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A Study on Milk Yield, Fertility and Milk Quality Characteristics of Primiparous Red-Holstein and Holstein-Friesian Cows
Atakan Koç | Ramazan Gürses
The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive characteristics, milk yield and milk quality of Primiparous Red-Holstein (RH) and Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows. For this aim, records and monthly taken milk samples of 83 RH and 14 HF raised on a farm in Aydın, Turkey were used. The averages of the first calving age (FCA), gestation length (GL), days open (DO), calving interval (CI), daily milk yield (DMY), 305-day milk yield (305-dMY), solid non-fat (SNF) and Log10 somatic cell count (Log10SCC) of milk were found to be 27.6±0.24 mo, 278.4±1.09 d, 144.0±7.12 d, 421.4±7.66 d, 22.7±0.21 kg, 6981±137.0 kg, 9.8±0.04% and 4.59±0.024 (38905 cells/ml), respectively. Except for DMY, the differences between the breeds were statistically insignificant for FCA, GL, DO, CI, 305-dMY, SNF and Log10SCC. DMY averages for RH and HF were 21.8±0.21 kg and 24.3±0.49 kg, respectively. The effect of season on FCA and the effect of lactation month on SNF and Log10SCC were also found to be statistically significant. Apart from DMY, not any significant difference was observed between RH and HF breeds in terms of the characteristics emphasized.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Milk Yield, Reproduction and Milk Quality Characteristics of Simmental and Red-Holstein Cattle Raised in a Dairy Farm in Aydın Province: 1. Reproduction and Milk Yield
Atakan Koç | Çağrı Arı
In this study, fertility and milk yield characteristics of Simmental (SIM) and Red-Holstein (RH) cattle raised in a private dairy farm in Aydın province were determined. For fertility traits, days open (DO), calving interval (CI), gestation length (GL) and number of inseminations per pregnancy (NIPP), for milk yield traits lactation length (LL), lactation milk yield (LMY), 305-days milk yield (305-dMY), peak time (PT) and peak milk yield (PMY) were determined. The means of DO, CI, GL and NIPP of RH and SIM breeds were 109.44±5.66 d and 96.06±3.51 d, 389.16±5.70 d and 380.37±3.54 d, 279.71±0.469 d and 284.94±0.303 d, 1.88±0.099 and 1.85±0.065; the means of LL, LMY, 305-dMY, PT and PMY were 333.00±5.405 d and 322.72±3.233 d, 8235.32±148.099 kg and 7357.03±88.122 kg, 7628.78±109.148 kg and 6938.09±64.945 kg, 46.55±2.196 d and 44.46±1.218 d, and 34.68±0.567 kg and 31.47±0.314 kg, respectively. Although, significant fertility and milk yield differences were obtained between the breeds, the favorable performances of both SIM and RH breeds in terms of all features, considered as the environmental factors such as management-feeding-housing-herd management provided to animals in the farm were also suitable.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Factors Affecting Mastitis Cases and the Correlations of Somatic Cell Count with Milk Production in Holstein Cows
Savaş Atasever | Violetta Tóth | Edit Mikóné Jónás
The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting mastitis cases and to estimate the correlations of somatic cell count (SCC) with milk yield in Holstein cows. The study was conducted in two private dairy farms in Hódmezõvásárhely, South-Hungary. A total of 882 Holstein cows were tested by SCC, fat and protein contents of milk monthly intervals. To test milk SCC and components, two groups were designed, and to examine effect of parity on first mastitis day (FMD) and total mastitis cases (TMC), four groups were divided. It was noted that higher SCC caused to higher TMC. While cows had higher protein content exposed to higher FMD and TMC, cows had lower daily milk yield (DMY) had higher values by mastitis case parameters. In parity evaluation, only primiparous cows had statistically lower TMC. The cows with lower SCC were found in advance in change of milk yield (CMY) up to 6.858±0.947 kg. A negative correlation coefficient was estimated between SCC and DMY. Finally, monitoring SCC of milk is offered to prevent milk production losses and new mastitis occurrences in the herds.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of Some Breeding Criteria on Financial Evaluation Indicators for Dairy Cattle Investment Projects
Adnan Ünalan
This study was conducted with the aim of determining the probable effects of different real interest rates (RIR: 5, 6 and 7%), some key breeding criteria such as calving rate (CR: 80, 85 and 90%) and mean lactation milk yield per milking cow (MLML: 5000, 6000 and 7000 kg) on the financial evaluation indicators such as Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for a dairy cattle farm investment project taken as model, consisted of 100 heads of Holstein cows, which was established and operated during 20 years period in Turkey. In the study, firstly, current investment and annual operating costs for that kind of dairy cattle farm were determined according to optimal workmanship, housing, maintenance, feeding and health protection and then revenues were calculated from current sale prices of raw milk, slaughtered/breeding animal and manure. For each assumed different real interest rate, calving rate and mean lactation milk yield per milking cow, the parities of unit (1 kg) sale price of raw milk to unit (1 kg) cost of concentrate feed (M/F-parity) (current unit cost of concentrate feed was assumed as to be 1.00 Turkish Lira (TL) were calculated to make BCR that is one of the financial evaluation criteria for the investment projects, as to be 1.00. Calculations showed decreasing each 1% of the real interest rate in Turkey, increasing each 5% of calving rate and increasing each 1000 kg of mean lactation milk yield per milking cow had, separately, about 5-12% positive effect on the parity of unit (1 kg) sale price of raw milk to unit (1 kg) cost of concentrate feed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effects of DGATI-K232A Gene Polymorphisms on Milk Performance Traits in Simmental Cattle
Zeynep Sönmez | Hamiye Ünal | Sinan Kopuzlu
Growing world population, scientists aim to achieve high-yielding products by using new techniques and methods in the fields of food, agriculture, and livestock. The aim of this study is to identify the DGAT/K232A gene polymorphism for Enhancing Performance Characteristics in Simmental cattle and to use it in breeding programs. DGAT/K232A gene polymorphism was analyzed by RFLP method in 70 Simmental cattle using CfrI restriction enzyme. The frequency of the K allele was found 0.77, while A allele was 0.23. The distribution of DGAT1-K232A genotype frequencies in the breed was not balanced (p<0.05). No significant relationship was found between DGAT1/K232Agene polymorphisms and milk yield due to the small number of samples.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seasonal Distribution of Births in Anatolian Buffaloes and Effects of the Season on Some Milk and Reproductive Traits of Cows and Growth Traits of Calves
Hüseyin Erdem | İbrahim Cihangir Okuyucu | Savaş Atasever
The aims of this study were i) to evaluate the seasonal changes in births of Anatolian buffaloes, ii) to examine the changes of some milk [lactation milk yield (LMY) and lactation length (LL)] and fertility [first calving age (FCA) and calving interval (CI)] according to seasons and iii) to investigate the effects of seasons on the growth traits of calves [birth weight (BW0), live weight at 6 mo (LW6) and live weight at 12 mo (LW12)]. A total of 8614 to 15605 yield records were evaluated including milk yield and fertility traits of buffalo cows and growth traits of calves between 2012 and 2023. The mean temperature, relative humidity, the duration of sunshine, and temperature humidity index (THI) values were calculated for these years. While the highest birth rate was observed in the summer season (34.27%), the lowest birth rate was determined in the winter season (11.99%). The BW0, LW6 and LW12, LMY, LL, FCA, and CI values of the calves were determined as 30.8±0.04 kg, 107.6±0.23 kg, 172.6±0.27 kg, 994.7±2.05 kg, 262.6±0.22 d 1175.5±3.46 d and 561.7±1.84 d, respectively. Except for CI, all characteristics were significantly affected by seasonal changes (P<0.001). The growth traits of the calves born in autumn were higher than the other seasons. The LMY values in spring and winter were higher than those determined in the different seasons. Also, the highest FCA was obtained in heifers born in the winter. It was concluded that the season could affect both some fertility and milk yield characteristics of buffalo cows and the growth performance of calves.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Associations Between IGF-II Gene Polymorphism and Milk Yield Characteristics In Brown Swiss Cattle
Esma Yuca | Sinan Kopuzlu
This study was carried out on 114 Brown Swiss cattle reared in intensive conditions at Ataturk University Food and Livestock Application and Research Center and at the private cattle farm found in Erzurum province. Genotypic structures were examined in terms of Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II gene locus and the distribution of genotypes and allele frequencies of the cattle concerning the genes were determined. The identified Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II genotypes were associated with milk yield traits such as actual milk yield, 305-day, and daily milk yield. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II genotypes were determined by using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)- Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method from blood samples taken from the cattle. The CC, CT, and TT genotype frequencies of the Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II gene found in the population were 41 (34%), 65 (54%), and 14 (12%), and the frequency of the C allele and the T allele was found to be 0.61 and to be 0.39. The general averages of actual true milk yield, 305-day and daily milk yield were 4317±272.9 kg, 5277±240.7 kg and 18±0.9 kg, respectively, while CC, CT and TT genotypes 4168±515.8, 3756±321.7 and 5382±600.3 kg, respectively. As a result, correctly identified IGF-II genotypes were detected by using the PCR-RFLP method in the blood samples obtained from Brown Swiss cattle. Genotype and allele frequencies determined for IGF-II gene polymorphism can be considered sufficient to demonstrate the genotype diversity of the race. According to the Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium test, the distribution of genotype frequencies of the cattle was observed in equilibrium.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Associations of Some Milking Traits with Milk Production in Anatolian Buffaloes: A Case of Bafra District of Samsun Province
Sinan Yurdalan | Savaş Atasever
This study was conducted to determine the associations of some milking traits and milk yield in water buffalo farms located in Bafra district of Samsun province. In total, 37 Anatolian Buffalo farms enrolled to Buffalo Breeders Association (BBA) were evaluated by applying face to face survey on the current milking practices and farm characteristics in February 2020. Number of milking cows (NM), number of workers (NW), age of the milker (AM), experience of the milker (EM), education of the farm owner (EO) and hygiene score of the milking parlor (HM) were evaluated as the farm traits affecting daily milk yield (dMY). Milking type (MT), milking frequency (MF), udder cleaning pre-milking (UC1), udder cleaning post-milking (UC2), giving feed after milking (GF) and milking duration (MD) were selected as the milking practices affecting dMY. It was concluded that dMY was significantly affected by AM, EM, EO and MD.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Comparison of Milk and Reproductive Performance of Saanen and Saanen × Hair Goat Crossbreds (F1, B1 & B2) and Growth Performance of their Kids in Semi-Intensive Production System
Mesut Yıldırır | Orhan Karadağ | Mustafa Yilmaz | Mehmet Akif Yüksel | Tamer Sezenler | Ayhan Ceyhan
The aims of this study were to evaluate the traits of reproductive, milking and growth performance of Saanen and Saanen × Hair crossbreds (F1, B1 and B2) raised at the Bandırma Sheep Research Institute. The data were collected from 868 goats for reproductive performance and milk yield and from 1077 kids for survival performance between 2009-2012. Milk components (fat, protein, lactose and non-fat dry matter) of goats (n=162) and body weight changes of kid’s (n=64) were evaluated for one year in 2012. Estrus rates and survival rates were similar among all genotypes. Kidding rate was significantly higher in F1 goats than Saanen goats. Saanen goat had the lowest average mean daily milk yield compared with other genotypes. The effect of year and age were significant on milk yield. Goats in F1 and B1 genotypes had higher milk protein percentage and non-fat dry matter content in comparison with Saanen and B2 genotype. Milk fat and lactose contents were similar among genotypes. Birth weight and monthly live weight were similar between genotypes while weaning weight, six month live weight and yearling live weight were higher in B1 kids in comparison with Saanen kids. The effect of dam age and birth type were significant on birth weight, monthly live weight and weaning weight. The findings related to performance characteristics in goat genotypes investigated show that B1 genotype could be recommend for semi-intensive production system in the Western Anatolia.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Anionic Salt Supplementation on Metabolic Profile, Peripartum Diseases and Pregnancy Rate of Dairy Cows During the Prepartum Period
Mahmut Çinar | Ugur Serbester | Ayhan Ceyhan
The aim of the present work was to examine the effects of anionic salts (MgCl2 or MgSO4) supplementation on metabolic profile, peripartum diseases and pregnancy rate of dairy cows during the prepartum period. Fourty five Holstein dairy cows were placed on 1 of 3 prepartum treatments. Treatment groups were balanced body condition score as far as similar. Treatments were total mixed ration (TMR) without anionic salt (control), TMR supplemented with 30 g/d/cow MgCl2 or TMR supplemented with 30 g/d/cow MgSO4. After parturation, all groups were fed with same TMR. The presynch-ovsynch protocol was used and fixed time artificial insemination was done after 30 days postpartum. The experiment was lasted for 8 weeks of postpartum. Cows fed MgCl2 supplemented TMR increased milk yield compared with control and MgSO4 supplemented TMR. Supplementing anionic salts reduced serum AST and ALT concentrations, increased serum glucose, HDL, IgG, Ca and Mg concentrations. Health and reproductive performance were not different between treatments. These data suggets that anionic salts supplementation in TMR during prepartum can alter milk yield and blood biochemical parameters.
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