the coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 5.724% in particle density to 109% in clay. The Semivariogram showed that the range of spatial dependence varied from 0.342m for (Dry mean weight diameter) to 9.3m (Organic matter) for all measured soil properties. High Spatial dependency ratios were observed for Bulk density, Sand, Silt and clay contents. Particle density exhibited moderate spatial dependency (Nugget to sill ratio 0.25 – 0.75%). Wet Mean weight diameter and organic matter content have a weak spatial dependency. The results indicated that sandy textured soils dominated the greater part of the study area with low to moderate organic matter content. The soils being sandy-dominated has a high infiltration rate and low ability to retain moisture and nutrients were observed as the major characteristics of the soil of the study area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of Physical Suitability of Soils for Vegetable Production in the Libga Irrigation Scheme, Northern Region, Ghana Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Weighted Overlay Analysis
Yakubu Saaka Zakaria | Abdul-Ganiyu Shaibu | Bernard N Baatuuwie
Assessing the suitability of soils for agricultural production is critical in promoting sustainable agriculture. Knowledge gained from soil suitability analysis provides the sound basis for making informed decisions about soil management and crop selection in a given area. In view of this, this study was carried out to assess the physical suitability of soils in the Libga Irrigation Scheme for the sustainable cultivation of jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius), tomato (Solanum lycoperscum L.) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata). Soil samples were collected at 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm depths from 50 geo-referenced points located at the nodes of a 100 m × 100 m regular grid. Particle size distribution, bulk density, total porosity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH were determined following standard laboratory protocols at the AGSSIP Laboratory of the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala campus, Ghana. Weighting of soil properties was achieved through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Soil suitability maps for the selected crops were produced using weighted overlay analysis in ArcGIS (10.5). The results showed that generally about 44.3 ha (76.4 %), 44.7 ha (82.2 %) and 55.7 ha (96.0 %) of the irrigation field are moderately suitable for jute mallow, tomato and cabbage production respectively. The major limiting factors for the crops were high BD and acidity levels. The AHP proved to be a very useful tool for the incorporation of farmers’ views into decision making about the suitability of soils for crop production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Suitability of Different Water Sources for Irrigation in Floodplain Areas of Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria for Sustainable Crop Production
Abednego Christopher | Hegarty James Philip | Adashu Tanko Gani
Floodplains known as 'Fadama' is encouraged in Nigeria by the world bank in order to boost agriculture and food security. This activity is being managed by the State ministries of agriculture through Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) nationwide. This is a case study of Jalingo area of Taraba State, Nigeria where farmers used any available water from rivers, streams and wells without any regulations. The water samples for quality analysis were collected in five (5) different floodplain locations from three (3) different sources. Fifteen (15) water samples were collected from river, borehole and well using plastic bottle container both in August (peak of raining season) and November (end of raining season) respectively. Data from water samples were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for significant effect of source and location water quality for irrigation purposes. The suitability of the source and location water quality after comparing with the water standard for irrigation have most of their chemical properties within safe limit for irrigation purposes both in August and November respectively. (pH =6.26 to 6.81, Total Dissolved Solid, TDS = 113 to 345 mg/L, Total Suspended Solid, TSS = 1.72 to 1.95 mg/L, Bicarbonates, HCO3 = 5.76 to 10.88 mg/L, Carbonated, CO3 = 0.07 to 0.77 mg/L, Sodium, Na = 0.003 to 0.031 mg/L, Magnesium Mg = 4.84 to 5.93 mg/L, Calcium, Ca = 9.62 to 11.97 mg/L). From the results of the study, it could be observed that the quality of water across the locations irrespective of period of observation and source are good and hereby recommended for irrigation purposes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Forecasting future performance of irrigation schemes: The case of Bergama
Sinan Kartal
Potential outputs of irrigation should be put forth to improve the yields in agricultural practices. Available water resources should efficiently be used to improve yields and inputs should be minimized. Performance assessment of irrigation schemes is an importance issue for improved yields and to take relevant measured. Statistical methods are used for performance assessment of irrigation schemes with the use of various indicators. Forecasts for future performance of irrigation shames will facilitate the steps to be taken by decision-makers to improve performance. In this study, time series – ARIMA method was used to forecast future performance of Bergama irrigation scheme for 2017-2021 period. The indicator values of annual irrigation water supply per unit command area, output per unit command area and total expenditure per unit command area for 2006-2017 period were used to estimate performance indicators for 2017-2021 period. In 2021, at 95% probability, the lowest annual irrigation water supply per unit-command area was calculated as 4365.10 m3 ha-1 and the highest as 16835.69 m3 ha-1; the lowest output per unit command area was calculated as -5076.10 € ha-1 and the highest as 10401.2 € ha-1; the lowest total expenditure per unit command area was calculated as -2200.41 € ha-1 and the highest as 1866.31 € ha-1. Present forecasts of time series -ARIMA method with the use of data of 2006-2016 period revealed that annual irrigation water supply per unit-command area and output per unit command area will increase and total expenditure per unit command area will decrease in years.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Modernized Irrigation Technologies in West Africa
Hakan Büyükcangaz | Mohammed Alhassan | Jacqueline Nyenedio Harris
Crop production in West Africa is mostly dependent upon rainfed agriculture. Irrigation is a vital need due to uneven distribution of rainfall and seasonality of water resources. However, management and sustainability of irrigation are under risk due to notably weak database, excessive cost, unappropriate soil or land use, environmental problems and extreme pessimism in some quarters since rainfed agriculture is seen as potentially able to support the present population. This paper focuses on modernized irrigation technologies and systems that utilize less water. Information about irrigation systems in Ghana and Liberia were gathered through: 1) Irrigation development authorities in both countries, by reviewing past literatures, online publications, reports and files about irrigation in West Africa, specifically Ghana and Liberia; 2) International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); 3) Collation of information, reports and data from Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) and 4) International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The result shows that both countries have higher irrigation potential. However, the areas developed for irrigation is still a small portion as compare to the total land available for irrigation. On the other hand, as seen in the result, Liberia as compare to Ghana has even low level of irrigation development.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Biochar Amendment on Physiological and Biochemical Properties and Nutrient Content of Lettuce in Saline Water Irrigation Conditions
Talip Cakmakci | Ozlem Cakmakci | Ustun Sahin
Salinity often increases osmotic stress, reducing plant water uptake and inhibiting the absorption of nutrients and minerals. This imbalance situation causes physiological, biochemical disorders, and nutrient deficiencies in plants. In this study, the effects of biochar application on the physiological properties, nutrient contents and antioxidant enzyme activities of lettuce were investigated under saline irrigation water conditions. For this purpose, four different biochar doses and different irrigation water salinity levels were applied to the lettuce plant. In the study, biochar application under salt stress conditions decreased the Na, Fe, Zn content and antioxidant enzyme activity of the plant. Leaf relative water content, chlorophyll content (SPAD) and some nutrients (Ca, K, Mg, P, Cu and Mn) also increased. Therefore, biochar applied under salt irrigated water conditions offers good potential to reduce the severity of plant exposure to salinity stress. In addition, the biochar amendment helped the plant uptake of nutrients.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On-Farm Adaptation to Climate Change: Assessment of Effects of Groundwater-Based Deficit and Supplementary Irrigation on Soil Quality Under Semi-Arid Ecosystems
Sani Abubakar Mashi | Amina Ibrahim Inkani | Abdu Yaro
Agriculture is one of the sectors most affected by climate change, especially through the reduction in the number of rainy days in semi-arid areas, which require deficit supplementary irrigation (DSI) to minimise crop failures. Few studies have utilised soil quality indices (SQIs) to evaluate the quality changes of soils under DSI practices in semi-arid agricultural ecosystems. This paper examines the effects of DSI activities on soil quality in the Ingawa area of Nigeria’s semi-arid region. Plots subjected to different years of DSI (3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 and 15 years) practices were chosen to serve as the controls. Soil samples were collected from each of the nine sites at depths ranging from 0 cm to 20 cm and 25 cm to 40 cm. The collected samples were analysed for physico-chemical properties. Soil quality change was estimated by computing percentage equivalence values that define the extent to which mean values of soils under DSI vary from those of the control. The results obtained show that the practices have caused significant negative changes in the levels of most of the properties considered, with significant deleterious effects on the selected physical and chemical indicators of soil quality to extents that might preclude sustainable agriculture on the soils. Potassium, organic carbon, organic matter, and some other essential nutrients needed for plant growth and soil stability have dropped a lot in irrigated farms compared to control farms, but salinization hasn't happened much. It was suggested that the right steps be taken to prevent the loss of important nutrients that crops need to grow well.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investıgatıon of the development of purslane plant (Portulaca Oleracea L.) under soil stress conditions
Elif Duyuşen Güven | Serpil Özmıhçı | Gorkem Akinci | Berkay Tümer | Melda Uyar
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is an edible wild plant that is widely grown in the world, including Türkiye. Purslane plant, which is an important component of Mediterranean cuisine, can grow spontaneously in nature. Stress conditions can directly or indirectly affect its growth and development in the environment in which it is grown. In the current study, stress conditions of soil organic matter content, irrigation water amount and irrigation water salinity were investigated in pot experiments. The experiments were carried out in a 72 m2 greenhouse established on the Dokuz Eylül University Tınaztepe Campus. From the variables, soil organic matter was applied as 1%, 1.8% (control), 3% and 5% on a dry weight basis. 15 purslane seeds were planted in each pot and left to germinate. Irrigation water amounts were chosen as 100%, 75%, 50%, 30%, 15% of the field capacity. The last variable in the application was determined as the salinity of the irrigation water; the conductivity of the applied irrigation waters were control (tap water-about 0.5 mS/cm), 4 mS/cm, 8 mS/cm, 16 mS/cm. All pots were prepared in four repetitions and the study was carried out with a total of 320 pots. Experiments were carried out for 90 days from the first planting. In the study, it was observed that the increase in organic matter increased plant germination. Statistical evaluation was also made and the effects of irrigation water amount and salinity were also evaluated according to principal component analysis. As the field capacity decreased, decreases were observed in plant growth, but this was mostly observed at 30% and 15% field capacity. The negative effects of salinity on plant growth were observed at 8 mS/cm and 16 mS/cm values.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Willingness to Pay Additional Water Rate and Irrigation Knowledge of Farmers in Dinar Karakuyu Irrigation Areas in Turkey
Mevlüt Gül | Kutlan Uzunkaya
Water which has become commodity product which is an important product today. Turkey is not a water rich country. In this study, agricultural enterprises in the field of Irrigation Project in Dinar Karakuyu which was implemented in 1992 by DSI. The study analysed which factors affect the willingness to pay additional irrigation water rate with the help of logit model and the irrigation knowledge of farmers was determined by Likert scale. Dinar Karakuyu irrigation network has begun to lose the function in the region. It was supposed 100% irrigation rate but decreased by approximately 9% today. In this context, DSI (General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works) plans to rehabilitation work in the same area. The main material of this study was data obtained from 67 agricultural enterprises through a survey covered by the Irrigation Rehabilitation Project in the province of Afyonkarahisar Karakuyu Dinar. The data was gathered with the help of questionnaires which were answered by farmers in Karakuyu Dinar region. The results indicated that 74.6% of farmers were willingness to pay additional water charge. The data were statistically analysed with the use of the logit model. The model results show that agricultural income, farmers’ educational level, computer ownership, attendance of agricultural training activities, family size and agricultural experience were positive factors affect farmers’ willingness to pay additional water fee.
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